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Book reviewed in this articles: Cereal Grain Protein Improvement. Shivanna, K. R., and B. M. Johri, The Angiosperm Pollen. Structure and Function. Gustafson, J. P., Gene Manipulation in Plant Improvement. Backer, A. W., Manual of Quantitative Genetics. Fishbeck, G., W. Plarre und W. Schuster (Hrag.) , Hoffmann , W., A. Plarre : Lehrbush der Züchtung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturflanzen, Bd. 2, Spezieller Teil, 2. Auflage. Dodds, J. H. (editor and author), Plant Genetic Engineering. Fiechter, A. (managing editor), Advanced in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. Vol. 31. Plant Cell Culture.  相似文献   
The variation obtained in storage fatty acids induced by the procedures of tissue culture and transformation with Agrobacterium tumefaciens was investigated and compared in rapeseed, Brassica napus, cv. Hanna. An increased variation in the fatty acid profiles was noted after tissue culture and transformation compared with plants derived directly from seeds. In the second generation of rapeseed transformants, T2, the content of oleic acid ranged from 39–72%, 12–31% for linoleic acid and 7–16% for linolenic acid. This could be compared with the oleic acid content in the T2 generation of tissue culture-derived plants which ranged between 47–76% and in seed-derived material where oleic acid ranged between 55–69%.In the T3 generation the ranges in transgenic seeds were decreased but still larger than in the seed derived plants. The range in transgenic plants was 49–64% for oleic acid, 20–28% for linoleic acid and 9–18% for linolenic acid. The most extreme individuals, both highest and lowest in the common fatty acids, were found in the group of transformed plants independent of generation. The total lipid content was also affected by the two treatments and seeds with the lowest and highest lipid content were both found among the transformed plants. In conclusion, care should be taken to use proper controls when performing transformation experiments in order to distinguish variation in the fatty acid profiles induced by the transformation procedure and tissue culture treatments from the changes due to transgenic expression. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Rice plants cope with flash floods using either an ‘escape strategy’ involving rapid shoot elongation or a ‘quiescence strategy’ involving survival underwater with minimal activity. To clarify the differences in the response of leaf photosynthesis properties to conditions during and after submergence, two rice cultivars were compared: a non‐shoot‐elongating cultivar IR 67520‐B‐14‐1‐3‐2‐2 (IR67520) and a shoot‐elongating cultivar IR72442‐6B‐3‐2‐1‐1 (IR72442). Twenty‐three‐day‐old seedlings were submerged in 80‐cm‐deep water for 14 days. During submergence, the chlorophyll contents of the upper fully expanded leaf (5th leaf) and newly developed leaf later (6th leaf) and the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) of the fifth leaf decreased earlier in IR72442 than in IR67520. In the submerged sixth leaf, Fv/Fm was higher in IR72442 than in IR67520 at early measurement. Although Fv/Fm of the sixth leaf in submerged IR67520 increased substantially from 2 days post‐submergence, IR72442 decreased because of leaf chlorosis. Therefore, a non‐shoot‐elongating cultivar coped with submergence by inhibiting photodamage and maintaining high chlorophyll content in the leaves. The shoot‐elongating cultivar was able to maintain the photosynthetic capacity of the newly developed leaf during submergence by prompt reduction of chlorophyll and chlorophyll fluorescence in the leaf that developed before submergence.  相似文献   
Drought and salinity reduce crop productivity especially in arid and semi‐arid regions, and finding a crop which produces yield under these adverse conditions is therefore very important. Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is such a crop. Hence, a study was conducted in field lysimeters to investigate the effect of salinity and soil–drying on radiation use efficiency, yield and water productivity of quinoa. Quinoa was exposed to five salinity levels (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 dS m?1) of irrigation water from flower initiation onwards. During the seed‐filling phase the five salinity levels were divided between two levels of irrigation, either full irrigation (FI; 95 % of field capacity) or non‐irrigated progressive drought (PD). The intercepted photosynthetically active radiation was hardly affected by salinity (8 % decrease at 40 dS m?1) and did not differ significantly between FI and PD. Radiation use efficiency of dry matter was similar