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A central axonopathy in 2 male and 1 female Scottish Terrier puppies from 3 different but related litters is reported. Clinical signs consisting of severe whole-body tremors and ataxia were first detected at the age of 10 to 12 weeks. They worsened with activity and excitement and diminished during rest or sleep. Two dogs also had paraparesis. In 1 dog the neurological deficits progressed over several months. Neuropathological examination revealed widespread axonal changes, vacuolation, and gliosis in the white matter of the central nervous system.  相似文献   
Serum progesterone concentrations and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of blood neutrophils were determined in 3 groups of cows (n = 5 each) on days 1 and 2 and then at 3-day intervals up to 32 days post-partum. Group I cows had a normal delivery, Group II cows had dexamethasone-induced parturition and Group III cows were subjected to a caesarian section. All cows in Group III and 2 cows in Group II retained their fetal membranes. Mean serum progesterone concentrations declined the second day after calving (to < 0.67 ng/ml) and remained at low levels (< 0.54 ng/ml) throughout the observation period, except for the values in Group III, which were elevated on day 16 (0.94 ng/ml), declined again on day 26 (0.46 ng/ml) and peaked (1.05 ng/ml) on day 32 portpartum. Significant (P < 0.01) differences were found between serum progesterone concentrations on day 1 and on each of the other sampling days in Groups I and III. Day X parturition group interaction was significant (P < 0.05) for the progesterone concentrations. No significant differences were found between the overall means of ALP activity of blood neutrophils in the 3 parturition groups nor between days of the experiment. No significant correlation was found between serum progesterone concentrations and ALP activity values of blood PMN during the first 32 days post-partum. Inhalt: Serum Progesteron Konzentrat und Aktivität der alkalischen Phosphatase in neutrophilen Blutzellen bei Küken mit normalem und abnormalen Geburtsverlauf Serum-Progesteronkonzentrationen und alkalische Phosphatase- (ALP) Aktivität von neutrophilen Granulozysten, nach der Abkalbung am Tag 1 und 2 und dann im Abstand von 3 Tagen bis zum 32. Tag p.p. bei Kühen untersucht, die in drei Untersuchungsgruppen (n = 5) eingeteilt waren. Gruppe I kalbte normal ab, in Gruppe II wurde die Geburt durch Dexamethason eingeleitet, und Kälber der Gruppe III wurden via Kaiserschnitt gewonnen. Alle Tiere der Gruppe III und 2 Kühe der Gruppe II wiesen Nachgeburtsverhaltungen auf Der mittlere Serum-Progesterongehalt sank am 2. Tag p.p. auf < 0,67 ng/ml ab und blieb auf niederigem Niveau (< 0,54 ng/ml) während der gesamten Untersuchungs-periode. Lediglich in Gruppe III, mit erhöhten Werten (0,94 ng/ml) an Tag 16 p.p., sanken die Werte wieder an Tag 26 p.p. (0,46 ng/ml) und erreichten einen Maximalwert an Tag 32 p.p. mit 1,05 ng/ml. Signifikante (P 0,01) Unterschiede in der Serum-Progesteronkonrentration wurden zwischen Tag 1 p.p. und allen anderen Untersuchungstagen in den Gruppen I und III gefunden. Interaktionen zwischen den Gruppen für Tag X waren signifikant (P 0,05). Keine signifikanten Unterschiede wurden für den Gesamtmittelwert der ALP-Aktivität in den neutrophilen Granulorysten zwischen den Gruppen und im Vergleich der Untersuchungstage gefunden. Es wurden auch keine signifikanten Korrelationen zwischen den Serum-Progesteronkonzentrationen und der ALP-Aktivität der PMN während der ersten 32 Tage p.p. nachgewiesen.  相似文献   
The cervical patency of six domestic female cats was monitored under sedation by infusion of contrast medium (Omnipaque) into the cranial vagina during early oestrus, mid‐oestrus, late oestrus and interoestrus or a radiopharmaceutical (99mTc‐HSA) during mid‐ and interoestrus in a non‐ovulatory oestrous cycle. The transport of the contrast medium or the radiopharmaceutical through the cervix and within the uterine horns was observed under fluoroscopy and with the aid of scintigraphy. In three of the queens, transcervical transport of contrast medium was demonstrated in all stages of oestrus, in one queen during mid‐oestrus, late oestrus and 1 day after oestrus, and in two queens only during late oestrus. The relations between the cervical patency to the contrast medium and the oestrous behaviour, cornification of the vaginal cells and the serum oestradiol‐17β concentration were evaluated, and a relationship was found between the cervical patency and the degree of vaginal cornification. Transcervical transport of the radiopharmaceutical was observed in three queens during mid‐oestrus. When the cervix was open, hysterography under a fluoroscope and hysteroscintigraphy were performed. The fluoroscopic and scintigraphic recordings revealed the patterns of the uterine contractions during oestrus in both ascending and descending directions, and the movement of the uterine contents back and forth between the uterine horns. The hysterograms were classified according to the shape of the uterine horns and the appearance of the endometrial lining. Spiral‐shaped uterine horns with a smooth inner contour were observed in two queens, and a corkscrew appearance with irregular filling defects in the uterine lumen was shown in two queens that had developed subclinical cystic endometrial hyperplasia. These findings demonstrated that fluids or particles deposited in the cranial vagina of the cat can be transported into the uterus during some stages of the oestrous cycle. The fluoroscopic and scintigraphic techniques developed in this study may be further modified to permit more detailed studies of uterine contractile patterns and sperm transport in the feline female reproductive tract. Hysterography proved useful to diagnose uterine disease. The information on cervical patency is of value also for the development of techniques for artificial insemination in this species, and should be studied also in the ovulatory cycle.  相似文献   
A trial was performed with heifers at the age of six to seven months. The animals were experimentally infected with the lymphocytes of a virus-productive donor. Infection was produced in all the nine cases, as demonstrated by means of the positive syncytial test. As indicated by the results of the trial, the antibodies to the enzootic bovine leucosis virus (BLV) were produced soon after experimental infection. A high sensitivity of the serum-neutralization test and the ELISA method was demonstrated in this connection: by these methods, the antibodies were identified already two to three weeks after experimental infection whereas by the immunodiffusion test they could be detected only after five weeks. Twenty-four animals were exposed to natural contact infection. Within 270 days of the trial, the disease after contact was recorded only in one heifer out of the four that were in close contact with the experimentally infected animals. In this case, as compared with experimental infection, the antibodies were produced much later--after 85 to 93 days. Leucosis was recorded in none of the remaining animals. The reasons why such a favourable result was obtained were the thorough disinfection of the stables after blood collections and the strict observance of the aseptic conditions. The results of experimental infection in three cows were identical with those obtained in young cattle. In the experimentally infected dairy cows, antibodies in milk were determined by the ELISA method. As found, in milk the antibodies to BLV appear two to three weeks later than they do in serum. The ELISA method of BLV antibody detection can be used for the identification of infected animals in herds where enzootic bovine leucosis occurs.  相似文献   
Abstract – The different reproductive roles of the sexes can predict the direction and magnitude of sexual dimorphism of external and internal morphology. Males should have enlarged structures that enhance the acquisition of mating opportunities, whereas females are predicted to have enlarged organs that are associated with the production of eggs. We tested these predictions in male and female lake whitefish, a species in which both sexes have similar overall body size and shape. After controlling for body size, male lake whitefish had significantly longer jaws and pectoral and pelvic fins, larger hearts, and more muscle than females. Sexual dimorphism in relative muscle mass may be one of the most fundamental morphological differences between males and females. Females had relatively heavier livers than males. Because the liver is important for the breakdown of fats and vitellogenesis, selection should favour an enlarged liver in females for the processing of energy and the production of large numbers of eggs.  相似文献   
The state of mucus synthesis in the goblet cells of the small intestine was studied in conventional piglets infected with a dose of 200,000 oocytes of the coccidium Isospora suis the first and fifth day after parturition. The synthesis of mucus and its chemical characteristics undergo significant changes during the third and fourth day after infection. The activity of acid and neutral mucous substances declines; their level and the physiological synthetic function of goblet cells begin to return to the normal during the period starting on the eight to tenth day after infection. However, there were no fully functioning goblet cells in the broken numerical ratio even at the end of the period of investigation, i.e. the 13th day after infection. The thin surface layer of mucus remained almost unchanged within the whole extent of the small intestine parts studied.  相似文献   
The fertility of male coypu sperm following seminal vesicle extirpation was investigated using the penetration test into the egg of Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Ejaculates were obtained from five males by means of electro-ejaculation under halothane narcosis. The results of the zona-free hamster eggs (ZFHE) penetration test showed that the ejaculates of all the surgically treated coypu males were fertile and that ZFHE value fluctuated from 54 to 76.6%. The results obtained in experiments with natural mating revealed that the extirpation of male coypu seminal vesicles did not affect their fertility. In total 47 foetuses were found post mortem in ten coypu females covered by surgically treated males, which on average represented 4.7 foetuses per female.  相似文献   
The uptake and distribution of intramuscularly (IM) administered tritium-labeled polysulfated glycosaminoglycan (3H-PSGAG) in serum, synovial fluid, and articular cartilage of eight horses was quantitated, and hyaluronic acid (HA) concentration of the middle carpal joint was evaluated in a pharmacokinetic study. A full-thickness articular cartilage defect, created on the distal articular surface of the left radial carpal bone of each horse served as an osteochondral defect model. 3H-PSGAG (500 mg) was injected IM, between 14 and 35 days after creation of the defects. Scintillation analysis of serum and synovial fluid, collected from both middle carpal joints at specific predetermined times up to 96 hours post-injection, revealed mean 3H-PSGAG concentrations peaked at 2 hours post-injection. 3H-PSGAG was detected in cartilage and subchondral bone 96 hours post-injection in samples from all eight horses. There were no statistically significant differences in 3H-PSGAG concentration of synovial fluid or cartilage between cartilage defect and control (right middle carpal) joints.

