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The application of nematicides resulted in increased potato yields, and populations ofPratylenchus penetrans were lower for 3 years after application; but longevity of benefits of fumigating potato fields varied with the kind and amount of nematicide, application methods and with growing conditions after fumigation. Fumigation of two fields in the fall of 1965 with Vorlex, Telone, D-D, and mixtures of chloropicrin with Telone or D-D resulted in 70% to 90% control of the meadow nematode,P. penetrans, after two crops in one field, and 50% to 70% control after three crops in another. Yield increases of Kennebec potatoes averaged 42% and 16% in successive crops in the first field and yield increases of Katahdin potatoes averaged 13%, 22% and 16% in three successive crops in the other field. Fumigation resulted in 30 to 70% less vascular browning in tubers in the first two crops but there was no effect in the third crop. There was no effect on black scurf in any crop. Root injury varied proportionally with populations ofP. penetrans in roots in 1967. Populations ofP. penetrans regained injurious levels in three other fields after one crop when abundant root growth in moist 1967 followed spring fumigation with Telone and D-D. Under poor conditions for sealing of the soil following fumigation in the spring of 1968, counts ofP. penetrans collected at different soil depths after fumigation showed excellent kill below 3 inches and poorer kill in the upper 2 inches of soil.  相似文献   
A 4-year-old female donkey residing in an open field in Indiana was admitted for evaluation of facial lesions of 2 years duration. Cytologic and histologic examination of exudate and tissue from the lesions revealed a pyogranulomatous inflammatory reaction with numerous yeasts. Sporothrix schenckii was suspected to be the infectious agent; however, multiple culture attempts did not provide positive identification of the organism. Serologic examination supported infection with S. schenckii. A specific direct immunofluorescent antibody test performed on paraffin-embedded tissue sections confirmed the organism as S. schenckii. Clinical signs resolved after appropriate iodide therapy.  相似文献   
In 1999, some countries are developing and effectively applying economic instruments for environmental protection and natural resource management, whilst others are relying on command and control regulatory procedures under-enforced by sometimes inadequately trained and motivated enforcement officers. This paper considers the current and future role of economic instruments as policy instruments for use by governments. In many developed countries, past over-regulation allied to a serious shortfall of experienced environmental enforcers required regulatory regimes to be supplemented by well targeted economic instruments and green taxes. Their application to countries which do not have developed environmental control systems is more questionable. The purported threats of the longer term effects of global warming, damage to the ozone layer and an apparent loss of biodiversity have led environmentalists to adopt the so-called precautionary principle. Sustainable development has added to the pressures for further national and transfrontier legislation. The challenge facing policymakers, therefore, is to design policies to enable market forces to operate in the environmental sphere, for example through a system of pollution charges, principally intended to promote greater environmental efficiency. These charging systems can be of many kinds but their main defining feature is their reliance on markets and the price mechanism to internalise environmental externalities, thereby attempting to make polluters pay through facing the full social costs of their activities. Some of the applications of these charging systems, financial and fiscal instruments and tradable emission systems are explained and illustrated.  相似文献   
  • 1. The coastal waters surrounding Britain and Ireland became warmer during the 20th century and, according to the UK Climate Impact Programme 2002 scenarios of change and other sources, average annual seawater temperatures may rise a further 2°C or more by the 2050s. This warming is part of a global rise in sea‐ and air‐surface temperatures that will cause changes in the distribution and abundance of species.
  • 2. Initially, there will not be a wholesale movement northwards of southern species or retreat northwards of northern species, because many additional factors will influence the responses of the different organisms. Such factors include the hydrodynamic characteristics of water masses, the presence of hydrographical and geographical barriers to spread and the life history characteristics (reproductive mode, dispersal capability and longevity) of species. Survey data over the past century show how organisms react to changes of the order of 0.5°C, and in the last two decades, when sea temperatures have risen by as much as 1°C, there have been significant local changes in the distribution of intertidal organisms. These past changes provide a clue to more extensive changes expected in the future if global warming develops as predicted.
  • 3. Where species affected by climate change are dominant or key structural or functional species in biotopes, there may be a change in the extent and distribution of those biotopes. Some, dominated by predominantly northern species such as the horse mussel Modiolus modiolus, may decline and reduce their value as rich habitats for marine life. Others, characterized by southern species, for example the sea fan Eunicella verrucosa and the alcyonacean Alcyonium glomeratum, may increase in extent.
