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Zusammenfassung Traditionelle, extensiv bearbeitete Olivenhaine, aber auch moderne Intensiv-Plantagen mit künstlicher Bewässerung und hohem Einsatz von Düngern bzw. chemischen Pflanzenschutzmitteln kennzeichnen die derzeitigen verschiedenen Anbauformen der Olive im Mittelmeerraum. Schadlepidopteren wie die Olivenmotte (Prays oleae, Lep.: Yponomeutidae) und die Jasminmotte (Palpita unionalis, Lep.: Pyralidae) werden durch regelmässigen Insektizideinsatz bekämpft. Das von der EU geförderte internationale Forschungsprojekt TRIPHELIO zielte auf die Entwicklung insektizidfreier Alternativmethoden durch (1) die Optimierung der pheromongestützten Überwachung und Verwirrtechnik, (2) der Anwendung von Habitatmanagement-Strategien zur Förderung natürlicher Gegenspieler, und (3) dem Einsatz von Trichogramma-Schlupfwespen. Zusätzlich wurden Module für eine optimale Anwendung biotechnischer und biologischer Methoden bezüglich der Phänologie der Schadinsekten und möglicher Nebenwirkungen von Pestiziden erarbeitet. Die intensive Kooperation zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Praktikern aus mehreren Ländern Europas und Nordafrikas erlaubte den Entwurf möglicher Lösungsansätze für verschiedene Anbaubedingungen und klimatische Regionen des Mittelmeerraumes. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse und Ausblicke für eine zukünftige praktische Umsetzung werden in dieser Veröffentlichung beschrieben.  相似文献   
Barley yellow dwarf disease is one of the most important problems confronting cereal production in Iran. Barley yellow dwarf virus-PAV (BYDV-PAV) and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPV (CYDV-RPV) are the predominant viruses associated with the disease. One isolate of BYDV-PAV from wheat (PAV-IR) and one isolate of CYDV-RPV from barley (RPV-IR) were selected for molecular characterisations. A genome segment of each isolate was amplified by PCR. The PAV-IR fragment (1264 nt) covered a region containing partial genes for coat protein (CP), read through protein (RTP) and movement protein (MP). PAV-IR showed a high sequence identity to PAV isolates from USA, France and Japan (96–97%). In a phylogenetic analysis it was placed into PAV group I together with PAV isolates from barley and oats. The fragment of RPV-IR (719 nt) contained partial genes for CP, RTP and MP. The sequence information confirmed its identity as CYDV. However, RPV-IR showed 90–91% identity with both RPV and Cereal yellow dwarf virus-RPS (CYDV-RPS). Phylogenetic analyses suggested that it was more closely related to RPS. These data comprise the first attempt to characterise BYD-causing viruses in Iran and southwest Asia. The nucleotide sequence data reported appear in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession numbers AY450425 and AY450454  相似文献   
A phytotoxic protein that evokes the typical symptoms of Verticillium wilt disease in seedlings of Gossypium hirsutum L. (Upland cotton) was isolated from culture filtrates of Verticillium dahliae. The protein was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, Sephadex-G100 fractionation, and native PAGE. The 18.5 kDa protein, designated VD18.5, appears to be a single subunit protein with an isoelectric point between 3 and 5. VD18.5 induces symptoms of leaf dehydration, chlorosis, necrosis and stem discoloration in seedlings of the disease susceptible cotton cultivar Siokra 1–4. The LD50 of VD18.5 on protoplasts of Siokra 1–4 was 18 μg mL−1. VD18.5 had no noticeable effect on Pima S-7, which is a disease resistant cultivar. Phytotoxic activity was partially destroyed at high temperature and was abolished by digestion with proteinase K. Mass spectrometry fingerprinting and protein sequence data from VD18.5 yielded no significant matches when submitted to the Mascot search engine and NCBI non-redundant protein databases, respectively. These results suggest that VD18.5 is a novel protein that may be involved in the development of some of the symptoms associated with Verticillium wilt disease in the cotton plant.