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Epidermal hyperplasia consisting of discrete translucent raised outgrowths of cells were observed on the skin of walleye, Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill), during their spawning period in the spring. The cells constituting the hyperplastic growths were limited to the epidermal layer, and were associated with surface budded, 120-nm-diameter, retrovirus-like particles located in the expanded intercellular spaces. These tumour-like growths were distinct from the other virus-associated skin lesions of walleye including dermal sarcoma, lymphocystis disease and herpesvirus-associated hyperplasia. Lesions could be differentiated by careful observation in the field and comparison of portions of each growth by histologic and electron microscopic observations.  相似文献   
Dual energy X‐ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is a reference method for assessing body composition but is seldom `accessible in veterinary settings. Computed tomography (CT) can provide similar body composition estimates and we propose that it can be used in body composition studies in animals. We compared CT and DEXA data from 73 healthy adult neutered domestic cats. Three approaches for measuring adipose tissue percentage from full‐body CT scans were explored. By examining the frequency distribution of voxels by Hounsfield unit (HU) value, it is possible to calculate a fat index (Fat%) that is in close agreement with the fat percentages obtained from DEXA scans. Fat% values obtained by the best of the methods had a mean difference of 0.96% (95% confidence interval 0.33–1.59%) from the DEXA results. Fat% obtained by the other two methods were characterized by good correlation but poor agreement and in one of the methods, the difference between the values from the two modalities was proportional to their mean. By using CT, it is possible to obtain body composition estimates that are in close agreement with those available using DEXA. While the significance of individual Fat% measurements obtained from CT can be difficult to interpret and to compare between centers, CT can contribute to research studies concerned either with nutrition or with obesity‐related disorders.  相似文献   
Studies show that the adsorption of rabbit antiovalbumin-I(131) on guinea-pig ileum conforms to a Langmuirian isotherm, and that the physiological response to challenge with antigen depends upon the amount of antibody bound to the tissue.  相似文献   
Cover crops can have beneficial effects on soil microbiology by increasing carbon (C) supply, but these beneficial effects can be modulated by precipitation conditions. The objective of this study was to compare a fallow-winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation to several cover crop-winter wheat rotations under rainfed and irrigated conditions in the semiarid US High Plains. Experiments were carried out at two sites, Sidney in Nebraska and Akron in Colorado, USA, with three times of soil sampling in 2012--2013 at cover crop termination, wheat planting, and wheat maturity. The experiments included four single-species cover crops, a 10-species mixture, and a fallow treatment. The variables measured were soil C and nitrogen (N), soil community structure by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles, and soil β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, and phosphodiesterase activities. The fallow treatment, devoid of living plants, reduced the concentrations of most FAMEs at cover crop termination. The total FAME concentration was correlated with cover crop biomass (R = 0.62 at Sidney and 0.44 at Akron). By the time of wheat planting, there was a beneficial effect of irrigation, which caused an increase in mycorrhizal and protozoan markers. At wheat maturity, the cover crop and irrigation effects on soil FAMEs had subsided, but irrigation had a positive effect on the β-glucosidase and phosphodiesterase activities at Akron, which was the drier of the two sites. Cover crops and irrigation were slow to impact soil C concentration. Our results show that cover crops had a short-lived effect on soil microbial communities in semiarid wheat-based rotations and irrigation could enhance soil enzyme activity. In the semiarid environment, longer time spans may have been needed to see beneficial effects of cover crops on soil microbial community structure, soil enzyme activities, and soil C sequestration.  相似文献   
