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讨论在Windows环境下生成及传送LED显示屏显示信息的方法,详细介绍了DIB图象的格式,以及用BorlandC++OWL在Windows95环境下实现DIB图像信息获取的编程方法,讨论了Windows95环境下串行通信的实现方法。  相似文献   
根据遗传学原理,将6个具有不同遗传背景的亲本,经过组配-选择-再组配-再选择以及辐射等方法,使多个早熟材料的早熟基因以及其它目标性状逐步重组、累加、选育出集早熟、抗寒、高产、优质于一体的冀麦37号新品种。该品种一般产量为6000-7500kg/hm^2,与对照相当,高的可超过9000kg/hm^2。交对照早4-5d,能为下茬多提供积温100-130℃。它的育成填补了河北省冀中南两熟制种植区早熟冬小  相似文献   
霍国胜  夏德宏 《油气储运》1999,18(10):25-27
管内液体的流动速度在超过临界流速后,流体与管壁之间会出现相对滑动。分析认为,滑移与减阻之间关系密切。给出了滑移模型以及影响减阻率的因素。  相似文献   
放牧强度对克氏针茅草原植物功能群的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物功能群及其多样性是维持群落结构复杂性和稳定性的基础,一定程度上反映着草地生态系统的健康状况。本研究以内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原的克鲁伦河流域草原为研究对象,以植物生活型划分功能群类型,比较了3种放牧强度对植物功能群的组成结构、地上生物量和优势度的影响。结果表明,1)轻牧、中牧和重牧3种放牧条件下的总物种数分别为20、23和18种,符合"中度干扰假说";3种放牧强度下多年生非禾草物种数在群落中均占较高比例。2)轻度放牧条件下物种丰富度较低,但各放牧强度下功能群多样性无显著差异(P0.05),物种丰富度与功能群多样性无显著关系。3)随着放牧强度的增加,多年生禾草和灌木、半灌木在群落中的优势地位呈现下降趋势,与之相反,多年生非禾草优势地位越来越显著。重度放牧增加了一、二年生草本在群落中的物种数和地上生物量,但与轻牧、中牧相比,其优势度无显著变化(P0.05)。  相似文献   
黄瓜细菌性角斑病是我国黄瓜生产上的重要病害之一,其病原菌为Pseudomonas syringae pv.lachrymans。根据该病原菌甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢基因保守序列设计引物和探针,建立了交叉引物恒温扩增和核酸试纸条检测技术。菌体DNA检测灵敏度可达0.55 ng,纯菌直接检测灵敏度基本可达到单个细菌。所测试的5株黄瓜细菌性角斑病菌和染病黄瓜叶片均为阳性,其他13株对照菌株均为阴性。该方法灵敏度高,且操作简单,对设备要求低等,适合基层实验室应用。  相似文献   
桃雄性不育的表现形式及其败育途径   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
研究了桃[Prunus percica Batsch(L.)]23个品种花粉发生发育和花粉败育过程中细胞形态学上的变化特征。结果表明:桃雄性不育的主要表现形式为空粒花粉和花药空囊及花粉形似发育正常,但生活力极低。导致空粒花粉产生的主要途径:①花粉母细胞减数分裂不正常;②花粉处于单核晚期至二核早、中期绒毡层细胞发生液化、增生现象。空囊产生的主要途径:①四分体至单核早期绒毡层细胞体积发生明显的增大、液化;②绒毡层细胞在四分体至单核早期发生增生;③造胞细胞或花粉母细胞生长发育不良。  相似文献   
The morphological features of blood and milk neutrophils from peak lactating goats were compared using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and flow cytometry in order to investigate the cytological changes of neutrophils after migration into the mammary gland. The kinetics of reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) generation and gelatinase release of blood and milk neutrophils, with or without stimulation of phorbol 12-myristate, 13-acetate ester (PMA), were used to characterize their responses to inflammatory stimuli. Neutrophils isolated from goat milk were highly segmented and contained multi-lobed nuclei. Ultrastructurally, milk neutrophils were more ruffled on the surface compared to blood neutrophils. Approximately 30% of milk neutrophils were undergoing cell death, either necrosis or apoptosis, in contrast to 8% of blood neutrophils. The ROI production of activated milk neutrophils peaked earlier than blood neutrophils, but the duration and the intensity were much