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J.W. Deacon 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(4):297-308
Biological control of take-all by Phialophora radicicola Cain and similar fungi is reviewed, and new evidence is presented on the possible role of hyper-parasites, like Pythium oligandrum Drechsler, to augment this. Phialophora radicicola var. graminicola Deacon is abundant in British grasslands. Its role in biological control of take-all has been demonstrated in the glasshouse with natural soils and natural population levels of this control agent. Also there is much circumstantial evidence for its beneficial role in agriculture, especially in cereal monoculture following grass crops, and in natural and amenity grasslands. Some other similar fungi control take-all in the glasshouse, but their roles in current agricultural practice are not known. The take-all fungus, itself, can reduce infection of roots by P. radicicola, so there is a dynamic interaction between these fungi. This is affected by host type, relative inoculum potentials of the fungi, and possibly by environmental conditions. By careful manipulation, therefore, it might be possible to control take-all under a wide range of field conditions. The chief role of P. radicicola and similar fungi is to delay establishment of severe take-all early in cereal monoculture, rather than to combat an existing high disease level. It may therefore be desirable to combine different biocontrols, and hyperparasites like Pythium oligandrum may be important in this respect. This fungus was tested against varieties of Gaeumannomyces graminis Arx & Olivier and Phialophora radicicola in the laboratory; the host responses differed greatly, from marked susceptibility (P. radicicola var. radicicola) to almost complete resistance (G. graminis var. graminis). Hence, P. oligandrum might be used to alter relative population levels of these fungi in the field, but first its behaviour in natural soils must be studied.  相似文献   
A. Vez 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(4):281-288
La monoculture du blé d'automne entraîn des baisses de rendement qui ne semblent pas dues uniquement à des causes sanitaires. Ces diminutions de rendement peuvent être atténuées par l'application de différentes mesures culturales. Un renforcement de la fumure azotée et, dans les parcelles exposées au piétin-verse, un traitement au bénomyl au début de la montaison, constituent les mesures les plus efficaces. Les effets négatifs de la monoculture ont été plus marqués aprés labour qu'en semis direct.  相似文献   
Based on the time that symptoms of blackleg become evident in the field and the various ways of inoculation, it is concluded that the spread of symptom expression is due to the depth at which the bacteria penetrate into the interior of the tubers. Moreover, it is demonstrated that it is not the closed lenticels which prevent penetration, but the absence of a waterfilm in the intercellular spaces of the tuber tissue.  相似文献   
K. Olsson 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(4):209-219
As it is difficult to detect ring rot in its latent form as well as in badly decayed tubers and in potato haulm, a diagnostic technique has been developed. With the help of a Turmix blender and a little water, a suspension is made of the suspected material. The suspension is inoculated into eggplants. Gram-staining of bacteria in sap from petioles of leaves showing symptoms is used to confirm the diagnosis. Some results obtained with this method applied on potatoes and potato haulm are described.  相似文献   
L'étude faunistique des ravageurs des pruneaux stockés a permis de faire l'inventaire des différentes espèces présentes et d'établir une évaluation quantitative de leurs populations à partir de 2 méthodes de prélévement (piégeage, tri d'échantillons).
Par ordre d'importance on peut citer: les acariens: Carpoglyphus lactis L. (Glycyphagidae), les coléopteres: Carpophilus ligneus Murr., C. hemipterus L. (Nitidulidae) et Henoticus californicus Mann. (Cryptophagidae) et les lépidopteres Nemapogon granella L. (Tineidae), Plodia interpunctella Hübn. (Pyralidae).
Les ravageurs primaires s'attaquent aux pruneaux sains: ils sont responsables des principaux dégáts et comprennent Carpophilus ligneus, C. hemipterus et N. granella . L'autre groupe est formé des ravageurs secondaires, qui s'installent sur des pruneaux déjá attaqués par des insectes ou des micro-organismes. On trouve dans cette catégorie Carpoglyphus lactis et H. calilornicus .
Les conditions optimales au développement de ces insectes et de ces acariens sont réunies, lorsque la teneur en eau de la pulpe du pruneau est égale ou supérieure à 20 %, la température ambiante clans l'entrepôt supérieure à 15°C et l'hygrometrie relative variant suivant Ies espéces entre 50 et 85 %.  相似文献   
J.W. Deacon 《EPPO Bulletin》1976,6(5):349-363
Biological characteristics of the varieties of Gaeumannomyces graminis Arx & Olivier and Phialophora radicicola Cain are reviewed. They include: 1) pathogenicity to roots of cereals; 2) growth on living stem tissues; 3) type of fungal growth-cessation structure formed on or in the host. Together, these provide a simple means of characterizing isolates and standard methods for assessing them are presented.
The role of pigmented cells and tissues (growth-cessation structures) in host penetration is questioned, since they are seldom associated with a progressive infection by G. graminis or P. radicicola . However, they are a taxonomic aid, especially as they are now known to form on cellophane overlying agar.
New evidence is presented on factors affecting conidiation by these fungi. Flooding colonies with distilled water induced formation of conidia by G. graminis var. tritici Walker, P. radicicola var. radicicola (British isolates but not the type) and P. radicicola var. graminicola Deacon, whereas none formed on corresponding unflooded agar plates. Conidia were usually much larger and germinated readily when they formed in response to flooding; many of these fungi therefore have 2 conidial types, distinct in both morphology and behaviour. Preliminary results suggest that biotin and the form of nitrogen also affect the type of conidium formed by P. radicicola var. radicicola .  相似文献   
1. A procedure for colostomising birds from 3 weeks to 5 months of age is described.

2. A plastic cannula was inserted into the fistula 10 d after surgery to keep it open.

3. Provided that the cannula was changed regularly at 10‐d intervals there was no constipation or dilation of the intestine.  相似文献   

1. Eggs from hens of three strains were dropped on to a heavy, stiff, smooth, plane body with impact at the equator of the shell; the height of drop, hc, just sufficient to produce shell failure was measured and the corresponding impact velocity, vc, calculated.

2. A small but commercially important percentage of the well‐formed eggs of one strain cracked when hc was as low as 3–3 mm and vc 250 mm/s.

3. Characteristics of the egg found to affect hc and vc included the overall thickness of its shell, thickness of its weak inner shell layer and average shell curvature, all measured at the point of impact, and its weight; its age also had a small effect (additional to that mediated through loss of weight); so did the degree of shell ridging.

4. No effect of shell colour was found.

5. Shell damage was typically a single hair‐crack that ran either round the equator or towards a pole.  相似文献   

Uterine motility was recorded for several weeks in 10 ovariectomised goats, using small intra-uterine balloons, to study the effects of female sex hormones on uterine activity and reactivity to oxytocin. Oestradiol stimulated uterine contractions and increased both the sensitivity and intra-uterine pressure response to oxytocin. When progesterone was administered in addition to oestradiol, spontaneous uterine motility became irregular with low amplitude contrations; the sensitivity and reactivity to oxytocin was significantly depressed.  相似文献   
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