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Water soluble plasma proteins were fractionated from hen's egg yolk, and the molecular weight and pI of the most abundant protein species were characterized with gel electrophoresis. The proteins were identified by mass spectrometry. The protein fraction was used to produce oil-in-water emulsions, both at various protein concentrations and at various pH values, and the surface load was determined through serum depletion. The competitive adsorption was studied through the determination of nonadsorbing species with gel electrophoresis. The results show that it was possible to form an oil-in-water emulsion for which droplet size and maximum surface load depended on the protein concentration and pH. Serum albumin and YGP40 adsorbed selectively at the oil/water interface throughout the pH range investigated, and for albumin the selectivity increased close to its pI. It is suggested that this selective adsorption is due to long hydrophobic stretches in the polypeptide chain, which are present in the selectively adsorbing species but absent in less adsorbing species.  相似文献   
We developed site specific component (stem, branch, and foliage) biomass functions for two sites in Sweden (64° and 57° North latitude) where four treatments (control, irrigated, fertilized, irrigated plus fertilized) were applied in the existing Norway spruce stands (Picea abies L. Karst.) for 17 years. We tested for site effects in the component biomass equations and compared site specific biomass estimates to those generated using published functions ( 19 and 39). Site effects were significant for all components and indicated it would be unlikely to generate equations that well estimate biomass across the Norway spruce range as implicitly indicated in our efforts to generate species biomass expansion factors. We rejected our hypothesis that the published functions would well estimate component biomass for control plots. The published functions did not compare well with site specific component biomass estimates for the other treatments; both published functions well estimated stem mass up to stem mass of 25 Mg ha−1, beyond which stem mass was overestimated, and both functions over and under estimated foliage and branch mass. Nor did the published functions compare well with each other, with stem, foliage and branch mass estimate differences of 12, 55, −8% and 11, 77, and 59% for the southern and northern sites, respectively, when averaged over all treatments and years. Adding limiting resources through fertilization increased stem, foliage and branch mass 57, 11, 18% and 120, 37, and 69% at the southern and northern sites, respectively, which would increase carbon sequestration and available stemwood and bioenergy materials. We recommend that more effort is spent in process-based modeling to better predict mass at a given site and ultimately provide better estimates of carbon sequestration and bioenergy material production changes.  相似文献   
The present study examined branch and stem characteristics of trees growing around gaps in Norway spruce plantations. Trees located at the edge of gaps with a radius of either 5 m or 7 m either unplanted or with supplementary planting were compared to trees in the original closed plantation. The experiment was carried out in two locations in the south of Sweden and the design included four blocks at each location and one replicate of each treatment in each block. The measurements were carried out on standing and felled trees in 2005 at the time of the first thinning. The results indicate a significant effect of gaps and supplementary planting on the diameter of the largest branch, the number of living branches close to breast height, branch basal area, height to the first living branch and taper. The effect of supplementary planting on branch and stem characteristics was greater in large gaps than in small ones. This study indicated that supplementary planting may be useful in affecting stem-form and branch parameters, although other studies have shown that the trees that result from supplementary planting contribute little to total production.  相似文献   
To tailor the farming environment to a fish species, we should understand the species‐specific responses to stimuli, including the degree of adaption and learning. Groups of gilthead sea bream were given a delay Pavlovian conditioning regime using a conditioning stimulus (CS) of light flashes signalling arrival of food. Controls were exposed to light flashes unrelated to feeding. Fish in both treatments showed an initial fear response of moving away from the CS combined with reduced swimming speed. In subsequent trials, the Control fish largely habituated the fleeing response but sustained to respond by reducing the swimming speed. The Conditioning fish also stopped to escape from the CS, but opposed to the Control group they gradually increased their swimming speed in response to the CS. In addition, the number of fish in the feeding/CS area increased and became similar to basal level after around 16 trials. A small and variable proportion of the fish displayed black vertical bands on their body and territorial behaviour, and a social hierarchy could interfere with the processes of habituation and conditioning. The swimming speed of the fish increased with number of dark individuals, but this was not found during the CS and the light stimulus thus seemed to overrule the effect of territorial behaviour. The persistent negative response to light flashes in the Control suggests that fish seemingly adapted to repetitive stressors are still in a state of alertness. The change in the response to light shows the potential for rewarding aversive stimuli to reduce stress.  相似文献   
