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The kinetics of antibody production against phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) and the isolation pattern of Listeria monocytogenes from bacteriological samples were studied following oral infection of buffalo calves with 3 x 10(9) cells each of pathogenic L. monocytogenes. Antibodies to PI-PLC appeared by 4-8 days post infection (PI), with a peak between days 7 and 16 PI, when tested by indirect plate-ELISA. Subsequently, antibody titres in all the animals declined and became undetectable on days 26-35 PI onwards until the study concluded on day 211 PI. Dot-ELISA could detect the antibodies to PI-PLC 1-2 days earlier and at higher titres as compared to plate-ELISA. L. monocytogenes could be recovered from faeces, nasal swabs and haemocultures from days 2 to 33, days 2 to 21 and days 11 to 17 PI, respectively. Antibodies to PI-PLC were detected during the course of active infection but their titres declined sharply once animals became culturally negative. Sonicated antigen elicited the highest delayed-type hypersensitivity response, followed by PI-PLC and listeriolysin O.  相似文献   
The isolation of pathogenic Listeria spp. in bacteriological samples, and anti-phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (anti-PIPLC) antibodies in sera of buffaloes were studied. Isolation of the pathogen was attempted from the samples by selective enrichment in University of Vermont Medium and plating onto Dominguez-Rodriguez isolation agar. Pathogenicity of the isolates was tested by Christie, Atkins, Munch Petersen test and mice incoulation test. Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes were isolated from 8.8 and 2.4%, and 4.8 and 1.6% of 125 each meat and blood samples, respectively. Out of the 125 samples each of feacal, nasal and vaginal swabs from buffaloes 8 and 4%, 13.6 and 2.4%, and 6.4 and 2.4% were positive for Listeria spp. and L. monocytogenes, respectively. L. ivanovii was confirmed from 0.8% vaginal sample. A total of 125 serum samples were tested by phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PIPLC) based indirect ELISA of which 4.0% turned out to be seropositive.  相似文献   
Current widespread and intensive soil degradation in India has been driven by unprecedented levels of population growth, large-scale industrialization, high-yield agriculture, urban sprawl and the spread of human infrastructure. The damage caused to managed and natural systems by soil degradation threatens livelihoods and local services and leads to national socio-economic disruption. Human-induced soil degradation results from land clearing and deforestation, inappropriate agricultural practices, improper management of industrial effluents and wastes, careless management of forests, surface mining, urban sprawl, and ill-planned commercial and industrial development. Of these, inappropriate agricultural practices, including excessive tillage and use of heavy machinery, over-grazing, excessive and unbalanced use of inorganic fertilizers, poor irrigation and water management techniques, pesticide overuse, inadequate crop residue and/or organic carbon inputs, and poor crop cycle planning, account for nearly 40% (121 Mha) of land degradation across India. Globally, human activities related to agriculture contribute to the transgression of four of the nine Planetary Boundaries proposed by Rockström et al. (2009): Climate Change, Biodiversity Integrity, Land-system Change, and altered Phosphorus and Nitrogen Biogeochemical Flows. This review focuses on how knowledge of soil processes in agriculture has developed in India over the past 10 years, and the potential of soil science to meet the objectives of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger (End hunger, achieve food security, improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture), using the context of the four most relevant Planetary Boundaries as a framework. Solutions to mitigate soil degradation and improve soil health in different regions using conservation agricultural approaches have been proposed. Thus, in this review we (1) summarize the outputs of recent innovative research in India that has explored the impacts of soil degradation on four Planetary Boundaries (Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss, Land-system Change, and altered Biogeochemical Flows of Phosphorus and Nitrogen) and vice-versa; and (2) identify the knowledge gaps that require urgent attention to inform developing soil science research agendas in India, to advise policy makers, and to support those whose livelihoods rely on the land.  相似文献   
We evaluated a recently developed live vaccine candidate for fowl typhoid (FT)-JOL916, a lon/cpxR mutant of Salmonella Gallinarum (SG)-by comparing its safety and efficacy with that of the well-known rough mutant strain SG9R vaccine in 6-wk-old Hy-Line hens. Forty-five chickens were divided into three groups of 15 chickens each. The chickens were then intramuscularly inoculated with 2 x 10(7) colony-forming units (CFUs) of JOL916 (JOL916 group), 2 x 10(7) CFUs of SG9R (SG9R group), or phosphate-buffered saline (control group). After vaccination, no clinical symptoms were observed in any of the groups. No differences in body weight increase were detected among the three groups postvaccination. A cellular immune response was observed at 2 wk postvaccination (wpv) in the JOL916 group with the peripheral lymphocyte proliferation assay, whereas no response was detected in the SG9R group. Elevation of SG antigen-specific plasma immunoglobulin was observed 2 and 3 wpv in the JOL916 and SG9R vaccine groups, respectively. After virulent challenge on day 25 postvaccination, 0, 1, and 15 chickens in the JOL916 group, SG9R group, and control group, respectively, died by 12 days postchallenge; the death rate of the SG9R vaccine group was statistically similar to that of the JOL916 group. Postmortem examination revealed that the JOL916 vaccine offered more efficient protection than the SG9R vaccine, with significantly decreased hepatic necrotic foci scores, splenic enlargement scores, necrotic foci scores, and recovery of the challenge strain from the spleen. Vaccination with JOL916 appears to be safe and offers better protection than SG9R against FT in chickens.  相似文献   
