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The Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) was investigated as a tool to measure oxidative gelation capacity (OGC) of aqueous wheat flour suspensions. One club wheat patent flour was used to determine optimal hydration time, and 33 straight‐grade flours (representing 12 hard and 21 soft varieties) were used to observe varietal differences in OGC. A 33.3% w/w flour–water suspension was tested in the RVA at 30°C and 160 rpm for 1 min to establish the flour–water baseline viscosity, and then 65 μL of 3% H2O2 was added and the viscosity of the suspension measured at 160 rpm for a further 5 min. Flour from the club wheat showed that 20 min of prehydration was needed to observe full OGC potential. For the 33 straight‐grade flours, final RVA water baseline viscosity was correlated with Bostwick Consistometer (BC) flow (r = −0.93, P ≤ 0.01), and RVA H2O2 peak viscosity was correlated with H2O2 BC flow (r = –0.81, P ≤ 0.01). The RVA was able to differentiate H2O2‐reactive from nonreactive flours. The RVA can observe phenomena not observable with the BC method (e.g., viscosity reduction over time at constant shear rate), which can provide potentially valuable additional information about the nature of OGC in wheat flour suspensions.  相似文献   
Nitrate removal was compared in anthropogenically-impacted and unimpacted salt marsh sediments in microcosms using the acetylene block technique and 15N natural abundance measurements. Potential denitrification rates were greater at the impacted site than the unimpacted site at all added NO3 concentrations (233, 467, or 700 μg N g dw−1). Although the change in concentration of NH4+ over time was small (69-104 μg N g dw−1), the δ15N of accumulated NH4+ increased significantly (0.26-13.22‰), and was more enriched for all NO3 treatments in the impacted sediments than the unimpacted site. The impacted site may be acclimated to episodic N inputs, and based on concentrations and 15N natural abundance had greater denitrification and N cycling than the unimpacted site.  相似文献   
The objective of this experiment was to determine if dietary inclusion of fish meal would increase plasma and luteal tissue concentrations of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. Seventeen nonlactating Angus cows (2 to 8 yr of age) were housed in individual pens and fed a corn silage-based diet for approximately 60 d. Diets were supplemented with fish meal at 5% DMI (a rich source of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid; n = 9 cows) or corn gluten meal at 6% DMI (n = 8 cows). Body weights and jugular blood samples were collected immediately before the initiation of supplementation and every 7 d thereafter for 56 d to monitor plasma n-3 fatty acid composition and BW. Estrous cycles were synchronized using 2 injections of PGF(2α) administered at 14-d intervals. The ovary bearing the corpus luteum was surgically removed at midcycle (between d 10 and 12) after estrus synchronization, which corresponded to approximately d 60 of supplementation. The ovary was transported to the laboratory, and approximately 1.5 g of luteal tissue was stored at -80°C until analyzed for n-3 fatty acid content. Initial and ending BW did not differ (P > 0.10) between cows supplemented with fish meal and those with corn gluten meal. Plasma eicosapentaenoic acid was greater (P < 0.05) beginning at d 7 of supplementation and docosahexaenoic was greater (P < 0.05) beginning at d 14 of supplementation for cows receiving fish meal. Luteal tissue collected from fish meal-supplemented cows had greater (P < 0.05) luteal n-3 fatty acids and reduced (P < 0.05) arachidonic acid and n-6 to n-3 ratio as compared with tissue obtained from cows supplemented with corn gluten meal. Our data show that fish meal supplementation increases luteal n-3 fatty acid content and reduces available arachidonic acid content, the precursor for PGF(2α). The increase in luteal n-3 fatty acids may reduce PGF(2α) intraluteal synthesis after breeding resulting in increased fertility in cattle.  相似文献   
The US regulatory environment has been characterized as complex due to the greater than 1300 laws promulgated at local, state, and federal levels. Recent declines in the growth rate of US aquaculture have been attributed, in part, to a complex, overlapping, and inefficient regulatory framework. This study is the first to examine this question by quantifying the farm‐level regulatory burden and its economic effects in an aquaculture industry sector. A survey was conducted of baitfish and sportfish producers in the 13 major production states in the USA to identify the direct and indirect costs of regulation on producers. Survey responses captured 74% of the national volume of baitfish and sportfish production. The data revealed that only 1% of total regulatory costs are direct costs of regulation, such as license and permit fees, while 99% of the costs are due to manpower used for compliance, farm changes to remain in compliance, and sales lost without replacement. Costs due to regulations varied across states and farm sizes. Across all respondents, average total regulatory costs were found to be $148,554/farm, or $7383/ha. The farm‐level cost to the US baitfish and sportfish industry was estimated to be in excess of $12 million. On 38% of the farms, the cost of regulations exceeded the value of profits on baitfish and sportfish farms. Our findings confirm previous reports of the complexity of the regulatory environment. Results show that the total regulatory burden has increased farm‐level costs and restricted access to markets, thereby reducing profitability and contributing to reduced growth of the US baitfish and sportfish industry.  相似文献   
