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Engagement for transformation: Value webs for local food system development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Engagement happens when academics and non-academics form partnerships to create mutual understanding, and then take action together. An example is the “value web” work associated with W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s Food Systems Higher Education–Community Partnership. Partners nationally work on local food systems development by building value webs. “Value chains,” a concept with considerable currency in the private sector, involves creating non-hierarchical relationships among otherwise disparate actors and entities to achieve collective common goals. The value web concept is extended herein by separating the values of the web itself, such as the value of collaboration, from values “in” the web, such as credence values associated with a product or service. By sharing and discussing case examples of work underway around the United States, the authors make a case for employing the value webs concept to represent a strategy for local food systems development, specifically, and for higher education–community partnerships, generally.
Daniel R. BlockEmail:

Daniel R. Block   is an associate professor of geography and coordinator of the Frederick Blum Neighborhood Assistance Center at Chicago State University. His current research focuses on food access issues in urban environments, particularly in Chicago. Michael Thompson   is an assistant professor at Oregon State University, and a Seafood and Fisheries specialist for Oregon Sea Grant Extension. Primary areas of research include fisheries management, seafood quality/handling, and seafood product development. Jill Euken   is an industrial specialist for biobased products for Iowa State University Extension/CIRAS, and deputy director, ISU Bioeconomy Institute. She was part of the steering team for the Iowa Value Chain Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture and led the Bioeconomy Working Group. Toni Liquori   is a nutritionist, teacher and food activist with a long time interest in the design, implementation, and evaluation of school-based intervention programs and coalition building for activism around food related issues, as well as teaching and training in public health. Frank Fear   is senior associate dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; and professor, in the Department of Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resources Studies; and Senior Outreach Fellow at Michigan State University. He is lead author of Coming to Critical Engagement (University Press of America, 2006), an analysis of the engagement movement in higher education; and recently completed two terms as president of the Greater Lansing Food Bank. Sherill Baldwin   is ecology director at Mercy Center at Madison, Connecticut, a spiritual retreat and conference center. She previously provided consulting services to CitySeed, Inc. in New Haven (CT) and to Frank Fear and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation for a community learning project related to sustainable food systems. She has an MS in Resource Development from Michigan State University and a BA in Solid Waste Management from the University of Massachusetts.  相似文献   
The phenolic composition of wine depends on, among other factors, the grapes used to make it. In this sense, knowledge of the chemical composition of grapes and its association with the resulting wines is an important tool to determine if there is a relationship between the phenolic composition of grapes and the price that these wines obtain in the market. For this purpose, grape skins and seeds from the cultivar Cabernet Sauvignon from the central region of Chile, in 2009 and 2010 vintages from two ripening points, were subjected to chemical and phenolic analyses, as were the wines made from these grapes. Grapes and the corresponding wines from three retail price wine categories, U.S. $6-8, U.S. $28-30, and U.S. $150-160, were evaluated. No differences were found across the price categories in the chemical analysis of grapes. Berry skins and wines from the higher price categories presented a higher concentration only of total tannins, and the differences in their concentrations were only among the different fractions of proanthocyanidins in the skins, seeds, and wines; there were no differences in their proportions. A seasonal effect influenced the concentrations of certain compounds in grapes and led to a decrease in the concentration of total phenols, total tannins, and total anthocyanins between sampling dates as harvesting moved toward the common commercial grape harvest in Chilean viticulture.  相似文献   
In this work, the electrochemical treatment of an effluent from the pharmaceutical industry with boron-doped diamond electrodes was investigated. The electrolyses were carried out in a discontinuous operation mode under galvanostatic conditions, using a bench-scale plant equipped with a single-compartment electrochemical flow cell. The effect of operating conditions, such as current density (from 25.7 to 179.4?mA?cm2) and flow rate (from 104.8 to 564.7?cm3?min?1), at residence times between 0 and 570?min, was studied. Design of experiments was used for optimizing the process. The global contribution of operative parameters and evolution of the residence time in TOC removal was studied, and a time of 77?min was obtained in order to evaluate the highest influence of the operative parameters. For this time, ANOVA test reported significance for four of the five involved variables. The current density was found to have a considerable positive effect on TOC removal, whereas the flow rate was found to have a moderate negative effect on target variable.