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Papillomaviruses are non-enveloped, DNA viruses that infect skin and mucosa of a wide variety of vertebrates, causing neoplasias or simply persisting asymptomatically. Avian papillomaviruses, with six fully sequenced genomes, are the second most studied group after mammalian papillomaviruses. In this study, we describe the first oral avian papillomavirus, detected in the tongue of a dead Yorkshire canary (Serinus canaria) and in oral swabs of the same bird and other two live canaries from an aviary in Madrid, Spain. Its genome is 8,071 bp and presents the canonical papillomavirus architecture with six early (E6, E7, E1, E9, E2, E4) and two late open reading frames (L1 and L2) and a long control region between L1 and E6. This new avian papillomavirus L1 gene shares a 64% pairwise identity with FcPV1 L1, so it has been classified as a new species (ScPV1) within the Ethapapillomavirus genus. Although the canary died after showing breathing problems, there is no evidence that the papillomavirus caused those symptoms so it could be part of the oral microbiota of the birds. Hence, future investigations are needed to evaluate the clinical relevance of the virus.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional study was done from March 2013 to May 2014 to assess knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards cystic echinococcosis (CE) or hydatidosis among selected pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in Uganda. A structured questionnaire was administered to 381 respondents. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was done to find the relationship between knowledge about CE and factors such as age, sex, and level of education across all regions. The odds ratio and confidence interval were used to determine the difference in responses across regions. It was shown that age above 36 years was significantly (p < 0.001) associated with awareness about CE in livestock. Likewise, uneducated (p < 0.0001) and agro-pastoralists (p = 0.01) were significantly less knowledgeable than the educated and pastoralists across all regions. The overall knowledge towards CE in livestock was low 17.8% (95% CI = 14.0–21.6). Dog ownership was high and they never dewormed their freely roaming dogs. Dogs shared water with livestock. In conclusion, knowledge about CE in livestock was low across all regions. Therefore, public health education and formulation of policies towards its control by the relevant stakeholders should be done. Also, the true prevalence of CE in livestock needs to be done so that the magnitude and its public health significance are elucidated.  相似文献   
