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Book reviews     
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution -  相似文献   
In south east England climate change is predicted to include decreases in periodicity of rainfall events during summer, resulting in more, longer periods of drought. In many temperate regions these changes will affect foraging strategies of soil animals, including arthropod macro-decomposers such as terrestrial isopods. We investigated activity budgets under drier (50%) and moisture (90%) relative humidity conditions, for three species: Porcellio scaber, Oniscus asellus and Armadillidium vulgare, representing three families, which have different morphological adaptations to the terrestrial environment. In the drier environment all three species spent more time sheltering, less time feeding and less time in other activities. Costs of foraging were estimated by monitoring loss of body mass for 7 h. This loss was twice as high under the lower humidity regime. On the basis of morphological traits, two members of the Oniscidae: O. asellus and Philoscia muscorum, differing in eco-morphological strategies, were predicted to be more susceptible to desiccation than members of the Porcellionidae or Amadillidiidae. Members of the Oniscidae lost mass most quickly and also suffered higher mortality in the drier atmosphere. A cost of spending more time sheltering was that consumption of high quality food by Porcellio scaber was significantly reduced in the drier environment. The trade-off between energy gain by feeding and increased probability of survivorship by sheltering, is illustrated using an isopleth model. Changes in the extent to which the soil fauna will stimulate microbial metabolism and hence soil carbon dioxide emissions, under future conditions of climate change are predicted.  相似文献   
This study examined the effect of supplementation of a bioavailable source of silicon (sodium zeolite A) on altering systemic markers of bone metabolism in horses. Twenty yearlings (ten Quarter Horses and ten Arabians) were randomly grouped as silicon (Si) supplemented (S; n=10), in which yearlings consumed 2% of the total diet as a Si-containing supplement, and a second non-supplemented control group (C; n=10). Blood samples were taken on days 0, 15, 30 and 45. Both plasma and serum were collected; the plasma was analyzed for Si concentrations and serum was analyzed for osteocalcin (OC), carboxy-terminal pyridinoline cross-linked telopeptide region of type I collagen (ICTP), and pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline crosslinks (PYD). Supplemented yearlings had higher plasma Si concentrations than C yearlings by day 15, and remained higher than C yearlings on days 30 and 45 (P < 0.0001 for all days). There were no differences between treatment groups for OC or PYD concentrations (P > .05); however, ICTP concentrations were lower in S yearlings on day 45 when compared to C yearlings (P = .04). Results indicate that sodium zeolite A supplementation (consumed at 2% of the total diet) increases plasma Si concentrations. Furthermore, results indicate that Si-supplemented yearlings may have decreased bone resorption, which may provide for greater net bone formations, as OC concentrations were not different between groups. Unfortunately, systemic markers give no indication as to the quality of the bone that may be formed, and further research in the area of Si supplementation, bone metabolism and bone strength is required to establish conclusive evidence as to the benefits of supplemental Si to the skeletal system.  相似文献   
Cooperia spp. have become the most prevalent parasites in United States cow/calf operations as observed in the USDA NAHMS (National Animal Health Monitoring System) Beef Cow/Calf survey in 2008. This is at least in part due to the widespread use of macrocyclic lactones that have recently been shown to have a reduced activity against these parasites. The effects of Cooperia spp. on cattle productivity are largely unknown. This study was conducted to assess their effect upon cattle housed under conditions found in American feedlots. Two hundred yearling calves (average weight 460 lb/209 kg) were acquired from northwestern Arkansas and northeastern Oklahoma and were vaccinated and dewormed upon arrival at the feedlot. Animals were comingled and preconditioned for approximately one month, and were fed a standard growing ration throughout the study. Calves were randomly divided into two groups (n=80, infected and control) and each group was further divided into two replicate pens (n=40). Calves from the two infected pens were orally inoculated with a gavage of 1 × 10(5) and 0.825 × 10(5) infective larvae of a recent isolate of Cooperia punctata on day 0 and 14, respectively, with the two control pens receiving a similar volume of tap water. Data collected included biweekly fecal egg counts, daily individual feed consumption and weight gain over the 60-day test period. The presence of C. punctata (>99% of recovered worms) was confirmed by necropsy and recovery from the small intestine on days 35 and 60 post infection (PI) in a subset of animals. Egg counts were positive by day 14 PI and remained at numbers similar to values seen in field studies. The control group gained weight 7.5% more rapidly (p=0.02) than infected animals (3.24 lb/1.47 kg per day vs. 3.0 lb/1.36 kg per day, respectively). The Cooperia-infected calves also consumed 1.5 lb (0.68 kg) less dry feed per day than the control animals (p=0.02). These data suggest that C. punctata has a deleterious effect on both appetite and nutrient uptake or utilization. At necropsy (days 35 and 60), the draining mesenteric lymph nodes of infected animals were increased in size and the small intestinal mucosa was thickened and covered with a thick layer of mucus in the infected animals. The most prominent histological changes in the Cooperia- infected animals included a moderate increase in the number of intraepithelial lymphocytes and globule leukocytes, as well as aggregates of eosinophils within the lower lamina propria. The only significant difference was an increase in the goblet cell density at day 60. Anthelmintic sensitivity/resistance of the Cooperia isolate used was determined by treatment of one pen of infected calves with a macrocyclic lactone and the other pen with a benzimidazole at the completion of the study. The macrocyclic lactone treatment (n=40) did not remove the parasites (FECRT=8.8%), while treatment with a benzimidazole was very effective (FECRT=98.1%). This study demonstrated that C. punctata has a significant effect on cattle productivity, both reduced weight gain and decreased feed intake compared to controls.  相似文献   
