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Effects of dietary cimaterol (5 mg/kg) on adipose tissue metabolism of wether lambs were studied. Lipogenesis, lipolysis, fatty acid composition and adipocyte size and number were measured. Cimaterol feeding increased lipogenesis; however, this effect was not statistically significant. Insulin (1,000 microU/ml) stimulated lipogenesis of adipose tissue from control sheep. However, this elevated rate was abolished by in vitro cimaterol. Insulin had no stimulatory effect on lipogenesis in cimaterol-fed sheep. Lipolysis was depressed by cimaterol feeding. However, 10(-4) M cimaterol stimulated lipolysis in the adipose tissue from both control and cimaterol-fed sheep. Insulin inhibited stimulated lipolysis in adipose tissue from control sheep but had no effect on the stimulated lipolysis in cimaterol-fed sheep. Mean adipocyte diameter was smaller (from 74 to 70 microns) and adipocyte size distribution also was changed in the cimaterol-fed sheep. Adipocyte number per gram of tissue was not affected by cimaterol. There was a significant increase in percentage of unsaturated fatty acids in adipose tissue from cimaterol-fed sheep. These results indicate that lipogenic and lipolytic responses to insulin and cimaterol in sheep adipose tissue were altered by cimaterol feeding. The carcass fat content decrease in cimaterol-fed sheep may be attributed to the reduction in adipocyte size.  相似文献   
Plasma concentrations of oestradiol-17ß, progesterone, 15-keto–dihydro–PGF and luteinizing hormone (LH) were monitored in llamas and alpacas after mating with an intact male. Concentrations of LH and PGF metabolite were high immediately after copulation. Ovulation occurred in 92% of the animals. The first significant increases in progesterone were recorded on day 4 after mating. In non-pregnant animals the lifespan of the corpus luteum was estimated to be 8–9 days. Luteolysis occurred in association with the release of PGF. In pregnant animals, a transient decrease in progesterone concentrations was observed between days 8 and 18 in both species. No significant changes in PGF secretion were registered during this period. Oes– tradiol–17ß concentrations were high on the day of mating, declined to low values on day 4, and started to increase again on day 8. Peak values after luteolysis in non-pregnant animals were significantly higher than those registered in pregnant ones. Furthermore, concentrations of oestradiol-17ß were elevated for a longer period in non–pregnant than in pregnant animals. The results suggest that progesterone from the corpus luteum exerts a negative influence on follicular activity in pregnant animals by reducing oes– tradiol-17ß secretion.  相似文献   
The acute phase protein serum amyloid A (SAA) has proven potentially useful as an inflammatory marker in the horse, but the knowledge of SAA responses in viral diseases is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate SAA as a marker for acute equine influenza A2 (H3N8) virus infection. This is a highly contagious, serious condition that inflicts suffering on affected horses and predisposes them to secondary bacterial infections and impaired performance. Seventy horses, suffering from equine influenza, as verified by clinical signs and seroconversion, were sampled in the acute (the first 48 h) and convalescent (days 11-22) stages of the disease, and SAA concentrations were determined. Clinical signs and rectal temperature were recorded. Secondary infections, that could have influenced SAA concentrations, were clinically suspected in 4 horses. SAA concentrations were higher in the acute stage than in the convalescent stage, and there was a statistically positive relationship between acute stage SAA concentrations and clinical signs and between acute stage SAA concentrations and maximal rectal temperature. Horses sampled early in the acute stage had lower SAA concentrations than those sampled later, indicating increasing concentrations during the first 48 h. There was a statistically positive relationship between convalescent SAA concentrations and degree of clinical signs during the disease process. The results of this investigation indicate that equine SAA responds to equine influenza infection by increasing in concentration during the first 48 h of clinical signs and returning to baseline within 11-22 days in uncomplicated cases.  相似文献   