Field screening of 83 groundnut cultivars was undertaken for two seasons to assess their tolerance of salinity based on plant mortality and yield attributes. During the dry season, soil salinity of 4 dS m?1 at sowing and 6–7 dS m?1 21–98 days after sowing (DAS) caused high mortality without seed formation in any cultivars, however, at salinity 4.5 dS m?1 during sowing and 3.5–3.0 dS m?1 15–80 DAS during wet season, 61 cultivars produced seed. The cultivars ‘VRI 3’, ‘UF 70–103’, ‘TKG 19A’, ‘S 206’, ‘Tirupati 4’, ‘M 522’, ‘Punjab 1’, ‘BG 3’, ‘Somnath’ and ‘ICGV 86590’, with high plant stand during both the seasons and over 75 g m?2 seed yield during wet season, were identified salinity tolerant. However, 15 cultivars with more than 50 g m?2 seed yield were moderately tolerant and 28 cultivars with less than 25 g m?2 seed yield were sensitive to salinity.  相似文献   
Root-associated plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) interact with the plant roots and influence plant health and soil fertility. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria play an important role in plant growth by exerting various mechanisms such as biological nitrogen fixation, growth hormone production, phosphate solubilization, siderophore production, hydrolytic enzyme production, antagonistic activity against fungal pathogens etc. Hence, these are employed as inoculants for biofertilizer and biocontrol activities. This review summarizes various mechanisms of PGPR and their potential for use as inoculants. It shows that their use is a worthwhile approach for exploring disease management in conjunction with other strategies.  相似文献   
Brucellosis is a zoonotic disease worldwide distributed and having the economic as well as public health importance. The prevalence of brucellosis among sheep flock having history of abortions was studied. A total of 229 samples comprising of 157 blood and 72 clinical samples (vaginal swabs) were collected from 157 animals. Clinical samples were processed for the isolation of Brucella melitensis. Serum samples (n = 157) were tested by Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and i-ELISA. A total of 68 (43.31%) and 104 (66.24%) samples were positive by RBPT and ELISA, respectively. Brucella isolates (n = 2) were recovered from clinical samples. Both isolates demonstrated amplification for bcsp 31 and IS711 genes. On AMOS PCR, both the isolates amplified at 731 bp, i.e., belongs to B. melitensis species. The incidence of B. melitensis in a migratory flock warns the thorough testing and culling of Brucella-infected sheep from the flock on a continuous basis; otherwise, such incidence will be routine and poor farmers will be at a loss.  相似文献   
Gonadotropin (GTH) hormones are glycoprotein which stimulates gonadal maturation in vertebrates. Follicle stimulating hormone is involved in initiation of gametogenesis and regulation of gonadal growth. FSHβ has been cloned and characterized from the brain of Catla catla. The FSHβ full‐length of cDNA sequence of 523 bp comprised 3, 394 and 128 bp of 5′‐UTR, open reading frame (ORF) 3′‐UTR respectively. The coding region of C. catla FSHβ encoded a peptide of 130 amino acids. Phylogenetic analysis of C. catla FSHβ deduced amino acid sequence showed high similarity with Gobiocypris rarus followed by goldfish, Carassius auratus. The qPCR result shows that FSHβ mRNA is mainly expressed in pituitary while moderate and low expression was observed in testis and ovary respectively. Chitosan‐nanoconjugated kisspeptin‐10 (CK‐10) of particle size 125 nm, polydispersity index of 0.335 to 0.65 and zeta potential of ?34.95 mV were synthesized and evaluated at against naked kisspeptin‐10 for their reproductive hormonal profile. Treatment of fish with CK‐10 showed controlled and sustained surge of the reproductive hormones (FSH & LH) with peak at 12 h. The hormone levels of naked kisspeptin‐10 treated fish decline after 6 h. The sustained release of this CK‐10 will help in reducing maturation age, synchronization of ovulation and spawning in fish. This is the first report on use of chitosan‐nanoconjugated kisspeptin‐10 (CK‐10) for reproduction in fish.  相似文献   
In this study, the immune responses to and protective efficacy of a live attenuated Salmonella-delivered vaccine candidate secreting the papA, papG, iutA, and clpG antigens of Escherichia coli were evaluated against infection with avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) in layer chickens. Primary vaccination was done at age 7 d and booster vaccination at age 5 wk. The levels of intestinal secretory immunoglobulin A specific to the 4 antigens were significantly higher in the vaccinated group than in the control group. A potent lymphocyte-proliferation response and increased levels of interferon-γ, interleukin-2, and interleukin-6 in the plasma and in culture supernatants of antigen-stimulated lymphocytes from the vaccinated group suggested significant induction of the cell-mediated immune response in this group compared with the control group. Upon challenge with a virulent APEC strain at 8 wk of age, the vaccinated group had no deaths, whereas the control group had a 15% mortality rate. In addition, the morbidity rate was significantly higher in the control group (55%) than in the vaccinated group (15%). Thus, giving primary and booster vaccination with the Salmonella-delivered APEC vaccine candidate significantly elevated both mucosal and cellular immune responses, which protected the chickens against colibacillosis.  相似文献   
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