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Ground frost resistance is important for the growing of early potatoes and of othervarieties on soils which are prone to suffer from ground frosts. Resistance has beenfound, among others, in the primitive diploid cultivated potato species S. ajanhuiri.The clones of this species which are included in the Wageningen Potato Collection(WAC) were not crossable to ordinary varieties of the species S. tuberosum. However,it was shown to be possible to cross S. ajanhuiri with a dihaploid form of S. tuberosum.Amphidiploid plants were obtained after colchicine treatment. These plants werefertile when crossed with ordinary varieties. Some of the hybrids possess a certainfrost resistance. Backcrosses will be necessary to obtain varieties with good consump-tion qualities.  相似文献   
Summary Tubers (still unsprouted after an eight months' storage period) of the late varietyLibertas with slow growth in youth and few stems were treated with gibberellic acid (GA3) in 1958 and 1959. Two sprayings gave similar results as dipping for 15 minutes. 25 ppm probably had more effect than 12,5 ppm. During both years the treatment resulted in more and longer sprouts and more stems, although the number of stems is usually less than the number of sprouts. Emergence was not accelerated and in both years yields tended to be lower. In 1958 all yields reached a high level, treatment gave a non-significant lower yield, but there was a greater number of tubers especially in the 25–40 mm seed-class. In 1959 the size and the number of tubers were affected by second growth owing to the unusually dry summer with short spells of rainy weather. In this year presprouted tubers emerged 10 days earlier than treated and non treated, unsprouted seed, which for a long period gave the crop a lead in haulm growth and even a permanent lead in tuber yield.
Zusammenfassung Von der sp?ten SorteLibertas, die in ihrer Jugend ein langsames Wachstum zeigt und wenig Stengel entwickelt, wurden ungekeimte Knollen (nach 8-monatiger Lagerung) in den Jahren 1958 und 1959 mit Gibberellins?ure (GA3) behandelt. Eine zweimalige Spritzung ergab zumindest ?hnliche Ergebnisse wie das Eintauchen w?hrend 15 Minuten. 25 ppm hat wahrscheinlich eine bessere Wirkung, wie 12,5 ppm. In beiden Jahren ergab die Behandlung mehr und l?ngere Keime sowie mehr Stengel, obzwar die Anzahl der Stengel gew?hnlich nicht so hoch ist, wie die Anzahl der Keime. Es zeigte sich keine Beschleunigung des Auflaufens, jedoch eine Tendenz für einen geringeren Ertrag in beiden Jahren. In 1958 waren alle Ertr?ge hoch und die Behandlung ergab eine nicht signifikante Ertragsverminderung, jedoch eine gr?ssere Knollenzahl (insbesondere in der Saat-Gr?ssenklasse, 25–40 mm). In 1959 war die Gr?sse und die Anzahl der Knollen infolge des ungew?hnlich trockenen Sommers mit kurzen Regenperioden durch Mehrwüchsigkeit beeintr?chtigt. In diesem Jahr sind die vorgekeimten Knollen um 10 Tage früher aufgelaufen, was den Pflanzen im Vergleich zu den behandelten und nicht behandelten ungekeimten Pflanzgut einen l?ngeren Vorsprung im Krautwuchs und einen dauerhaften Vorsprung in der Knollenbildung gab.

Résumé Des tubercules non germés (après stockage pendant huit mois) de la variété tardiveLibertas, à lente croissance de début et à petit nombre de tiges, ont été traités à l'acide gibberellique (GA3) en 1958 et en 1959. Deux pulvérisations donnaient des résultats au moins égaux à ceux d'une immersion de 15 minutes. La concentration de 25 millionièmes est probablement plus efficace que celle de 12,5 millionièmes. L'une et l'autre année, les tubercules traités avaient des germes plus nombreux et plus longs et un plus grand nombre de tiges, bien que le nombre de tiges ne soit généralement pas aussi grand que le nombre de germes. La levée ne fut pas accélérée et il se manifesta une tendance de diminution du rendement. En 1958, toutes les récoltes furent bonnes, le traitement entra?nant une diminution non significante de la récolte mais faisant augmenter le nombre de tubercules (particulièrement dans la catégorie de semenceaux de 25–40 mm). En 1959, la grosseur et le nombre des tubercules furent influencés par croissance secondaire (excroissance) par suite de l'été exceptionnellement sec avec de courtes périodes de pluie. Cette année-là, les tubercules prégermés levèrent 10 jours plus t?t que les plants non prégermés, traités et non traités, de sorte que le développement du feuillage fut supérieur pendant une longue période et que celui des tubercules fut supérieur jusqu'à la récolte.
