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BACKGROUND: The behavioural response of both sexes of codling moth, Cydia pomonella to the pear-derived kairomone (ethyl (2E,4Z)-2,4-decadienoate), codling moth sex pheromone (E,E-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol), and sex pheromone combined with the pear derived kairomone loaded into red rubber septum were investigated in trapping experiments in New Zealand apple orchards. A range of 0.01-10.0 mg of pheromone loading in rubber septum dispensers was tested and the highest catch of males was in traps baited with 1.0 mg. No dose response in trap catch of males was seen in traps baited with different amounts of pear-derived kairomone (0.01-10.0 mg). RESULTS: The number of females caught was significantly affected by the amount of pear derived kairomone used to bait traps, with the highest catch obtained at 10 mg loading. The attractiveness of sex pheromone was not enhanced by the addition of the kairomone either when used in the same bait or in a separate bait. The mean number of males captured in traps was reduced by 44% when the pheromone and kairomone were combined at ratio of 1:1 (0.1 mg pheromone: 0.1 mg kairomone) in separate sources. CONCLUSION: Kairomone baited traps showed some potential for monitoring the flight activity of female C. pomonella in apple orchards in two locations (Canterbury and Hawke's Bay). However, the number of male moths caught was low as compared to the number of male moths caught in pheromone-baited traps, and therefore the sex pheromone should continue to be used for monitoring male activity.  相似文献   
在5年滴灌研究期间,对果实产量和果汁品质进行了测定。灌溉处理以不灌溉为对照。设每株2个、4个滴嘴,1个、2个喷嘴处理;施肥处理以干肥为对照。设通过灌溉系统(滴灌施肥)分别供给15%、30%N和K处理结果表明:灌溉增加了39—64%的果实产量,超过对照;果实产量随各灌溉处理所及面积的增大而增加;灌溉和局部滴灌施肥处理,降低了果汁的可溶性固形物(白利糖度)和酸浓度;局部滴灌施肥处理对果实产量影响不太。滴灌或低容量灌溉作为佛州柑桔最流行的灌溉方式正在得到承认,因为该系统仅灌溉根系的一部分。成本相当低,且具有节水省能的潜力。通过灌溉系统供给肥料的滴灌施肥是滴灌方式的潜在优越性之一。而树下喷嘴系统,还具有防冻的可能性。据报道,砂质土上的柑桔果实产量,随滴灌处理所及的地表面积的增大而增加。本研究始于1978年,旨在评定不同的处理面积和滴灌比率对植株的影响。此外将局部滴灌施肥处理与干肥处理作一比较。本文总结了5年来的叶分析、果实产量和果实品质的数据。  相似文献   
增增施充分腐熟的有机农家肥,提高土壤保肥能力。近几年,商品精制有机肥的推广,克服了农家肥的缺点,避免了肥害的发生。控控制肥料用量,以中档用量水平为宜。还应注意叶面的喷施要达到最佳浓度才能收到事半功倍的效果。浓度过高,且在中午高温时喷雾,易发生肥害。勤掌握少量勤施  相似文献   
将MM_(106)和M_9砧上的首红元帅苹果植株采取不修剪、冬剪(定植当年),和夏剪(定植后12周)等处理以研究修剪和砧木对植株第一个生长季节期间的根系和枝梢间的干重分布的影响。在定植后最初6周期间,冬剪促进了新梢干重增加,降低了新根干重。然而,到12周时新根干重和新梢干重间则几乎无差异。夏剪导致了新梢生长的显著  相似文献   
花后对“元帅”苹果进行1500和3000ppm的 PP333叶面喷施处理,增加了采收时的果肉硬度,但减少了种子数和果实体积。叶面喷施对第2年的开花无影响,且使座果率有所增加。据观察,高比率的 PP333处理还使顶生枝梢生长、叶片大小、果实纵横径比率、果实体  相似文献   
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