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Epidemics of Peronospora parasitica are strongly affected by temperature and air moisture, and the interaction of these factors. Because a significant percentage of radish plants are grown in greenhouses, it may be possible to influence epidemics by altering the greenhouse climate. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that epidemics of P. parasitica can be modelled by the effects of air temperature and moisture in the greenhouse. Such a model could then be used to analyse greenhouse climate control strategies with regard to managing downy mildew. Five radish crops were grown under greenhouse conditions with set-points for heating and ventilation intended to obtain favourable conditions for disease development during the first part of the growing cycle. Subsequent to this first phase, unfavourable conditions were set until harvest. Disease incidence was measured once a week until the radishes reached marketable size. In addition, experiments were carried out in growth chambers in which inoculated plants were subjected to air temperatures between 8 and 27°C, and disease incidence and sporulation intensity were measured. Data from these two experiments were then used to estimate model parameters. In this model, the interactions of air temperature (T) and water vapour saturation deficit (SD) were adequately described by a multiplicative relationship. The simulated epidemics by the fitted model were highly correlated with the observed epidemics (r = 0.91, R 2 = 0.83, n = 29). Parameter estimates indicated that T of ca. 20°C and SD < 0.03 hPa resulted in the highest rates of disease development and that the rate was zero when SD > 2.0 hPa. Both experimental data and simulations showed that epidemics of P. parasitica can be effectively controlled by managing the greenhouse climate.  相似文献   
The calcium channel and the ‘calcium release channel’ of muscle membrane of the cockroach Periplaneta americana have been characterized. Biological assays with calcium channel blockers and ryanodine on different insects and acari revealed pronounced insecticidal effects with ryanodine, but not with calcium channel blockers, at concentrations between 0·1 and 300 μg ml−1. Skeletal muscle membranes derived either from the tubular network or from the sarcoplasmatic reticulum of P. americana were characterized with respect to the binding of the dihydropyridine (DHP) [3H]isradipine (PN 200-110), the phenyl-alkylamine [3H]verapamil and the alkaloid [3H]ryanodine. Preliminary binding studies with the benzothiazepine [3H]diltiazem suggest a low-affinity binding site with a IC50 value of 3·3 μM . All binding sites tested were sensitive to treatment with proteinase K. Optimal conditions for binding of the radioligand ryanodine revealed the highest specific binding at pH 8 and at calcium chloride concentrations between 100 and 500 μM . EGTA at 10 μM abolished 95% of the ryanodine binding. Binding studies with calcium channel binding sites revealed a pronounced effect of low Ca2+ concentrations on specific isradipine binding, whereas verapamil and diltiazem binding were only reduced by the presence of 200 μM EGTA. With respect to high Ca2+ concentrations, specific binding of diltiazem, isradipine and verapamil was reduced by 73, 40 and 20%, respectively, at 5 mM Ca2+. Radioligand binding experiments showed high-affinity binding sites for ryanodine and isradipine. KD values of 0·95 nM (Bmax=550 fmol mg−1 protein) and 0·75 nM (Bmax=213 fmol mg−1 protein) were determined respectively. A lower-affinity binding site was identified in binding studies with verapamil (KD=7·4 nM and Bmax=27 fmol mg−1 protein). [3H]isradipine displacement studies with several dihydropyridines revealed the following ranking of affinity: nitrendipine>isradipine>Bay K8664≪nicardipine. Displacement of [3H]verapamil binding by effectors of the phenylalkylamine binding site showed that bepridil and S(-)verapamil had the highest affinities of the compounds tested followed by (±)verapamil, nor-methylverapamil and R(+)verapamil.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to test the suitability of a simple approach to identify the direction from where airborne heavy metals reach the study area as indication of their sources. We examined the distribution of heavy metals in soil profiles and along differently exposed transects. Samples were taken from 10 soils derived from the same parent material along N-, S-, and SE-exposed transects at 0—10, 10—20, and 20—40 cm depth and analyzed for total Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn concentrations. The heavy metal concentrations at 0—10 cm were larger than background concentrations in German arable soils except for Cr (Cd: 0.6—1.8 mg kg—1; Cr: 39—67; Cu: 40—77; Ni: 87—156; Pb: 48—94; Zn: 71—129; Fe: 26—34 g kg—1; Mn: 1.1—2.4). Decreasing Cd, Cu, Mn, and Pb concentrations with increasing soil depth pointed at atmospheric inputs. Aluminum and Ni concentrations increased with soil depth. Those of Fe, Cr, and Zn did not change with depth indicating that inputs at most equalled leaching losses. The Pb accumulation in the surface layer (i.e. the ratio between the Pb concentrations at 0—10 to those at 20—40 cm depth) was most pronounced at N-exposed sites; Pb obviously reached Mount Križna mainly by long-range transport from N where several industrial agglomerations are located. Substantial Cd, Cu, and Mn accumulations at the S- and SE-exposed sites indicated local sources such as mining near to the study area which probably are also the reason for slight Cr and Zn accumulations in the SE-exposed soils. Based on a principal component analysis of the total concentrations in the topsoils four metal groups may be distinguished: 1. Cr, Ni, Zn; 2. Mn, Cd; 3. Pb (positive loading), Cu (negative loading); 4. Al, Fe, indicating common sources and distribution patterns. The results demonstrate that the spatial distribution of soil heavy metal concentrations can be used as indication of the location of pollution sources.  相似文献   
One of the first steps in estimating the potential for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) initiatives is the proper estimation of the carbon components. There are still considerable uncertainties about carbon stocks in tropical rain forest, coming essentially from poor knowledge of the quantity and spatial distribution of forest biomass at the landscape level.  相似文献   
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an important environmental cue for many organisms but is odorless to humans. It remains unclear whether the mammalian olfactory system can detect CO2 at concentrations around the average atmospheric level (0.038%). We demonstrated the expression of carbonic anhydrase type II (CAII), an enzyme that catabolizes CO2, in a subset of mouse olfactory neurons that express guanylyl cyclase D (GC-D+ neurons) and project axons to necklace glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. Exposure to CO2 activated these GC-D+ neurons, and exposure of a mouse to CO2 activated bulbar neurons associated with necklace glomeruli. Behavioral tests revealed CO2 detection thresholds of approximately 0.066%, and this sensitive CO2 detection required CAII activity. We conclude that mice detect CO2 at near-atmospheric concentrations through the olfactory subsystem of GC-D+ neurons.  相似文献   

