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Résumé— Une ichthiose congénitale chez deux chiots Cavalier King Charles est décrite. Les lésions chez le chiot le plus atteint étaient un squamosis modéré généralisé, des squames épaisses verruqueuses brunes sur l'abdomen et une hyperkératose aux marges des coussinets. L'histologie a révélé une importante hyperkératose orthokératosique et une couche granuleuse irrégulière, alors qu'en microscopie électronique on observait une division du cytoplasme des kéraitinocytes en trois compartiments et al persistence de la fixation des tonofilaments aux desmosomes dans les couches superficielles de l'épiderme. Le traitement à base d'étritinate n'a pas pu être poursuivi à cause des effects secondaries et les traitements topiques étaient inefficaces. [Congenital ichthyosis in two Cavalier King Charles Spaniel littermates. (Ichthiose congénitale chez deux chiots Cavalier King Charles d'une même portée.) Zusammenfassung— Es wird eine angeborene Ichthyose bei zwei Wurfgeschwistern der Hunderasse Cavalier King Charles Spaniel beschrieben. Die klinischen Veränderungen bei dem stärker befallenen Tier bestanden in einer milden, generalisierten Schuppenbildung, dicken, braunen, verrukösen Schuppen am abdomen und einer Hyperkératose an den Rändern der Pfotenballen. Die Histologie zeigte eine extreme orthokeratotische Hyperkératose und eine unregelmäßige Granulozytenschict, während das Elektronenmikroskop nachwies, daß das Zytoplasma der Keratinozyten in drei Kompartimente geteilt war und die Bindung der Tonofila-mente an die Desmosomen in den oberflächlichen Lagen der Epidermis persistierte. Eine Etretinat-Therapie konnte wegen schwerer Nebenwirkungen nicht fortgeführt werden, die ausschließlich lokale Therapie war nicht sehr effektiv. [Congenital ichthyosis in two Cavalier King Charles Spaniel littermates (Angeborene Ichthyose bei zwei Wurfgeschwistern der Hunderasse Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.) Resumen— Se describe ictiosis congénita en dos camadas de Cavalier King Charles. Las lesiones clinicas en el perro más gravemente afectado consistian en leves escamas generalizadas, escamas gruesas marrones verrugosas en el abdomen e hiperqueratosis de los márgenes de las almohadillas de los pies. La histología reveló una extrema hiperqueratosis ortoque-ratósica y una irregular capa granular, mientras qie la microscopia electrónica demonstró la division del citoplasma de los queratinocitos en tres compartimentos y la persistencia de la ligadura de los tonofilamentos a los desmosomas en las capas altas de la epidermis. No se pudo mantener una terapia con etretinato debido a efectos adversos, y la terapia tópica solamente no fue muy efectiva. [Congential ichthyosis in two Cavalier King Charles spaniels (Ictiosis congénita en dos camadas de Cavalier King Charles spaniel.) Abstract— Congenital ichthyosis in two Cavalier King Charles littermates is described. Clinical lesions in the more severely affected dog consisted of mild generalized scaling, thick brown verrucous scales on the abdomen, and hyperkeratosis of the footpad margins. Histology revealed an extreme orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis and an irregular granular layer while electron microscopy demonstrated the division of the cytoplasm of the keratinocytes into three compartments and the persistence of the attachment of the tonofilaments to the desmosomes in the upper layers of the epidermis. Etretinate therapy could not be maintained due to adverse effects and topical therapy only was not very effective.  相似文献   
Abstract— Culture supernatants from six Staphylococcus hyicus isolates were concentrated by ultrafiltration and were injected intradermally into the abdominal skin of 2-week-old piglets. Two distinct types of reaction were observed; (1) a focal erythema and (2) an exfoliative reaction with crusting. The severity of these reactions and the number of animals affected differed between isolates. The exfoliative reaction observed in these skin tests may be a good indicator of virulence. Résumé— Les surnageants de six souches de Staphylococcus hyicus ont été concentrés par ultrafiltration et furent injectés par voie intradermique dans la peau de l'abdomen de porcelets ägés de deux semaines. Deux types distincts de réactions furent observés: (1) un éryhème focal et (2) une réaction d'exfoliation avec apparition de croûtes. L'intensité de ces réactions et le nombre d'animaux atteints différaient selon les souches. La réaction d'exfoliation observée lors de ces tests pourrait être un bon indicateur de virulence. Zusammenfassung— Überstände der Kultur von sechs Staphylococcus hyicus-Isolaten wurden durch Ultra-zentrifugieren konzentriert und bei 2 Wochen alten Ferkeln intradermal in die Abdominalhaut injiziert. Es konnten zwei deutlich unterscheidbare Reaktionen beobachtet werden: (1) ein fokales Erythem und (2) eine exfoliative Reaktion mit Krustenbildung. Die Schwere dieser Reaktionen und die Zahl der betroffenen Tiere war je nach Isolat unterscheidlich. Die exfoliative Reaktion bei diesen Hauttests könnte ein guter Indikator für die Virulenz sein. Resumen Los sobrenadantes de 6 cultivos diferentes de Staphylococcus hyicus se concentraron mediante ultrafiltración y se inyectaron via intradérmica en la piel abdominal de lechones de dos semanas de edad. Se observaron dos tipos de reacción: (1) un eritem focal y (2) una reacción exfoliativa y costrosa. La gravedad de las reacciones y el nümero de animales afectados variaba en functión del cultivo utilizado. La reacción exfoliativa que se observó en estos tests intradérmicos puede ser un buen indicador de virulencia.  相似文献   
