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以不同比例的天然气和二氧化碳气体混合物来模拟不同气源的生物质气并在一台改装后的Ri-cardo E 6四冲程单缸点燃式发动机试验机上进行试验。文中给出了燃烧这些燃料时发动机的动力性、经济性以及CO、THC、NOx等排放数据。试验结果表明,生物质气中的二氧化碳能改善NOx排放指标,但降低了功率和热效率。提高压缩比能有效的改善动力性和经济性,但同时也增加了NOx和THC的排放量。采用稀燃技术可望兼顾二者的要求。  相似文献   
A massive ephtic of vibriosis, named "sindroma gaviota" (or sea gull syndrome = SGS) by local shrimp fanners, began in November 1989 and continued through May 1990 in nursery and grow-out ponds in a number of shrimp farms located in the Gulf of Guaynquil near Cunyaquil, Ecuador. The level of cumulative mortalities ranged from slight in some ponds to more than 90% in others. Examination of affected shrimp, Penaeus vannamei Boone, led to the isolation of several closely related Vibrio species. The predominant species were identified as Vibrio parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus , and V. alginolyticus using the API-NFT system. Several of the strains exhibited a transient luminescence and some were positive for urease, an unusual trait for these species. Comparisons of the antimicrobial sensitivity patterns between farm and hatchery isolates from 1989–1990 and hatchery isolates from 1987–1989 indicate that the 1989–1990 pond isolates were not of hatchery origin. The epizootic coincided with the second year of a severe drought in Ecuador. Thus, the discharge of fresh water by the Guayas River was reduced and salinities and relative nutrient concentrations were elevated in the Gulf of Guaynquil. These environmental conditions were ideal for the increased growth of the causative vibrios in the estuarine waters and are believed to be factors that contributed to the 1989–1990 SGS epizootic.  相似文献   
Treflan (trifluralin, Elanco) is among the compounds used in the treatment of larval mycosis in penaeid shrimp caused by the phycomycetous fungi hagenidium sp. and Sirolpidium sp. Some culturists have reported treatments for these fungi with trifluralin to be ineffective while others have found it to be quite efficacious.
To study losses of trifluralin in seawater systems, experiments were conducted under varying conditions of aeration, lighting, and algal biomass using nominal concentrations of 19.3 to 65.5 ppb trifluralin. There was no detectable loss of trifluralin over a six hour period in seawater mechanically stirred and covered to prevent photodegradation. Under varying conditions of aeration and light, the estimated half-life of trifluralin ranged from 30 to 138 min. When diatoms were added to the seawater, trifluralin levels dropped to 4% of theoretical within two to three min. These observations confirm the need for a continuous administration for trifluralin to be effective in treating larval mycoses in penaeid shrimp hatching facilities.  相似文献   
The spallation krypton data from rock chip 15555,23 indicate a wellshielded location during most of the time during which the rock was exposed to cosmic rays. A krypton-krypton exposure age of 81(+17)(-7) x 10(6) years is calculated, and the gas retention ages are estimated. No evidence for the presence of products from plutonium-244 or iodine-129 was found.  相似文献   
A modified diet was formulated for Arizona inland shrimp farming and tested as a method for reducing moult‐associated mortalities presumed due to trace mineral deficiencies. The experimental diet was supplemented with additional dietary magnesium, potassium, phospholipids and cholesterol to a commercial shrimp feed (Rangen 45/10, which was also used as the control diet). The modified diet was tested at Arizona Mariculture Associates (AMA), while the control diet was used at a nearby inland shrimp farm, Desert Sweet Shrimp Farm (DSSF). Both feeds were used throughout the culture season of 2001. Earthen pond‐reared Litopenaeus vannamei at intermoult stages (C‐D0) and ranging from 7 to 30 g were sampled at intervals for determination of haemolymph osmolality (HO). Results showed that the modified diet had not only resulted in larger size shrimp at harvest, but also improved osmoregulatory capacity (OC). HO of DSSF shrimp decreased as shrimp grew bigger, whereas HO of AMA shrimp was maintained at a stable level, or showed a slightly positive linear relationship with weight. The hyper‐OC of shrimp from AMA (462 mOsm kg?1) was greater than that from DSSF (398 mOsm kg?1). Shrimp at AMA fed the experimental diet presented no mass moult‐associated mortalities. To further investigate the iso‐osmotic point of shrimp reared in AMA, a group of six salinity gradients were designed by mixing oceanic salts into the well water to form 5, 8.5, 11.4, 14.4, 17.8, 20.7 p.p.t. medium. HO of subadult shrimp (25 g in average) were then evaluated 48 h after they had been transferred from 5 p.p.t. pond water to the medium. Shrimp HO increased with external salinity, and a plateau formed as salinity reached at 11.4 p.p.t. and higher. The iso‐osmotic point of shrimp was estimated to be 695.5 mOsm kg?1, equivalent to 26.1 p.p.t. in AMA well water.  相似文献   