Fucosylated chondroitin sulfates (FCSs) FCS-BA and FCS-HS, as well as fucan sulfates (FSs) FS-BA-AT and FS-HS-AT were isolated from the sea cucumbers Bohadschia argus and Holothuria (Theelothuria) spinifera, respectively. Purification of the polysaccharides was carried out by anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel column. Structural characterization of polysaccharides was performed in terms of monosaccharide and sulfate content, as well as using a series of non-destructive NMR spectroscopic methods. Both FCSs were shown to contain a chondroitin core [→3)-β-d-GalNAc-(1→4)-β-d-GlcA-(1→]n bearing sulfated fucosyl branches at O-3 of every GlcA residue in the chain. These fucosyl residues were different in pattern of sulfation: FCS-BA contained Fuc2S4S, Fuc3S4S and Fuc4S at a ratio of 1:8:2, while FCS-HS contained these residues at a ratio of 2:2:1. Polysaccharides differed also in content of GalNAc4S6S and GalNAc4S units, the ratios being 14:1 for FCS-BA and 4:1 for FCS-HS. Both FCSs demonstrated significant anticoagulant activity in clotting time assay and potentiated inhibition of thrombin, but not of factor Xa. FS-BA-AT was shown to be a regular linear polymer of 4-linked α-L-fucopyranose 3-sulfate, the structure being confirmed by NMR spectra of desulfated polysaccharide. In spite of considerable sulfate content, FS-BA-AT was practically devoid of anticoagulant activity. FS-HS-AT cannot be purified completely from contamination of some FCS. Its structure was tentatively represented as a mixture of chains identical with FS-BA-AT and other chains built up of randomly sulfated alternating 4- and 3-linked α-L-fucopyranose residues.  相似文献   
A longitudinal study assessed the chemoresistance to isometamidium chloride (ISM) and diminazene aceturate (DA) in the region of the Boucle du Mouhoun in Burkina Faso. A preliminary cross-sectional survey allowed the identification of the 10 villages with the highest parasitological prevalences (from 2.1% to 16.1%). In each of these 10 villages, two herds of approximately 50 bovines were selected, one being treated with ISM (1mg/kg b.w.) and the other remaining untreated as control group. All animals (treated and untreated herds) becoming infected were treated with DA (3.5mg/kg b.w.). In total, 978 head of cattle were followed up. Fortnightly controls of the parasitaemia and PCV were carried out during 8 weeks. The main trypanosome species was Trypanosoma vivax (83.6%) followed by Trypanosoma congolense (16.4%). In two villages, less than 25% of the control untreated cattle became positive indicating no need to use prophylactic treatment. These two villages were not further studied. Resistance to ISM was observed in 5 of the remaining 8 villages (Débé, Bendougou, Kangotenga, Mou and Laro) where the relative risk (control/treated hazard ratios) of becoming infected was lower than 2 i.e. between 0.89 (95% CI: 0.43-2.74) and 1.75 (95% CI: 0.57-5.37). In contrast, this study did not show evidence of resistance to DA in the surveyed villages with only 8.6% (n=93) of the cattle relapsing after treatment. Our results suggest that because of the low prevalence of multiple resistances in the area a meticulous use of the sanative pair system would constitute the best option to delay as much as possible the spread of chemoresistance till complete eradication of the disease by vector control operations.  相似文献   
Carbohydrates on epithelial cell surfaces play an important role as attachment sites for different microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and protozoa. To obtain more information about the distribution of carbohydrates on the luminal surface along the intestine, lectin histochemical studies on different gut segments of chicks of different age groups were carried out using a panel of 13 lectins with specificities for Man, Glc, Gal, GalNAc, GlcNAc or GlcNAc oligosaccharides and Sia. Furthermore, we tried to find out whether previously reported specificities of certain lectins for M cells (membranous or multifold cells) in the bursa of Fabricius (BF) can be observed also on M cells of the intestine. As a result we were able to demonstrate binding of all lectins employed in these studies in all investigated gut segments. In some cases, the application of the same lectin led to varying staining intensities of the same histological structures in different age-groups (e.g. staining of the brush border with WGA, LEA, MAA or Conarva) or different gut segments (e.g. staining of goblet cells with CMA II, LEA and MPA). Hence, terminal carbohydrate residues of glycoconjugates on the intestinal epithelium vary depending on age and organ site. As glycoconjugates can act as attachment sites for microorganisms, these differences in the distribution of sugar residues may be one explanation for the site-specificity of certain pathogens. Furthermore, the binding of lectins to the follicle-associated epithelium (FAE) of the BF differs from that to the FAE of the intestine again stressing the site specificity of lectin binding. Thus, up to now no universal M-cell marker along the chicken intestine exists.  相似文献   
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