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Employing the case of theredwood Headwaters forest in rural NorthernCalifornia, this paper investigates the extentto which an anti-corporate progressive alliancebetween labor and the environmental movement ispossible in contemporary global capitalism.Progressive alliances between labor and theenvironmental movement have been historicallydifficult. This has been particularly the casein the timber industry, where companies havebeen able to mobilize workers againstenvironmentalists' designs. The caseillustrates the events that led to the purchaseof the Headwaters Forest by the state ofCalifornia and the Federal Government fromPacific Lumber. This is a subsidiary of Maxxam,a corporation with interests in a variety ofeconomic sectors. The objective was to haltMaxxam's rampant deforestation of old growthredwood. Though conflict between labor andenvironmentalists existed, the casedemonstrates that the labor and theenvironmental movement were united againstMaxxam. They, however, were not completelysuccessful in their struggle as Maxxam greatlybenefited from the state-sponsored landpurchase. Maxxam gained economically, was ableto shape the ideological framework throughwhich the purchasing agreement was achieved,and extended its hegemony over the state. Thisoutcome cast doubts on the possibility thatcurrent forms of environmental protection couldtranscend commodified and reductionistpostures. Simultaneously, the existence of acommon anti-corporate consciousness among largesegments of labor and the environmentalmovement makes the environment a contestedterrain and allows for some optimism about thefuture of the struggle for ecologically soundsocial arrangements.  相似文献   
This study investigates the socio-historical relationships existing between the development of the agricultural structure and the process of technical development. Adopting a political economy posture, it is argued that the development of technical procedures in agriculture has been aimed historically at the maximization of production and productivity. This phenomenon has been generated by the social hegemony of groups interested in the enhancement of accumulation of capital and has been translated into an emphasis on large productive units, which discriminates against small and medium farms. This pattern of development has been legitimized through a social consensus which involves an emphasis on small family producers. This contradiction is embodied in the generation of a dualistic agricultural structure characterized by the prosperity of large farms, the persistence of small farms and the crisis of medium farms and in patterns of overproduction and unavailability of food for the poor segments of society.  相似文献   
We have calculated the number of dormant, nearly isotropic Oort cloud comets in the solar system by (i) combining orbital distribution models with statistical models of dormant comet discoveries by well-defined surveys and (ii) comparing the model results to observations of a population of dormant comets. Dynamical models that assume that comets are not destroyed predict that we should have discovered approximately 100 times more dormant nearly isotropic comets than are actually seen. Thus, as comets evolve inward from the Oort cloud, the majority of them must physically disrupt.  相似文献   
After a period of deflation during the 1991-1993 flank eruption, Mount Etna underwent a rapid inflation. Seismicity and ground deformation show that since 1994, a huge volume of magma intruded beneath the volcano, producing from 1998 onward a series of eruptions at the summit and on the flank of the volcano. The last of these, started on 27 October 2002, is still in progress and can be considered one of the most explosive eruptions of the volcano in recent times. Here we show how geodetic data and seismic deformation, between 1994 and 2001, indicate a radial compression around an axial intrusion, consistent with a repressurization of Mount Etna's plumbing system at a depth of 6 to 15 kilometers, which triggered most of the seismicity and provoked the dilatation of the volcano and the recent explosive eruptive activity.  相似文献   
The possibility of arbitrarily "adding" and "subtracting" single photons to and from a light field may give access to a complete engineering of quantum states and to fundamental quantum phenomena. We experimentally implemented simple alternated sequences of photon creation and annihilation on a thermal field and used quantum tomography to verify the peculiar character of the resulting light states. In particular, as the final states depend on the order in which the two actions are performed, we directly observed the noncommutativity of the creation and annihilation operators, one of the cardinal concepts of quantum mechanics, at the basis of the quantum behavior of light. These results represent a step toward the full quantum control of a field and may provide new resources for quantum information protocols.  相似文献   
A two-year field experiment was performed in order to evaluate the suitability of de-oiled olive pomace for soil management in a young super high-density olive orchard. In the literature there are not works on this topic.  相似文献   
Different kinds of cereal flours submitted to various technological treatments were classified on the basis of their mid-infrared spectra by pattern recognition techniques. Classification in the wavelet domain was achieved by using the wavelet packet transform for efficient pattern recognition (WPTER) algorithm, which allowed singling out the most discriminant spectral regions. Principal component analysis (PCA) on the selected features showed an effective clustering of the analyzed flours. Satisfactory classification models were obtained both on training and test samples. Furthermore, mixtures of varying composition of the studied flours were distributed in the PCA space according to their composition.  相似文献   
Aroma is central to a pleasurable eating/drinking experience but is one of the most labile components of food. Coffee is an outstanding example. Attempts to avoid or control aroma degradation are often frustrated by ignorance of the microscopic mechanisms that are responsible for it. One of the processes most frequently invoked is radical formation, yet the identity of the radicals and their involvement in aroma degradation are poorly understood at the molecular level. Here a step forward in the fundamental understanding of this complex problem is taken by identifying the most relevant radicals and their products using first-principles calculations. Over 100 radicals originating from key aroma compounds found in coffee and other foods have been studied and classified according to an unambiguous criterion: their thermodynamic stability relative to common radical sources. This classification scheme predicts that most aroma molecules are resistant to both peroxidation and attack from phenolic antioxidants but are unstable with respect to radicals such as .OH. Dimers--generated from radical reactions--were also considered, and the most volatile species, which may further contribute to coffee aroma degradation, were focused on. Those--which are very few indeed--that have this potential have been identified.  相似文献   
Prions, are proteinaceous particles recognized as the agents of a class of neurodegenerative disorders, called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), or prion diseases. Epidemiological data suggest that TSE-contaminated environments may serve as source of infectivity, but there is no information about adsorption of prions onto soil. We carried out experiments by mixing, healthy, or scrapie-infected hamster brains homogenates with three types of soil suspended in different buffers: (i) two saline buffers, i.e., phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and CaCl2 solution; (ii) a mix of nondenaturing detergents, i.e., Triton X-100 and sodium deoxycholate (DOC) solution; (iii) a non-ionic detergent, i.e., lauryl maltoside; (iv) two anionic detergents, i.e., Sarkosyl or sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS); and (v) a chaotropic agent, i.e., urea. The unbound prion proteins were detected in the supernatants (after centrifugation of soil suspension) by Western blotting. Results clearly demonstrate that both the no infectious (PrPC) and infectious (PrPSc) forms are adsorbed by all soils. Only 1% sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) partially impeded the association of PrPC, but not that of PrPSc with the sandy loam soil. Agents with different interacting properties towards hydrophilic and/or hydrophobic domains failed to extract PrPSc from sediments of soil-brain homogenate mixtures. The strong interaction of PrPSc with soil favors the accumulation of prions in soils, especially if amended with prion-containing organic fertilizers and/or whenever TSE-affected animal carcasses, placenta, and excreta in general are buried or laid at the soil surface.  相似文献   
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