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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of a high-protein diet versus dietary supplementation with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) on struvite crystal formation in the urine of clinically normal cats by measuring the urine concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl)-insoluble sediment, urine pH, struvite activity product (SAP), number of struvite crystals in urine, and urine volume. ANIMALS: 23 healthy adult cats. PROCEDURE: Urine was fractionated by centrifugation with subsequent extraction of the sediment with 1 N HCl (study 1). Diets containing either 29% crude protein or 55% crude protein were fed to cats in a crossover trial of 3 weeks/period (study 2). Diets supplemented with either sodium chloride (NaCl) or NH4Cl were fed, by use of a 3 x 3 Latin-square design with 3 wk/period (study 3). In studies 2 and 3, urine samples were collected for the last 7 days of each period. RESULTS: The HCl-insoluble sediment contained Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein (THP; study 1). The high-protein diet (study 2) and dietary supplementation with NH4Cl (study 3) resulted in a decrease in urine pH, SAP, and the number of struvite crystals in urine. However, the high-protein diet decreased urine concentrations of HCl-insoluble sediment containing THP (study 2), in contrast to the NH4Cl supplementation that increased urine volume without a significant effect on the urine concentration of the HCl-insoluble sediment (study 3). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Our results indicate that compared with dietary supplementation with NH4Cl, the high-protein diet is preferable as a urine acidifier for the prevention of struvite crystal formation in clinically normal cats.  相似文献   
Using microPET and (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) as a tracer, we investigated regional brain activation in a rat model of visceral hypersensitivity induced by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS). TNBS injection into the proximal colon through laparotomy resulted in a significant, sustained decrease in the pain threshold to mechanical distention of the distal colon, indicating a phenomenon referred to as visceral hypersensitivity. When TNBS-induced colonic hypersensitivity was fully developed, all the TNBS-treated rats presented characteristic pain behaviors in response to colonic distention at previously innocuous pressure (0-35 mmHg) that produced no abdominal pain in sham-operated control animals. In microPET study, colonic distention at the normally non-painful pressure produced significant increases in (18)F-FDG uptake in the thalamus and sensory cortex I of TNBS-treated rats. Since the increases in (18)F-FDG uptake in the brain regions were completely abolished by an analgesic dose of morphine (375 microg/kg, s.c.), it is most likely that the regional brain activation detected by microPET is a pain-related central event. The pharmacological and microPET data indicate that colonic distention at the normally non-painful pressure activates specific brain regions in rats with TNBS-induced visceral hypersensitivity, and the microPET protocol described here could provide an objective measure to test visceral analgesic compounds.  相似文献   
The Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology (JSTP) has a differing conceptual framework from the Japanese Society of Pathology (JSP) and Japanese Society of Toxicology (JST) and was founded in 1985 by the leadership of late Dr. Yasukazu Nishiyama with the cooperation of several founding members and the support of JSP. The aim of the JSTP is to improve the human and animal health using an interdisciplinary scientific approach based on pathology and toxicology. In its development as a professional society, the JSTP has established society rules and activities. The JSTP has grown in terms of membership and financial aspects and is now recognized not only domestically but also internationally as a well-organized scientific society. To maintain the high professional standard and visibility of JSTP, we here provide the historical background of the society as a basis for current members to contribute to the continued improvement of our scientific organization.  相似文献   
To understand the larval distribution, size variation, and stable isotope ratios of Japanese eel leptocephali in relation to the salinity front and their feeding ecology, larvae from 7 research cruises (2002–2013) in the North Equatorial Current (NEC) spawning area were examined. The smallest early-stage larvae were distributed south of or near the salinity front, confirming that the salinity front is an important oceanic feature to understand spawning locations of the Japanese eel. Larger size larvae tended to distribute into higher latitudes. Transport to northern latitudes with their growth would facilitate transport into the Kuroshio region, but retention in the Subtropical Countercurrent (STCC) might be detrimental. Preleptocephalus isotope ratios reflected maternal ratios, but feeding-stage leptocephali (8–56 mm) tended to have higher ∂15N values at lower latitudes typically in areas south of a salinity front. Feeding larvae quickly assimilate isotope ratios from the NEC after spawning and early growth. Large differences of ∂13C values of larvae between the NEC and STCC might vary with spatial baselines in the two currents. However, diel vertical migrations should be considered, because the isotope ratios in particulate organic matter distinctly depend on the depth. Comparisons among Japanese eel larvae and other taxa of leptocephali in the NEC illustrate the need for further studies on the trophic ecology of leptocephali.  相似文献   
