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针对设施园艺特殊作业场景对电驱移动平台灵活作业与高操纵稳定性需求,该研究设计了一种四轮轮毂电机独立驱动的分布式设施园艺电驱移动平台,并提出了一种可提高转向灵活性与稳定性的自适应防滑控制策略。在该控制策略中,首先构建电驱移动平台动力学模型与Ackermann差速转向模型,结合速度瞬心原理及轮胎侧偏角确定各车轮转向目标转速;其次,为提高电驱移动平台对时变附着系数的适应能力,采用改进的强跟踪自适应无迹卡尔曼滤波算法设计复杂路面识别器,实现对路面附着系数准确估计;最后,设计基于自适应滑模算法的防滑控制器,根据路面附着系数估计值确定车轮相对最佳滑转率并实时控制滑转率。为验证所提控制策略的有效性,开展了Carsim-MATLAB/Simulink联合仿真与分布式设施园艺电驱移动平台实车试验。试验结果表明,所提控制策略可准确估计复杂道路下路面附着系数,降低车轮滑转率误差;在不变路面、对接路面与对开路面3种工况下,左侧车轮滑转率误差分别为0.031、0.015和0.038,右侧车轮滑转率误差分别为0.026、0.005和0.028;在不变路边随机路面实测路况下,电驱移动平台路面附着系分别数约为0.44和0.47,最大滑转率分别约为0.69和0.68,有效抑制了轮胎转向时的过度滑转,提高了电驱移动平台的行驶稳定性。研究可为设施园艺车辆驱动防滑控制提供具体理论依据和实施方案。  相似文献   
赫诚 《北方水稻》2006,(3):28-29
港辐7号是利用系统选育与核辐射诱变技术相结合方法育成的粳型常规水稻品种,全生育期164d,属中晚熟品种。该品种株型紧凑,茎秆粗壮,耐肥抗倒。株高98cm,平均穗粒数120.5粒,千粒重24.5g,一般产量550 kg/667 m2。米质优良,有八项指标达部颁优质米一级标准,二项达二级标准。最适宜栽培密度为13 cm×30 cm,注意氮、磷、钾肥的配合施用,重施底肥,蘖肥分两次施,合理施用穗肥,及时防治白叶枯、穗颈瘟、纹枯病及二化螟、稻飞虱和稻纵卷叶螟等病虫害。在辽宁适宜在丹东、大连等地区种植,省外适宜在北京、天津、河北、山东、河南、山西、宁夏、新疆、四川等地种植。  相似文献   
The Yao silkworm is a unique silkworm resource producing yellow flat plate silk that has only been reared by the Baiku Yao ethnic group in Nandan County, Guangxi Province, China for a thousand years. Here, we report the mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) of five Yao silkworm strains and 10 local Guangxi strains of the domestic silkworm (Bombyx mori) L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae), and use the resulting mitogenomes and the available Bombyx mitogenomes to characterize their genome architecture and trace the evolutionary origin of the Yao silkworm. The five Yao silkworm mitogenomes exhibited genome architectures identical to typical set of 37 mitochondrial genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, and two ribosomal RNAs) and a high level of genome sequence similarity with the domestic silkworm. Mitogenome-based phylogenetic reconstruction provided solid evidence that the Yao silkworm shares a common ancestor with the domestic silkworm. Sliding window analysis uncovered a distinct variation pattern in the mitogenome between the Yao silkworm and the other domestic silkworm strains. The phylogenetic analyses revealed a basal placement of the Yao silkworm among all available domestic silkworm strains, indicating that the Yao silkworm is an ancient population of the domestic silkworm. Our data indicated that the Yao silkworm (B. mori) is a lineage of the domestic silkworm, which for the first time provides insights into the origin of the Yao silkworm.  相似文献   
发展青贮玉米对畜牧业发展具有积极的作用。通过实地调研和查阅有关资料发现,广西青贮玉米生产具有政策层面、生态环境、市场需求、优质饲料缺口大、效率高、品质好等方面的优势,但广西青贮玉米生产也存在缺乏优质专用型青贮玉米品种、技术落后、生产及收获加工机械化程度低和效率低等问题。广西要立足资源优势,用好用足各类支持和鼓励政策,制定适宜本地青贮玉米发展的具体措施,积极开展青贮玉米优质专用型新品种的选育和审定等科研联合攻关,推广应用青贮玉米新品种,强化青贮玉米种植生产的技术培训和展示观摩,提高青贮玉米生产的规模化和机械化水平,大力发展青贮玉米,促进畜牧业健康发展。  相似文献   
几种绢丝昆虫遗传多样性的RAPD研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
选用重复性较好的 10个引物对 6种绢丝昆虫 2 3个个体进行扩增 ,共得到 2 45个RAPD标记。RAPD分析结果表明 :家蚕及野桑蚕种内各品种材料的遗传距离较大 ,天蚕、蓖麻蚕及柞蚕较小 ;家蚕与野桑蚕两者之间遗传距离小 ,反映出家蚕和野桑蚕亲缘关系较近 ;而天蚕、蓖麻蚕和柞蚕三者之间以及分别与家蚕和野桑蚕之间的遗传距离较大 ,亲缘关系远。聚类分析的结果与之相同。并且对家蚕的起源及绢丝昆虫遗传多样性的保护利用做了探讨。  相似文献   
分析了湖州市1998年迟中秋蚕血液型脓病暴发的原因,并提出了若干控制该病的对策。  相似文献   
猪带绦虫六钩蚴cDNA文库的构建与筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在体外将猪带绦虫虫卵孵化为有活力的六钩蚴。采用商品化试剂盒抽提六钩蚴总 RNA、m RNA,反转录为双链c DNA,再加 Eco R Adapter。在去除小片段后 ,dsc DNA与 λgt11噬菌体 DNA连接 ,经蛋白包装 ,构建了猪带绦虫六钩蚴λgt11c DNA文库。该文库效价为 3.5× 10 9pfu/ m L ,重组 DNA片段大小为 0 .5~ 3.2 kb,平均为 1.6 kb,蓝白斑比 1∶ 9。用抗体探针对文库进行免疫学筛选 ,在消除非特异性反应的基础上筛选约 10 6 重组子 ,共得到 118株强阳性克隆 ;应用 PCR鉴定上述部分阳性克隆 ,均扩增到 0 .5 kb以上的片段。结果显示 ,构建的文库合格 ,含六钩蚴所有抗原基因 ,可用于六钩蚴 c DNA克隆的筛选 ;用免疫学与 PCR联合筛选 c DNA文库 ,可消除假阳性  相似文献   
