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Fermentation performance of eight waxy, seven nonwaxy soft, and 15 nonwaxy hard wheat cultivars was compared in a laboratory dry‐grind procedure. With nitrogen supplements in the mash, the range of ethanol yields was 368–447 L/ton. Nonwaxy soft wheat had an average ethanol yield of 433 L/ton, higher than nonwaxy hard and waxy wheat. Conversion efficiencies were 91.3–96.2%. Despite having higher levels of free sugars in grain, waxy wheat had higher conversion efficiency than nonwaxy wheat. Although there was huge variation in the protein content between nonwaxy hard and soft wheat, no difference in conversion efficiency was observed. Waxy cultivars had extremely low peak viscosity during liquefaction. Novel mashing properties of waxy cultivars were related to unique pasting properties of starch granules. With nitrogen supplementation, waxy wheat had a faster fermentation rate than nonwaxy wheat. Fermentation rates for waxy cultivars without nitrogen supplementation and nonwaxy cultivars with nitrogen supplementation were comparable. Ethanol yield was highly related to both total starch and protein content, but total starch was a better predictor of ethanol yield. There were strong negative relationships between total starch content of grain and both yield and protein content of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS).  相似文献   
The five‐year value in the compound annual growth rate of the biopesticides sector is predicted to be 16% by 2017 and to produce a global market worth $US 10 billion. Despite this, several impediments occur within the EU that negatively affect biopesticide research and innovation. At present, there are fewer biopesticide‐active substances registered in the EU compared with the United States, India, Brazil and China. The relatively low level of biopesticide research in the EU (6880 ISI papers) versus the United States (18 839), India (9501) and China (7875) relates to the greater complexity of EU‐based biopesticide regulations compared with these other countries. In this light, it is worth noting that tensions may exist between regulators that emphasise the beneficial nature of biopesticides in environmentally friendly crop management and those that adopt a more technologically based approach dependent on a chemical‐pesticide‐driven model. Compared with the other aforementioned countries, far fewer biopesticide products are available in the EU market, mainly as a direct result of the severe regulatory factors present there. The extent to which this trend will continue depends largely on a range of interacting political and/or regulatory decisions that influence environmentally friendly agricultural industries. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
D. COUPLAND 《Weed Research》1987,27(5):329-336
The performance of sethoxydim on Elymus repens (L.) Gould was studied under contrasting levels of humidity, light intensity, temperature, soil moisture and simulated rainfall using controlled environment chambers. Over a 24-h post-spraying period, increases in humidity and temperature markedly enhanced herbicide performance, while effects of light intensity were less pronounced. Soil moisture deficit significantly reduced herbicide performance, but there were no adverse effects of wet soil conditions (twice field capacity) on activity. The effects of simulated rain depended upon herbicide dosage, time interval between spraying and the onset of rain, and rain intensity. A low rain intensity of 0.5 mm h?1 did not reduce herbicide performance even when applied 10 min after spraying. The longer term studies, over 4 weeks, showed increases in herbicide activity with higher temperatures but lower light intensities.  相似文献   
The effects of mating disruption on population densities and percentage of damage of the pink bollworm Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) were investigated in a cotton field in central Greece, in 1992 and 1993. A 10-ha field was divided in two parts of 5 ha each. PB-rope dispensers were installed in mid-season in one part, whereas the other was used as a control field. Catches of pink bollworm moths in pheromone-baited traps and damage caused were recorded in both the treated and control fields. Results showed that moth catches were highly reduced in the treated field and, therefore, mid-season installation of dispensers was successful. Damage (%) was significantly less in the treated compared with the control field. Consequently, the field size of 5 ha seems to be adequate for the effective implementation of mating disruption.  相似文献   
A survey investigation of the relationship between nutritional factors and the decline of Picea omorika growth Soil and needle samples were collected from 193 sites of Picea omorika (mostly in private gardens) in Northern Germany ranging from normal to seriously damaged plants. The needles were analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn, Fe, B, Cl and Na. In the soil samples pH, P, K and Mg were determined.
  • 1 In 54 cases (= 30,3% of the 178 sites with injured trees) the cause of the damage could not be established. In a few cases only (12 sites = 6,7%) Mg deficiency seemed to have caused the injuries. But in a large number of cases the needles showed high Cl contents, hence Cl toxicity was the most important cause (103 sites = 57,9%) of the damage.
  • 2 The critical content of needles sampled in autumn is 0,27 % C1. Above this value CI-toxicity is highly probable and between 0,22 and 0,27 % CI it is possible.
  • 3 High Cl-content is associated with mottled chlorosis and in many cases also with a brown discoloration beginning at the tip of the needle. The symptoms are usually stronger at the tips of branches than in central or basal parts.
  • 4 Susceptibility to Cl-toxicity is similar for Picea omorika and Picea abies.
  • 5 C1-toxicity may be caused by high application of deicing salt and Cl-containing fertilizers. Some of the fertilizers specially developed for the nutrition of conifers even contain too much Cl.
