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Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen über den Massenwechsel und die Biologie der MittelmeerfruchtfliegeCeratitis capitata Vied. während der letzen 5 Jahre führten zu folgenden Ergebnissen:1. Die Mittelmeerfruchtfliege, die bis 1947 in ganz Jugoslawien unbekannt war, kommt seit mindestens zehn Jahren auch an der Adriaküste vor.2. Erst im Jahre 1958 erwies sich die Fruchtfliege als Schädling verschiedener Obstarten.3. Wie aus Beobachtungen in Obstanlagen an der Adriaküste hervorgeht, befällt die Fliege in erster Linie Pfirsich, ferner auch Birne, Kaki, Feige, Apfel, Pflaume, Orange und grünen Paprika. Im Laboratorium gelang die Zucht außerdem noch an Banane, nicht aber an Tomate und Trauben.4. ObwohlC. capitata ein polyphages Insekt ist, befällt sie an einigen Stellen, wo sie regelmäßig große Häufigkeit aufweist, nur Pfirsich (Split, Debeli Rti) bzw. nur Kaki (Ankaran). In manchen Obstgärten lebt sie aber an verschiedenen Früchten (Podstrana, Stroanac). Es gibt bei der Fruchtfliege also auf Obstarten spezialisierte Populationen und solche, die an verschiedenen Obstarten vorkommen.5. Unter den in unserem Küstenland herrschenden Klimabedingungen kann die Fruchtfliege in einem Jahr 4–5 Generationen entwickeln. Die Herbstgeneration verpuppt sich Ende Oktober/Anfang November in der Erde, die Imagines verlassen bis Januar die Puppen und warten auf das Reifen der ersten, frühen Pfirsichsorten. Die gleiche Überwinterungsweise wurde auch an der Olivenfliege beobachtet.6. Mit Angelica-Öl versehene Fanggläser brachten nur zum Teil befriedigende Ergebnisse, da dieser Lockstoff nur die Männchen anzieht, aber auch nur in der Zeit, in der die Fliegen überhaupt selten sind. Im Spätsommer und Herbst wirkt ein aus Kleie und Biammonphosphat bereiteter Köder auf beide Geschlechter stark anlockend.  相似文献   
Thirty days before expected time of parturition, 20 Holstein cows were divided into ?Cr and +Cr groups. From day 25 before parturition (BP ) up to day 30 after parturition (AP ), +Cr cows received 10 mg of Cr (chromium‐enriched yeast) daily. Muscle and adipose tissue samples were taken at days ?30, ?10, +7 and +10 related to parturition, when body condition score (BCS ) was also determined. Hepatic tissue samples were taken at days ?10 and +7. Tissue samples were used for determination of the insulin signalling pathway protein expressions. Intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT ) was performed at days ?28, ?7, +10 and +30. Milk yield was recorded during first 14 weeks AP . Milk composition was obtained at days 7 and 28 AP . At day 10 BP , protein content of β ‐subunit of insulin receptor (IR β ) was significantly higher (p ? 0.05) in muscle, and phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1 at serine 307 (pIRS ‐1 Ser307) was significantly lower (p ? 0.05) in hepatic tissue of +Cr group. After parturition, pIRS ‐1 Ser307 was significantly lower in muscle tissue at days 7 and 28 (p ? 0.05 and p ? 0.001, respectively), while phosphorylation of Akt at serine 473 (pA kt Ser473) was significantly higher (p ? 0.01) in hepatic tissue at day 7 AP in +Cr group. Chromium had opposite effect on insulin kinetics during IVGTT s obtained BP and AP . Insulin secretion was significantly reduced at day 7 BP and significantly enhanced at day 10 AP , when NEFA concentration was also significantly increased. Milk yield and ECM value were depressed in +Cr group. DMI and BCS were significantly enhanced in +Cr group at day 7 BP . In conclusion, chromium modulates insulin signalling pathway in dairy cows, but targeted signalling molecules are different in antepartal then post‐partal period, probably due to duration of exposure to chromium and different energy status between those periods.  相似文献   
Environmental concern due to plant accumulation of natural radionuclides is a major concern in uranium mining areas. To evaluate the risk associated with the transfer of radionuclides to edible plants, the uptake of 238U, 226Ra, and 210Pb by Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt) grown in soils contaminated with uranium-mill tailings (UMT) was investigated. Test plants were grown under controlled conditions in substrate composed of soil and UMT in different ratios. Activity concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, and 210Pb in substrate, leaves, and roots were measured and the concentration ratios determined. Soil characteristics were determined, since they directly affect bioavailability of radionuclides. Concentration ratios of 238U, 226Ra, and 210Pb in leaves varied from 0.001 to 0.006, 0.024 to 0.172, and 0.004 to 0.011, respectively, and in roots from 0.020 to 0.126, 0.015 to 0.241, and 0.033 to 1.460, respectively. Concentrations of 238U, 226Ra, and 210Pb in leaves and roots were found to correlate with the amount of 238U, 226Ra, and 210Pb in the substrate. A higher amount of 226Ra accumulated in aboveground parts (57–877 Bq kg?1 d. m. for leaves) compared to 238U (0.6–4.7 Bq kg?1 d. m. for leaves) and 210Pb (8–53 Bq kg?1 d. m. for leaves), which were mainly stored in the roots. The relationships between the amount of radionuclides in plants and soil characteristics and their role in radionuclide uptake are discussed and critically evaluated.  相似文献   
