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Ufra, caused by the stem nematode, Ditylenchus angustus (Butler, 1913) Filipjev, 1936, is a serious disease of deepwater rice in southern Bangladesh. It was studied between 1977 and 1979 as part of a joint project with the Overseas Development Administration at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. Three symptom types are distinguished according to the extent of panicle emergence: Ufra1 (none), Ufra2 (partial) and Ufra3 (complete). All three represent total loss from that panicle. The number of Ufra2 as a percentage of the total number of panicles present in a specified area is selected as a disease index (UfraII). A function relating yield to the level of UfraII is proposed on the basis of selective samples from a field with a well-defined ufra patch. This function is compared with another derived from random samples in different fields along a linear transect through an area where ufra is endemic. Loss of panicle density, i.e. panicles/m2, is identified as a major component of yield loss, approximately equal to the loss associated with all three symptom types added together. Although severe and widely distributed throughout the southern part of the deepwater rice region in 1977 and 1978, it was very difficult to find in 1979 when there was a spring drought. Ufra is worse in wet years, in areas which flood early, and where the crop is harvested late. The length of the over-winter decay phase appears to be a critical factor regulating the survival of the pathogen from one season to the next. This suggests an approach for ufra control.  相似文献   
In this paper, a case of otitis media with effusion (‘glue ear’) is described in a Cavalier King Charles spaniel. Its presentation, diagnosis and surgical management by the insertion of a trans-tympanic ventilation tube (grommet) is discussed.  相似文献   
An increase in the rate of human infections with Salmonella enteritidis (SE) occurred between 2007 and 2010 in British Columbia (BC). During the same time period, an increase in SE from poultry‐sourced isolates and increased clinical severity in poultry were also observed in BC. This article describes a multi‐sectoral collaboration during a 3‐year investigation, and the actions taken by public health and animal health professionals. Human cases were interviewed, clusters were investigated, and a case–control study was conducted. Environmental investigations were conducted in food service establishments (FSE). Suspect foods were tested. Laboratory data from poultry‐sourced isolates were analysed. Five hundred and eighty‐four human cases of SE with the same pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis pattern were identified between May 2008 and August 2010. Seventy‐three percentage of cases reported consumption of eggs. The odds of egg consumption were 2.4 times higher for cases than controls. Implicated FSE were found to use ungraded eggs, which had been distributed illegally. Investigation suggested that there were multiple suppliers of these eggs. Collaboration between public health and animal health professionals led to data sharing, improved understanding of SE, engagement with the poultry industry and public communication. Multi‐disciplinary, multi‐sectoral and multi‐pronged investigations are recommended to identify the likely source of illness in large, protracted foodborne outbreaks caused by commonly consumed foods.  相似文献   
In conscious pigs the influence of intravenous infusion of live E. coli (7×108/kg), of the equivalent amount of endotoxin (20 g/kg) or of a high dose of endotoxin (2.5 mg/kg) on the hemodynamic, clinical and pathological parameters and on survival rate was studied. E. coli and endotoxin infusion resulted in pulmonary hypertension, systemic arterial hypotension, a decrease in cardiac output and an increase in heart rate. Clinical signs were characterized by respiratory and nervous disturbances, whereas necropsy revealed hemorrhages and edema in several organs. Although these findings were similar in the three groups, a marked difference in lethality was observed. Infusion of E. coli or of the high dose of endotoxin resulted in a significant mortality, whereas all pigs survived the infusion of the low dose of endotoxin. This suggests that the lethal pathophysiological mechanisms may only become activated when a sufficient amount of endotoxin is released into the circulation.  相似文献   
The efficacy of an oral formulation of the newly developed parasiticide, moxidectin, was tested against benzimidazole-resistant Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, and Nematodirus spathiger, levamisole-resistant Ostertagia circumcincta, and susceptible Cooperia curticei infections in weaned lambs. Thirty-two lambs were experimentally infected with mixed doses of the above strains of nematodes. They were allocated into four treatment groups by stratified randomisation using liveweights and faecal egg counts 28 days later. One group received moxidectin at 0.2 mg/kg liveweight, one group oxfendazole at 4.5 mg/kg liveweight, one group levamisole at 7.5 mg/kg liveweight and the last group remained untreated as the control. Worm burdens in the lambs at slaughter 10 days after oral treatment confirmed the resistance status of the nematode strains used, and showed that moxidectin had a greater than 99.9% efficacy (p<0.01) against all of them. No adverse effects due to treatment with moxidectin were observed in any of the animals.  相似文献   
In the present study a cytological, histological and morphometrical comparison between the ovaries of the llama, the cow and the sheep is presented, at two phases of the ovarian cycle. There were found differences in the amount of primordial and primary follicles, the size of secondary follicles and follicular cells, and type and distribution of the connective tissue inside the stroma of the ovary. It would be necessary to study the fine structure of the ovary and the so-called \"embryological remnants\", for its permanent appearance in most (50%) of the ovaries.  相似文献   
Two consecutive experiments were performed to evaluate the effects on the immune response of corn cob mix (CCM) in an organic pig diet. The immunoglobulin (Ig) M, IgA and IgG responses against an intramuscularly injected model antigen, bovine thyroglobulin, were used as indicator. The experiments were performed in an organic barn with nine pens of four crossbred pigs (two barrows and two sows) from 45 kg to slaughter. In the first experiment, the organic concentrate was mixed with organic CCM-silage to obtain three concentrate: CCM ratios of 100:0, 80:20 and 60:40 (w:w). In the second experiment, three concentrates were produced to obtain diets with equal nutrient levels on a dry matter basis after 0%, 20% and 40% CCM inclusion. Higher inclusion rates of CCM in the ration were accompanied by lower thyroglobulin-specific IgG responses. These effects could not be attributed to one specific component of the CCM, such as fatty acid composition, although there was a degree of correlation with lower vitamin A concentrations. Mycotoxin concentrations were absent or minimal. The study indicated that dietary ingredient composition may affect immunocompetence.  相似文献   
Outbreaks of infection due to a parapoxvirus were reported on eight New Zealand deer farms. Scabby lesions were seen variably on the muzzle, lips, face, ears and neck of red deer (Cervus elaphus) with morbidity rates reaching 100%. On three farms multifocal lesions were also present on the velvet. Deaths were reported on two properties where the lesions were extensive and secondary bacterial infections had occurred. On one of these farms multifactorial disease was suspected. Poxvirus particles were seen by negative contrast electron microscopy in scab material from all eight properties. Morphologically the deer virus resembled a parapoxvirus, but restriction endonuclease analysis showed its DNA fragment patterns were distinct from those of orf (contagious ecthyma) virus.  相似文献   
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