Zavala G  Cheng S 《Avian diseases》2006,50(2):209-215
Avian leukosis virus (ALV) infection in chickens is known to induce increased mortality, tumors, delayed growth, and suboptimal egg production. Countries importing specified pathogen-free eggs, vaccines, and poultry breeding stock require freedom of infection or contamination with ALV in such products among other avian pathogens. Recently, ALV was found as a contaminant in a limited number of commercial poultry vaccines, even after routine quality assurance procedures cleared the vaccines for commercialization. The contaminated vaccines were promptly withdrawn from the market, and no direct detrimental effects were reported in poultry vaccinated with such vaccines. We describe herein the characterization in vitro of the contaminant viruses. All exogenous viruses detected in four vaccine lots belong to subgroup A of ALV based on cell receptor interaction, subgroup-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR), envelope gene sequencing, and virus neutralization. A combination of thermal treatment and serial dilutions of the contaminated vaccines facilitated detection of contaminating ALVs in cell culture coupled with antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Subgroup-specific PCR readily detected ALV-A directly in the contaminated vaccines but not in naive vaccines or cell controls. Our methods are proposed as complementary procedures to the currently required complement fixation for avian leukosis test for detection of ALV in commercial poultry vaccines.  相似文献   
试验的目的是评定一种新型绿色生长促进剂百健宝对断奶仔猪生长性能的促进作用,测定指标包括仔猪增重、采食量、饲料转化率、对疾病的抵抗能力和经济效益。试验将120头23日龄断奶仔猪分为试验组和对照组。对照组饲喂常规断奶仔猪料,试验组饲喂常规饲料加125g/t百健宝。试验从仔猪断奶开始持续50d。试验结束时百健宝试验组仔猪平均体质量比对照组高3.09kg,差异显著(P=0.013)。试验结果表明,百健宝不但能显著的提高仔猪的采食量(P=0.032)和仔猪健康水平,其经济效益也很明显,投入产出比为1∶9.4。  相似文献   
Anatid herpesvirus 1 (AHV-1) CH virulent strain was first isolated from an infected duck and it was found that this virus strain could induce cytopathic effect (CPE) in duck embryo fibroblast (DEF). Following AHV-1 infection, DEF showed morphological changes such as cell rounding, improved refractivity and detachment from the culture surface. However, its pathological characteristics were not adequately known. Related studies were performed and the results showed that syncytium formation could be observed as the other type of CPE in AHV-1 infection. Hematoxylin-eosin staining and 4’, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining of infected DEF were each used to visualize the shape and distribution of chromatin within nuclei and nuclear fragmentation was observed. Chromatin condensation and margination, as well as formation of apoptotic bodies were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). DNA ladder formation was detected in AHV-1 infected cells and apoptosis of the infected DEF was also detected by flow cytometry analysis of Annexin V-FITC/PI staining method. Therefore, it was suggested that AHV-1 virulent strain can induce syncytium and apoptosis in DEF. Syncytium formation and apoptosis observed in this study may contribute to the elucidation of AHV-1 pathogenesis.  相似文献   
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