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Biochar addition can expand soil organic carbon (SOC) stock and has potential ability in mitigating climate change. Also, some incubation experiments have shown that biochar can increase soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents. However, there is no direct evidence for this from the field experiment. In order to make up the sparseness of available data resulting from the long‐term effect of biochar amendment on soil carbon fractions, here we detected the contents and stocks of the bulk SIC and SOC fractions based on a 10‐year field experiment of consecutive biochar application in Shandong Province, China. There are three biochar treatments as no‐biochar (control), and biochar application at 4.5 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B4.5) and 9.0 Mg ha?1 year?1 (B9.0), respectively. The results showed that biochar application significantly enhanced SIC content (3.2%–24.3%), >53 μm particulate organic carbon content (POC, 38.2%–166.2%) and total soil organic carbon content (15.8%–82.2%), compared with the no‐biochar control. However, <53 μm silt–clay‐associated organic carbon (SCOC) content was significantly decreased (14%–27%) under the B9.0 treatment. Our study provides the direct field evidence that SIC contributed to carbon sequestration after the biochar application, and indicates that the applied biochar was allocated mainly in POC fraction. Further, the decreased SCOC and increased microbial biomass carbon contents observed in field suggest that the biochar application might exert a positive priming effect on native soil organic carbon.  相似文献   
一.引言在新疆农业垦区,多民族杂居、多元文化并存。自西汉至清末,历代王朝出于戍边和维护地方治安的考虑,均非常重视在西域屯田。新疆生产建设兵团进驻新疆后,大力发展屯垦经济,进一步增强了汉民族农耕文化在新疆地区的吸纳力和包容力。  相似文献   
红壤旱地芝麻防早衰叶面调控剂筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究结果表明,速效肥料、生长调节剂及抗病药剂对保持芝麻生长中后期的正常生长都能起到积极作用。"磷酸二氢钾+硝酸铵+腐植酸+赤霉素"配制能有效防控红壤旱地芝麻早衰,在此配方基础上,添加代森锰锌能对防控芝麻叶部及茎部病害起到一定的作用,从而增强了红壤旱地上芝麻的抗早衰能力。  相似文献   
为了解规模鸡场两种环境细菌在禁抗前后耐药性的变化,以评估使用抗菌药对养殖场用药的影响,通过对禁抗前以及禁抗6个月后规模鸡场的环境进行采样,培养分离大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌(金葡菌),然后针对15种常见抗菌药物开展药敏试验,并对敏感性进行比对。结果显示:禁抗前规模鸡场分离的大肠杆菌对妥布霉素、林可霉素、头孢拉定、卡拉霉素等较敏感,而对磺胺异噁唑、土霉素、头孢唑林和青霉素等耐药;金葡菌对头孢曲松、卡拉霉素、头孢唑啉、氟苯尼考等较敏感,而对土霉素、磺胺异噁唑、庆大霉素、妥布霉素等耐药。禁抗6个月后,两种细菌对大部分抗菌药的敏感性都有不同程度的增加,但对土霉素、磺胺异噁唑、氟苯尼考、青霉素等的敏感性增加不多甚至有降低。结果表明禁抗总体上可以增强鸡场环境中两种细菌对抗菌药的敏感性,降低耐药性。本文为指导规模鸡场禁用和科学使用抗菌药物提供了数据支持。  相似文献   
Improvements in sow productivity have raised questions regarding dietary vitamin D recommendations. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of the housing system with access to sunlight exposure and supplementation of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol on performance and serum levels of 25(OH)D3 in sows during gestation and lactation. Sows were distributed in an experimental design with two housing systems: gestation crates or gestation free-range system with external area for sunlight exposure; and two diets: 0 or 50 μg of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol kg−1. The use of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol tended (P = 0.052) to improve total born and influenced (P = 0.046) on number of born alive. Litter weight at birth was also increased (P = 0.01) by 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation; 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation and housing system (free-range with sunlight exposure) tended to increase weaning weight (P = 0.07) and litter daily gain (P = 0.051) during lactation. Exposure to sunlight and 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation increased 25(OH)D3 serum levels when compared with control treatment during gestation (136.95 vs. 113.92 ng mL−1; P = 0.035) and lactation (120.29 vs. 88.93 ng mL−1; P = 0.026). In conclusion, the association of 25-hydroxicholecalciferol supplementation with exposure to sunlight during gestation improved significantly 25(OH)D3 serum levels and consequently performance traits in gestation and lactation.  相似文献   