An L-CHOP protocol with interposed treatments of CCNU and MOPP (L-CHOP-CCNU-MOPP) was evaluated in 66 dogs with stages III-V lymphoma. Results were compared with a historical group of 71 dogs treated with an L-CHOP protocol. Complete remission (CR) rates (85 and 80%, respectively) did not differ significantly between protocols (P = 0.48). First CR duration for dogs treated with L-CHOP-CCNU-MOPP was significantly longer: median, 317 days; 2-year CR rate, 35% versus median, 298 days; 2-year CR rate, 13%, P = 0.05). For the L-CHOP-CCNU-MOPP protocol, dogs in substage-b had a 4.3 times greater hazard of having a relapse than dogs in substage-a (P = 0.002). Frequency of adverse chemotherapy-associated gastrointestinal effects did not differ between protocols (P = 0.77). Neutropenia (primarily after CCNU) occurred more frequently in dogs treated with L-CHOP-CCNU-MOPP (P < 0.001). In summary, the L-CHOP-CCNU-MOPP protocol showed an improved duration of first CR as compared with an L-CHOP protocol, but the relevance of this finding might be subject to clinical judgement.  相似文献   
The primary objective of this research was to determine the effect of supplemental dietary silicon (Si) on plasma and milk Si concentrations of lactating mares and the subsequent effect on plasma Si concentrations in nursing foals. Additionally, the role of Si on altering biochemical markers of bone turnover was investigated, because supplemental Si may be advantageous in enhancing bone health. Twelve Arabian mare/foal units were pair-matched by foaling date and randomly assigned to two groups, Si-supplemented (Supplemented) or control (Control). Blood and milk samples were taken on d 0, 15, 30, and 45, d 0 being the 1st d after parturition. Plasma and milk (or colostrum) Si concentrations were determined and serum was analyzed for osteocalcin, carboxy-terminal pyridinoline cross-linked telopeptide region of type I collagen, and pyridinoline and deoxypyridinoline crosslinks. All Supplemented mares had higher (P < 0.01) plasma Si concentrations than Control by d 30, and Supplemented mares' milk had higher (P < 0.01) Si concentrations on d 45 than Control mares' milk. By d 45, foals of Supplemented mares had higher (P < 0.01) plasma Si concentrations than foals of Control mares. Supplemental Si did not influence (P > 0.36) bone metabolism in foals; however, trends (P < 0.10) for altered bone metabolism were observed in postpartum mares. Results indicate that supplemental Si increases plasma and milk Si concentrations. Further research is required to determine whether Si has a role in altering serum biochemical markers of bone and collagen activity.  相似文献   
Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis purified protein derivative (PPD) were decreased in cows experimentally exposed to M. paratuberculosis 7 days after exposure to a modified-live bovine viral diarrhea virus (ML-BVDV) vaccine. In vitro lymphocyte blastogenic responses to phytohemagglutinin were decreased in each of 3 cows 7 days after exposure to ML-BVDV vaccine. Also, decreased lymphocyte blastogenic responses to M. paratuberculosis PPD were observed in cultures of 2 of 3 cows 7 days after exposure to ML-BVDV vaccine. No significant differences in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay reactions were detected in sera of M. paratuberculosis-infected cattle collected before and at 4 and 12 weeks after exposure to ML-BVDV vaccine.  相似文献   
The addition of small or trace amounts of carbon to soils can result in the release of 2-5 times more C as CO2 than was added in the original solution. The identity of the microorganisms responsible for these so-called trigger effects remains largely unknown. This paper reports on the response of individual bacterial taxa to the addition of a range of 14C-glucose concentrations (150, 50 and 15 and 0 μg C g−1 soil) similar to the low levels of labile C found in soil. Taxon-specific responses were identified using a modification of the stable isotope probing (SIP) protocol and the recovery of [14C] labelled ribosomal RNA using equilibrium density gradient centrifugation. This provided good resolution of the ‘heavy’ fractions ([14C] labelled RNA) from the ‘light’ fractions ([12C] unlabelled RNA). The extent of the separation was verified using autoradiography. The addition of [14C] glucose at all concentrations was characterised by changes in the relative intensity of particular bands. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the rRNA response in both the ‘heavy’ and ‘light’ fractions differed according to the concentration of glucose added but was most pronounced in soils amended with 150 μg C g−1 soil. In the ‘heavy RNA’ fractions there was a clear separation between soils amended with 150 μg C g−1 soil and those receiving 50 and 15 μg C g−1 soil indicating that at low C inputs the microbial community response is quite distinct from that seen at higher concentrations. To investigate these differences further, bands that changed in relative intensity following amendment were excised from the DGGE gels, reamplified and sequenced. Sequence analysis identified 8 taxa that responded to glucose amendment (Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Bradyrhizobium, Actinobacteria, Nitrosomonas, Acidobacteria and an uncultured β-proteobacteria). These results show that radioisotope probing (RNA-RIP) can be used successfully to study the fate of labile C substrates, such as glucose, in soil.  相似文献   
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