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为了检验土壤生物工程措施在河流生态恢复中的作用,以北京市怀柔区琉璃河裸露坡岸为研究对象,针对该河段坡面的溅蚀、面蚀、沟蚀以及侧渗侵蚀等土壤侵蚀现象,采用扦插、灌丛垫、埋根和梢捆等几种土壤生物工程措施对河流岸坡进行近自然恢复。分别对施工1个月、4个月、5个月和13个月时毛柳(Salix matsudana)的生长特征和稳固岸坡效果进行了调查监测。结果表明,采用不同的土壤生物工程施工方法,成活的毛柳生长情况均达到较高的水平,不同土壤生物工程措施的新枝高度和基径平均分别增长到116.9cm和0.85cm。由于施工方法不同,毛柳的生长表现出明显的差异;完工1个月后,各种措施毛柳的生长状况由好到差依次是:灌丛垫、埋根、梢捆;完工4个月、5个月和13个月后,生长状况由好到差依次是:埋根、梢捆、灌丛垫、扦插。基径的生长情况与生长高度的情况遵循同样的规律。土壤生物工程施工后河溪岸坡植物快速恢复,生物多样性增加。最后总结了土壤生物工程施工后的管理防护应注意的问题。  相似文献   
How to make use of computer network in teaching becomes the focus of concern for the computer engineers and teachers.The remote video consultation classroom can be used in teaching by using internet and NGN server to improve the instruction and stimulate the students' interest in study.As the IP network is widely used in campus,connection could be set up for student dormitory,office or even the teacher's home.On the computer network teacher and student can discuss face to face online and make best use of their time.This paper discusses the problem about how to construct a network-video class room based on computer network including VOIP and NGN(new generation network) switch server.  相似文献   
The Quasi static tests of one steel frame and two the composite deep beams infilled steel frames were carried out. The effects of the deep beams on the load capacity, ductility, hysteretic property and energy dissipation of pure steel structure were analyzed. It is found that the hysteresis curve is a straight line with the constant of the stiffness at the beginning and without residual deformation. And the hysteresis curve of specimen was full after yielding, and the skeleton curves had a clear plastic flow phase with triple linear. The lateral drifts of the beam specimens at failure were 1/25 and 1/22. The composite deep beams enhance the initial stiffness, yield load and maximum load bearing capacity of steel frame. Therefore, seismic performance of the composite deep beams is better.  相似文献   
This paper used FLUENT to simulate the Catalytic combustion characteristics of extremely low concentration methane in microchannel of honeycomb combustor which was coated with catalyst Pt/Al2O3.It analyzed the effect of inlet CH4 concentration, temperature of catalyst wall and inlet fuel velocity on CH4 conversion ratio. The results show that CH4 conversion rate is increases with the increase of inlet CH4 concentration and catalyst wall temperature and the decrease of inlet fuel velocity. When inlet fuel velocity is 0.1 m/s, CH4 volume concentration is 1%, catalyst wall temperature is 950 K, the conversion ratio of CH4 can achieve to 97.0%.  相似文献   
为了解碳氮供给与小麦粒重、Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu等微量元素以及蛋白质含量的关系,在离体穗培养条件下研究了灌浆初期和灌浆中期不同浓度C(蔗糖)、N(硝酸铵)供给对小麦粒重、微量元素(Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu)和蛋白质含量的影响.结果表明,随着培养基糖浓度的增大,粒重和Fe、Mn含量都表现为先升高后降低的趋势,在4%糖浓度时,均达到最高值;籽粒Zn、Cu和蛋白质含量表现为随糖浓度增大而持续降低.随着培养基N浓度的增加,粒重和Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu含量多表现为先升高后降低的趋势,且多在N浓度为0.07%时达到最高值,尤以灌浆中期开始的培养表现明显;籽粒蛋白质含量表现为随N浓度增大而持续增加.由此可见,外源C、N供给对粒重、微量元素和蛋白质含量有明显的调控效应.一定的糖供给可同时提高粒重和Fe、Mn含量,一定的N供给可同时提高粒重及微量元素和蛋白质含量.  相似文献   
研究并设计了系统的结构模型,从这一结构模型中反映出,系统设计与实现的核心是“三库”(数据库、方法库、模型库),除了方法的定义外,将方法、模型、数据三者集中存储在关系数据库中进行管理,实现了“三库”的无缝连接。客户端程序界面采用面向对象编程语言实现,客户端与数据库的交互通过ADO接口技术实现。  相似文献   
以黑龙江省30份主栽水稻品种或品系为试材,在孕穗期设置17℃冷水灌溉处理(20d),以常规栽培管理为对照,分析冷水胁迫对水稻干物质生产的影响。结果表明,冷水胁迫导致所有试材每穴实粒数、结实率、千粒重和产量下降,并根据相对结实率将试材耐冷性分为1、3、5、7和9级,以7和9级最多,1级最少,分别占总材料的30%和10%。在冷水处理下,全部材料抽穗期至成熟期干物质积累量及比例、群体生长率、净同化率、粒叶比、收获指数、叶面积指数、剑叶叶基角、剑叶和倒2叶与倒3叶披垂度均下降,但高效叶面积率增加。相关分析表明,冷水处理的相对结实率与收获指数(r=0.96**)、产量(r=0.91**)、粒叶比(r=0.84**)和干物质积累量(r=0.48**)的冷水反应指数(CRI)呈极显著正相关,与群体生长率(r=0.44*)、净同化率(r=0.44*)和干物质积累比例(r=0.43*)的CRI显著正相关。综上,孕穗期冷水胁迫对水稻干物质生产的影响在品种间存在很大差异,在冷水胁迫下耐冷性极强品种(系)干物质积累量及比例、群体生长率、净同化率、粒叶比和收获指数对冷水反应迟钝,这是耐冷性极强品种(系)保持较高产量的重要形态特征和生理原因。  相似文献   
甜菜褐斑病内生拮抗菌的筛选、鉴定及其防效测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Three hundred and one endophytic bacteria strains were isolated from healthy sugar beet plants in severely diseased plots in Changji County,Xinjiang Province.Three endophytic bacteria strains,1-5,4-1 and 4-3,showed relatively strong antagonistic against Cercospora beticola.Strain 1-5 was identified as Paenibacillus polymyxa,while strains 4-1 and 4-3 were as Bacillus flexus and Stenotrophomonas sp. by their morphological,physiological and biochemical characteristics.The results from several experiment trials showed that the endophytic bacteria could reduce the disease incidence of sugar beet.The control efficiency reached from 67.6% to 80.2%, indicating that biocontrol with endophytic bacteria was an alternative and potential method to control sugar beet fungi disease.  相似文献   
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