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Postharvest carrots are brushed, hydro-cooled to 4–6 °C and treated with chemical fungicide before storage to prevent soft rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary during storage. Replacement of the fungicide with high-temperature surface heat treatment poses a dilemma: excessive heating will cause damage whereas insufficient heating will result in incomplete disinfection. This problem is further compounded by the difficulty in providing uniform surface heating. To alleviate this problem, a system for the uniform application of high-temperature short-duration steam disinfection was developed using accurate real-time temperature monitoring of individual produce segments by thermal imaging. Uniform short-duration high-temperature heat was delivered from above by steam jets combined with electric steam-drying elements and reflectors. Produce was subjected to rotational and linear motions to expose each surface segment to the same amount of heat. The novel use of thermal imaging to monitor surface temperature in steam systems was essential for determining transferred heat and heating uniformity in a treated object. The resultant, uniform application of short-duration high-temperature steam provided surface heat-disinfection with minimal internal heating and damage. Application of the steam treatment immediately after carrot hydro-cooling reduced post-storage phytotoxic color change by 60–80% and resulted in significantly reduced sensitivity to post-storage soft rots caused by S. sclerotiorum. Carrot sprouting was not increased by the steam treatment, suggesting retention of the hydro-cooling's physiological effect. These results suggest that precise heat treatment can be optimally applied after hydro-cooling to improve postharvest quality of carrots in a procedure that is harmless to man and the environment.  相似文献   
The life expectancy of domestic pet cats is increasing, along with the occurrence of geriatric-onset behavioural problems, such as cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS). While the cause of CDS is unclear, it has been suggested that it may result from age-related neurodegeneration. In aged and in particular senile human beings, histopathological changes may include the extracellular accumulation of plaque-like deposits of beta-amyloid (Abeta) protein and the intracellular accumulation of an abnormally hyperphosphorylated form of the microtubule-associated protein, tau. In severe cases, the latter may form into neurofibrillary tangles. Brain material was assessed from 19 cats, aged from 16 weeks to 14 years; 17 of which had clinical signs of neurological dysfunction. Immunohistochemical methods were used to detect Abeta and its intracellular precursor protein (amyloid precursor protein (APP)) and hyperphosphorylated-tau. APP was constitutively expressed, with diffuse staining of neurons and blood vessels being detected in all cats. More intense staining and diffuse extracellular Abeta staining deposits were found within the deep cortical areas of the anterior- and occasionally mid-cerebrum of seven cats, all of which were over 10 years of age. Neurons staining intensely positive for AT8-immunoreactivity were seen in two cats, aged 11 and 13 years. However, no mature neurofibrillary tangles were detected. This study demonstrated that extracellular Abeta accumulation and AT8-immunoreactivity within neurons are age-related phenomena in cats, and that they can occur concurrently. There are similarities between these changes and those observed in the brains of aged people and other old mammals.  相似文献   
Apple scab, the most important disease of apple worldwide, is caused by Venturia inaequalis. Currently, evaluation of fungal pathogenicity and host resistance is based on a symptomatic disease rating. However, this method does not provide an accurate measurement of the degree of infection and cannot detect early fungal development in symptomless leaves. In this study, a Venturia-specific real-time PCR assay was developed using primers designed around the specific internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region of the 5.8S rRNA gene. Using SYBR? Green I technology, the assay can accurately quantify Venturia DNA over a concentration range of at least five orders of magnitude. Detection sensitivities were in the order of 100?fg. The method was used to quantify Venturia genomic DNA levels in leaves of three apple cultivars with different levels and types of scab resistance and artificially infected with V. inaequalis. The assay clearly discriminated between Venturia levels in monogenic resistant (‘Topaz’), polygenic resistant (‘Discovery’), and susceptible (‘Golden Delicious’) cultivars, and proved especially useful to quantify pathogen levels during the initial latent stage of infection. The real-time PCR data of ‘Golden Delicious’ were consistent with the observed evolution of the degree of sporulation during a time-course experiment. Although measurements were influenced by the presence of co-extracted PCR-inhibitors, the impact of these compounds was independent of the apple cultivar or the initial amount of fungal DNA present. In conclusion, real-time PCR amplification of the ITS2-5.8S rDNA of Venturia spp. is a faster, more objective and more sensitive method to monitor fungal growth and to evaluate host resistance than phenotypic disease rating scores.  相似文献   
Vegetable cultivation favored the inclusion of pleasant aromas in the produce, whereas unpleasant aromas were selected against. Introgression lines, generated by hybridization of a cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) to its wild relative L. pennellii, were used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) that influence tomato aroma. A marked undesirable flavor was detected by taste panelists in L. pennellii fruits and was related to an introgressed segment from the short arm of chromosome 8. Analysis of the ripe fruits' volatiles of chromosome 8 introgressed lines revealed an up to 60-fold increase in the levels of 2-phenylethanol and phenylacetaldehyde, as compared to the cultivated tomato. This effect was associated with a 10 cM segment originating from the wild species. Although 2-phenylethanol and phenylacetaldehyde have favorable contribution to tomato aroma when present at low levels, phenylacetaldehyde has a nauseating objectionable aroma when present in levels >0.005 ppm. The loss of the ability to produce high levels of phenylacetaldehyde contributed to the development of desirable aroma of the cultivated tomato. The findings provide a genetic explanation for one of the aroma changes that occurred during the domestication of the tomato.  相似文献   