less. Neutrophils from both sources augmented the release of gelatinase in response to PMA (1 ng/mL). However, the amount of gelatinase released from milk neutrophils was lower (P < 0.05) than that of blood neutrophils. In summary, more neutrophils become apoptotic and necrotic in the mammary gland, presumably due to spontaneous aging, the process of diapedesis, and the interaction with milk components. Milk neutrophils have impaired functionalities in comparison with blood neutrophils. The information is relevant when studying mammary gland immunity and related diseases, such as mastitis.  相似文献   
玉米秸秆炭和典型农业废弃物混合成型与燃烧特性试验   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
以玉米秸秆炭和玉米秸秆、苹果枝、沼渣、菌渣为原料,在成型压力为6 MPa的条件下,研究了不同混配比例混合燃料的成型特性,并在此基础上探讨了特定混配比例下的混合样品燃烧特性。研究结果表明:农业废弃物质量分数、种类对混合成型燃料稳定性均有影响,农业废弃物占70%比例时混合成型燃料的抗跌碎强度均大于99.50%;玉米秸秆对成型燃料的稳定性影响最为明显,其质量分数大于30%时,成型燃料抗跌碎强度达到99.68%以上,而沼渣和菌渣质量分数大于50%时,其成型燃料的抗跌碎强度分别超过99.11%和99.71%;苹果枝质量分数大于60%,其成型燃料抗跌碎强度超过99.34%;4种成型燃料的能量密度与原料相比分别提高14.93、11.36、11.74、14.53 GJ/m3;堆积密度分别提高792.99、596.92、605.63、820.12 kg/m3。该研究为农业废弃物新型成型燃料的开发提供了基础支撑。  相似文献   
To elucidate mechanisms regulating ascorbic acid (AsA) biosynthesis and accumulation in the fruit and leaves of black currants, AsA and the activities of key enzymes in the ascorbate–glutathione (AsA–GSH) cycle were measured from fruit set to fruit ripening during fruit thinning treatments of three common commercial black currant cultivars that differed in their AsA levels: ‘Risager’ (low), ‘Brodtrop’ (medium) and ‘Adelinia’ (high). Treatments were 50% fruit reduction (50% of total fruit set) by hand, control was no thinning. Fruit thinning treatment significantly increased AsA content in fruit of all three cultivars from weeks 2 to 8, significantly decreased AsA content in leaves from weeks 3 to 8. Dehydroascorbate reductase and monodehydroascorbate reductase activities in fruit and leaves had a similar pattern, increasing during week 2, rose until they peaked in week 4. Ascorbate peroxidase activity in fruit in the thinning treatment was slightly lower than in the control. Fruit thinning was shown to be a good model to test AsA biosynthesis regulation and accumulation in black currants. The results from our study provided strong evidence that AsA–GSH cycle involved in AsA synthesis and accumulation in fruit.  相似文献   
中国竹种质资源大多分布在长江以南地区,在黄河流域中原地区分布的为数不多的竹种资源就显得弥足珍贵,因而加快中原地区竹种质资源的收集保存工作迫在眉睫。文章选择在中原地区(河南省博爱县)生长较好的16个竹种,将其引种至青岛市即墨区集中保存。结果表明:16个竹种在引种地总体生长效果较好,新生竹平均胸径和新竹数量总体呈增长趋势;散生竹和铺地竹的抗寒性较丛生竹好;极寒气候对竹子地上部分秆叶的影响远大于对地下部分竹鞭的影响。此次引种取得的经验可为下一步更多竹种的异地保存提供借鉴。  相似文献   
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