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The factors involved in the development of 'summer lesion syndrome' were studied on 13 salmon farms based in the coastal waters of the west of Ireland. The primary causal factor in the development of the syndrome appeared to be overexposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. The pathology of the condition is described, the predisposing and reinforcing factors are considered and a hypothesis for the cause of the syndrome is proposed.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine the hydrophobicity of the luminal surface of the equine stomach and to elucidate the ultrastructure of the lining imparting that property. Gastric and duodenal mucosal samples from 5 horses were collected immediately after euthanasia and subjected to surface contact angle measurement using a goniometer. Gastric mucosal samples from 4 horses and a foal were examined by electron microscopy following a fixation procedure known to preserve phospholipids and oligolamellar structures. Contact angles for the equine gastric glandular mucosal surface (mean +/- s.e. 78.0 +/- 11.0 degrees) were greater than for the duodenum (33.4 +/- 8.7 degrees), (P = 0.003). The contact angles for gastric squamous tissue (50.4 +/- 4.5 degrees) tended to be greater than for duodenum (P = 0.15). Electron microscopy revealed the existence of surfactant as abundant osmiophilic phospholipid material within both squamous and glandular gastric mucosae. These results indicate the hydrophobic nature of the equine gastric mucosae. We propose that the water-repellent nature of the stomach contributes to the 'gastric mucosal barrier' and is imparted by surface-active phospholipid adsorbed to the surface. Phospholipids may also be utilised as a physical barrier to back-diffusion of acid by lining intracellular canaliculi and oxyntic ducts where other defence mechanisms are absent.  相似文献   
Myenteric ganglioneuritis and encephalomyelitis were diagnosed in an umbrella cockatoo. The cockatoo exhibited clinical signs that were milder than those associated with this syndrome, such as anorexia, muscle wasting, regurgitation, depression, and changes in fecal consistency. The gross lesions also differed from earlier reports in that only the duodenum and proximal jejunum were grossly dilated. Normally the proventriculus and ventriculus are dilated without visible intestinal changes. The histopathological lesions, however, such as perivascular cuffs in the brain stem and muscular mass of the ventriculus and proventriculus, were similar to earlier reports. A virus was suspected, although transmission and isolation of a virus has not occurred in other reports and was not attempted in this case.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to characterise tick species responsible for avian tick infestations in the UK, to analyse various risk factors for tick-related syndrome in tick-infested birds and to test samples for the presence of certain tick-transmitted pathogens. METHODS: Ticks, blood, splenic tissue and tick attachment site tissue from birds with attached ticks were requested from veterinarians and wildlife sanctuaries around the UK. Ticks were identified according to standard keys, and samples were analysed via DNA PCR test for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Babesia species, Bartonella species and Ehrlichia species. RESULTS: Ixodes frontalis was the most commonly identified tick, and an association of adult female I frontalis with tick-related syndrome in birds was demonstrated. Tick infestation was markedly seasonal. I frontalis was found on 32 species of birds. DNA PCR testing was uniformly negative. Of the birds known to have been treated, 75 per cent (nine of 12) survived. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Tick-related syndrome is a poorly understood syndrome, with sporadic distribution, both geographically and seasonally. This study confirms I frontalis as the most common cause of this syndrome in the UK and identifies some features of the tick life cycle in this country. The benefit of treatment in affected birds is highlighted. Risk factors for tick-related syndrome are examined and preventive strategies discussed.  相似文献   
A survey for the prevalence of antibodies to Hepatozoon canis and for intraneutrophilic H. canis gametocytes in the peripheral blood neutrophils of dogs in Israel showed that 33.1% were seropositive, while only 1% of the dogs sampled had detectable parasites in their blood smears. Exposure to H. canis is widespread but it appears that most infected dogs undergo a subclinical infection and only a small proportion develop clinical disease.Abbreviations IFAT indirect fluorescent antibody test  相似文献   
The effects of nifedipine, verapamil and diltiazem were investigated in the isolated mare uterus in comparison with salbutamol. All the calcium-channel blockers and salbutamol inhibited the spontaneous, KC1- and electrically induced contractions; nifedipine and salbutamol were the most potent compounds. The calcium agonist Bay K 8644 (10(-8)-10(-6) mol/l) competitively antagonized the inhibitory effect of nifedipine (pA2 value = 8.54 +/- 0.06), whereas it was only slightly or totally ineffective against verapamil, diltiazem and salbutamol. These results indicate that calcium-channel blockers are potent inhibitors of mare uterine motility in vitro and emphasize the importance of Ca2+-related mechanisms in the control of uterine smooth-muscle contractility. Moreover, the validity of Bay K 8644 as a tool to distinguish classes of calcium-channel antagonists is confirmed.  相似文献   
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