The performance characteristics of an ELISA test for trichinellosis in pigs applied to muscle juice was assessed using 314 samples collected from pigs located in endemic areas of Croatia. Peptic digestion was used as the reference method. The diagnostic accuracy of the two compared dilutions (1:10 and 1:100) was considered to be high because the area under the curve (AUC) index was 0.922 and 0.920 for each dilution, respectively. In this study the two graph-receiver operating characteristic (TG-ROC) analysis was used as a tool for selecting cut-off points. Sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, efficiency and Youden's index were used as indices of test accuracy. The cut-off values that minimize overall misclassification cost under an assumption of 3% prevalence were calculated. Our results indicate that the ELISA applied to muscle juice is a highly accurate test and can be adapted to process a large number of samples.  相似文献   
Summary Early sowing of winter and spring barley and oats are in general more effective in relation to the attack of frit fly panicle generation than the later sowing, with the exception of late varieties.Meanwhile, we must have in mind that favourable weather conditions in autumn may enable the insects to prolong their activity and to attack the early sowing crops.As well, drought in autumn and low temperature in the spring which occur very often in this area, delay the germination and sprouting so that the heading time of early sown crops coincides with the time of late sown ones.
Zusammenfassung Die Fritfliege ist einer der wichtigsten Gersten- und Haferschädlinge in Jugoslawien. Die größten Schäden werden durch die zur Zeit der Rispenbildung auftretende Generation verursacht. Bei Versuchen wurde ermittelt, daß die Ertragseinbuße bei einigen Gerstenvarietäten 80% erreichte.Die chemischen Bekämpfungsmöglichkeiten gegen die Fritfliege sind beschränkt. Indirekte Maßnahmen zur Zeit der Aussaat könnten die Befallsintensität während der Rispenbildung erheblich verringern.Die Befallsintensität steht in direkter Abhängigkeit vom Aussaattermin. Bei früher Aussaat ist die Ertragsminderung viel geringer. Wir empfehlen daher in großen Teilen Jugoslawiens, so früh wie möglich im Frühjahr mit der Aussaat zu beginnen.Die gleiche Empfehlung gilt auch für den Anbau von Wintergerste und -hafer, die vom Befall der Herbstgeneration der Fritfliege und einiger anderer im Frühherbst noch aktiver Schädlinge bedroht sind. Die Möglichkeiten einer frühzeitigen Aussaat in dieser Jahreszeit sind allerdings manchmal durch ungünstige Wetterbedingungen in den betreffenden Gebieten begrenzt.

Résumé En Yougoslavie, l'oscinie (Oscinella frit L.) est l'un des pires parasites de l'orge et de l'avoine. Les plus grands dégâts sont causés par la panicule-génération de cette mouche. Au cours d'expériences, le pourcentage des céréales endommagées atteignait 80 pour certaines variétés d'orge.Les possibilités de lutte chimique contre l'oscinie sont limitées. Des mesures de lutte indirecte au moment des semailles pourraient être d'une grande importance du fait qu'elles réduisent l'intensité d'infestation par la panicule-génération de l'oscinie.L'intensité de l'infestation par la panicule-génération dépend directement de l'époque des semailles. Lorsque les semis sont effectuées de bonne heure, le nombre de grains endommagés est plus bas que lorsque les semis sont faits plus tard. C'est pourquoi l'auteur recommande de procéder dans une grande partie de la Yougoslavie à des semailles de printemps précoces.Il fait les mêmes recommandations pour les semailles d'orge et d'avoine d'hiver. En ce cas, l'auteur étudie l'infestation par la génération de mouches écloses en automne et par d'autres parasites encore atcifs au début de l'automne. Il n'est parfois guère possible de semer de bonne heure à cette saison là, étant donné les conditions atmosphériques défavorables qui règnent dans les régions dont il est question.

