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抗旱耐热白三叶新品种选育初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
鄂牧一号白三叶是以美国瑞加和路易斯安那两个白三叶品种为原始材料,经单株抗性造反份系比较鉴定,多系混合杂交,品种比较和区域试验选育而成,历时10年。该品种具有高产,抗旱,耐热和粗蛋白含量高等特性,是南方低山丘陵地区有推广应用前景的优良牧草和草坪植物。  相似文献   
Backfat thickness is one of the major quantitative traits that affects carcass quality in beef cattle. In this study, we identified and fine-mapped QTL for backfat EBV on bovine chromosomes 2, 5, 6, 19, 21, and 23 using an identical-by-descent haplotype-sharing analysis in a commercial line of Bos taurus. Eleven haplotypes were found to have significant associations with backfat EBV at the comparison-wise P-value threshold, and one at the chromosome-wise P-value threshold on bovine chromosomes 5, 6, 19, 21, and 23. On average, the 12 significant haplotypes had an effect of 0.62 SD on backfat EBV, ranging from 0.38 SD to 1.33 SD. The 12 significant haplotypes spanned nine chromosomal regions, one on chromosome 5 (65.4 to 70.0 cM), three on 6 (8.2 to 11.8 cM, 63.6 to 68.1 cM, and 81.5 to 83.0 cM), three on 19 (4.8 to 15.9 cM, 39.4 to 46.5 cM, and 65.7 to 99.5 cM), one on 21 (46.1 to 53.1 cM), and one on 23 (45.1 to 50.9 cM). Among the nine chromosomal regions, six were new QTL regions and three showed remarkable agreement with QTL regions that were previously reported. Eight of the nine QTL regions were localized to less than or close to 10 cM in genetic distance. The results provide a useful reference for further positional candidate gene research and marker-assisted selection for backfat.  相似文献   
刁青云  代平礼  周军 《蜜蜂杂志》2020,40(4):I0016-I0019
养蜂是土耳其的传统产业。在安纳托利亚,养蜂有9000年的历史。世界上第一条养蜂的法律被称为赫梯小报(the Hittite Tabloids),它制定于4000年前的土耳其。在赫梯朝圣者的烧瓶中发现了装有黑种草的草籽,里面混合有蜂蜜、蜂蜡和蜂胶。  相似文献   
牛病毒性腹泻病以发热、口腔及消化道粘膜糜烂、腹泻为主要症状,可引起怀孕母牛流产或产畸型胎儿,给养牛业造成巨大的经济损失,该病已成为当前严重危害我国养牛业的传染病之一。由于大部分感染BVDV的牛不表现特征性的临床症状和病理变化,而且引起腹泻和消化道黏膜糜烂或溃疡的疾病很多,所以确诊需进行实验室检查。目前实验室检测BVDV的主要方法是利用美国IDEXX公司ELISA诊断试剂盒,通过BVDV抗原和抗体的检测区别牛群持续感染牛。用于检测BVDV的样品种类有许多种,绝大多数是采集血液(血清)或牛奶样品进行检测。本试验对奶牛进行耳组织采样,同时采集血液和牛奶,用三种样品在相同条件下同时检测BVDV抗原,用血清和牛奶样品检测抗体,比较样品的检测结果。结果表明,这三种样品检测结果具有一致性,且耳组织采样更宜于大面积筛查。  相似文献   
The Lanyu pig is an indigenous breed from the Lanyu Islet, which is southeast of Taiwan. Two herds of Lanyu pigs were introduced from the Lanyu Islet into Taiwan in 1975 and 1980. The current population of conserved Lanyu pigs consists of only 44 animals with unknown genetic lineage. The Lanyu pig possesses a distinct maternal genetic lineage remote from Asian and European pigs. The present study aimed to understand the phylogenetic relationship among conserved Lanyu, Asian, and European type pigs based on the cytochrome b coding gene, to ascertain the maternal lineage and genetic diversity within the conserved Lanyu pigs, and to address whether genetic introgression from exotic or Formosan wild pigs had occurred in the conserved Lanyu pigs. Entire mitochondrial genomes of both types of Lanyu pig comprised 2 ribosomal RNA, 22 transfer RNA, and 13 protein-coding genes. Only 2 haplotypes of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and cytochrome b were identified in the conserved Lanyu pig herds. When maximum likelihood trees were constructed, the Type I Lanyu mitochondrial genes formed a unique clade with a large pairwise distance of both cytochrome b and the control region from Asian and European type breeds, Formosan wild pigs, and exotic breeds. Significant loss of genetic diversity of mtDNA within the conserved Lanyu pigs was demonstrated by low haplotype and nucleotide diversities, supported by Fu and Li's D* neutrality test (1.44055; P < 0.05). The mtDNA control region sequences of extant pigs in the Lanyu Islet, however, showed high haplotype and nucleotide diversity, and clustered with exotic pigs. These results indicate no maternal lineage mtD-NA gene introgression from Formosan wild pigs and introduced exotic pigs to conserved Type I Lanyu pigs, and a severe loss of heterozygosity of mtDNA in conserved Lanyu pigs. The remaining extant pigs on the Lanyu Islet have been introgressed with exotic breeds. Strategies for future conservation of native Lanyu pigs are now even more urgent and important.  相似文献   
记者:公安部警犬技术学校被业界喻为中国警犬技术人才培养的摇篮,作为校长,请您介绍一下学校在办学方面有哪些特色?南会林:我校经历了几十年的办学实践,已经形成了培养优秀的警犬技术专业人才与训练优良警犬相结合的鲜明特色.  相似文献   
要想使企业精神真正成为一种支撑企业长远发展的精神力量,它需要设计,也需要持续保养,两者缺一不可。  相似文献   
随着社会治安形势的变化,武警部队职能任务的不断拓展,所处的环境将更加复杂,面临各种安全威胁也将更加严峻。我国发生的几起袭击哨兵事件,给我们再次敲响警钟,哨兵防袭击工作形势十分严峻,研究和探索如何有效防范哨兵遭受袭击是一个重要课题。警犬作为战士的“无言战友”,具有耳聪目明、嗅觉灵敏、强悍凶猛、机智灵活、能攻能守等特性,在哨兵防袭击工作中具有较高的使用价值。  相似文献   
剖析警犬侦破命案的成功案例,笔者发现带犬民警在命案现场的勘查工作至关重要。现场勘查工作仔细、有成效,警犬技术就能快速发挥作用;反之,警犬技术则无  相似文献   
犬的细小病毒感染又称病毒性肠炎、传染性肠炎,是由犬细小病毒2型引起的一种急性、高度接触性、高致死性传染病。使用单克隆抗体或高免血清、犬用重组干扰素抗病毒,抗生素防止继发感染,纠正水、电解质和酸碱平衡失调及其他对症治疗和加强护理是治疗本病的关键措施。  相似文献   
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