Key message

Industrial computed tomography scanning of logs provides detailed information on timber quality prior to sawing. A sawing simulation—considering log rotation angle and knot size accuracy—revealed an average value increase of up to 20% for the best angle compared to the conventional horns-up position.


Computed tomography (CT) scanning has the potential to improve the value of products sawn from logs and meets the increasing demands of the wood industry for detailed information on log quality prior to processing.


In a validation step, automated measurements of knot cluster variable DAB (DIN 4074-1:2012-06) using CT were compared with manual measurements. In a second optimization step, the hypothesis that the value of the sawn products is increased by sawing at the best rotation angle as opposed to the horns-up position was tested.


A sample of 36 Douglas-fir logs were scanned in an industrial CT scanner, and sawn into boards. Knots on the boards were manually measured, and compared with the corresponding knots on virtual boards created from the CT data. The error of the DAB was measured by comparing CT data to manual measurements. An optimized sawing simulation was performed, using the measured DAB error to account for CT measurement errors, as well as a rotational error to account for errors in the log turning equipment. Using the results of the sawing simulation, Monte Carlo simulations were performed to show the potential and benefit of an industrial CT scanner.


The three largest DABs measured by the CT showed good correlation to the measurements on the manual boards. The simulation revealed an average increase of value from 4 to 20% compared to the conventional horns-up position depending on the relative price differences between the strength grades.