Contents Progesterone and progestogens have proved to be effective in controlling follicle development and synchronization of ovarian activity in different species. In this study, vaginal sponges containing 120 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate were used to synchronize ovarian activity in llamas and to predict the time when a mature follicle will be present. Plasma concentrations of oestradiol-17β and progesterone were measured to determine follicle and corpus luteum development. The sponges were kept in the vagina for 9 days. Six days after sponge withdrawal, ovulation was induced by either GnRH injection (n = 4), mating with a vasectomized male (n = 8) or mating with an intact male (n = 10). Plasma progesterone concentrations varied between animals until day 6 after insertion of the sponges. Thereafter, progesterone levels remained close to the detection limit of the assay until ovulation was induced. The mean oestradiol-17β plasma concentration reached its lowest value 3–4 days after insertion of the sponges. Thereafter, concentrations increased and reached peak levels at day 6 after withdrawal of the sponges. All animals ovulated and developed a corpus luteum with a normal life span after the ovulatory stimulus. Blood samples were collected frequently after mating to evaluate the endocrine response to copulation. Plasma concentrations of PGF metabolite and cortisol increased in parallel after copulation. The metabolite concentrations returned to basal levels 3–4 h after mating whereas the cortisol concentrations remained elevated for about 12 h after copulation The luteinizing hormone secretory pattern resembled that reported when llamas with a mature ovulatory follicle were mated. In conclusion, the protocol evaluated in this study was shown to be useful for the synchronization of ovarian activity and for predicting the time when an ovulatory follicle will be present in llamas.  相似文献   
Eighteen crossbred boars, three siblings from each of six litters, were distributed randomly among three groups after weaning. The ‘Natural long-day’ group was housed in a standard room with windows, whereas the ‘Artificial long-day’ and ‘Artificial short-day’ groups were housed in light-sealed rooms and under an artificial light regimen (1400 lx). In spring (16–17 hr of light) plasma levels of melatonin and cortisol were measured in samples collected hourly for 24 hr. Two commercial melatonin radioimmunoassays with preassay diethyl ether extraction were compared. Only the assay from Bühlmann Laboratories AG showed low to undetectable melatonin levels during the light-phase and was used for further analysis. Dark-phase melatonin concentrations were higher than light-phase melatonin concentrations (P < 0.001). Dark-phase melatonin concentrations were higher in the ‘Natural long-day’ group than in the ‘Artificial long-day’ and the ‘Artificial short-day’ groups (P < 0.001). Sire had a significant effect on dark-phase melatonin concentrations (P < 0.01), but not on light-phase levels. Cortisol concentrations were higher during the light-phase than during the dark phase, and light-phase cortisol concentrations were higher in the ‘Natural long-day’ group than in the ‘Artificial long-day’ and the ‘Artificial short-day’ groups (P < 0.01). This study showed that peripubertal boars express a typical circadian melatonin rhythm under both artificial light regimens and in standard pig stable environment. Natural photoperiod and indoor lighting seem to interact in shaping the melatonin profile in standard stable environment. The great individual variation in the amplitude of the dark-phase melatonin levels could in this study be explained by the different sires.  相似文献   
Objectives were to examine mechanisms underlying anabolic actions of cimaterol in skeletal muscle and to evaluate cimaterol's actions in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid rats. In the first study growing rats were fed either a control diet or a diet containing cimaterol for 10 days. In a second study sham-thyroidectomized and thyroidectomized (Tx) rats were assigned to one of 5 treatments: control (sham-Tx), Tx, Tx supplemented with cimaterol, Tx injected with triiodothyronine (T3), and Tx rats injected with T3 and supplemented with cimaterol. Effects of treatments on growth, muscle weights and urinary NT-methylhistidine (NMH) excretion were evaluated in both trials. Muscle was also collected for determinations of DNA, RNA, protein and activities of several proteolytic enzymes. Cimaterol caused muscle hypertrophy and increased urinary NMH excretion. Hence, anabolic actions of cimaterol may result from an increase in myofibrillar protein synthesis which exceeds changes in myofibrillar protein degradation. Urinary NMH excretion was reduced by thyroidectomy and increased in hyperthyroid rats and both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism were characterized by myopathy. Cimaterol increased muscle weights in hypothyroid but not in hyperthyroid rats. Therefore, cimaterol's anabolic properties are thyroid hormone-independent and antagonized by excess thyroid hormone. Anabolic actions of cimaterol in hypothyroid rat muscle were attributed to an action on protein synthesis because urinary NMH excretion was not affected by cimaterol but muscle RNA concentration was increased. Activities of cathepsins B, D and L and neutral proteinase were dose-related to thyroid status, however, were unrelated to cimaterol-dependent perturbations in NMH excretion. Control of muscle protein balance by thyroid hormones may involve regulation of these enzymes; however, control of muscle protein degradation by cimaterol is likely directed towards other proteolytic mechanisms or to mechanisms which alter susceptibility of myofibrillar proteins to degradation.  相似文献   