between salinity levels and between FI and PD. In line with this, no negative effect of severe salinity and soil–drying on total dry matter could be detected. Salinity levels between 20 and 40 dS m?1 significantly reduced the seed yield by ca. 33 % compared with 0 dS m?1 treatment owing to a 15–30 % reduction in seed number per m2, whereas the seed yield of PD was 8 % less than FI. Consequently, nitrogen harvested in seed was decreased by salinity although the total N‐uptake was increased. Both salinity and drought increased the water productivity of dry matter. Increasing salinity from 20 to 40 dS m?1 did not further decrease the seed number per m2 and seed yield, which shows that quinoa (cv. Titicaca) acclimated to saline conditions when exposed to salinity levels between 20 and 40 dS m?1.  相似文献   
Phytophthora pluvialis and Phytophthora kernoviae are the causal agents of important needle diseases on Pinus radiata in New Zealand. Little is known about the epidemiology of the diseases, making the development of control strategies challenging. To investigate the seasonality and climatic drivers of sporulation, inoculum traps, consisting of pine fascicles floating on water in plastic containers, were exchanged fortnightly at five sites in P. radiata plantations between February 2012 and December 2014. Sections of needle baits were plated onto selective media and growth of Phytophthora pluvialis and P. kernoviae recorded. To explore the generalizability of these data, they were compared to detection data for both pathogens from the New Zealand Forest Health Database (NZFHDB). Further, equivalent analyses on infection of Rhododendron ponticum by P. kernoviae in Cornwall, UK allowed the comparison of the epidemiology of P. kernoviae across different host systems and environments. In New Zealand, inoculum of P. pluvialis and P. kernoviae was detected between January–December and March–November, respectively. Inoculum of both species peaked in abundance in late winter. The probability of detecting P. pluvialis and P. kernoviae was greater at lower temperatures, while the probability of detecting P. pluvialis also increased during periods of wet weather. Similar patterns were observed in NZFHDB data. However, the seasonal pattern of infection by P. kernoviae in the UK was the opposite of that seen for sporulation in New Zealand. Phytophthora kernoviae was likely limited by warmer and drier summers in New Zealand, but by colder winter weather in the UK. These results emphasize the importance of considering both environmental drivers and thresholds in improving our understanding of pathogen epidemiology.  相似文献   

A natural holm oak forest was selectively thinned to test thinning as a tool to reduce tree mortality, increase productivity, and reverse the recent regression of the dominant species (Quercus ilex) induced by climate change. Thinning increased aboveground productivity and reduced stem mortality in this Mediterranean forest during four years just after thinning, contributing to the maintenance of forest functioning under changing climatic conditions. Q. ilex was the only species positively affected by the thinning: stem growth increased for all stem sizes, and mortality was significantly lower in thinned plots. On the contrary, mortality rates of Phillyrea latifolia and Arbutus unedo were not significantly lower. Stem growth increased for P. latifolia only in the smallest stem-size class. Our results highlight the suitability of selective thinning for improving the forest productivity and ensuring the conservation of Mediterranean coppices. Other benefits of selective thinning, such as a decrease in the risk of fire dispersion and an increase in the water supply for human populations, are also discussed.  相似文献   
Average grain weight is a major yield component contributing to its variation, especially in Mediterranean regions where grain weight is frequently exposed to terminal stresses affecting grain growth. Most of the literature agrees that wheat grain growth is hardly limited by the source. However, no source–sink ratios studies seem to have been conducted in the Mediterranean region to determine to what degree wheat grain growth is actually limited by the source in these particular regions. We conducted two field experiments in Catalonia (north-eastern Spain), where an old cultivar (Anza) and a more recently released one (Soissons) were sown in a range of different nitrogen and water availabilities and sowing dates. This was to analyse the degree of source limitation for grain growth. Sink size was modified by removing half of the spikelets c. 10 days after anthesis, virtually doubling the availability of assimilates per grain effectively growing.

