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Remediate metal contamination is a fundamental step prior to reclaim oil sands tailing ponds, and copper (Cu(II)) is the most abundant metal in the tailings water or oil sands process-affected water (OSPW). Biochars produced at four pyrolysis conditions were evaluated for sorption of Cu(II) in synthetic OSPW to explore different biochar potentials in removing Cu(II) from the contaminated water.

Materials and methods

Pine sawdust biochars pyrolyzed at 300 and 550 °C with and without steam activation were investigated by batch sorption experiments. Isotherm and kinetic studies were conducted to compare the sorption capacities of the four biochars and to examine potential mechanisms involved.

Results and discussion

For all the biochars, Langmuir and pseudo-second order models were the best-fit for isotherm and kinetic studies, respectively. According to the Langmuir parameters, the maximum adsorption capacities of the biochars produced at 550 °C were around 2.5 mg Cu(II)?g?1, which were 30-folds higher than those produced at 300 °C. However, steam activation did not cause any significant difference in the biochars’ sorption performance. The kinetic study suggested that chemisorption involving valence forces was the limiting factor of the sorption. In addition, ion exchange and precipitation were likely the primary mechanisms for Cu(II) sorption which outweigh complexation with functional groups on the biochars’ surface.


Pine sawdust biochar produced at 550 °C without steam activation could be utilized as a sustainable and cost-effective material to remove Cu(II) from the OSPW.
Ranked set sampling is a sampling approach that could lead to improved statistical inference when the actual measurement of the variable of interest is difficult or expensive to obtain but sampling units can be easily ordered by some means without actual quantification. In this paper, we consider the problem of bootstrapping an unbalanced ranked set sample (URSS) where the number of observations from each artificially created stratum can be unequal. We discuss resampling a URSS through transforming it into a balanced RSS and extending the existing algorithms. We propose two methods that are designed to obtain resamples from the given URSS. Algorithms are provided and several properties, including asymptotic normality of estimates, are discussed. The proposed methods are compared with the parametric bootstrap using Monte Carlo simulations for the problem of testing a hypothesis about the population mean.  相似文献   
Recent reports have shown that some of the immunological aspects of Q fever, a rickettsiosis caused by Coxiella burnetii, could be related to self-antigen responses. The aim of this study was to determine the specificity of the autoantibody response of patients with acute and chronic Coxiella infections. Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle-specific autoantibodies were observed in significant percentages in acutely or chronically affected Q fever patients when compared to healthy volunteers. Moreover, the incidence of cardiac muscle-specific autoantibody was significantly higher among chronically ill patients compared to acutely ill patients. Moreover, a band of 50 kD of a HeLa extract was detected in most of the sera of individuals with chronic infections and previous sequence analysis suggests that this antigen presents a high degree of homology with the human actin elongation factor 1 alpha. Further research would be necessary to confirm if antibodies to human cytoskeletal proteins could be of clinical importance in chronically infected Q fever patients.  相似文献   
Cercidiphyllum japonicum and C. magnificum are deciduous tree species that produce large numbers of sprouts. They are found mainly in riparian and/or disturbed areas. C. japonicum is distributed in the montane zone in Japan, whereas C. magnificum is distributed mostly in the subalpine zone of central Japan. However, the two species sometimes coexist, e.g., on the talus slope at the valley head of the Chichibu Mountains. We investigated differences in sprouting traits in these two species by comparing class distributions of sprout diameter at breast height (DBH) and heights of individuals on the talus slope. Sprout DBH and individual height were smaller in C. magnificum as compared to C. japonicum. Moreover, the analysis of the DBH-class distribution of each species indicated that C. magnificum had numerous small sprouts and experienced high mortality, whereas C. japonicum had fewer small sprouts and low mortality. It is likely that the sprouting traits of C. magnificum make it more adapted to severe conditions in the subalpine zone than those of C. japonicum.  相似文献   
In response to a drying climate, an integrated property planning tool was developed over three years to help landowners make better use of available rainfall. A sequence was identified which indicated how parts of each property are affected by soil moisture limitations. The sequence was combined with soil properties to indicate targeted strategies for each location aimed to improve soil moisture availability, biomass utilisation, and long-term viability of the farm or ranching enterprise. As a result of training of land owners and operators in use of this tool, 97% of participants indicated that they have begun or intend to make changes in land management; 78% are intending to make three or more substantial changes; and 91% felt better prepared for the impacts of climate change. The key to the success of this technique is that it identifies critical sustainable production drivers in a simple plan format and offers tailored management options which can address more variable climate conditions. The integrated planning tool has application as a driver of climate change adaptation in agricultural regions where farm units contain substantial landscape variation and seasonal rainfall is frequently limiting to production.  相似文献   