Powdery mildew, caused by Podosphaera xanthii (syn. Sphaerotheca fuliginea ex Fr. Poll.), is one of the most economically important foliar diseases in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Cucumber parental line ‘Kyuri Chukanbohon Nou 5 Go’, developed from weedy cucumber line CS-PMR1, is highly resistant to powdery mildew and is promising breeding material. We performed quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis using double-digest restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD-Seq) in a population from a cross between ‘Kyuri Chukanbohon Nou 5 Go’ and the Japanese native cultivar ‘Kaga-aonaga-fushinari’, which is susceptible to powdery mildew. The resistance of the population and its parents was evaluated using leaf disc assays and image analysis. We detected one major QTL on Chr. 5 that was effective at both 20°C and 25°C and one minor QTL on Chr. 1 effective at 20°C. We detected two additional QTLs in subpopulation: one on Chr. 3 effective at 20°C and one on Chr. 5 effective at both 20°C and 25°C in a position different from the major QTL. The resistance alleles at all four QTLs were contributed by ‘Kyuri Chukanbohon Nou 5 Go’. The results of this study can be used to develop practical DNA markers tightly linked to genes for powdery mildew resistance.  相似文献   
Beetle samples were compared between catches by traps and those on flowers in a Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume) forest, in Minakami, Gunma Prefecture, Japan. White plastic traps (Sankei Chemical Co., Ltd.) equipped with benzyl acetate were set out for a month from July 23 to August 23, 1993, and all beetles captured were collected every six days. During six days from August 10 to August 16, beetles were captured with traps and on wild flowers (Aruncus sylvester Kostel andAngelica polyclada Franch) at three hour intervals. Over the month, the traps captured 1,677 individuals of 73 species of 20 families, which included 16 (89%) species captured on flowers in the six-day period. Over the six days, the traps captured 327 individuals of 21 species of 12 families, compared with 685 individuals of 18 species of 5 families on the flowers; all of the families and nine (50%) species of beetles taken on the flowers were also captured by the traps; all of the species with more than five individuals captured on the flowers were also trapped. This suggests that capture by traps might sufficiently cover the beetle fauna on flowers. The number of species and individuals, as well as their changing patterns, however, varied more irregularly during the six-day period with the traps than with those on the flowers. A part of this paper were presented at the 46th meeting of the Kanto Branch of the Japanese Forestry Society (1994) These English titles are tentative translation by the authors from the originals  相似文献   
Paddy and Water Environment - Groundwater is a valuable water resource, and it is used for domestic, industrial or agricultural use around the world. Especially, water use in paddy fields is very...  相似文献   
Germination stimulants for root holoparasitic weeds broomrapes ( Orobanche and Phelipanche spp.) produced by tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) were purified and characterized. The root exudates of tobacco contained at least five different stimulants, and LC-MS/MS analyses revealed that four of them were strigolactones; a tetradehydrostrigol isomer, a didehydrostrigol isomer, and two strigol isomers. The two isomers of strigol were identified as (+)-orobanchol and its 2'-epimer by comparison of NMR and GC- and LC-MS data with those of synthetic standards. The structure of the tetradehydrostrigol isomer, the major stimulant of the bright yellow tobacco cultivars, was determined as 4-alpha-hydroxy-5,8-dimethyl-GR24 [( E)-4-alpha-hydroxy-5,8-dimethyl-3-(4-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-2-yloxy)methylene)-3a,4-dihydro-3 H-indeno[1,2- b]furan-2(8b H)-one] and named solanacol. 2'-Epi-orobanchol and solanacol are the first natural strigolactones having a 2'-epi stereochemistry and a benzene ring, respectively.  相似文献   
Analysis of cellular components at multiple levels of biological information can provide valuable functional insights. We performed multiple high-throughput measurements to study the response of Escherichia coli cells to genetic and environmental perturbations. Analysis of metabolic enzyme gene disruptants revealed unexpectedly small changes in messenger RNA and proteins for most disruptants. Overall, metabolite levels were also stable, reflecting the rerouting of fluxes in the metabolic network. In contrast, E. coli actively regulated enzyme levels to maintain a stable metabolic state in response to changes in growth rate. E. coli thus seems to use complementary strategies that result in a metabolic network robust against perturbations.  相似文献   
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