气候变化对通辽草甸草原草本植物物候期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高亚敏 《草业科学》2018,(2):423-433
植物物候期的变化直接反映气候变化,并成为全球变化研究的重点。基于通辽市巴雅尔吐胡硕牧业气象试验站1981-2016年主要植物羊草(Leymus chinensis)、冰草(Agropyron cristatum)、委陵菜(Potentilla chinensis)、车前(Plantago asiatica)物候观测数据和同期气象观测数据,研究了气候变化对草本植物返青期、黄枯期和生长季的影响,结果表明:1)研究区近36年来年均气温上升0.35℃·10 a-1(P0.01),年均降水量减少22.73 mm·10 a-1,气候暖干化特征明显。2)草本植物返青期呈一致性延迟趋势,平均每10年延迟1.16~7.60 d。羊草、车前返青推迟主要受2-3月累计降水量减少的影响,冰草、委陵菜返青推迟主要受2-4月、3-4月累计降水量减少的影响。3)草本植物黄枯期变化趋势不同,羊草、冰草黄枯期延迟主要受夏季、初秋累计降水量影响,委陵菜黄枯期提前主要受夏季、初秋的累计降水量和日照时数共同影响,车前草黄枯期延迟主要受夏季、初秋平均气温影响。4)草本植物生长季长度主要受气温和降水量影响。气候变暖后,研究区夏季、生长季平均气温显著上升,降水量逐渐减少,导致羊草、冰草、委陵菜生长季缩短;而车前对气温反应比较敏感,气温升高有利于车前生长季延长。  相似文献   
2017年5月21日,陕西省榆林市某养殖场的蛋鸡出现异常死亡。经国家参考实验室确诊,该起疫情为H7N9流感疫情。为找出引发疫情的可能原因,采用描述性流行病学方法,描述疫情的三间分布,分析发病的风险因素。调查结果显示:该场饲养规模较大,共有8栋鸡舍,饲养4.5万只蛋鸡;疫情暴发突然,病程仅为5 d;蛋鸡死亡2.2万只,死亡率为48.9%;疫情具有明显的场内传播规律,从靠近鸡场入口的鸡舍逐渐向内蔓延;产蛋高峰期蛋鸡的发病风险是雏鸡的37.458倍,差异显著(P0.05);所分离毒株的HA基因裂解位点有4个氨基酸插入,为变异株;该起疫情可能是通过运输淘汰蛋鸡的车辆、野鸟、饲料和饮水,以及调入雏鸡等途径引入的。疫情发生后,当地政府按照《高致病性禽流感防治技术规范》,发布了封锁令,划定了疫点、疫区和受威胁区;在疫区采取了扑杀、无害化处理、关闭疫区内所有禽类产品交易市场等控制措施。采取以上处置措施后,疫情得以快速有效控制。  相似文献   
本研究通过设计、合成特异性引物和探针并对其进行修饰,将探针和特定荧光编码微球共价交联后,利用Luminex检测仪读取荧光信号,从而建立了针对布鲁氏菌、沙门氏菌、弓形虫,狂犬病病毒、巴氏通体、弯曲杆菌等6种病原的液相芯片检测方法。数据显示,本研究建立的液相芯片检测体系具有良好的特异性,检测灵敏度达50拷贝数,能同时检测6种重要人兽共患病病原,对于这6种人兽共患病的快速筛查和控制提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
2003~2005年度在贵州省安顺市西秀区七眼桥镇用油研7号、油研10号、油研8号等进行油菜撒播高产、高效的轻型配套栽培技术试验示范,面积分别为3.41 hm2和100 hm2,平均单产分别达164.1 kg/667m2和133.2 kg/667m2。其中,2004年验收的10块地(测量面积合计0.685 hm2)的撒播油菜平均产量为158.9 kg/667m2,最高产量达210~230 kg/667m2;2005年验收各类田块19块(面积合计1.159 hm2),单产105~206.3 kg/667m2。除去人工(每个工按15元计)、牛工(每个工按30元计)、物资投入外,667m2纯收入达189.57元,单个劳动力的产值达35.83元,比同地育苗移栽分别高131.11元/667m2和17.83元/个,比当地传统的苦油菜(芥菜型)撒播栽培增收175.72元/667m2。  相似文献   
海洋中深层生物作为链接海洋上层与深层食物网的媒介,对维系大洋生态系统结构和功能的稳定有着不可替代的重要作用。由于样品采集的困难性,针对中深层生物微塑料污染研究十分缺乏。长吻帆蜥鱼(Alepisaurus ferox)具有特殊的消化机制,是优秀的生物采集器。本研究利用激光红外成像光谱技术,量化分析了长吻帆蜥鱼胃中保存的中深层物种体内微塑料的丰度和理化特征。共采集中深层鱼类和头足类7种,其肠道中检测出微塑料146个,检出率85.71%,丰度为10.43 ± 12.12个/尾, 粒径为20.34~309.89 μm(47.36 μm ± 43.41 μm)。微塑料以颗粒状(59.58%)和碎片状(36.30%)为主,聚合物成分主要是丙烯酸酯共聚物(Acrylate copolymer),占比60.27%。本研究首次证明了长吻帆蜥鱼作为生物采集器开展海洋中深层生物微塑料污染研究的可行性,研究结果对解析大洋生态系统微塑料污染及其潜在生态风险具有重要意义。  相似文献   
为研究锚定蛋白基因(Ankyrin,ANK)对山羊痘病毒的影响,试验采用融合PCR和Overlap PCR技术扩增山羊痘病毒SS株5个ANK基因(ANK010、ANK138、ANK 140、ANK141.2和ANK145)两端侧翼序列和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因,并将其产物连接Trans1-T 1载体构建ANK缺失的转...  相似文献   
MDF项目在我国已进入快速发展的时期,而俄罗斯尚处在起步阶段.科学把握市场动态,利用有利的建设条件,将MDF移植至俄罗斯,是森工企业发展外向型林业产业,促进中俄林业经济技术合作的一个重要选项.  相似文献   
通过对林木引种基本理论和技术的讨论,提出了实现林木良种化的基本途径.  相似文献   
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