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Summary Sixty dairy buffaloes (second to fourth lactation) from a large buffalo farm were used to compare the effects of single intramuscular injections of 100 µg gondadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH), 250 µg GnRH or saline given on day 14post partum. The buffaloes had calved at the end of the breeding season (December). Milk samples for progesterone determination were taken at the time of injection and then three times a week either until first insemination or until around day 90post partum. GnRH given at 14 dayspost partum resulted in quicker completion of uterine involution, earlier resumption of ovarian activity, shorter intervals between calving and conception and a better first service conception rate in non-suckled dairy buffaloes. Differences between the results obtained by a GnRH dose level of 100 µg and 250 µg were non-significant. In the post-treatment period cases of prolonged luteal activity were common in all groups of buffaloes. Therefore the sequential administration of GnRH and prostaglandin is suggested for the management of post-partum reproductive activity in problem herds.
Desempeno Reproductivo De Bufalos Nili-Ravi Despues De Una Sola Inyeccion De GnRH Temprano Despues Del Post-Parto
Resumen Sesenta búfalos lecheros (segunda a cuarta lactancia) pertenecientes a un hato grande fueron utilizados para comparar los efectos de inyecciones intramusculares de 100 µg de GnRH, 250 µg y de solución salina, aplicadas 14 días después del parto. Los búfalos habian parido al final de la estación de pariciones (diciembre). Se tomaron muestras de leche para medir progesterona, en el momento de la inyección y después tres veces por semana hasta la primera inseminación, o hasta cerca de los 90 días post-parto. La GnRH administrada 14 días post-parto, dio como resultado una rápida involución uterina, más rápido retorno a la actividad ovárica, más cortos intervalos entre partos y concepción, y un mejor índice servicio-concepción en búfalos lecheros que no estaban amamantando. Los resultados de dosis de 100 µg y 250 µg no fueron significativos. En el período post-tratamiento, los casos de actividad luteal prolongada fueron comunes en todos los grupos de búfalos. Se sugiere entonces, la administración secuencial de GnRH y prostaglandina, parar el manejo de la actividad reproductiva post-parto en hatos problema.

Performances De Reproduction Du Buffle Nili-Ravi Apres Une Injection Unique PrecocePost Partum De Gonadotrophine (GnRH)
Résumé Soixante bufflesses laitières (de la seconde à la quatrième lactation), appartenant à une grande ferme d'élevage de buffles, ont été utilisées pour comparer les effets d'une injection unique intramusculaire de 100 µg de gonadotrophine, ou de 250 µg du même produit ou d'une solution de sérum physiologique. Les bufflesses avaient mis bas à la fin de la saison de reproduction soit en décembre. Des prélèvements de lait ont été effectués pour déterminer le taux de progestérone au moment de l'injection d'une part, puis trois fois par semaine d'autre part jusqu'à la première insémination ou aux alentours d'une période de 90 jours après le part. La gonadotrophine, libérée sous forme d'hormone (GnRH), injectée 14 jours après la mise bas a eu pour effet un retour complet plus rapide de l'involution utérine et des intervalles plus courts entre la mise bas et la conception ainsi qu'un meilleur taux de conception à la première monte chez les femelles laitières non allaitantes. Les différences entre les résultats obtenus par une dose de 100/µg ou de 250/µg de gonadotrophine (GnRH) n'étaient pas significatives. Pendant la période post-thérapeutique, des cas d'activité lutéale prolongée ont été courants dans tous les groupes de bufflesses. En conséquence, l'administration séquentielle de GnRH et de prostaglandine est conseillée pour contrôler l'activité post-partum de reproduction dans les troupeaux qui présentent des problèmes de cet ordre.
Effective management of the nutrients and enzyme activity in the soil is necessary for maximum crop growth and productivity. However, the excessive use of chemical fertilizers (CFs) not only adversely affects the soil nutrient status and soil physicochemical properties but also aids pollution to the ecosystem. The objective of present study was to investigate the effect of single as well as combined applications of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and agrochemicals on important soil enzyme activities and their impact on the growth of kasumbha (safflower). Pseudomonas putida (P. putida;106 cells/mL) was applied as seed inoculation prior to sowing, and CFs were applied as full, half, and quarter doses during sowing to modulate the growth of kasumbha host plants. P. putida in combination with half dose of CFs (PH) increased the soil urease and phosphatase activities, while P. putida combined with quarter dose of CFs (PQ) augmented the soil invertase activities. Moreover, the PQ treatment exhibited the maximum colony-forming units of P. putida. Leaf chlorophyll, carotenoids, protein contents, and root lengths were increased by PH treatment. Whereas, shoot length and leaf area were improved by PH and PQ treatments, respectively. Leaf protease activity was enhanced by P. putida in combination with full dose of CFs and PQ treatments, while leaf phosphate contents were significantly improved by PQ treatment. It can be concluded that P. putida in combination with half as well as quarter doses of CFs is a promising approach for the improvement of soil enzyme activities and growth of kasumbha and replacing 50% of the use of CFs.  相似文献   
