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In aquaculture, ponds with high loads of organic inputs, organic matter accumulates at the bottom over time. Uneaten feed, senescent phytoplankton and faeces are the principal sources of accumulated material, but quantifications are scarce. The sedimented organic matter develops into a flocculent layer in which different processes transform the material into inorganic forms. A better understanding of factors influencing organic matter accumulation/decomposition in the sediment is needed to better understand and manage the dynamics of nitrogen in fish ponds. In this study, the rate of mineralization of organic nitrogen and the nitrogen flux between the sediment and the water column were measured. Organic matter accumulation in fish ponds was quantified, and the data were used to construct, calibrate and validate a dynamic simulation model of organic matter deposition/decomposition in fish ponds. The accumulating material consisted of dead phytoplankton, fish faeces and uneaten feed. Through model calibration, the proportion of these materials in the total accumulated organic matter was determined. In the model, gross photosynthetic rate was estimated from an empirical relationship with feed input. After calibration, the model was validated using independent data. The model simulated well the concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen in the sediments but it may be developed further, especially by considering the effects of resuspension.  相似文献   
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and pyruvate kinase (PK) are key metabolic enzymes. G6PDH has been used as a biomarker of pollution-induced carcinogenesis in fish. LDH has been used as marker of lesions in toxicology and clinical chemistry, and PK catalyses the conversion of phosphoenol pyruvate to pyruvate, with regeneration of ATP. The effect of different concentrations of lead nitrate on the activity of these enzymes in two different early ontogenetic stages (embryonic and free embryonic stage) of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus was investigated. Embryo homogenates were used for measurements of G6PDH, LDH and PK activity spectrophotometrically at 340 nm and 25°C. The ontogenetic variations of the three enzymes during early ontogeny, from the 30 h to the 168 h post-fertilisation stage (PFS) (beginning of exogenous feeding), were studied. There was a significant decrease in activities of all three enzymes from 30 h-PFS to 96 h-PFS, followed by a significant increase in G6PDH and LDH. PK showed insignificant fluctuations in activity. Different patterns of enzyme activities were recorded due to exposure to different lead nitrate concentrations (100 μg/l, 300 μg/l and 500 μg/l). In the pre-hatching stage (30 h-PFS) the activity of the three enzymes increased at exposure to 100 μg/l lead nitrate and then decreased with increasing dose. In the post-hatching stages (48 h-PFS–168 h-PFS) G6PDH activity increased and LDH activity decreased with increasing lead concentrations. Unlike G6PDH and LDH, the PK enzyme fluctuated during the post-hatching stages and did not reveal a specific trend of response (increase or decrease) with increasing lead concentrations. Therefore, the measurement of G6PDH and LDH activities, but not PK activity, could be useful biomarkers of intoxication to reveal the embryotoxic potential of lead nitrate in fish embryos. The post-hatching stages of the African catfish are more sensitive than the pre-hatching stage (30 h-PFS) is, probably due to the protective capacity provided by the hardened chorion. The interaction and the main effects of age and lead doses were found to be highly significant, referring to the great impact of lead on these enzyme systems with increasing early development.  相似文献   
Decapsulated cysts of Artemia subjected to different heat treatments (40, 60, 80 and 96 °C) were fed to African catfish Clarias gariepinus larvae. Heated cysts, untreated cysts and live Artemia nauplii as control constituted the experimental diets. Protein denaturation and solubility, total alkaline protease and specific trypsin activities in the cyst diets were evaluated. The growth of catfish larvae and the proteolytic activity of larval samples during development were also determined. Heat treatment of cysts increased protein denaturation and decreased protein solubility. The protease activity in the cyst diets decreased with higher heating temperatures. The growth of catfish larvae differed according to the diet; higher fish growth was achieved with nauplii and cysts heated at 40 °C. The digestive enzyme activity in larval samples remained similar in all dietary treatments during larval development. The quality of food protein and the way this protein is processed might be more important for successful larval growth than exogenous enzyme supply.  相似文献   
The effects of introducing common carp (CC) and of adding artificial feed to fertilized rohu ponds on water quality and nutrient accumulation efficiency were studied. All ponds were stocked with 15 000 rohu ha?1. Treatments included ponds with rohu alone, rohu plus 5000 common carp ha?1 and rohu plus 10 000 CC ha?1. A comparison was also made between supplementally fed and non‐fed ponds. The overall highest nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 and 0 CC ha?1. The largest fractions of N and P inputs accumulating in fish, phytoplankton and zooplankton were observed in ponds with 5000 CC ha?1, followed by ponds with 10 000 CC ha?1 and subsequently ponds without CC. Relatively more nutrients accumulated in benthic organisms in ponds without than in ponds with CC. A smaller fraction of the nutrient input was retained in fish, plankton and benthic organisms in ponds without CC compared with ponds with CC. Compared with 5000 CC ha?1, stocking 10 000 CC ha?1 can be considered as overstocking, because this leads to lower fish production and relatively less nutrients retained in plankton and benthic organisms.  相似文献   