Trimming the spikes did not produce significant changes in grain growth rate or duration of grain filling. Consequently, grain weight did not respond noticeably to the reduction in sink demand and any eventual response has been far from representing a strong competition among grains during grain filling.  相似文献   

In Bolivia, one of the world’s most important centres of plant domestication, there is growing awareness of the value of native Andean crops, both for domestic consumption and for market sale – notably the virtually boom‐like consumer demand for quinoa around the world. The southern altiplano of Bolivia, south of Oruro, relies almost purely on the production of quinoa and breeding of llamas, which have also been selected as the two commodities of priority to the government to increase the income of the country. Presently, however, quinoa is facing increasing problems in production, owing to its increasing export market and price. The flat areas around the salt desert of the southern altiplano, previously characterized by natural vegetation fed by the llamas, are being increasingly sown with quinoa, hence transformed into deserts, because intensive cultivation methods make the soil loose its fertility. Possible solutions to these problems will require extensive efforts in the south, in addition to various strategies, which also include other parts of the Bolivian altiplano and a strengthened focus on other Andean crops.  相似文献   
Abstract Estimates of soil evaporation and available soil water of no‐tillage fields under farm conditions are important to assess soil water status at sowing of rainfed grain crops. The objective of this study was to predict stored soil water of no‐tillage fields during the fallow periods following soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) and maize (Zea mays L.) crops by accounting for decreased soil evaporation as a result of the residues left on the soil surface. Three simple phenomenological models were used to simulate stored soil water under field conditions at seven locations in Argentina. Two models calculated decreased soil evaporation based on crop residue mass, and the third assumed a constant fractional decrease in bare soil evaporation. All models gave good estimates of soil water content during the fallow periods following a soybean crop. In cases with large quantities of maize residue, however, the models resulted in more water retention in the soil than observed as a consequence of underprediction of soil evaporation. These results indicate that full benefit of crop residue was not being achieved in these fields, probably due to a failure to finely chop and uniformly distribute the crop material on the soil surface.  相似文献   
Competition for water generates a classic aspect of the tragedy of the commons, the ‘race for fish’, where crops must allocate more resource to acquisition of the limiting resource than is optimal for crop yield allocation. A pot experiment using a simple additive (target–neighbour) design was conducted to examine the above‐ground and below‐ground growth of three spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars when grown alone and in mixtures at three levels of water availability. The effects of competition and water availability were compared by observing patterns of growth, biomass allocation and below‐ground outcomes. Competitive interactions were investigated among cultivars ‘HST’, ‘GY602’ and ‘LC8275’, target plant of each cultivar grown without neighbouring plants are referred to herein as control plant and one target plant of each cultivar sown surrounded either by same or another cultivar as intra‐ or inter‐cultivar competition. Competitive ability was assessed as the response ratio (lnRR) between the target plant surrounded by six other plants and the target plant in isolation. Our results showed that the cultivar ‘HST’, released over a century ago, produced a higher biomass and grain yield than the more recently released cultivars ‘LC8275’ and ‘GY602’ when grown as isolated plants with sufficient water supply. However, competition for resources from neighbours led to target plant biomass and grain yield being significantly reduced relative to controls in all three cultivars, particularly in ‘HST’. When subjected to intra‐cultivar competition, the two recently released cultivars ‘LC8275’ and ‘GY602’ had higher grain yields and water use efficiency for grain than ‘HST’ in all three water regimes. The landrace ‘HST’ had better and significantly linear relationships between biomass and biomass allocation, root length and specific root length, whereas the recent and modern cultivars had much more water‐related species‐specific changes in root morphology and allocation patterns. These results suggest that crop traits that influence competitive ability, such as biomass allocation to roots and root plasticity in response to drought have changed in modern wheat cultivars because of breeding and selection.  相似文献   
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