Objective —The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ketorolac tromethamine or placebo on the neuromuscular blockade induced by an infusion of atracurium in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Design —Randomized, controlled trial. Animals —Six healthy, adult mixed-breed dogs (five female, one male) weighing 24.8 ± 2.8 kg. Methods —Dogs were studied on two occasions with a minimum of 7 days between studies. Dogs were induced with 5% isoflurane in oxygen and maintained with 1.6 ± minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) end-tidal isoflurane. Neuromuscular blockade was assessed using the train of-four response. Once 50% depression of the first twitch (T1) was achieved, the atracurium infusion rate was held constant for 30 minutes. Then ketorolac, 0.5 mg/kg, or the same volume of placebo (0.9% sodium chloride solution) was administered intravenously and the atracurium infusion maintained for an additional 60 minutes. Before and at 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60 minutes after ketorolac or placebo, the percent depression of T1 and the fourth twitch to the first twitch (T4/T1) ratio were recorded. The atracurium infusion was discontinued and the time for T1 to recover from 50% to 75% of its original value was recorded. At 75% T1, edrophonium, 0.5 mg/kg intravenously, was administered to antagonize the residual blockade. Results —There was no significant difference in T1%, T4/T1 ratio, or recovery time after ketorolac administration compared with placebo. Conclusions —Ketorolac, 0.5 mg/kg intravenously, has no significant effect on either atracuriuminduced neuromuscular blockade or recovery time for T1 in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs. Clinical Relevance —The concurrent use of atracurium should not be a contraindication for the administration of ketorolac for intraoperative or postoperative analgesia.  相似文献   
Abstract— The effects of an inhibitor-producing strain of Staphylococcus chromogenes on the colonisation and disease produced by virulent and avirulent strains of Staphylococcus hyicus were examined. In the presence of S. chromogenes the colonisation of the virulent strain was reduced one thousand fold and the onset of lesions was delayed by 7 days. The ability of the avirulent strain of S. hyicus to colonise skin was greatly reduced and populations became almost undetectable within 6 days of inoculation. Résumeé— Les effets d'une souche de Staphylococcus chromogenes, productrice d'un facteur d'inhibition, ont été examinés sur la colonisation et la maladie produites par des souches non virulentes et virulentes de Staphylococcus hyicus. En présence de S. chromogenes, la colonisation de la souche virulente a été réduite de 1000 fois, et l'apparition des lésions a été retardée de 7 jours. La faculté pour la souche non virulente de S. hyicus de coloniser la peau a été considérablement réduite et les populations sont devenues à peu près introuvables 6 jours après l'inoculation. Zusammenfassung— Die Wirkungen Inhibitor-produzierenden Art von Staphylococcus chromogenes auf die Kolonisierung und Erkrankung der Haut durch virulente und avirulente Arten von Staphylococcus hyicus wurden untersucht. In Gegenwart von S. chromogenes wurde die Kolonisierung der virulenten Art um den Faktor 1000 verringert und des Auftreten der Hautveränderungen um 7 Tage verzögert. Die Fähigkeit zur Kolonisierung der Haut durch die avirulente 5. hyicus-Art wurde sehr stark verringert, ihre Population konnte innerhalb von 6 Tagen nach Inokulation nicht mehr nachgewiesen werden. Resumen Se estudian los efectos de una cepa de Staphylococcus chromogenes productora de un inhibidor sobre la colonización y la enfermedad producida por cepas virulentas y avirulentas de Staphylococcus hyicus. En presencia de S. chromogenes la colonización de cepas virulentas se redujo a una milésima parte y la aparición de lesiones se retrasó 7 días. La capacidad de cepas avirulentas de S. hyicus para colonizar la piel se vió fuertemente reducida y las poblaciones bacterianas eran prácticamente no detectables a los 6 días de la inoculación.  相似文献   
Abstract— The clinical and histologic features of a 2-year-old intact male golden retriever with nodular dermatofibrosis and renal cystadenomas are described. The skin lesions failed to respond to antibiotic and glucocorticoid therapy. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a wedge-shaped area of hyperechoic mottled echogenicity at the cranial pole of the left kidney and a small right kidney. Euthanasia was performed thirty-six months following initial presentation, owing to progressive enlargement of the dermal and subcutaneous nodules and gross deformity of the left hind limb secondary to fibrous tissue deposition and lymphatic obstruction. Necropsy confirmed the presence of bilateral renal cystic hyperplasia and multifocal renal cystadenomas. This is the first confirmed report of nodular dermatofibrosis and renal cystadenomas in a breed other than the German shepherd dog.  相似文献   