A participatory on-farm study analysed water and nutrient budgets of six low and four high water-exchange ponds of integrated agriculture–aquaculture (IAA) farms in the Mekong delta. Water, nitrogen (N), organic carbon (OC) and phosphorus (P) flows through the ponds were monitored, and data on fish production and nutrient accumulation in sediments were collected during a fish culture cycle. Results showed that, on average, only 5–6% of total N, OC or P inputs introduced into ponds were recovered in the harvested fish. About 29% N, 81% OC and 51% P accumulated in the sediments. The remaining fractions were lost through pond water discharges into adjacent canals. Fish yields and nutrient accumulation rates in the sediments increased with increasing food inputs applied to the pond at the cost of increased nutrient discharges. High water-exchange ponds received two to three times more on-farm nutrients (N, OC and P) while requiring nine times more water and discharging 10–14 times more nutrients than the low water-exchange ponds. Water and nutrient flows between the pond and the other IAA-farm components need to be considered when optimizing productivity and profitability from IAA systems.  相似文献   
A participatory on-farm study was conducted to explore the effects of food input patterns on water quality and sediment nutrient accumulation in ponds, and to identify different types of integrated pond systems. Ten integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA) farms, in which ponds associate with fruit orchards, livestock and rice fields were monitored in the Mekong delta of Vietnam. Pond mass balances for nitrogen (N), organic carbon (OC) and phosphorus (P) were determined, and pond water quality and sediment nutrient accumulation were monitored. Data were analyzed using multivariate canonical correlation analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. The main variability in pond water quality and sediment nutrients was related with food inputs and water exchange rates. Water exchange rate, agro-ecological factors, pond physical properties and human waste input were major variables used to classify ponds. Classification was into: (1) low water exchange rate ponds in the fruit-dominated area, (2) low water exchange rate ponds in the rice-dominated area receiving homemade feed, and (3) high water exchange rate ponds in the rice-dominated areas receiving wastes. Pond water exchange rate was human-controlled and a function of food input patterns, which were determined by livelihood strategies of IAA-households. In the rice-dominated area with deep ponds, higher livestock and human wastes were found together with high water exchange rates. In these ponds, large organic matter loads reduced dissolved oxygen and increased total phosphorus concentrations in the water and increased nutrient (N, OC and P) accumulation in the sediments. In the rice-dominated area with wide ponds, higher homemade feed amounts were added to the ponds with low water exchange rate. This resulted in high phytoplankton biomass and high primary productivity. The contrary occurred in the fruit-dominated area, where fish were grown in shallow and narrow ponds, receiving more plant residue which resulted in lower phytoplankton biomass and lower sediment nutrient accumulation.  相似文献   
The technical efficiency of randomly sampled pangasius farms in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam was estimated using data envelopment analysis, and factors affecting technical and scale efficiency were examined with bootstrap truncated regression. The mean technical efficiency score assuming variable returns to scale was 0.84. The technical efficiency of downstream farmers was higher due to lower energy costs and stocking once a year. Most of the up‐ and midstream farms needed to pump water and stocked at least three times in 2 yr. Regression analysis showed a positive effect on technical efficiency of the farmers' education level and having experienced climate change impact through flooding or salinity intrusion in the past. Farms affected by salinity intrusion had a lower scale efficiency as they reduce stocking frequency and rate. In general, reducing fish mortality and the cost of inputs, increasing scale of operation, and being trained, using appropriate methods, in management strategies may improve technical efficiency.  相似文献   
A comparative study of larval growth in the different species of the genus Clarias in different regions revealed that in spite of strong differences in egg and larval size, the growth potential was quite similar. Differences in growth between species and regions were strongly correlated with the applied feeding strategy, the applied growth parameter and period of measuring. To evaluate feeding strategies, standardized procedures for measuring growth are needed. Recalculating the results of the mentioned study according to these standardized procedures revealed that both in India and Indonesia, the growth rate of C. batrachus larvae was too low. This is probably due to low feeding levels in India and premature weaning in Indonesia.
The basic biology and nutritional physiology of the larvae of C. gariepinus have been studied extensively. At the start of exogenous feeding, the larvae have an advanced digestive system with a functional pancreas, liver and nutrient absorption capabilities, but lack a functional stomach. The advanced digestive system is further exemplified by the development of the enzymatic complex. Probably because of the rapid development of the digestive system, feeding live food organisms is mostly practiced for a few days only and is soon replaced by wet and/or dry diets. It is hypothesized that the requirement of live food or specific larval diets during the first days of exogenous feeding is related to the absence of pepsin digestion during this period. Further optimization of the feeding strategies should focus on this conclusion.  相似文献   
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