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Between 1998 and 2009, the four tomato‐infecting begomovirus species detected in Taiwan were Ageratum yellow vein Hualien virus (AYVHuV), Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus (ToLCTWV), Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (TYLCTHV) and a newly defined species Tomato leaf curl Hsinchu virus (ToLCHsV). AYVHuV was detected occasionally in 2003 and ToLCHsV only in 2000–2001, whilst ToLCTWV was detected throughout the period. TYLCTHV was first detected in 2005. Between 1998 and 2005, >99% of the begomovirus‐positive samples were infected with ToLCTWV. In 2007 in western Taiwan, 16% of the positive samples were infected with ToLCTWV, 35% with TYLCTHV and 49% with mixed infection (ToLCTWV/TYLCTHV). In contrast, in eastern Taiwan the proportions were 84% ToLCTWV, 2% TYLCTHV and 14% mixed infection. However, throughout Taiwan in 2008–2009, most positive samples were either identified as TYLCTHV (51%) or mixed infection (ToLCTWV/TYLCTHV; 41%), and only 8% were ToLCTWV. This shows a clear trend of shifting from ToLCTWV to TYLCTHV and mixed infection over a short time period in Taiwan. Sequence analyses indicated that tomato‐infecting AYVHuV, an apparent recombinant between ToLCTWV and AYVHuV from Ageratum, represents a new strain Hsinchu. TYLCTHV Taiwan isolates were highly similar to each other, whereas ToLCTWV isolates had greater diversity and were classified into three strains which had one country‐wide and two local distributions. ToLCTWV and TYLCTHV were confirmed as monopartite and bipartite begomoviruses, respectively, by agroinfection followed by transmission with Bemisia tabaci biotype B. In addition, TYLCTHV was found to be mechanically transmissible together with viral DNA‐B.  相似文献   
A serine protease, subtilisin YaB, produced by alkalophilic Bacillus YaB, shows promises as a potent meat tenderizer, because its substrate specificity is for small amino acids, which are found at high levels in meat connective tissue proteins. Substrate specificity engineering of the substrate binding pockets was used to generate more suitable meat-tenderizing mutants, G124A, G124V, G159A, and G159S, derived from recombinant wild subtilisin YaB and expressed in Bacillus subtilis DB104. The characteristics of these recombinant enzymes were studied to evaluate their usefulness as improved meat tenderizers. The proteolytic activities of recombinant subtilisin YaB, engineered subtilisin YaBs, and commercially available papain, bromelain, collagenase, and elastase were compared using elastin, collagen, casein, and myofibrillar proteins as substrates. Hydrolysis of beef proteins was evaluated using the myofibrillar fragmentation index and collagen solubility. The results demonstrated that recombinant mutant G159A was the most improved meat tenderizer and can be used in the meat pH range of 5.5-6.0 and the temperature range of 10-50 degrees C. Contrary to the result obtained from artificial substrate, mutant enzymes engineered on G124 residues did not exhibit better tenderizing ability when elastin, collagen, or meat was used as substrate, suggesting the necessity of evaluation by real substrate before protein-engineered enzymes are applied commercially.  相似文献   
在中国为害水稻較重的螟虫已知有6种,以三化螟 Tryporyza incertulas (Wlk.)最为重要,分布于我国中南部稻区。本文阐述了气候、食料、水稻栽培制度和生物等因素对三化螟种群数量变动的影响,并指出作为螟虫食料的水稻及其栽培制度的作用更为明显。研究証明,三化螟的产卵、侵入、成活、繁殖和为害都与水稻的生育期有密切关系,水稻的分蘖期及孕穗期,都是水稻最易受害的生育期,在这两个时期被害,会造成枯心或白穗;而秧田期、移植至回青期、圓稈期和成熟期都对螟虫不利。螟虫的发生基数和生活环境条件,密切影响种群数量的变动,而这些都受水稻栽培制度的影响。发生基数决定于春季螟虫的有效虫源,其数量的大小对当年的螟虫,尤其对第一、二代的发生量有密切关系。螟害程度主要决定于:(1)种群数量和(2)水稻最易受害的生育期与螟虫盛发期配合程度的综合作用。为了加強防治,各地区必须因地制宜,利用耕作栽培措施,一方面尽可能消灭虫源、压低发生基数、控制以后各代螟虫的发生;另一方面力求改进栽培技术、調节水稻生育期,恶化螟虫的生活条件,避免或減輕螟害。化学防治也是治螟的一項重要措施。目前广泛应用的药剂是6%丙体六六六,每亩用量在防治枯心时为1.5斤,防治白穗为2斤。主要的施药方法为泼浇和撒毒土,两者对防治枯心的效果都很好;撒毒土防治白穗的效果虽稍差,但操作簡便易行。在螟虫发生期內,适值分蘖和孕穗的水稻田一般都要施药;但預测螟害低于1%的田块,可不防治。防治枯心的施药适期一般在孵化高峯前1—2天天开始,如虫量很大,要提前到盛孵始期用药。防治白穗的施药适期是:在蚁螟盛孵前孕穗的水稻,普通在盛孵始期开始施药;蚁螟盛孵后孕穗的水稻,在孕穗始期开始用药。稻螟是我国长期以来的一种严重害虫,解放前因螟害常年損失稻谷10%以上。解放后,在党和政府的領导下,科学技术有了显著的进展,治螟工作貫彻了“防治并举、以防为主”的方針,“以农业防治为基础,重点使用药剂綜合防治”的策略;采用了准确的預测預报;开展了群众性的防治活动,基本上控制了螟虫的危害,1663年的螟害率已压低到2%左右,不少地区已降低到1%以下。这都是在总路线、大跃进、人民公社三面紅旗光輝照耀下,領导、技术人員、群众三結合所取得的成果的  相似文献   
根据1962—1964年北京地区12块春播玉米地心叶期卵和卵虫(第一代)成活率資料,并参考国内对螟害与玉米产量損失关系的研究成果,提出了春玉米上因玉米螟为害而造成的产量損夫估計方法和药剂防治的参考指标。心叶期卵的平均成活率及其标准誤为57.4±2.9%,卵块的脫落是死亡的主要原因。幼虫期的平均成活率及其标准誤为5.64±0.89%。这两个平均成活率的变異系数都比较小,相关分析表明,百株着卵量与成长幼虫数是相关的。故可职利用卵和幼虫的平均成活率由着卵密度来估計成长幼虫密度。心叶期卵和幼虫的合計平均成活率及其标准誤为3.4±0.51%。在95%可靠性时的置信区間为3.4±1.173%,卵块的平均粒数为31.7粒。若职单株平均一虫所造成的产量損失率为5%計,可用丁式来估計产量損失: 产量損失%=[(心叶期百株累計卵块数×31.7)×(0.034±0.012)]×0.05 在經济核算士,作者初步認为职損失率1.5%作为防治标准比較合适。以此推算,欲达到这一損失率,心叶期百株累計卵块应为28块(用平均成活率計算)至21块(用成活率上界計算)。一般可定为24块。根据心叶期百株累計卵块数与累計着卵株百分率或百株高峯卵块数之間存在的相关,百株累計24块卵,相当于累計着卵株率28%,或百株高峯卵块6块。在实践上就可以用它們作为心叶期的防治指标。  相似文献   
