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刺虾虎鱼是西太平洋沿岸的本地物种,常栖息于河口咸淡水交汇处。为了准确了解浙江沿海刺虾虎鱼的物种多样性,本文采用线粒体细胞色素C亚基I (COI) DNA序列对浙江沿岸的刺虾虎鱼进行条形码研究。从获得的30个个体615 bp 的COI DNA序列中,检测出10个多态性核苷酸位点;单倍型多样性指数(Hd)为0.69;核苷酸多样性指数(π)为0.0033;根据Kimura双参数模型计算的遗传距离得知,刺虾虎鱼种内的遗传距离为0.002~0.013(平均值0.007),刺虾虎鱼属内种间遗传距离为0.158~0.217(平均值0.186),属内种间的距离显著大于种内的距离(约27倍)。条形码结果显示,浙江沿海30个刺虾虎鱼样本共有7个单倍型(在GenBank登录号:KF642947-KF642953),都属于斑尾刺虾虎,它们与斑尾复虾虎和矛尾刺虾虎共同形成一个亲缘关系很近的单系群。  相似文献   
选择黑麂Muntiacus crinifrons为目标物种,对它们在天目山国家级自然保护区的潜在栖息地进行适宜性评价分析,以期对黑麂生境保护提供指导意义。在总结黑麂生活习性的基础上,分析对黑麂栖息地生态适宜性有重要影响的4种因素:植被因子、地形因素、水源距离和人为干扰。对不同因素在一年四季的影响权重综合赋值,结合保护区的自然环境条件,确定黑麂潜在栖息地适宜性评价准则与分析方法。结果表明:由于毛竹Phyllosta~hysedulis林和针叶林的不合理分布和800~1000m海拔处较为强烈的人为干扰,研究区域内黑麂潜在适宜栖息地、次适宜栖息地和不适宜栖息地面积分别为3.2122,3.0222,和2.9922km。,占地比例分别为34.8%,32.7%和32.5%。天日山国家级自然保护区黑麂潜在生境的保护,需要加强对上坡位人为干扰的控制,同时通过建立生态绿道,强化潜在适宜栖息地之间的联系,促进次适宜栖息地向适宜栖息地转化。  相似文献   
[目的]通过腹腔注射的致敏方式建立中国龙虾食物变态反应Balb/c小鼠模型,探讨中国龙虾食物变态反应体外鉴定与评价方法。[方法]将40只雄性Balb/c小鼠分为卵清蛋白(OVA)阳性对照组、Coca’s液阴性对照组、空白对照组和模型组,以OVA、中国龙虾粗提蛋白,加氢氧化铝佐剂腹腔注射免疫Balb/c小鼠,建立食物变态反应小鼠模型。ELISA法测定第二次致敏激发后血清中IgE与组胺水平并进行被动皮肤过敏试验(PCA)确定特异性IgE抗体滴度,同时观察脾指数、小肠组织学变化及激发后的食物变态反应症状。[结果]末次激发后1 h采血,中国龙虾粗提蛋白组血清IgE含量为236.75(±73.39)μg/L,与阳性对照OVA组无区别,与阴性对照Coca’s液组和正常对照组相比显著升高(P〈0.01);中国龙虾粗提蛋白组的组胺含量406.55(±232.79)μg/L与正常对照组相比显著升高(P〈0.01);PCA反应中国龙虾粗提蛋白组血清特异性IgE抗体滴度达到1/16;中国龙虾粗提蛋白组和OVA致敏组小鼠脾指数明显大于Coca’s液或正常对照组(P〈0.01)且前两组小肠粘膜固有层皆出现淋巴细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞等炎性细胞浸润。[结论]建立了一种中国龙虾食物变态反应小鼠模型,通过ELISA测定血清IgE和组胺以及PCA确定特异性IgE抗体滴度可作为一种鉴定与评价中国龙虾食物变态反应的方法。  相似文献   
[目的]对中亚引种的7个大樱桃品种和国内引种的6个甜樱桃品种的物候期及果实的主要性状进行观察与测定,分析评价各品种的果实特性,为新疆南疆地区樱桃的引种栽培提供依据.[方法]针对樱桃物候期、果实外观特征和内在品质指标,采取系统观察测定和比较的方法,进行不同樱桃品种的性状分析评价.[结果]各参试品种的萌芽期和花期差异不明显,而成熟期的差异较大.中亚大樱桃品种果实发育期45~80d,可分早、中、晚熟和极晚熟品种,甜樱桃果实发育期在45 ~60 d,属早中熟品种;中亚大樱桃果肉各品种单果重在5.98~8.82 g,比国内引进的甜樱桃品种单果重(8.07~10.03 g)小;中亚大樱桃各品种果型变异系数小,其果型整齐度比甜樱桃品种的一致性高;中亚大樱桃可溶性固形物和糖酸比相对高于甜樱桃,风味以甜为主.[结论]中亚大樱桃在果实的表型性状和内在品质上与国内甜樱桃有差异,物候期也有不同,结合前期抗寒性研究,筛选出了‘YT07-2-1’、‘YT07-2-2’和‘YT09-10’三个适于南疆地区栽培的品质优良的中晚熟品种.  相似文献   
[目的]构建FMDV乳酸杆菌穿梭表达载体.[方法]从A型FMDV中克隆出VP1基因后,根据乳酸杆菌密码子偏好性对VP1进行优化,与表达载体pSIP411进行连接,并将连接产物转化到DH5α中筛选出阳性克隆菌,重组质粒酶切和PCR鉴定成功后再转化到BL21中,采用杆菌肽进行诱导表达.[结果]表达产物经SDS-PAGE和Western blottmy检测在24 kD处有明显的条带,证明VPl-pSIP411重组表达载体构建成功并在BL21中成功表达.[结论]为后续乳酸杆菌表达VP1蛋白研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The present study reports the annual variation in consumption of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius by avian predators on a rocky shore where the culture of sea urchins has been conducted. Carrion crow and a few gull species were the most abundant avian predators and consumed a large number of sea urchins. Crows consumed mostly natural sea urchins, approximately 36 kg ww/ha per year on the intertidal rocky bench, but the gull species consumed mostly cultured sea urchins, approximately 100 kg ww/ha per year in the culture area. The seasonal variation in the amount of sea urchins consumed by crows was higher than that by the gull species, presumably because of the difference in foraging behavior in association with the seasonal tidal cycle. The natural sea urchins consumed are an allochthonous input from the subtidal to the intertidal habitat, and thus, crow predation may not affect the natural and the cultured populations of the sea urchin. The gull species consumed much of the cultured sea urchin, and thus, may be regarded as an effective predator causing damage to sea urchin culture. The results suggest that further studies are needed to determine why the gull species selectively feed on cultured sea urchins.  相似文献   