Pentobarbital (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mg/kg intravenously [IV]) was administered to four adult cows to determine a dose suitable for producing standing sedation in adult cattle, and to evaluate its effects on cardiopulmonary function and rumen motility. The response was assessed after 15, 30, 60, and 90 minutes. The 1.0 and 1.5 mg/kg doses induced mild sedation at 15 and 30 minutes, and no sedation at 60 and 90 minutes. The 2.0 mg/kg dose produced moderate sedation at 15 and 30 minutes, and mild sedation at 60 minutes. The 2.0 mg/kg dose was judged to be the most suitable. The effects of pentobarbital (2.0 mg/kg IV) on heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, blood gases, and rumen motility were measured in five cows during a 90 minute period. Respiratory rate was significantly depressed at 15, 30, and 60 minutes, but there were no significant changes in the other variables. Pentobarbital (2.0 mg/kg IV) is reliable in adult cattle for standing sedation of short duration.  相似文献   
Important environmental processes for the survival and recruitment of early life stages of pelagic fishes have been synthesized through Bakun's fundamental triad as enrichment, concentration and retention processes (A. Bakun, 1996, Patterns in the Ocean. Ocean Processes and Marine Population Dynamics. San Diego, CA, USA: University of California Sea Grant). This conceptual framework states that from favourable spawning habitats, eggs and larvae would be transported to and/or retained in places where food originating from enrichment areas would be concentrated. We propose a method for quantifying two of the triad processes, enrichment and retention, based on the Lagrangian tracking of particles transported within water velocity fields generated by a three‐dimensional hydrodynamic model. We apply this method to the southern Benguela upwelling ecosystem, constructing putative maps of enrichment and retention. We comment on these maps regarding main features of the circulation in the region, and investigate seasonal variability of the processes. We finally discuss the results in relation to available knowledge on the reproductive strategies of two pelagic clupeoid species abundant in the southern Benguela, anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardinops sagax). Our approach is intended to be sufficiently generic so as to allow its application to other upwelling systems.  相似文献   
Acoustic trawl surveys were conducted in 2000 and 2001 in two troughs located off the eastern coast of Kodiak Island in the Gulf of Alaska as part of a multiyear, multidisciplinary experiment to examine the influence of environmental conditions on the spatial distribution of adult and juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and capelin (Mallotus villosus). Continuous underway sea surface temperature samples and water column profiles collected in 2000 and 2001 showed the presence of a sharp shelf‐break front in Chiniak Trough and a mid‐trough front in Barnabas Trough. At distances <22 km from shore, the water column was well mixed, whereas a well‐defined mixed layer was present beyond approximately 22 km from shore. Satellite drifter tracks in Barnabas Trough entered along the upstream edge of the trough and appeared to follow the frontal boundary across the middle portion of the trough. A storm in 2001 weakened stratification and cooled surface water temperature by 1.6–2.1°C. Wind mixing associated with the storm event mixed subsurface chlorophyll a to the surface and enhanced nutrients in the surface waters. The storm event revealed spatial partitioning of summer production in Barnabas Trough, with production concentrated in regions inside the mid‐trough front. In contrast, post‐storm summer production was distributed throughout Chiniak Trough. The spatial distribution of walleye pollock and capelin differed and appeared to be related to differences in habitat characteristics. Acoustic survey data identified four acoustic sign types: age‐1 pollock, adult pollock, capelin, capelin–age‐0 pollock mix. The spatial distribution of these four sign types appears to be influenced by the oceanographic and topographic features of the two troughs. Adult pollock were broadly distributed throughout Chiniak Trough, whereas adult pollock were aggregated on the coastal side of the frontal system in Barnabas Trough. In 2000, capelin occurred with age‐0 pollock. In Chiniak Trough, capelin were most abundant along steep topographic gradients at the edges of the trough and in a deep region near Cape Chiniak, whereas the capelin–age‐0 mix (2000) or capelin (2001) concentrations were observed in slope water intrusions over the outer shelf in Barnabas Trough. Results suggest that habitat selection of walleye pollock and capelin are controlled by different processes. Capelin distributions appear to be limited by oceanographic conditions while other factors appear to be more important for pollock.  相似文献   
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