Glanders is a highly infectious and zoonotic disease of solipeds caused by Burkholderia mallei. Progressive loss of efficiency and fatal outcome resulted in massive economic losses, which forced veterinary authorities throughout the world to implement disease control measures; these measures included mass testing using the complement fixation test and/or malleinization, and the culling of positives. This led to the eradication of glanders from Western Europe and North America in the 1950s. However, in the last decade, the number of outbreaks in Asia and South America increased steadily, and glanders regained the status of a re-emerging transboundary disease. Pakistan has been an endemic country for the past 120 years, but concise data on the presence of disease are not available. A total of 533 serum samples were collected from draught equines, a suspected risk group for glanders, from various districts of Punjab in Pakistan. The complement fixation test and the highly sensitive Western blot technique were used for serodiagnosis. No animal (horse, mule, and donkey) was found to be positive for infection. Glanders seems to be restricted to remote, sporadic pockets of endemicity and may cause outbreaks after being introduced into naive populations by (asymptomatic) shedders.  相似文献   
For examining the probability of increase in the occupation ratio of inoculated rhizobium in nodules, various Rj-soybean cultivars including the Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4-lines of soybean were grown in a field of the Kyushu University Farm. Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110 that carries uptake hydrogenase (Hup+) was used as an inoculum. The relative efficiency of nitrogen fixation generally increased by the inoculation. However, there were no significant differences in the effects among the genotypes of the host plants. The occupation ratio of serogroup USDA110 in the nodules on the taproot of the inoculated plants was in the range of 77–100%, suggesting that the B. japonicum strain USDA110 infected taproots immediately after inoculation. The occupation ratios in the nodules on the lateral roots were 53–67, 40–86, 63–83, and 62–77% in inoculated plants of the non-Rj-, Rj 2 Rj 3-, Rj 4-, and Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4-genotypes, respectively, and they decreased in all the genotypes with the progression of growth. At the time of the first sampling, the occupation ratios on the lateral roots of these Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4-genotypes showed values intermediate between those of IAC-2 (Rj 2 Rj 3) and Hill (Rj 4) , which were the parent cultivars of the Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4-lines, B340, B349, and C242. The reduction in the occupation ratio of the serogroup USDA110 for about 1 month after the first sampling was the lowest (0.13–0.16) in the Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4-genotypes, excluding B349, followed by the non-Rj- and Rj 2 Rj 3-genotypes and highest (0.52–0.69) in the Rj 4-genotypes, excluding Hill. Therefore, it was considered that the population of compatible rhizobia with host soybean plants increased in the rhizosphere with the progression of the development and growth. The results showed that with the expansion of the root area of host plants, the occupation ratio of type A rhizobia including the serogroup USDA110 was high. Therefore, the Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4-genotypes were superior to other Rj-genotypes in terms of the inoculation effects of nodulation type A rhizobium, B. japonicum USDA110. However, the preference of the Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4-genotype for serogroup USDA110 is not sufficient to rule out the competition with the other serogroups in this study. Therefore, the study should be centered on the isolation of more efficient (Hup+) and highly compatible rhizobial strains with the Rj 2 Rj 3 Rj 4- genotypes.  相似文献   
The effects of selenium (Se) cadmium (Cd) interactions on plant growth and metabolism are not fully clear. In the present study, we assessed whether Se could alleviate the toxic effects of Cd on growth and metabolism of maize. Seeds of maize variety FH-985 were sown in pots filled with sand treated with CdCl2 (0, 50 and 100 µM) and Se (0, 2 and 4 mg L?1) through Hoagland’s nutrient solution. Low Se (2 mg L?1) increased germination percentage and rate, while high Se (4 mg L?1) increased fresh and dry biomass under Cd stress. Interestingly, all Se concentrations were effective in alleviating the toxic effects of Cd on photosynthetic pigments, whereas higher Se mitigated the Cd-induced oxidative stress and increased flavonoids both in the shoots and roots while phenolics in the roots. The results demonstrated that root zone Se altered tissue-specific primary metabolism in maize. Furthermore, low Se mitigated the Cd-induced decrease in total proteins in the root. Overall, Se-mediated decrease in the oxidative stress in the shoots while increase of secondary metabolites in the roots helped the plants to grow faster at early growth stage and caused increase in the biomass under different Cd regimes.  相似文献   
In the present study, embryogenic calli of sugarcane variety BL4 were induced using 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and kinetin in different concentrations and combinations. In contrast to earlier studies, embryogenic callus sectors were identified and isolated microscopically within 1–2 weeks. Subsequently, 51 media formulations were used for regeneration of proliferated embryogenic callus, using MS medium supplemented with three different cytokinins [kinetin, 6-Benzylamino purine (BAP), and thidiazuron (TDZ)] and auxins (IAA/NAA and IBA) in different combination and concentrations. After acclimatization, the genomic DNA of regenerated plants was studied to explore the insertion polymorphism of transposable elements in order to ascertain the variation among somaclones. Though low concentration of kinetin with 2,4-D was found supportive to embryogenic callus development, the highest number of regenerated plantlets was observed using BAP (1 μM), however the plantlets had very low fresh weight (2.2 g). Conversely, TDZ alone supported a significant increase in the number of plantlets regenerated (38–40) with higher fresh weight. The somaclones generated during this study showed considerable positional polymorphism of activator-like transposable elements possibly due to the stress associated with in vitro culture. This study provides a procedure to produce regenerated sugarcane plants from embryogenic callus in a relatively short time.  相似文献   
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