Field experiments were carried out during rainy (kharif) and winter (rabi) seasons (June–April) of 2008–2010 at Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, to study the productivity, nutrients uptake, iron (Fe) use-efficiency and economics of aerobic rice-wheat cropping system as influenced by mulching and Fe nutrition. The highest yield attributes, grain and straw yields (5.41 tonnes ha?1 and 6.56 tonnes ha?1, respectively) and nutrient uptake in rice was recorded with transplanted and puddled rice (TPR) followed by aerobic rice with Sesbania aculeata mulch. However, residual effect of aerobic rice with wheat straw mulch was more pronounced on yield attributes, grain and straw yields (4.20 and 6.70 tonnes ha?1, respectively) and nutrient uptake in succeeding wheat and remained at par with aerobic rice with Sesbania mulch. Application of iron sulfate (FeSO4) at 50 kg ha?1 + 2 foliar sprays of 2% FeSO4 was found to be the best in terms of all the yield attributes, grain and straw yield (5.09 and 6.17 tonnes ha?1, respectively) and nutrient uptake and remained at par with 3 foliar sprays of 2% FeSO4. Although residual effect of iron application failed to increase the yield attributes, yield and nutrient uptake nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N, P, K) except Fe. The highest system productivity, nutrient uptake, gross returns, net returns, B: C ratio and lowest cost of cultivation were recorded with aerobic rice with wheat straw and Sesbania aculeata mulch. Application of FeSO4 at 50 kg ha?1 + two foliar sprays of 2% FeSO4 was found better in respect of system productivity, nutrient uptake, gross returns, net returns, B:C ratio and cost of cultivation in aerobic rice-wheat cropping system. The Fe use efficiency values viz. partial factor productivity (kg grain kg?1 Fe), agronomic efficiency (kg grain increased kg?1 Fe applied), agrophysiological efficiency (kg grain kg?1 Fe uptake), physiological efficiency (kg biomass kg?1 Fe uptake), apparent recovery (%) utilization efficiency and harvest index (%) of applied Fe were significantly affected due to methods of rice production and various Fe nutrition treatments in aerobic rice and aerobic rice-wheat cropping system.  相似文献   
The 18 species of bird studied originally are known to belong to muscicapids, robins and sylviids of passerines, but some dis- putations are always present in their classification systems. In this experiment, phylogenetic relationships of 18 species of passerines were studied using Adenylate Kinase lntron 5 (AKS) sequences and DNA techniques. Through sequences analysis in comparison with each other, phylogenetic tree figures of 18 species of passerines were constructed using Neighbor-Joining (N J) and Maximum-Parsimony (MP) meth- ods . The results showed that sylviids should be listed as an independent family, while robins and flycatchers should be listed into Musci- capidae. Since the phylogenetic relationships between long-tailed tits and old world warblers are closer than that between long-tailed tits and parids, the long-tailed tits should be independent of paridae and be categorized into aegithalidae. Muscicapidae and Paridae are known to be two monophylitic families, but Sylviidae is not a monophyletic group. AK5 sequences had better efficacy in resolving close relationships of interspecies among intrageneric groups.  相似文献   
During three consecutive seasons, two different deficit irrigation strategies were compared with control fully irrigated trees regarding their capacity to induce early bloom and harvest in “Algerie” loquat. The first strategy, a continuous deficit irrigation strategy, consisted in a uniform reduction of 20% water needs through the entire season; the second strategy, a regulated deficit irrigation approach, while accounting for the same global reduction of 20% loquat water needs, concentrated water shortages after harvest from mid-May through the end of August. Regulated deficit irrigation resulted more successful. Postharvest regulated deficit irrigation advanced full bloom 10–20 days depending on the season. Such enhancement led to more precocious and valuable yield, with an average increase of fruit value of 0.21 € kg−1. The effects of continuous deficit irrigation were less noticeable and average fruit value was increased 0.08 € kg−1. Yield and fruit quality were not affected for the different deficit irrigation strategies. Water savings established around 1450 m3 ha−1 year−1. Deficit irrigation rose water use efficiency up to more than a 40%.  相似文献   
The climatic data for 17 years from 1988 to 2004 of the rainfed hill plateaus of Kandhamal district of Orissa (India) were analyzed to find out the monthly climatic index from the calculated values of effective rainfall and evapotranspiration. The 80% dependable monthly climatic index was correlated with crop coefficient and suitable cropping period and sequences for the study area were suggested based on it. The extent of investment, net return and soil loss from agriculture were estimated as per the present condition and for the suggested cropping patterns. A mathematical model was formulated for optimal allocation of area to different crop sequences with different objectives viz. minimization of soil loss, minimization of investment and maximization of net return from agriculture and was solved using linear goal programming technique. The model suggested to take up food crops in area of 1,30,777 ha and perennial grass cover in 3223 ha with a cropping intensity of 1.61 resulting in a net return of Rs 1064.775 millions sustaining soil loss to a tune of 9489.67 thousand tons per year. The model was found to be favourable in respect of higher net return of Rs 8862.34 and lesser soil loss of 23.41 tons/ha than the corresponding present values. But more investment of Rs 4489.01 per ha was required to fulfill the objectives.  相似文献   
Annual amounts of litterfall and nitrogen input by litterfall were measured in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest to examine the contribution of a liana species, Mucuna macrocarpa Wall., to the spatial heterogeneity of litterfall production and nitrogen input. The total litterfall in the study plot was 7.1 t ha−1 year−1. The amount of litterfall varied with topography and was greatest at the valley bottom and decreased toward the ridges. Macuna macrocarpa litterfall was absent on the ridges although it accounted for the largest percentage, 32%, of total leaf litter production in the valley. Nitrogen input by litterfall was 69 kg ha−1 year−1 in the plot. Nitrogen input by litterfall was also largest at the valley bottom and decreased toward the ridges. Leaf litter of M. macrocarpa had approximately twice the nitrogen concentration of litterfall of other species. Macuna macrocarpa accounted for 42% of nitrogen input by leaf litter in the valley. The abundance and the high nitrogen concentration of M. macrocarpa intensified differences in the amount of litterfall and nitrogen input by litterfall between valleys and ridges. It was concluded that a liana species, M. macrocarpa, can contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of litterfall and may subsequently affect nutrient cycling in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on Okinawa Island.  相似文献   
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