The paper was presented to the VIth International Congress of Plant Protection, Vienna, 1967.  相似文献   
Monilinia fructicola, the most destructive pathogen of the genus Monilinia, has recently been introduced into Serbia and many other European countries. Since then, many studies have been conducted to evaluate the characteristics of Monilinia species that have a role in the establishment and survival of the pathogen in new areas. The present study assessed the capacity of M. fructicola to repress and replace Monilinia laxa in Serbia based on: fungicide sensitivity, growth rate and aggressiveness at different temperatures, as well as frost hardiness of the isolates of both species. The results showed that the isolates of M. fructicola, compared to M. laxa, were significantly less sensitive to the following fungicides: iprodione, tebucanozole, chlorothalonil, azoxystrobin, fluopyram, and boscalid. In addition, M. laxa isolates exhibited little variation in sensitivity to all of the tested fungicides, whereas M. fructicola isolates displayed a wide range of sensitivity. The temperature of 5°C favored M. laxa growth and aggressiveness, while at 30°C M. fructicola grew faster and had higher lesion expansion rate. These results support an assumption that M. fructicola will continue to spread in Serbian orchards in coming years, particularly on stone fruits harvested during hot summer weather.  相似文献   
Dobrava–Belgrade virus (DOBV) is a hantavirus species that causes the most severe form of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Europe. DOBV has been detected in three Apodemus rodents: A. flavicollis, A. agrarius and A. ponticus. These emerging viruses appear throughout the Balkan Peninsula including Serbia as its central part. In this study, we examined the seroprevalence, molecular epidemiology and phylogenetics of DOBV from A. flavicollis captured at six Serbian localities. Furthermore, we applied microsatellite typing of host animal genome to analyse the role of host kinship in DOBV animal transmission. The overall IgG seropositivity rate over 3 years (2008–2010) was 11.9% (22/185). All seropositive samples were subjected to RT‐PCR and DNA sequencing for S and L genome segments (pos. 291–1079 nt and 2999–3316 nt, respectively). DOBV was genetically detected in three samples from mountain Tara in western Serbia, a newly detected DOBV focus in the Balkans. No sequence data from human cases from Serbia are available for the studied period. However, collected DOBV isolates in this work phylogenetically clustered together with isolates from Serbian human cases dating from 2002, with 1.9% nucleotide divergence. We determined the level of kinship between seropositive and seronegative animal groups and found no significant difference, suggesting that horizontal virus transmission in the studied population was the same within and among the hatches. Our findings are the first genetic detection of DOBV in rodents in Serbia. We confirm wide and continuous hantavirus presence in the examined parts of the Balkans, underlying the necessity of continual monitoring of hantavirus circulation in A. flavicollis.  相似文献   

Eight apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars and selections were self- and cross-pollinated in order to determine their pollen and stylar compatibility. Overall, 40 pollination combinations were examined. Pollen-tube growth in pistils pollinated in the laboratory was analysed using fluorescence microscopy. Three inter-incompatiblity groups of cultivars were found, of which two had not been described previously, while an existing group was expanded with one additional cultivar. The first group consisted of three Hungarian cultivars (‘Ligeti Orias’, ‘Cegledi Orias’, and ‘Szegedi Mammut’) and a Moldavian cultivar (‘Kostjuzhenskyi’). The second group consisted of two American cultivars (‘Stark Early Orange’ and ‘Nugget’). The third group consisted of two Serbian selections (‘Novi Sad Early’ and ‘Frushka Gora Early’). In the incompatible cultivar combinations, pollen-tube growth stopped in the style with the formation of the characteristic swelling. In the compatible combinations, the pollen tubes reached the ovary in the majority of the pistils examined.  相似文献   
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