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Summary Studies on the inheritance pattern of bacterial leaf spot (BLS), yellow mosaic (YM) and Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) reactions in crosses of BLS and YM resistant/tolerant but CLS susceptible × CLS resistant but BLS and YM susceptible parents indicated that resistances to BLS and CLS were governed by single dominant genes, whereas YM tolerance was a monogenic recessive character. The studies also indicated that these three genes were inherited independently. The simple inheritance pattern and independent assortment of the genes governing resistance/tolerance to these diseases suggest that the usual breeding methods will be adequate to develop multi-disease resistant mungbean cultivars.Paper XII in the series Studies on resistance in crops to bacterial diseases in India.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of bulk breeding on yield and its components in two high-yeilding and two low-yielding bean populations when grown at crop densities are interpreted in terms of gene action and selection. There was considerable additive variation in the crosses, dominance effects were variable but tended to be negative. The results were compared with results obtained at low density by another worker with the same populations, and this showed that interpretations of gene action in hybrid vigour depend on the test environment used. The interpretations were also compared with plant breeding interpretations made on the same material (Hamblin, 1977), and it was found that a single pattern of response to natural selection, in plant breeding terms, may be explained by more than one genetic interpretation and, conversely, a single genetic interpretation may result in different patterns of response in plant breeding terms. The value of composite crosses in plant breeding are discussed and it is concluded that there is a greater chance of producing improved lines from a large number of simple crosses than from a smaller number of composite crosses.  相似文献   
Summary Anthers of male fertile, cytosterile and restored male fertile clones of Petunia hybrida were compared for esterase activity and composition in subsequent stages of microsporogenesis. Three methods were applied (i) ultra-thin layer isoelectric focussing on polyacryl amide gels, (ii) quantitative spectrophotometrical assay, (iii) histochemical determination of total esterase activity associated to the azo-coupling method (Pearse, 1972).In male fertile and restorer idiotypes the isozyme patterns were quite similar. Both the number and intensity of bands increased gradually till the tetrad stage. In contrast, esterase activity in cytosterile anthers remained at a low level and hardy any new bands showed up in later stages. This unvariable, low activity level in cytosterile anthers was also found in the spectrophotometric assay. Histochemical determinations revealed that in male fertile anthers esterase activity is concentrated in the outer tapetal layer at late prophase and that it accumulates there till the early microspore stage. In male sterile anthers esterase accumulation in the tapetal cells stops at the moment that tapetal breakdown becomes visible. This suggests that differences in esterase activity and composition are an effect rather than a cause of the failing pollen formation.  相似文献   
Four successive spring barley crops were grown in monoliths of a shallow soil overlying Chalk, contained in lysimeters. After harvest of the fourth crop, 25% of the nitrogen-15 labelled fertilizer applied 4 years earlier was found remaining in the roots and soil. Of this, 73% was present in the upper 30cm of the profile. From the amounts of fertilizer derived nitrogen that remained at the beginning of each cropping season we estimate that 5–6% of the residual nitrogen-15 turned over each year, representing a net release of 20% of the labelled nitrogen contained in the microbial biomass. Mineralization of the total biomass at the same fractional rate would release 120 kg N ha?1 a?1. This estimate is supported by the difference between input and outputs of total nitrogen during the experiment of 76–94 kg N ha?1 a?1 in fertilized lysimeters and 129kg N ha?1 a?1 in unfertilized control lysimeters. The total recovery of the applied labelled nitrogen was 81–87%. The nitrogen not accounted for was taken to be lost by denitrification of nitrate to dinitrogen, as no nitrous oxide emissions were detected during the experiment. Laboratory studies in aerobic and anaerobic conditions in presence of acetylene confirmed that 10–20% of the applied nitrogen-15 could have been transformed to dinitrogen.  相似文献   
A stallion presenting for surgical correction of an acquired inguinal hernia was also diagnosed with a nephrosplenic entrapment (NSE) intraoperatively. Surgical intervention resulted in a successful outcome. To date, these conditions have not been reported to occur simultaneously.  相似文献   
The factors involved in the development of 'summer lesion syndrome' were studied on 13 salmon farms based in the coastal waters of the west of Ireland. The primary causal factor in the development of the syndrome appeared to be overexposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. The pathology of the condition is described, the predisposing and reinforcing factors are considered and a hypothesis for the cause of the syndrome is proposed.  相似文献   
We describe the culture and stimulation of lymphocytes from the model marsupial, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii). We also describe the capacity of tammar wallaby lymphocytes isolated from blood, spleen and lymph nodes to produce soluble immunomodulatory factors. Culture conditions were optimized for mitogen-driven stimulation using the plant lectin phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). Products secreted by stimulated cells were harvested and crudely fractionated before they were added back to freshly isolated lymphocytes. Using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5 diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, both stimulatory and inhibitory bioactive factors were detected in serum-free supernatants harvested from mitogen-treated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This paper describes the capacity of leukocytes of the tammar wallaby to respond to mitogenic stimulation and to produce soluble, low-molecular-weight bioactive molecules that possess cytokine-like activity.  相似文献   
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