Shade is a mechanism to reduce heat load providing cattle with an environment supportive of their welfare needs. Although heat stress has been extensively reviewed, researched, and addressed in dairy production systems, it has not been investigated in the same manner in the beef cattle supply chain. Like all animals, beef cattle are susceptible to heat stress if they are unable to dissipate heat during times of elevated ambient temperatures. There are many factors that impact heat stress susceptibility in beef cattle throughout the different supply chain sectors, many of which relate to the production system, that is, availability of shade, microclimate of environment, and nutrition management. The results from studies evaluating the effects of shade on production and welfare are difficult to compare due to variation in structural design, construction materials used, height, shape, and area of shade provided. Additionally, depending on operation location, shade may or may not be beneficial during all times of the year, which can influence the decision to make shade a permanent part of management systems. Shade has been shown to lessen the physiologic response of cattle to heat stress. Shaded cattle exhibit lower respiration rates, body temperatures, and panting scores compared with unshaded cattle in weather that increases the risk of heat stress. Results from studies investigating the provision of shade indicate that cattle seek shade in hot weather. The impact of shade on behavioral patterns is inconsistent in the current body of research, with some studies indicating that shade provision impacts behavior and other studies reporting no difference between shaded and unshaded groups. Analysis of performance and carcass characteristics across feedlot studies demonstrated that shaded cattle had increased ADG, improved feed efficiency, HCW, and dressing percentage when compared with cattle without shade. Despite the documented benefits of shade, current industry statistics, although severely limited in scope, indicate low shade implementation rates in feedlots and data in other supply chain sectors do not exist. Industry guidelines and third-party on-farm certification programs articulate the critical need for protection from extreme weather but are not consistent in providing specific recommendations and requirements. Future efforts should include: updated economic analyses of cost vs. benefit of shade implementation, exploration of producer perspectives and needs relative to shade, consideration of shade impacts in the cow–calf and slaughter plant segments of the supply chain, and integration of indicators of affective (mental) state and preference in research studies to enhance the holistic assessment of cattle welfare.  相似文献   
Neuromagnetic measurements were performed on 17 subjects with focal seizure disorders. In all of the subjects, the interictal spike in the scalp electroencephalogram was associated with an orderly extracranial magnetic field pattern. In eight of these subjects, multiple current sources underlay the magnetic spike complex. The multiple sources within a given subject displayed a fixed chronological sequence of discharge, demonstrating a high degree of spatial and temporal organization within the interictal focus.  相似文献   
Catfish farmers increasingly are producing fish larger than the traditional size of 0.45-0.57 kg/fish in order to meet processing plant requirements for larger fish. Production of larger channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus in multiple-batch culture has been investigated in a few studies, but the impact of understocked fingerlings on growth of carry-over fish is unknown. The present study was conducted to quantify growth, feed conversion ratio, net daily yield, and net and total yield of stocker channel catfish grown in single-batch, one-season culture to mean individual weights of 0.60, 0.72, 0.91, or 1.17 kg/fish. Channel catfish (mean weight = 0.26 kg/fish) were stocked into 12 0.1-ha ponds at 11,115 fish/ha. Fish were fed a 32% crude protein floating extruded feed once daily to apparent satiation. When the average weight of the fish population reached the target weight, three randomly selected ponds were harvested. Fish growth was linear in all treatments. Growth rates were similar for fish grown to 0.60, 0.72, and 0.91 kg/fish, and significantly lower ( P < 0.05) than for fish grown to 1.17 kg. Variation in individual fish weight increased linearly with increased duration of culture period. Feed conversion ratio averaged 1.9 and did not differ significantly among treatments. The percentage of the fish population at harvest that fell within the 0.57 to 2.04 kg-size range preferred by processing plants increased from 56.6 to 98-5% as the mean weight at harvest increased from 0.60 to 1.17 kg/fish.  相似文献   
微量元素和维生素在动物组织和细胞中是以功能性化学复合物存在的 ,不同的组织具有特定的浓度。要维持组织功能和结构的完整性 ,保证动物生长、健康和生产性能不受损害 ,组织中的微量元素和维生素浓度必须维持在一定的水平。微量元素和维生素缺乏、过高或不平衡都会导致其在体组织和体液中的存在形式和浓度变化 ,一旦高于或低于临界值 ,会引起生化变化 ,生理功能和结构损害 ,损害程度与微量营养素缺乏和中毒的程度、持续时间及动物个体有关 ,最有效的方法是在日粮中提供适当的微量营养素。微量营养素不足、中毒和比例不平衡。可能会出现代谢…  相似文献   
Split ponds are recently developed pond‐based aquaculture systems that allow intensification of catfish aquaculture. Successful industry‐wide adoption of newly developing technologies like split‐pond systems will depend upon their productivity and cost efficiencies. Costs and production performance of the following three split‐pond design scenarios were monitored in Arkansas and Mississippi: (1) research design developed at the Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center, Stoneville, Mississippi; (2) waterwheel design tested on commercial catfish ponds; and (3) screw‐pump design tested on commercial catfish ponds. An economic engineering approach using standard enterprise budget analysis was used to develop estimates of breakeven prices (BEPs) ($/kg) for producing foodsize hybrid catfish (♂Ictalurus furcatus × ♀Ictalurus punctatus) for each scenario. Estimates of BEPs of hybrid catfish raised in split ponds ranged from $1.72 to $2.05/kg. The cost of catfish production in split ponds was sensitive to yield, fish prices, and feed prices. Annual net cash flows from both commercial split‐pond systems were high and sufficient to make the investment profitable in the long run. Feed price, feed conversion ratio, and yield contributed the most to downside risk of split ponds.  相似文献   
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