Plant eradication is difficult, particularly in remote, protected areas. The Southern Ocean Islands are very isolated and highly protected, but the flora contains many alien plants. Small restricted populations have been eradicated, but eradication of established species has proven difficult. A better understanding of the efficacy of control methods at sub‐Antarctic temperatures and their off‐target impacts may increase eradication success. With interest in controlling non‐native Poa annua in the region, we aimed to determine if physical and chemical methods can control P. annua (the sub‐Antarctic biotype) in sub‐Antarctic conditions and examined their impact on native plants. We quantified the effectiveness of physical control methods on P. annua in situ on sub‐Antarctic Macquarie Island through field‐based experiments and assessed their selectivity on P. annua compared with native grasses. We also quantified the effectiveness of several herbicides on P. annua at sub‐Antarctic temperatures and assessed their selectivity on native grasses. Of the four physical disturbance methods tested, none effectively reduced P. annua cover as one‐off treatments. Of the herbicide treatments, glyphosate and trifloxysulfuron sodium were effective and were less damaging to native grass species, indicating potential selectivity. Physical control was of limited effectiveness, but did not affect native species richness. An integrated weed management programme utilising the strategic use of selective herbicides with follow‐up chemical and physical intervention may balance control and biodiversity outcomes. This research highlights the importance of site‐specific testing of control methods and understanding off‐target impacts of control when managing alien plant species in protected areas.  相似文献   
An Eulerian model and a Lagrangian particle model are used to study the dispersion of a contaminant released from a low source in the Stable Boundary Layer (SBL) using two different turbulence parameterisations. The Eulerian model is based on the solution of the advection–diffusion equation by the Laplace transform technique. The Lagrangian model is based on a generalized form of the Langevin equation. The first parameterisation, Degrazia et al. (2000), is based on Taylor’s statistical diffusion theory and the observed spectral properties, supposes a linear combination between shear and buoyancy turbulence. The second, Hanna (1982), is based on observed spectral properties from Minnesota Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) observations and is widely used in pollutant dispersion models. Considering that these simulations are in the SBL, the analysis of the results shows a reasonably good agreement between the values computed by the models against the experimental ones for the two turbulence parameterisations.  相似文献   
Shtienberg D 《Phytopathology》2012,102(8):769-778
Alternaria alternata is the predominant fungus involved in moldy core and core rot of Red Delicious apples. The effects of environmental conditions during bloom on moldy core and core rot, and on the need for fungicide application, were examined in 10 experiments carried out in 2007. In untreated experimental plots, typical moldy core symptoms were very common, with relatively low variability (coefficient of variation: 22.2%) among experiments; core rot incidence ranged from 2 to 26% with large variability (coefficient of variation: 90.0%) among experiments. No evidence of prevailing environmental conditions during bloom affecting the development of moldy core or core rot was detected. No effect of fungicide application (a mixture of bromuconazole + captan three times a week at bloom) on moldy core or core rot was found. A random distribution of moldy core and an occasional aggregation of core rot in the orchards were indicated from Morisita's index of dispersion (I(δ)). The hypothesis that core rot incidence is governed by host physiology and that yield load can be used as an indicator of trees' susceptibility was examined in a set of eight observations and four experiments. No correlation was found between tree yield load and moldy core, but core rot incidence was inversely related to yield load. Furthermore, irrespective of tree yield load, core rot was more abundant on large compared with small fruits. It is concluded that host physiology, rather than pathogen occurrence or environmental conditions at bloom stage, governs the development of core rot in Red Delicious apples caused by A. alternata in Israel.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird eine Schnellmethode zur Rauchh?rteprüfung von Kiefernarten beschrieben, die vom Terminaltrieb abgetrennte, in Pillengl?ser gesteckte einj?hrige Kurztriebe verwendet. Die Nadeln reagieren auf akute SO2-Immissionen kloneinheitlich und weitgehend in übereinstimmung mit der Mutterpflanze. Bei den Kurztrieben lassen sich endogene, vom Mutterbaum abh?ngige Differenzen in der Austrocknungsgeschwindigkeit nachweisen, die aber ohne wesentlichen Einflu? auf ihre Reaktion gegenüber SO2 bleiben, sofern die Expositionsdauer kurzgehalten wird. Die entwickelte Methode ist schneller, wirtschaftlicher und auch zuverl?ssiger als Rauchh?rteprüfungen mit eingetopften Pflanzen. Sie testet lediglich die Reaktion auf akute Begasungen.
Summary A short-time technique of testing pines for resistance against SO2-emissions has been developed, using one-year-old needle fascicles, put into water-filled glass vials. Against actual SO2-exposure, fascicles of the same tree react uniformly, and their reaction is very similiar to that of the parent tree. Besides, needle fascicles show endogenous clonal variation in the rate of drying out. This, however, does not influence the reaction against SO2, provided the time of exposure is kept short. The new technique is quicker, accurate, and more economical than SO2-tests with potted seedlings or graftings, but it only tests the reaction against short time-high doses exposure to SO2.

Durchgeführt mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Landesanstalt für Immissions- und Bodennutzungsschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen in Essen.  相似文献   
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