Carbon sources of Amazonian fisheries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variation in the seasonal and spatial isotopic composition of plant C4 (aquatic macrophytes) and C3 (forest, C3 aquatic macrophytes and algae), and that of fish [ Prochilodus nigricans Agassiz, Mylossoma duriventre (Cuvier), Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier), Semaprochilodus insignis (Schomburgk) and S. taeniurus Steindachner in the Amazon floodplain were analysed to test whether the fisheries deliver plant carbon to the population of Manaus in the same proportion as it is available in the floodplain. The contribution of C4 plants was significantly lower in 13C during the season of high water levels and increased toward the west of the basin. Mylossoma duriventre and C. macropomum changed δ13C levels, while the δ13C of P. nigricans and C. macropomum shifted spatially. The contribution of C4 to the fisheries yield was small. C3 plants (excluding phytoplankton) also contributed less than expected. This was explained by the importance of detritivores to the yield of the fisheries and the dependence of these species on algal carbon.  相似文献   
The influence of the aquatic environment on the terrestrial environment in areas subject to natural seasonal flooding has been little studied; especially lacking are studies that include anthropogenic impacts on these areas. Soil samples (including a superficial layer of litter) were collected between September 2000 and May 2001 on the banks of three streams in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil in four seasons of the year, as determined by the flood pulse of the Rio Negro. The objectives of this study were to verify how an oil spill and urban sewage affect the abundance and richness of edaphic invertebrates on the stream banks and if these forms of pollution also influence the effect of the flood pulse on the natural community. Our results suggest reductions in the abundance and richness of edaphic invertebrates in the impacted areas and changes in the composition of edaphic invertebrate communities show a disturbance gradient from the banks of the unimpacted stream (Cristalino) to the banks of the stream that was impacted by the oil spill (Cururu), with more similar patterns occurring in impacted streams. The streams also showed effects of the flood pulse. Acarina, Entomobryidae, Formicidae, Staphylinidae and Carabidae were the only taxa that occurred in all three of the areas studied and in all of the sampling periods.  相似文献   
Parturition was induced in 12 dairy heifers with prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha about 2 weeks before the expected time of calving. Eight animals gave birth after two injections (group 1), three animals needed more than two injections (group 2) and one animal (cow no. 740) required one injection. All animals in groups 1 and 2 had retained foetal membranes and the time needed to induce parturition was 59 +/- 7 and 149 +/- 10 h, respectively. As cow no. 740 did not have retained foetal membranes and calved 24 h after one PGF2 alpha injection, it was excluded from the results. Udder distension and relaxation of the pelvic ligaments could predict the calving to within 12 h. Furthermore, the pre-calving drop of body temperature could predict the time of parturition to within 16 h. The total white blood cells and polymorphonuclear cells were at their highest values on the day preceding parturition whereas mononuclear cells had a tendency to increase 3 days after calving. Increased levels of haemoglobin were found at the time of parturition, whereas, plasma-calcium levels significantly decreased after parturition (P < 0.001). Progesterone levels markedly decreased after the first PGF2 alpha injection and reached 2 nmol/l at the time of parturition. Plasma levels of oestradiol-17 beta reached the peak at the time of parturition, whereas, the highest levels of the PGF2 alpha metabolite and cortisol were recorded 16 h after calving.  相似文献   
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