HA assay of synovial fluid revealed concentrations significantly increased at 24, 48, and 96 hours post-injection in both joints. The concentration nearly doubled 48 hours post-injection. However, no statistically significant differences were found between synovial concentrations of HA in cartilage defect and control joints.

3H-PSGAG administered IM to horses, was distributed in the blood, synovial fluid, and articular cartilage. HA concentrations in synovial fluid increased after IM administration of polysulfated glycosaminoglycan.  相似文献   

Summary Results from a cooperative breeding programme with timothy for the northern areas of Scandinavia are presented. The main aim of the programme was to identify genotypes for synthetic populations that are high yielding, adapted over the whole area and stable over years. A polycross comprising 12 genotypes from each of five sites within the region was formed. The subsequent 60 half-sib families and four reference varieties were then compared under sward conditions at the same sites. The trials lasted for three years and results for total dry matter yields are presented.Significant differences in yield between lines were found. There were also significant two and three factor interactions between lines, sites and years. A new two-step procedure is presented to select the genotypes to make up a synthetic variety. Firstly, a superiority measure (Q-value) is used to select a group of genotypes that are high yielding and stable over sites and years. Secondly, the GxE part of the Q-value is split into two terms. One measures adaptation to predictable environmental conditions. The other one measures stability to unpredictable changes in the environment. A plot of these two measures provides a tool for discarding unstable or poorly adapted genotypes. The statistical properties of the selection parameters are discussed.  相似文献   
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