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Global averages were obtained for amounts of energy, land, water, wildfish, nitrogen, and phosphorus embodied in aquaculture feed ingredients. These data allowed amounts of these embodied resources to be calculated for typical feed formulations for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus; hybrid catfish, I. punctatus♀ × I. furcatus♂; Vietnamese catfish, Pangasius spp.; Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar; rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss; tilapia, Oreochromis spp.; whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei; and black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Embodied resource use per m.t. of feed varied among species: energy, 4.90–12.48 GJ/m.t.; land, 0.082–0.312 ha/m.t.; water, 502–1227 m3/m.t.; wildfish, 0–2880 kg/m.t.; nitrogen, 3.08–8.63 kg/m.t.; phosphorus, 1.16–5.62 kg/m.t. These calculations did not account for variations in site‐specific factors related to embodied resources and feed composition and use. But they suggest that reducing feed conversion ratio (FCR) by 0.1 unit for the seven species (species groups) could potentially reduce feed use by around 1.1 million tonne (Mt) while conserving 9.8 million GJ of energy, 270,000 ha of agricultural land, 1.4 billion m3 of freshwater, and 1.24 Mt of wildfish. Reduction of the FCR is a powerful means of lessening farm‐level production costs and negative impacts of feed production and use.  相似文献   
Near-adult cats, fasted overnight, and given a single meal of a complete amino acid diet without arginine, developed hyperammonemia and showed clinical symptoms of ammonia toxicity within 2 hours. One cat (2.7 kilograms) died 4.5 hours after ingesting only 8 grams of the diet. Since ornithine also prevented hyperammonemia, it appears that the domestic cat cannot synthesize ornithine.  相似文献   
Rickettsia species antibodies have been detected in some cats but it is unknown whether infected cats develop clinical signs. The prevalence of Rickettsia species deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in blood from clinically ill cats has not been determined. The objective of this study was to determine if cats with fever (body temperature >or=102.5 degrees F [39.2 degrees C]) were more likely to have evidence of rickettsial infection than healthy, age-matched, control cats with a body temperature<102.5 degrees F. Rickettsia species polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were performed to detect rickettsial DNA extracted from blood (71 paired samples), indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA) were performed to detect serum antibodies against Rickettsia felis (90 paired samples) and Rickettsia rickettsii (91 paired samples), and the results between pairs were compared. All samples were negative for Rickettsia species DNA. More cats with fever were seropositive for R felis or R rickettsii than control cats, but results were not statistically significant. Results of this pilot study failed to show an association between Rickettsia species DNA or Rickettsia species antibodies and fever.  相似文献   
Resource use was investigated at 34 Litopenaeus vannamei and five Penaeus monodon farms in Thailand and 30 L. vannamei and 24 P. monodon farms in Vietnam. Farms varied in water surface areas for production, reservoirs, canals, and settling basins; in pond size and depth; and in water management, stocking density, feeding rate, amendment input, aeration rate, crop duration, and crops per year. Production of L. vannamei averaged 17.3 and 10.9 m.t./ha/yr, and feed conversion ratio averaged 1.49 and 1.33 in Thailand and Vietnam, respectively. On average, production of 1 m.t. of L. vannamei required 0.58 ha land, 5,400 m3 water, 60 GJ energy, and 1218 kg wildfish in Thailand and 1.76 ha land, 15,100 m3 water, 33.7 GJ energy, and 1264 kg wildfish in Vietnam. Resource use per metric ton of shrimp declined with greater production intensity. In Thailand, P. monodon was produced at 0.2–0.4 m.t./ha/yr, with no inputs but water and postlarvae. In Vietnam, P. monodon production averaged 3.60 m.t./ha/yr. Production of 1 m.t. of P. monodon required 0.80 ha land, 36,000 m3 water, 47.8 GJ energy, and 1180 kg wildfish, and resource use per ton production declined with increasing production intensity.  相似文献   
Understanding spatial population structure and biocomplexity is critical for determining a species’ resilience to environmental and anthropogenic perturbations. However, integrated population models (IPMs) used to develop management advice for harvested populations have been slow to incorporate spatial dynamics. Therefore, limited research has been devoted to understanding the reliability of movement parameter estimation in spatial population models, especially for spatially dynamic marine fish populations. We implemented a spatial simulation–estimation framework that emulated a generic marine fish metapopulation to explore the impact of ontogenetic movement and climate‐induced distributional shifts between two populations. The robustness of spatially stratified IPMs was explored across a range of movement parametrizations, including ignoring connectivity or estimating movement with various levels of complexity. Ignoring connectivity was detrimental to accurate estimation of population‐specific biomass, while implementing spatial IPMs with intermediate levels of complexity (e.g. estimating movement in two‐year and two‐age blocks) performed best when no a priori information about underlying movement was available. One‐way distributional shifts mimicking climate‐induced poleward migrations presented the greatest estimation difficulties, but the incorporation of auxiliary information on connectivity (e.g. tag‐recapture data) reduced bias. The continued development of spatially stratified modelling approaches should allow harvested resources to be better utilized without increased risk. Additionally, expanded collection and incorporation of unique spatially explicit data will enhance the robustness of IPMs in the future.  相似文献   
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