By using a CT scanner to optimize sawing, sawmill owners can process logs in a better way to produce final products with increased added value.
To assess the mobility of Pb and associated metals in a highly contaminated shooting range soil (Losone, Ticino, Switzerland), we investigated the spatial distribution of the metals and their relation to preferential water flow paths. A 2.2 m2 plot located 40 m behind the stop butt was irrigated with a solution containing bromide and Brilliant Blue, a slightly sorbing dye. A soil profile 50 cm in width was sampled down to 80 cm with a spatial resolution of 2.5 cm, resulting in 626 samples. Concentrations of elements (12 ≤ Z ≤ 92) were determined by energy‐dispersive Xray fluorescence spectrometry, and Brilliant Blue concentrations were determined with a chromameter. In the acidic (pH 3), organic matter‐rich, well drained Dystric Cambisol, maximum concentrations of 80.9 g kg‐1 Pb, 4.0 g kg‐1 Sb, and 0.55 g kg‐1 Cu were measured in the topsoil. Within 40 cm soil depth, however, Pb, Sb, and Cu approached background concentrations of 23 mg kg‐1, 0.4 mg kg‐1, and 9.4 mg kg‐1, respectively. The even horizontal distribution and the steep gradient along soil depth indicate tight metal binding in the topsoil, and a fairly homogeneous transport front. In contrast, water flow through the profile was highly heterogeneous. In the uppermost 20 cm, preferential flow was initiated by heterogeneous infiltration at the soil surface, but had no influence on metal distribution. Below 20 cm, however, preferential flow originated from larger tree roots, and metal concentrations were significantly elevated along these macropores. Spatial distributions of Pb, Sb, and Cu were similar, suggesting that all three metals are strongly retained in the topsoil and transported along preferential water flow paths in the subsoil.  相似文献   
Field and pot experiments showed that the P demand of wheat is highest in early stages of growth (up to 1.67 μg P per cm2 root surface and day). The needed orthophosphate ions H2PO4? and HPO42-move from soil to the root by diffusion. This process is controlled by the concentration gradient of the diffusible phosphate and the effective diffusion coefficient according to Pick's first law. Root excretions (rhizodeposition) are able to affect both characteristics. The water soluble portion of rhizodeposition contains more than 50% of up to 8 different sugars, 10–40% carboxylic acids and 10–15 amino acids and amides. The composition varies in dependence on the age of the root parts and on nutrition (Zea mays L., Brassica napus L., Pisum sativum L.). Diffusion experiments using small soil blocks showed that 50–75% of the root exudates were decomposed by respiration within 3 days. The rest was largely chemically converted. Originally present sugars disappeared. Due to the biosynthesis of different organic acids from the individual sugars the mobilisation of Ca3(PO4)2 by Pantoea agglomerans increased when the sugar mixture was derived from the rhizodeposition of P deficient plants with more pentoses instead of glucose and fructose (mainly effect of anions). In the rhizosphere therefore a mixture of rhizodeposition and its conversion products exists which affects the binding of phosphorus in soil and the P transport to the root. This should be considered both for the development of new soil extractants and for modelling the P supply to plants.  相似文献   
Particulate phosphorus (P) can be transported via soil erosion in overland flow to waters, where it provides a long-term source of P for aquatic biota, and can accelerate freshwater eutrophication. Hence, knowledge of P sources is important for good environmental management. However, data on P, and related Fe, losses from various structures of a post-mining landscape are lacking. A year-long monitoring, and ten short rainfall simulations on plot scale, at ridges and rills and a combination of them, revealed high erosion from bare lignite mining dumps at Schlabendorf-North, Lusatia, Germany. The mean annual soil erosion rate from the year-long monitoring site was 18 × 106 kg km− 2 yr− 1, corresponding to 0.034 g m− 2 min− 1. The erosion rates were lowest at rill plots (1.9–4.4 g m− 2 min− 1), intermediate at ridge plots (14.3–37.1 g m− 2 min− 1), and highest at a combined rill and ridge plot (48.7–63.4 g m− 2 min− 1). These differences in extent were due to small scale differences in morphology and extreme water repellency. The hydrophobicity leads to very low infiltration, thus generating surface runoff even at low rainfall intensities. Loss rates of P and Fe, as deduced from the year-long erosion rate, were 470–650 kg km− 2 yr− 1, and 37.9 × 103–71 × 103 kg km− 2 yr− 1 respectively. However, these P inputs from lignite mining dump erosion, consisting of P-poor (17–90 μg g− 1) tertiary spoil materials, into aborning mining lakes, are negligible since they are accompanied by high Fe inputs, which favour an efficient P co-precipitation in the water column.  相似文献   
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