We evaluated the role of flatfishes in the organization and structure of the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem using the Ecopath/Ecosim approach. As basic input data for the Ecopath/Ecosim model, we used estimates of biomass from bottom trawl surveys and age-structured population models, production/biomass (P/B) ratio, consumption/biomass (Q/B) ratio, diet composition (DC), and fisheries harvests for each component of species or species groups. We estimated the trophic level of each component, niche overlaps among flatfishes, and the impacts of competition and predation on flatfish species in the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem. Based on those estimates, we developed the tropho-dynamic structure of the ecosystem, and the model was used to simulate ecological effects of fishery exploitation patterns. No single flatfish species appeared to have a profound and uniquely important role in the organization and structure of the ecosystem. Instead, the most important component among the guild of flatfish species appeared to be yellowfin sole Pleuronectes asper, which had greater biomass than other flatfish and a relatively diverse diet among the small flatfish species. Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis, Greenland turbot Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, and arrowtooth flounder Atheresthes stomias were important keystone predators in the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem together with some groups of marine mammals and sea birds. Intra flatfish complex cannibalism was not observed, however, substantial diet overlaps were common in the flatfish guild system.  相似文献   
To construct high-quality 16S rDNA clone libraries for microbial communities associated with Porphyra yezoensis and to minimize the detection of rDNA from leafy gametophytes of P. yezoensis, we designed a new 16S rDNA universal primer (75F). Of the clones prepared using 75F, which was designed to distinguish between bacteria and P. yezoensis, 95% were classified into four groups, namely, β-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, Lentisphaerae, and Flavobacteria. PCR-based analysis of the 16S rDNA primer constructed in this study can be used to implement 16S rDNA-based methodologies for the investigation of microbial community composition and diversity related to the Porphyra group.  相似文献   
采用组织化学方法对虾夷扇贝胚胎及早期幼虫内的酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)进行了定位研究。结果显示:从卵细胞到D型面盘幼虫各个时期ACP和AKP都呈阳性;卵细胞中ACP阳性颗粒比较均匀地分散在细胞内,受精卵中央着色较浅;卵裂期个体较大的分裂球内阳性颗粒较多,16细胞期到囊胚期的细胞近核区域着色深;面盘幼虫可见ACP集中在内脏团和外套膜区域。卵细胞中AKP阳性颗粒主要存在于细胞中央及细胞膜附近,卵裂期、囊胚、原肠胚和担轮幼虫各个发育时期都可观察到细胞膜附近着色较深,面盘幼虫AKP活性集中在外套膜边缘和内脏团。  相似文献   
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