The functionally critical role of mycorrhizal fungi in forest ecosystems, and the imminent threat of climate change that may act to alter mycorrhizal functional biodiversity, means there is an urgent need for a regional to continental-scale assessment of mycorrhizal distributions. Until recently, it had not been possible to cost-effectively assess mycorrhizas precisely and accurately. A large-scale survey of ICP Forests plots would be only the first stage in answering many of the questions outlined above, but it is essential if future studies are going to address these questions with hypothesis-driven research in a cohesive manner, rather than remain independent for lack of a unified approach. The chance to utilise the vast network of biomonitoring plots at this time is a remarkable opportunity because it minimises the logistics and costs associated with achieving such an enormous effort and provides a rare stable — past and future — ground for forest ecosystem scientific investigation. In the face of rapid global change, we finally have an opportunity to accurately integrate mycorrhizal distribution data with long-term environmental monitoring, providing a basic understanding of functionally crucial organisms, and at the same time creating an invaluable resource for future research.  相似文献   
Cultivated beets (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) are unable to form reproductive shoots during the first year of their life cycle. Flowering only occurs if plants get vernalized, that is, pass through the winter, and are subsequently exposed to an increasing day length (photoperiod) in spring. Here, we show that the regulation of flowering time in beets is controlled by the interplay of two paralogs of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene in Arabidopsis that have evolved antagonistic functions. BvFT2 is functionally conserved with FT and essential for flowering. In contrast, BvFT1 represses flowering and its down-regulation is crucial for the vernalization response in beets. These data suggest that the beet has evolved a different strategy relative to Arabidopsis and cereals to regulate vernalization.  相似文献   
Norberg  G.  Dolling  A.  Jäderlund  A.  Nilsson  M.-C.  Zackrisson  O. 《New Forests》2001,21(2):187-198
Following boreal forest ecosystem disturbance,such as fire and clear-cutting, the ericaceousspecies Calluna vulgaris often becomescompletely dominant and may convert forestlandinto heathland. Calluna is known toeffectively exclude other vegetation and causes``growth check' or stagnation of coniferseedlings to result in poor tree regeneration.In this study we investigated the use of steamtreatment as an alternative method forvegetation control of Calluna vulgaris.Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)establishment and growth were recorded in botha planting and a seeding experiment. Steamtreatment was compared with mechanical soilscarification and intact vegetation in theplanting experiment and with intact vegetationin the seeding experiment. The results showthat the vegetation is still strongly reducedfive years after the treatment. The steamtreatment strongly favoured the establishmentand growth of both seeded and planted Scotspine. The planted seedlings grown in the steamtreated plots had a dry weight more than twiceas high when compared to scarified plots.Seedling height and basal diameter were alsohighest for seedlings grown in steamed plots.Seedlings planted in scarified plots did notgrow as well during the first years possiblydue to injuries caused by frost heaving. Theseeding experiment showed an increasedestablishment and growth of Scots pineseedlings in steam treated plots compared to inintact vegetation.  相似文献   
Utilizing islet amyloid-laden pancreatic tissues from six diabetic cats, we demonstrated substantial immunoreactivity (peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique) of the islet amyloid with antiserum to a B chain-rich insulin fraction, but no reactivity with antisera to insulin, glucagon, or somatostatin. Islet amyloid was purified from two cats and a protein unique to the diabetic and islet amyloid-laden cats was separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Immunoreactivity of this protein with antiserum to the B chain-rich insulin fraction was also shown by immunoblotting. Attempts to obtain the amino acid composition of the purified unique protein (represented by a single 25,000 dalton band on gel electrophoresis) were not successful because the amount of protein was too small. These results provide important additional evidence that an insulin-related protein is involved in the formation of islet amyloid. Our study also shows that the diabetic cat provides several advantages for the continued study of the etiopathogenic relationship of islet amyloid and diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
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