Phytoremediation is an emerging technology based on the use of green plants to remove, contain, inactivate or destroy harmful environmental pollutants. Recent developments in Europe and the USA show that the approach is somewhat different on both sides of the Atlantic. In Europe, phytoremediation has more basically been research driven and, based on the outcomes, applications have been envisaged. By contrast, the approach in the USA is more application and experience driven. In spite of a growing track record of commercial success, more demonstration projects are needed to prove that phytoremediation is effective in order to rigorously measure its underlying economics, and to expand its applications. More fundamental research is also required to better understand the complex interactions between pollutants, soil, plant roots and micro-organisms at the rhizosphere level, to increase the bioavailability of pollutants, to fully exploit the metabolic diversity of plants and, thus, to successfully implement this new green technology.  相似文献   
Increasing numbers of cats are living to become elderly and they commonly develop behavioral changes. The objectives of this article are to consider the possible causes and prevalence of behavioral problems in pet cats, to describe how cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) typically presents, and how its diagnosis and management are often complicated by the concurrent presence of multiple interacting disease processes. The most frequently reported behavioral problems in old cats are loss of litter box training and crying out loudly at night. The most common causes of these problems are CDS, osteoarthritis, systemic hypertension (commonly secondary to chronic kidney disease or hyperthyroidism), hyperthyroidism (even without hypertension), deafness, and brain tumors. These conditions all occur frequently in older cats, many of which suffer from a number of concurrent interacting conditions. Owners and veterinary surgeons often mistake these for "normal aging changes," so many treatable conditions are neglected and go untreated. Almost one third of cats 11 to 14 years of age develop at least one geriatric-onset behavior problem that appears to relate to CDS, and this increases to over 50% for cats 15 years of age or older. For optimum management of elderly cats with behavioral problems, all interacting conditions need to be diagnosed and addressed concurrently with management for CDS.  相似文献   
Double balloon endoscopy (DBE) enables the diagnosis and treatment of small intestinal disease. The dog is a potential animal model for DBE training and also a candidate for the clinical application of this technique. However, the anatomy of the canine small intestine may limit the use of DBE by restricting the push-and-pull manoeuvres required for DBE. To establish what these limitations are, the length and width of different portions of the small intestine as well as the mesenteric dependences were measured in 55 dogs. Several external parameters related to body size plus the age, weight, sex and breed were recorded. Potential restriction of the progress of the enteroscope due to narrow intestinal diameter is expected in the jejunum of mid- and small size dogs.  相似文献   
Fossil rodent middens and wetland deposits from the central Atacama Desert (22 degrees to 24 degrees S) indicate increasing summer precipitation, grass cover, and groundwater levels from 16.2 to 10.5 calendar kiloyears before present (ky B.P.). Higher elevation shrubs and summer-flowering grasses expanded downslope across what is now the edge of Absolute Desert, a broad expanse now largely devoid of rainfall and vegetation. Paradoxically, this pluvial period coincided with the summer insolation minimum and reduced adiabatic heating over the central Andes. Summer precipitation over the central Andes and central Atacama may depend on remote teleconnections between seasonal insolation forcing in both hemispheres, the Asian monsoon, and Pacific sea surface temperature gradients. A less pronounced episode of higher groundwater levels in the central Atacama from 8 to 3 ky B.P. conflicts with an extreme lowstand of Lake Titicaca, indicating either different climatic forcing or different response times and sensitivities to climatic change.  相似文献   
In Cameroon and most countries of tropical Africa where Phaeoramularia leaf and fruit spot disease of citrus is reported, a total yield loss of 50–100% is common. For effective control of this disease, it is imperative to understand how it originates, and which factors contribute to its development. To this end, the environmental and biological characteristics of each tree from 39 sites located in 13 citrus production basins in the humid zones of Cameroon were collected by means of a survey. Information was collected by interviewing heads of households, and by visual inspection of trees and their environment. The independent variable was severity of the disease while the dependent variables were environmental and biological characteristics. Climatic characteristics varied from one basin to another. The 13 citrus production basins were regrouped in five categories based on disease severity. Altitude, tree species and soil type were the main factors influencing the disease severity. Thus the higher is the altitude, the more important is the disease severity. Also, disease severity increased with increasing number of grape fruit, orange and pummelo trees. However, disease severity was lower on trees growing on volcanic soils as compared with the other soil types. Further analysis of these factors could lead to the development of a risk assessment model for Phaeoramularia leaf and fruit spot of citrus.  相似文献   
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