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutase (SOD) pattern, catalase, Cyt c oxidase and fumarase activity were studied in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata plants growth in two sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations (35 mM and 100 mM). In bean plants growth with NaCl, leaf chloride (Cl?) contents were higher than in control plants, and the same was found for sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) contents, although to a lesser degree. In cowpea leaves, Na+ and Cl? had a similar increase due to salt‐growth conditions. Under salinity, all changes in the antioxidant (SOD and catalase) enzymes levels were smaller in bean than in cowpea plants. In Phaseolus at 15 days growth, Cu, Zn‐SOD I showed an increase by the effect of salt treatment, but this induction did not occur at 30 days growth, and both Mn‐SOD and Cu, Zn‐SOD II did not show variations due to salt‐stress. In Vigna, Mn‐SOD was decreased by salinity but this was compensated by an increase in Cu, Zn‐SOD I activity in plants at 30 days growth, whereas in young leaves under saline conditions, both isozymes were also decreased. Likewise, there was a rise in cytochrome c oxidase and fumarase activity in leaves of NaCl‐treated plants compared to the control. The activity changes observed are discused in term of their possible relevance to plant sensitivity to saline conditions.  相似文献   
Supercritical fluid extraction of all-trans-lycopene from tomato   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A procedure is proposed for the supercritical fluid extraction of all-trans-lycopene from tomato using carbon dioxide at 40 degrees C without modifier. The present method minimizes the risk of degradation via isomerization and oxidation of health-promoting ingredients, such as lycopene. The effect of different experimental variables on the solvating power of the supercritical fluid was evaluated in terms of both the selectivity achievable in the process and the yield of the extraction of all-trans-lycopene. Satisfactory separations of the all-trans-lycopene isomers from the cis counterparts were achieved using a C(30) column. The obtained extract contained 88% all-trans-lycopene and 12% cis-lycopene.  相似文献   
Isoflavone profile and biological activity of soy bread   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present study examines the ability of isoflavone extracts from whole soy bread and two soy bread fractions, crumb and crust, to modulate the proliferation of human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. Total isoflavone content in the two fractions of soy bread were similar (3.17 micromol/g dry basis). However, their conjugate patterns were altered. Both fractions of soy bread contained a similar level of isoflavone aglycones ( approximately 24%). Low concentrations of soy bread extracts increased PC-3 cell proliferation as much as 47% compared to untreated control. This proliferative effect in cell growth was reduced at higher extract concentration. Soy bread crust extract (10 mg/mL) reduced PC-3 cell proliferation by 15% compared to untreated control. Interestingly, wheat bread extracts increased cell proliferation at all concentrations tested. Although extracts from both breads possessed biological activity, only soy bread crust extract reduced PC-3 cell proliferation. This observation may be related to the presence of soy in this bread.  相似文献   
In this paper, we describe the study and characterization of the lipids from lees of Sherry wine, one of the main byproducts from the wine-making industry in the Jerez/Xeres/Sherry denomination of the origin zone in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain. The lipid content, extractability, classification, fatty acid composition, and its main chemical characteristics have been determined in order to evaluate their potential use as a food or food additive.  相似文献   
The sorption in a model system of aroma compounds of enological interest (mixture of the eight derivatives from guaiacol, 4-ethylphenol, and whiskylactone) onto wood was investigated to assess the influence of wood on the concentration of these volatiles during the aging of wine. To evaluate the influence of the solubility of aroma compounds in sorption phenomena, this parameter was determined for each volatile compound in model wine at 10 and 25 degrees C. The solubility is significantly higher in the model wine than in water and remains constant in the range of temperatures studied, except for guaiacol and vanillin. Kinetic and equilibrium sorptions were investigated. Sorption kinetics showed that the sorption equilibrium for all aroma compounds was reached after 6-7 days. From the study of the individual sorption isotherms, two distinct kinds of sorption behavior were observed depending on the presence or not of an ethylenic para substituent conjugated to the phenyl ring. K(ww) partition coefficients between the wood and the model wine were determined, which exhibited an unusual positive variation with temperature.  相似文献   
A fast, simple, and reliable method for the isolation and determination of the vitamins thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, and ascorbic acid in food samples is proposed. The most relevant advantages of the proposed method are the simultaneous determination of the eight more common vitamins in enriched food products and a reduction of the time required for quantitative extraction, because the method consists merely of the addition of a precipitation solution and centrifugation of the sample. Furthermore, this method saves a substantial amount of reagents as compared with official methods, and minimal sample manipulation is achieved due to the few steps required. The chromatographic separation is carried out on a reverse phase C18 column, and the vitamins are detected at different wavelengths by either fluorescence or UV-visible detection. The proposed method was applied to the determination of water-soluble vitamins in supplemented milk, infant nutrition products, and milk powder certified reference material (CRM 421, BCR) with recoveries ranging from 90 to 100%.  相似文献   
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