The disposition of oxytetracycline (OTC), tetracycline (TC) and chlortetracycline (CTC) was measured after intravenous and oral administration to pigs. Eighteen healthy pigs (six for each compound) weighing 22-43 kg received a dose of 10 mg/kg intravenously, and 45 mg/kg (OTC and TC) or 40 mg/kg (CTC) orally in both a fasted and a fed condition in a three-way crossover design. The three tetracyclines were present in plasma up to 30 hours after intravenous and after oral administration to fasted as well as fed pigs. The volume of distribution was 1.4, 1.2 and 0.7 L/kg body weight for OTC, TC and CTC respectively. The bioavailability was in general low for all the three tetracyclines. The presence of food did not affect the bioavailability of OTC, which was only 3% in both fasted and fed pigs. For TC there was a significantly higher bioavailability in fasted (18%) than in fed (5%) pigs, whereas for CTC the difference was not significant, being 11% in fasted vs. 6% in fed pigs. Even though the presence of food affected the bioavailability only for TC, it prolonged the absorption phase for all three tetracyclines. Based on the bioavailability and the resulting plasma concentrations, it is concluded that it is not possible to obtain a therapeutically active concentration in plasma or tissues after oral administration of any of the three tetracyclines to fed or fasted pigs.  相似文献   
Canine Ranulas, Salivary Mucoceles and Branchial Cysts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract—This study indicates that the ranula of dogs represents a sublingual salivary mucocele and not a dilated salivary duct, as it is not lined by an epithelium but by connective tissue. The ranula is formed by saliva leaking from an injured sublingual salivary duct into the connective tissue. Trauma and obstruction are probably not the only causes of these lesions; an unknown predisposition of the salivary duct appears to be necessary. Differential diagnosis and treatment of various types of salivary mocuceles and of branchial cysts are discussed. Résumé—Cette étude démontre que la grenouillette chez le chien est une mucocèle salivaire sublinguale et non pas une dilatation du canal salivaire, car elle n'est pas bordte par de l'épithelium, mais par un tissu conjonctif. La grenouillette est formée par de la salive, suintant d'un canal salivaire blessé, dans le tissu conjonctif. Un traumatisme et une blessure ne sont pas les seuls éléments responsables de la formation d'une grenouillette. Une prédisposition mal connue du canal salivaire semble nécessaire. Le diagnostic différentiel et le traitement de divers types de mucocéles salivaires et de kystes bronchiaux sont discutés. Zusammenfassung—Die vorliegende Untersuchung weist darauf hin, dass es sich bei der Ranula des Hundes urn eine sublinguale Speichel-Mukozele und nicht um einen enveiterten Speicheldruesen-gang handelt, da sie nicht von einem Epithel, sondern von Bindegewebe ausgekleidet ist. Die Ranula wird durch Speichelsekret gebildet, das vom geschaedigten Speicheldruesengang in das umliegende Bindegewebe eindringt. Trauma und Verlegung des Ganges sind wahrscheinlich nicht die alleinigen Ursachen dieser Veraenderungen. Die Annahme einer unbekannten Praedisposition erscheint berechtigt. Differentialdiagnose und Behandlung der verschiedenen Speichel-Mukozelen (Ranula, Halszyste) und der branchiogen Zysten werden diskutiert.  相似文献   
Abstract  Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., reared from two Baltic strains were released around the islands Bornholm and Møn in the Baltic Sea between 1995 and 1999. A total 600 000 reared salmon were released from net pens using the delayed release technique, keeping the salmon in net pens for approximately 3 months after smolting, and 208 000 were released directly from the hatchery. Of these, 15 958 were tagged with Carlin tags. Additionally, 65 300 coded wire tagged salmon were released as delayed release salmon close to Bornholm in 2000. Recaptures from the five years of Carlin tagged releases varied between 2.8% and 21.2% (average 13.1%). Most recaptures were from within the Baltic Sea (average 98%), but some were recaptured outside the Baltic Sea, either in the sea (1%) or in fresh water (1%). Recaptures outside the Baltic Sea and in fresh water were higher for releases at Møn in the western part of the Baltic, than releases at Bornholm. Straying rates from the releases into six rivers on the Swedish west coast were estimated using information from capture in traps and sport and broodstock fisheries. The proportion of straying salmon in rivers on the Swedish west coast was about 3.8% of the salmon run, but with large variations between rivers. Releases were discontinued because of possible deleterious effect on the local wild salmon populations.  相似文献   
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