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The japonica rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar Chubu 32 has a high level of partial resistance to blast, which is mainly controlled by a dominant resistance gene located on chromosome 11. The partial resistance to the rice blast fungus (Magnaporthe grisea) in Chubu 32 has isolate specificity; isolate IBOS8-1-1 is more aggressive on Chubu 32 than are other isolates. We hypothesized that the gene-for-gene relationship fits this case of a partial resistance gene in Chubu 32 against the avirulence gene in the pathogen. The partial resistance gene in Chubu 32 was mapped between DNA markers C1172 (and three other co-segregated markers) and E2021 and was designated Pi34. In the 32 F3 lines from the cross between a chromosome segment substitution line (Pi34) from Koshihikari/Kasalath and Chubu 32, the lines with high levels of partial resistance to the M. grisea isolate Y93-245c-2 corresponded to the presence of Pi34 estimated by graphic genotyping. This indicated that Pi34 has partial resistance to isolate Y93-245c-2 in compatible interactions. The 69 blast isolates from the F1 progeny produced by the cross between Y93-245c-2 and IBOS8-1-1 were tested for aggressiveness on Chubu 32 and rice cultivar Koshihikari (Pi34). The progeny segregated at a 1 : 1 ratio for strong to weak aggressiveness on Chubu 32. The results suggested that Y93-245c-2 has one gene encoding avirulence to Pi34 (AVRPi34), and IBOS8-1-1 is extremely aggressive on Chubu 32 because of the absence of AVRPi34. This is the first report of a gene-for-gene relationship between a fungal disease resistance gene associated with severity of disease and pathogen aggressiveness.  相似文献   
Eight near-isogenic Sasanishiki rice lines with different genes for complete resistance to rice blast were inoculated with an avirulent isolate 72 h before inoculation with a virulent isolate of Pyricularia grisea to clarify the mechanisms of induced resistance in the leaf blades. Subsequent lesions on the leaf blades were classified as brown spots (b type), as observed on Sasanishiki BL no. 8 with resistance gene Pii, or no symptoms (HR type), as observed on Sasanishiki BL no. 4 with the gene Piz-t and on the six other lines. Lesion expansion was significantly reduced in Sasanishiki BL no. 8 compared with that in Sasanishiki BL no. 4 when the leaf blades were preinoculated with a high concentration of a conidial suspension of the avirulent isolate. Moreover, after preinoculation with the conidial suspension of the avirulent isolate in silicon rings on the leaf blades, induced resistance was expressed only in areas close to the inoculation sites. These resistant areas were larger in Sasanishiki BL no. 8 than in BL no. 4. Hyphal growth was markedly inhibited in the epidermal cells of Sasanishiki BL no. 8, whereas inhibition was weak in those of Sasanishiki BL no. 4. In the epidermal cells of leaf blades of Sasanishiki BL no. 8 preinoculated with the avirulent isolate, the frequency of hyphal penetration of the virulent isolate in the presence of host cell browning decreased, as did the frequency of invading hyphae after inoculation with virulent isolates. The results indicate that induced resistance may play a role in the suppression of lesion development in the Sasanishiki near-isogenic lines and that the lines differ in the extent of suppression.  相似文献   
The short wavelength sensitive (SWS) opsin gene is expected to contain informative sites for understanding the speciation of the family Delphinidae, because it is not functional in cetaceans. We determined partial SWS gene sequences from 15 delphinid species of 12 genera and from harbor porpoise for comparison. We found a 39-bp insertion that was shared by six species (the insertion group: Delphinus delphis, Delphinus capensis, Stenella longirostris, Stenella coeruleoalba, Lagenodelphis hosei, and Sousa chinensis) and common base substitutions shared by eight species (Stenella frontalis, Tursiops truncatus, and six species of the insertion group). As these insertions and substitutions are not found in the other seven delphinids or in the cloven-hoofed mammals (which are close to cetaceans), it is suggested that these eight species are more closely related to each other than to the other species. This hypothesis is supported by phylogenetic analyses. The eight species with the substitutions formed a clade containing two sister clades, one consisting of the insertion group and the other consisting of the two other species, in both neighbor-joining and Bayes analyses. Phylogenetic analyses also showed that Lissodelphis borealis and Lagenorhynchus obliquidens are closely related and that their common ancestor diverged from the others at an early stage of delphinid evolution.  相似文献   
The neuropeptide cubifrin-I and its derivative cubifrin-L have recently been shown to be potent substances that induce in vitro oocyte maturation and spawning in the Japanese common sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. We have examined the reproductive behavior of A. japonicus in vivo following the injection of cubifrin-L into the body cavity with the aim of determining the practical value of using this peptide to induce spawning in the hatchery setting. The responsiveness of ovarian fragments with oocytes >155 μm in diameter to cubifrin-L in vitro was well correlated with the spawning success induced in vivo by a cubifrin-L injection. Mature sea cucumbers injected with cubifrin-L displayed sequential reproductive behaviors, which comprised climbing up the side wall of the tank toward the water surface, waving of the head, and shedding of gametes. Gamete shedding started about 60 and 80 min after the injection of cubifrin-L in males and females, respectively, and was completed almost simultaneously in the two sexes about 2 h post-injection. Repeated injections of cubifrin-L at intervals of about 10 days successfully induced multiple spawnings in males and females. These results demonstrate that cubifrin-L can be used as an effective inducer of spawning in Japanese sea cucumber cultivation.  相似文献   