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Epidemiological modeling is used to examine the effect of silthiofam seed treatment on field epidemics of take-all in winter wheat. A simple compartmental model, including terms for primary infection, secondary infection, root production, and decay of inoculum, was fitted to data describing change in the number of diseased and susceptible roots per plant over thermal time obtained from replicated field trials. This produced a composite curve describing change in the proportion of diseased roots over time that increased monotonically to an initial plateau and then increased exponentially thereafter. The shape of this curve was consistent with consecutive phases of primary and secondary infection. The seed treatment reduced the proportion of diseased roots throughout both phases of the epidemic. However, analysis with the model detected a significant reduction in the rate of primary, but not secondary, infection. The potential for silthiofam to affect secondary infection from diseased seminal or adventitious roots was examined in further detail by extending the compartmental model and fitting to change in the number of diseased and susceptible seminal or adventitious roots. Rates of secondary infection from either source of infected roots were not affected. Seed treatment controlled primary infection of seminal roots from particulate inoculum but not secondary infection from either seminal or adventitious roots. The reduction in disease for silthiofam-treated plants observed following the secondary infection phase of the epidemic was not due to long-term activity of the chemical but to the manifestation of disease control early in the epidemic.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT LATEBLIGHT, a mathematical model that simulates the effects of weather, host growth and resistance, and fungicide use on asexual development and growth of Phytophthora infestans on potato foliage, was modified so that it can be used in the Andes and, eventually, worldwide. The modifications included (i) the incorporation of improved equations for the effect of temperature on lesion growth rate (LGR) and sporulation rate (SR); (ii) the incorporation of temperature-dependent latent period (LP); and (iii) the use of experimentally measured parameters of LGR, SR, and LP for specific potato cultivars and pathogen lineages. The model was parameterized for three Peruvian potato cultivars (Tomasa, Yungay, and Amarilis) infected with isolates of a new clonal lineage of P. infestans that is currently predominant in Ecuador and Peru (EC-1).  相似文献   
Ran LX  van Loon LC  Bakker PA 《Phytopathology》2005,95(11):1349-1355
ABSTRACT The role of bacterially produced salicylic acid (SA) in the induction of systemic resistance in plants by rhizobacteria is far from clear. The strong SA producer Pseudomonas fluorescens WCS374r induces resistance in radish but not in Arabidopsis thaliana, whereas application of SA leads to induction of resistance in both plant species. In this study, we compared P. fluorescens WCS374r with three other SA-producing fluorescent Pseudomonas strains, P. fluorescens WCS417r and CHA0r, and P. aeruginosa 7NSK2 for their abilities to produce SA under different growth conditions and to induce systemic resistance in A. thaliana against bacterial speck, caused by P. syringae pv. tomato. All strains produced SA in vitro, varying from 5 fg cell(-1) for WCS417r to >25 fg cell(-1) for WCS374r. Addition of 200 muM FeCl(3) to standard succinate medium abolished SA production in all strains. Whereas the incubation temperature did not affect SA production by WCS417r and 7NSK2, strains WCS374r and CHA0r produced more SA when grown at 33 instead of 28 degrees C. WCS417r, CHA0r, and 7NSK2 induced systemic resistance apparently associated with their ability to produce SA, but WCS374r did not. Conversely, a mutant of 7NSK2 unable to produce SA still triggered induced systemic resistance (ISR). The possible involvement of SA in the induction of resistance was evaluated using SA-nonaccumulating transgenic NahG plants. Strains WCS417r, CHA0r, and 7NSK2 induced resistance in NahG Arabidopsis. Also, WCS374r, when grown at 33 or 36 degrees C, triggered ISR in these plants, but not in ethylene-insensitive ein2 or in non-plant pathogenesis- related protein-expressing npr1 mutant plants, irrespective of the growth temperature of the bacteria. These results demonstrate that, whereas WCS374r can be manipulated to trigger ISR in Arabidopsis, SA is not the primary determinant for the induction of systemic resistance against bacterial speck disease by this bacterium. Also, for the other SAproducing strains used in this study, bacterial determinants other than SA must be responsible for inducing resistance.  相似文献   