  • 4. Using information on the life history characteristics of species, their present distribution and other factors, a key supported by a decision tree has been constructed to identify ‘types’ of organism according to their likely response to temperature rise. Conspicuous and easily identified rocky substratum species are good candidates to track change. Using the key, many species are shown as likely to increase their range northwards significantly. In contrast, fewer will decline in abundance and extent in the north. If, as anticipated, global warming continues, then species with distributions already accurately mapped, or being mapped at present, will provide baseline data to test forecasts.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An adult great‐horned owl (Bubo virginianus; GHOW) presented with a history of recurrent corneal ulceration of the right eye (OD). Findings included ulcerative superficial keratitis, proliferative conjunctivitis, and iris pigmentary changes. The ulcer was initially nonresponsive to medical therapy, but showed rapid and appropriate healing following diamond burr debridement. Proliferative conjunctivitis markedly improved following topical antiviral therapy with cidofovir 1%, interferon alpha 2B ophthalmic solutions, and oral l ‐lysine. Histopathologic evaluation of a conjunctival biopsy revealed epithelial features suspicious for viral cytopathic changes and intranuclear structures suspicious for viral inclusions, suggestive of a possible viral‐induced papillomatous conjunctivitis. A novel alphaherpesvirus, referred to as Strigid Herpesvirus 1 (StrHV1), was identified using PCR and gene sequencing. This case represents a new clinical manifestation of a previously unreported herpesvirus in the GHOW. Identification of the herpes virus was critical to administration of appropriate therapy and resolution of the conjunctivitis, and corneal epithelial debridement promoted resolution of the chronic corneal epithelial defect.  相似文献   
Four groups of 18 beef calves each were used to evaluate effects of different treatments on parasite control and weight gains. The investigation extended from November 1986 (weaning) to October 1987. Group-1 calves were treated with ivermectin (200 micrograms/kg of body weight, SC) at approximately 6-week intervals for a total of 8 treatments; group-2 calves were given the same dosage of ivermectin by the same route of administration as group-1 calves in November, March, and July; group-3 calves were given fenbendazole paste (5 mg/kg, PO) at the same times as group-2 calves; and group-4 calves served as untreated controls with provision for ivermectin salvage treatment. All groups grazed on individual pairs of larval-contaminated, 1.6-ha pastures. Highest (P less than 0.05) initial worm counts in fall tracer calves were found in group 3 (Ostertagia ostertagi and Trichostrongylus axei adults) and group 4 (O ostertagi and Haemonchus adults). Fecal egg counts of group-1 calves were low throughout the experiment and pasture larval counts remained negligible after July. Egg counts and larval counts of other groups remained higher into summer. Worm counts, including O ostertagi inhibited early fourth-stage larvae (EL4), were highest (P less than 0.05) in groups-3 and -4 spring tracer calves; numbers of O ostertagi EL4 were similarly high in groups 2, 3, and 4; and T axei counts were highest (P less than 0.05) in groups-3 and -4 yearlings slaughtered in spring. Liveweights of group-1 calves were greater (P less than 0.05) than in other groups from March 2 to October, and by July 2, group-2 calves had a liveweight advantage over group-4 calves. Group-3 calves had the lowest rate of gain from March to July and mean liveweight of the group was less (P less than 0.05) than in all other groups from April to October. Only minimal worm numbers were recovered from groups-1 or -2 calves in October. Large numbers of O ostertagi and T axei were recovered from group-4 calves and O ostertagi from group-3 calves. A few calves in groups 3 and 4, but particularly in group 4, were affected by type-II disease (chronic to acute gastritis caused by maturation and emergence of previously inhibited larvae) from August to October. Final mean liveweights in descending order were 365 kg in group 1, 328 kg in group 2, 316 kg in group 4, and 281 kg in group 3.  相似文献   
South African Proteaceae are adapted to the low soil phosphorus (P) concentrations of the Cape Floristic Region. The efficient P uptake by Proteaceae means that these plants experience phosphorus (P) toxicity at lower rhizosphere [P] than crop plants. This is only problematic when cultivating Proteaceae (and many plants from this region) on previously agricultural land with high residual soil [P]. In this study we hypothesize that P toxicity will result in element imbalances in leaves of Proteaceae and information from this study aims to facilitate ameliorative treatments. Phosphorus toxicity was induced on-farm in Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ (Proteaceae) with subsequent mapping of element distribution in non-necrotic leaf tissue using micro particle-induced X-ray emission spectrometry. Phosphate supply up to 0.01 mM in a fertigation solution resulted in increased stem length of Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ while P concentrations in excess of this resulted in decreased stem length, increased leaf [P] up to 0.25% (w/w) and, between 1 mM and 5 mM P supply, typical P toxicity symptoms were observed. High P supply (5 mM P) resulted in increased leaf [P] in most leaf tissues including the epidermis, where calculations from an equilibrium speciation model indicated that there was 30% more dissolved PO43− in the epidermis compared to leaves at low P supply (0 mM added P on soil with 34 mg P kg−1). Concomitantly, bundle sheath and epidermal [Ca] were reduced and 10% more Ca was predicted to be adsorbed and precipitated as hydrapatite at high P supply. High P supply resulted in increased leaf [Cl] and [Mn] in all tissues studied; decreased total leaf [Fe], bundle sheath, xylem, phloem and epidermal [Fe] and decreased total leaf [Zn] and xylem and phloem [Zn]. The observed symptoms of P toxicity in Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ (necrosis in some plants, chlorosis and leaf rosetting) co-occurred with (1) excess PO43−, which may bind Ca in the epidermis (leading eventually to necrosis); (2) reduced [Fe] and increased [Mn] (leading to chlorosis) and (3) reduced total and vascular [Zn] (leading to leaf rosetting).  相似文献   
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