A synthetic complex of poly (I)-poly (C) with poly-L-lysine and carboxymethyl cellulose (poly ICLC), as well as UV-inactivated Newcastle disease virus, B-1 strain, was used to induce interferon production in dogs. Several criteria were used for interferon specificity. The interferon response depended on dosage and route of inoculation. Serum interferon concentrations usually reached a peak by 8 hours after inoculation (AI), rapidly declined thereafter, and were nondetectable in most instances at 24 hours AI. Dogs responded less to interferon inducers when reinoculated 2 days after primary induction. The interferon response was biphasic (2 and 8 hours AI) when reinoculated 1 week after primary inoculation. Reinoculation 2 weeks after primary inoculation simulated the first response. Although both inducers caused severe lymphopenia in dogs, the toxic side effects would limit clinical use (in dogs) of poly ICLC, but not of UV-inactivated Newcastle disease virus.  相似文献   
Amantadine hydrochloride decreases the sensitivity of denervated mammalian muscle to iontophoretically applied acetylcholine. The drug depresses the amplitude of the end-plate current and reverses the slope of the relation between half-decay time and membrane potential suggesting that it alters the ionic conductance that is mediated by the acetylcholine receptor. Binding studies confirm that amantadine acts on the ion conductance modulator rather than the acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   
Heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis Rupr.) grown with low Ca or B developed dark tan lesions near the leaf margins. A synergistic effect of low Ca and low B accompanied the development of this symptom. Plants grown under humid conditions were free of tipburn. Plants grown under less humidity developed tipburn. Total chemical analysis revealed a steady decrease in total Ca from the outer to the inner leaves. Fractional chemical analysis showed 7 times more water-soluble Ca in the outer than in the inner leaves, and 2 times more 1 N NaCl-soluble Ca in the outer than in inner leaves. Threshold concentration of water-soluble forms of Ca for tipburn was around 3.0 mg/g dry weight. Data suggest that root pressure flow is required to move adequate amounts of water-soluble Ca to the wrapper leaves to prevent tipburn of Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   
The embryonic vertebrate heart begins pumping blood long before the development of discernable chambers and valves. At these early stages, the heart tube has been described as a peristaltic pump. Recent advances in confocal laser scanning microscopy and four-dimensional visualization have warranted another look at early cardiac structure and function. We examined the movement of cells in the embryonic zebrafish heart tube and the flow of blood through the heart and obtained results that contradict peristalsis as a pumping mechanism in the embryonic heart. We propose a more likely explanation of early cardiac dynamics in which the pumping action results from suction due to elastic wave propagation in the heart tube.  相似文献   
Tsai HJ  Huang CW 《Avian diseases》2006,50(4):502-507
Forty Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT) strains were isolated from 28 chickens and 12 pigeons for the first time in Taiwan. All isolates reacted positively in the p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (PNPG) and oxidase tests, showing an API 20NE identification system biocode 0-0-2-0-0-0-4. All the pigeon isolates and 85.7% (24 of 28) of the chicken isolates belonged to serotype A. Compared to the ORT ATCC 51464 strain, 14.3% (4 of 28) of chicken isolates and 58.3% (7 of 12) of pigeon isolates showed smaller colonies after 72 hr incubation. Most of the chicken isolates (22 of 28), but none of the pigeon isolates, could agglutinate chicken and pigeon red blood cells. There appears to be a correlation that ORT isolates with a larger colony size tend to be more able to agglutinate red blood cells than the ORT isolates with a smaller colony size. A majority of isolates was sensitive to amoxicillin, ampicillin, ceftiofur, penicillin, and oxytetracycline. The 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences of 23 Taiwanese ORT isolates showed high identity (98%-100%) to sequences in GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis of these sequences showed that pigeon isolates formed a distinctive cluster, while chicken isolates and all other 16S rRNA sequences obtained from GenBank belonged to another two clusters. The results indicate that pigeon ORT isolates are different from most chicken isolates in regard to a number of phenotypic and molecular traits.  相似文献   
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