Effect of mixed and single crops on disease suppressiveness of soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT The effect of mixed cropping on disease suppressiveness of soils was tested for two cropping systems, Brussels sprouts-barley and triticale-white clover. Disease suppressiveness of field soils was evaluated in bioassays for the soilborne pathogens Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lini, and Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici. For both cropping systems, mixed cropping did not enhance disease suppressiveness of the soils. In some cases, soil cropped to barley alone was significantly more suppressive to F. oxysporum f. sp. lini than soils cropped to Brussels sprouts or the mixture of Brussels sprouts and barley. Analyses of the diversity of the indigenous bacterial and fungal microflora by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of amplified 16S- and 18S-rDNA fragments, respectively, revealed, in most cases, no significant differences between mixed and mono-cropped soils. In conclusion, in this study, mixed cropping of soils with Brussels sprouts and barley or with triticale and white clover did not enhance microbial diversity or disease suppressiveness of soils to three different soilborne plant pathogens.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Mycosphaerella musicola causes Sigatoka disease of banana and is endemic to Australia. The population genetic structure of M. musicola in Australia was examined by applying single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism probes to hierarchically sampled populations collected along the Australian east coast. The 363 isolates studied were from 16 plantations at 12 sites in four different regions, and comprised 11 populations. These populations displayed moderate levels of gene diversity (H = 0.142 to 0.369) and similar levels of genotypic richness and evenness. Populations were dominated by unique genotypes, but isolates sharing the same genotype (putative clones) were detected. Genotype distribution was highly localized within each population, and the majority of putative clones were detected for isolates sampled from different sporodochia in the same lesion or different lesions on a plant. Multilocus gametic disequilibrium tests provided further evidence of a degree of clonality within the populations at the plant scale. A complex pattern of population differentiation was detected for M. musicola in Australia. Populations sampled from plantations outside the two major production areas were genetically very different to all other populations. Differentiation was much lower between populations of the two major production areas, despite their geographic separation of over 1,000 km. These results suggest low gene flow at the continental scale due to limited spore dispersal and the movement of infected plant material.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT An increased understanding of the epidemiology of Gibberella zeae will contribute to a rational and informed approach to the management of Fusarium head blight (FHB). An integral phase of the FHB cycle is the deposition of airborne spores, yet there is no information available on the spatial pattern of spore deposition of G. zeae above wheat canopies. We examined spatial patterns of viable spore deposition of G. zeae over rotational (lacking cereal debris) wheat fields in New York in 2002 and 2004. Viable, airborne spores (ascospores and macroconidia) of G. zeae were collected above wheat spikes on petri plates containing a selective medium and the resulting colonies were counted. Spores of G. zeae were collected over a total of 68 field environments (three wheat fields during 54 day and night sample periods over 2 years) from spike emergence to kernel milk stages of local wheat. Spatial patterns of spore deposition were visualized by contour plots of spore counts over entire fields. The spatial pattern of spore deposition was unique for each field environment during each day and night sample period. Spore deposition patterns during individual sample periods were classified by spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) statistics and Mantel tests. Both analyses indicated that the majority (93%) of the spore deposition events were random, with the remainder being aggregated. All of the aggregated patterns were observed during the night. Observed patterns of spore deposition were independent of the mean number of viable spores deposited during individual sample periods. The spatial pattern for cumulative spore deposition during anthesis in both years became aggregated over time. Contour maps of daily and cumulative spore deposition could be compared with contour maps of FHB incidence to gain insights into inoculum thresholds and the timing of effective inoculum for infection.  相似文献   
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