From a series of studies on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the bovine growth hormone (GH) gene of Japanese Black cattle, the type‐C (127Val and 172Met) that is specific for this breed has been intensively focused upon because of the economic importance for carcass traits, such as intramuscular oleic acid contents. In the present study, we intended to analyze the 3‐D structure of GH of haplotype C, and developed a novel method to detect the type C gene. Three‐D analysis of the type C protein showed that the amino acid residues (127Val and 172Met), which are present in the third and fourth helixes, respectively, and are important for binding with GH receptors, are shifted to deeper positions in the molecule compared with that for type A (127Leu and 172Thr), implying the alteration of binding interaction with receptors. A novel, efficient and cost‐effective method (Dot‐blot‐SNP technique) for type C genotyping was successfully established, of which the basal method was a reported genotyping of SNPs for a large number of plants, reducing the cost to 10% or less of direct sequencing.  相似文献   
Mineral concentrations of onions (Allium cepa L.) grown under various conditions, including factors (fertilization, crop year, variety, and provenance), were investigated to clarify how much each factor contributes to the variation of their concentrations. This was because the mineral concentrations might be affected by various factors. The ultimate goal of this study was to develop a technique to determine the geographic origins of onions by mineral composition. Samples were onions grown under various conditions at 52 fields in 18 farms in Hokkaido, Japan. Twenty-six elements (Li, Na, Mg, Al, P, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Mo, Cd, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Gd, W, and Tl) in these samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Fertilization conditions and crop years of onions caused variations of P, Ni, Cu, Rb, Sr, Mo, Cs, and Tl concentrations in onions; different onion varieties also showed variations in numerous element concentrations. However, the variations of mineral compositions of onions by these factors were smaller than the differences between production places with a few exceptions. Furthermore, Na, Rb, and Cs in group IA of the periodic table, Ca, Sr, and Ba in group IIA, and Zn and Cd in group IIB showed similar concentration patterns by group; this result demonstrated that elements in the same periodic groups behaved similarly in terms of their absorption in onions.  相似文献   

The anaerobic digestion of livestock manure is an environmentally compatible technology used for the production of renewable energy. Anaerobically digested residual slurry has been used worldwide as a liquid fertilizer in both upland and paddy fields. However, a controversial question remains as to whether the application of slurry to rice paddy fields increases methane emissions; although methane is one of the most prevalent greenhouse gases, little is known about the effects of the long-term application of residual slurry on methane emission. In this study, we repeatedly applied slurry to a paddy field for six years at different application rates (10, 15, and 20 g N m?2 based on ammonium-nitrogen content). At the fifth and sixth years of application, we evaluated the effect in terms of methane flux and soil total carbon content. The effect of the long-term application of the slurry (10 g N m?2) on grain yield was equivalent to that of chemical fertilizer (10 g N m?2). The application of the residual slurry was likely to increase the cumulative methane emissions during rice growing season in both 2006 and 2007. On the other hand, we observed that soil total carbon did not accumulate significantly in the soil. Thus, we cannot rule out the potential risk of additional methane emissions caused by the application of the residuary slurry to paddy fields.  相似文献   
Acid deposition is a serious problem throughout much of Asia. Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) have been increasing steadily, as nations strive to increase their levels of economic development. Coal and fuel oil have been the main choices for powering industrial development; and, until recently, only a few countries had taken steps to avert the atmospheric emissions that accompany fuel combustion. This paper discusses trends in emissions of SO2 and NOx that have occurred in Asian countries in the period 1985–1997, using results from the RAINS-Asia computer model and energy-use trends from the IEA Energy Statistics and Balances database. Emissions of SO2 in Asia grew from 26.6 Tg in 1985 to 33.7 Tg in 1990 and 39.2 Tg in 1997. Though SO2 emissions used to grow as fast as fossil-fuel use, recent limitations on the sulfur content of coal and oil have slowed the growth. The annual-average emissions growth between 1990 and 1997 was only 2.2%, considerably less than the economic growth rate. Emissions of NOx, on the other hand, continue to grow rapidly, from 14.1 Tg in 1985 to 18.7 Tg in 1990 and 28.5 Tg in 1997 (6.2% per year between 1990 and 1997), with no signs of abating. Thus, though SO2 remains the major contributor to acidifying emissions in Asia, the role of NOx will become more and more important in the future.  相似文献   
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