The Oceanic Institute (OI), in collaboration with researchers from the University of Arizona (UAZ), established a population of specific pathogen free (SPF) Fenneropenaeus chinensis through Secondary Quarantine (SQ) in Kona, Hawaii. Shrimp were 0.38 g (S.D. ± 0.13 g) when they entered the nursery/growout module of the SQ facility. Juveniles from five maternal families were stocked in separate 230-L nursery tanks, as was a sixth family comprised of shrimp from two of the seven original spawns. After tagging, representative shrimp from all six families were stocked in a 50-m2 concrete raceway that was enclosed in a biosecure greenhouse. After 155 days in the growout module, mean shrimp weight was 23.4 g (S.D. ± 7.25 g) and females (29.1 ± 4.61 g) were 74% larger than males (16.7 ± 2.44 g). A Sprung Structure™ was erected to enclose the biosecure maturation and hatchery module of the SQ facility. Broodstock were subjected to an acclimation process where they were kept in seawater at 22 °C, followed by a reduction in water temperature of 1 °C/day until the temperature reached 17 °C. At this time, unilateral eyestalk ablation was performed on female broodstock and water temperature was further reduced at the same rate until it reached 12 °C. After 2 weeks, water temperature was raised to 17 °C at a rate of 1 °C/day to induce ovarian development. Production of an F1 generation of Fe. chinensis was successfully accomplished using artificial insemination, and representative shrimp from this generation have tested negative for all specifically listed pathogens using histology and PCR/RT-PCR. Of particular interest with Fe. chinensis is their cold tolerance. This species may represent a valuable resource for shrimp farmers in temperate and sub-tropical climates to grow a second “winter” crop, thereby increasing production and profitability for the shrimp farmer.  相似文献   
Nauplii of the brine shrimp, Artemia , and cultures of the soil nematode, Panagrellus redivivus , were fed a suspension of the water-insoluble antibacterial Romet-30 (sulfadimethoxine plus ormetoprim) to determine if they could be used as a mechanism for delivery of the drug to larval penaeid shrimp.
Romet-30 was added to groups of brine shrimp nauplii and nematodes in 1 L beakers to achieve a concentration of 3 mg of drug per ml of seawater. After a 4 h uptake period, predetermined numbers of organisms were assayed for antibiotic content using the micro-plate diffusion method and a Romet-30 sensitive strain of Vibrio alginolyticus as the indicator. The resulting zones of inhibition were compared to that of a standard Kirby-Bauer sensitivity disc containing 25 μg of the drug that was placed on each plate as standard control. Negative controls consisted of equal numbers of nauplii and nematodes that were not exposed to the antibiotic. Artemia nauplii and nematodes accumulated approximately 0.1 μg of the drug per nauplius and approximately 0.25 μg per nematode. They exhibited no signs of toxicity from exposure to the drug and contained the antibiotic in sufficient quantity to provide a theoretical therapeutic dose of the drug when fed to penaeid larvae.
In subsequent tests, normal and diseased larval Penaeus stylirostris readily accepted Romet-30 enriched Artemia . Diseased larvae fed the drug in this manner exhibited a statistically greater overall survival and a greater survival to the post-larval stage by Student's t -test at the 5% significance level.  相似文献   
A commercially available microbicide, composed of 5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiPzolin-3-one and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one, was tested for its in vivo effectiveness in controlling pathogenicity and mortalities in the marine shrimp Penaeus stylirostris , caused by the fungus Fusurium solani . Sub-adult shrimp (100% with Fusurium lesions) were treated with the microbicide at levels of 5.0 and 7.5 ppm (Trial 1) and with 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 ppm (Trial 2), and each compared to a non-treated control. In Trial 1, treatments were administered during the first 9 days of the 22 day experiment, approximately every other day as 8 h static baths. The mean levels of Fusarium lesions on Day 22 for the 0, 5.0 and 7.5 ppm treatments were 87%, 25% and 13%, respectively. Statistically both levels of treatment (5.0 and 7.5 ppm) had significantly lower levels of Fusurium lesions when compared to the controls. In Trial 2, treatments of the microbicide were administered (8 h static bath) every seventh day over the course of the 64 day experiment. The Day 64 mean Fusarium lesion levels for the 0, 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 ppm treatments were 54%, 59%, 10% and 7%, respectively. Treatment with 2.5 and 5.0 ppm reduced the prevalence of Fusarium lesions to statistically lower levels when compared to the 0 and 1.0 ppm treatments. The microbicide had earlier been reported to be highly toxic to fish. The use of activated charcoal filters on the microbicide-treated effluent appeared to remove any residual compound from the water. The data in the present study indicate a possible inverse relationship between the level of "BG 101" and growth rate. The data from both trials suggest that periodic treatment over a longer test period could limit or eliminate Fusurium lesions, which are known to be the potential cause of substantial mortalities, particularly in captive broodstock populations.  相似文献   
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