杜宏伟 《农机化研究》2015,(11):113-116
针对红薯秧茎的蔓生性及北方红薯种植模式,研制了适合于垄作红薯秧茎破碎还田机。该机主要由挑秧机构、秧茎破碎装置、刀轴总成、碎秧输送装置和地轮总成等组成。该机由轮式拖拉机牵引,可一次完成秧茎的收割、粉碎、还田等项作业。工作时,动力通过万向节从拖拉机的动力输出轴传出,经过锥齿轮减速器变向增速后,动力分成两路,分别传给秧茎破碎装置、碎秧输送装置和嫩秧切断装置。随着拖拉机前进,秧茎先被挑秧机构挑起,然后被机器前部高悬的旋转圆盘刀切断,高速旋转的破碎刀轴产生负压将切断的秧茎及剩余主干上的薯叶吸进破碎刀轴和护罩间破碎,碎秧落入碎秧输送装置的输送带,被均匀输送抛撒至垄沟。  相似文献   
根据北方地区免耕作业的农艺要求,设计了2BQM-6型气吸式免耕播种机,实现了破茬、开沟施肥、播种及覆土镇压等联合作业。在此基础上,针对免耕条件下作业地面平整度较差等因素所造成的播种深度变动大的问题,研究了播种深度调节机构和相应的参数。通过ADAMS软件对播种单体进行建模分析,研究其仿形机构不同参数对仿形效果的影响,寻求最佳仿形时的最优参数范围,以满足不同农作物种植深度不同的要求。该调节装置具有调节范围广、灵活及易于操作等特点。  相似文献   
Nanotechnology applications in medicine have seen a tremendous growth in the past decade and are being employed to enhance the stability and bioavailability of lipophilic substances, such as florfenicol. This study aimed to examine the pharmacokinetic properties of the formulated oil‐in‐water florfenicol‐loaded nanoemulsion (FF‐NE). FF‐NE and florfenicol control (Nuflor®) were administered to the pigs at a dose of 20 mg/kg. Nanoemulsion formulation of florfenicol was highly influenced in vivo plasma profile. The in vivo absorption study in pigs indicated that Cmax (14.54 μg/mL) was significantly higher in FF‐NE, 3.42 times higher than the marketed formulation. In comparison with the control group, the relative bioavailability of formulated nanoemulsion was up to 134.5%. Assessment of bioequivalence using log‐transformed data showed that the 90% confidence intervals (90% CI) of Cmax and AUC0–∞ were 2.48–4.60 and 1.21–1.72, respectively.  相似文献   
  1. The effects of 5 different feeding systems on the performance, carcass traits and organ development were studied in pigeon squabs.

  2. The 5 treatments were (1) whole grains of maize, pea and wheat plus concentrate feed; (2)whole grains of maize and wheat plus concentrate feed (CWC); (3) whole grains of maize and pea plus concentrate feed; (4)whole grain of maize plus concentrate feed (CC); and (5) compound feed (CF).

  3. Feed intake of parent pigeons increased significantly from 0 to 21 d and it was higher in the CF treatment. Body weight of squabs in the CWC treatment was the highest among the 5 treatments in 4 weeks. Body weight losses of parental pigeons during the rearing period were not significantly different among the 5 treatments.

  4. Protein intake in CC and CWC treatments was lower than that of the other three treatments. The CWC treatment had the highest daily weight gain and the lowest feed conversion ratio. Treatments were statistically similar in the relative weight of carcass, breast and thigh. CF had the lower relative weight of abdominal fat.

  5. Relative weight of gizzard in the CF treatment was significantly lower than that of CWC.

  6. It was concluded that the application of free choice feeding of whole grains of maize and wheat plus concentrate feed increased the body weight of 28-d-old pigeon squabs and decreased the feed conversion rate of parent pigeons. This feeding strategy could be commercially interesting in meat-type pigeon production.

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