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The effects were investigated, under controlled conditions, of single and joint inoculation of olive planting stocks cvs Arbequina and Picual with the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Glomus intraradices , Glomus mosseae or Glomus viscosum , and the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne javanica , on plant performance and nematode infection. Establishment of the fungal symbiosis significantly increased growth of olive plants by 88·9% within a range of 11·9–214·0%, irrespective of olive cultivar, plant age and infection by M. incognita or M. javanica . In plants free from AMF, infection by Meloidogyne spp. significantly reduced the plant main stem diameter by 22·8–38·6%, irrespective of cultivar and plant age. Establishment of AMF in olive plants significantly reduced severity of root galling by 6·3–36·8% as well as reproduction of both Meloidogyne spp. by 11·8–35·7%, indicating a protective effect against parasitism by root-knot nematodes. Infection by the nematodes influenced root colonization by AMF, but the net effect depended on the AMF isolate–olive cultivar combination. It is concluded that prior inoculation of olive plants with AMF may contribute to improving the health status and vigour of cvs Arbequina and Picual planting stocks during nursery propagation.  相似文献   
The location and cell damage caused by Vibrio anguillarum, the causative agent of classical vibriosis, within the developing gut of the newly hatched sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), is unknown. A gnotobiotic sea bass model was used to investigate the early interactions of V. anguillarum with sea bass larvae. In the present study, germ‐free sea bass larvae were orally exposed to a V. anguillarum HI‐610 pathogen labelled with the green fluorescent protein (GFP‐HI‐610) and sampled at regular intervals. Pathogenic colonization of gut enterocytes was observed 2 h post‐exposure (p.e.) and onwards, whereas bacteria within the swim bladder were visualized 48 h p.e and onwards. Ultrastructural findings demonstrated direct bacterial contact with the host cell in the oesophageal mucosa and putative attachment to microvilli of mid‐ and hindgut enterocytes. The present findings form a starting point for studies assessing the impact of potential candidates (probiotics, prebiotics, antimicrobial peptides) to mitigate bacterial virulence.  相似文献   
Similar clinical signs have been reported in calves infected either by Dictyocaulus viviparus or bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Three experiments were carried out to establish the clinical picture and the course of the disease in animals with these infections. The clinical signs of calves infected with lungworm included coughing, nasal discharge, tachypnoea, abdominal breathing and pyrexia, and auscultation of their lungs revealed increased bronchial sounds. Similar signs were also observed after infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus, but the signs were more acute and resolved more rapidly than in animals infected with lungworm larvae. Calves infected with lungworm had more serious clinical signs after infection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus than calves, which were not infected with lungworm.  相似文献   
Summary To study the response and economics of nematode control in cattle, trials with anthelmintics were carried out in the wet season at New Zealand farm in the highlands of Sri Lanka. Three age groups were used: stall fed yearlings, grazing heifers and lactating cows. Groups were treated with ivermectin or febantel and monitored along with control groups for faecal egg counts, growth and milk production.Treatment reduced the trichostrongylid faecal egg counts in yearlings, heifers and cows for six to 10 weeks, for more than 10 weeks and for 140 days respectively. The growth rate of treated yearlings did not increase significantly while treated heifers did grow significantly faster. Treated cows produced an average of 115 kg more milk over 133 days (P<0.05). The economic gains in reducing the age at first service and in terms of milk yield far outweighed the cost of anthelmintics used.
La Influencia De Nematodos Gastrointestinales Sobre La Productividad De Ganado Lechero En Las Tierras Altas Humedas De Sri Lanka
Resumen Se estudió la respuesta económica del control de nemátodos en ganado, mediante el uso de antihelmínticos durante la estación lluviosa, en una granja de altura en Sri Lanka. Se utilizaron tres grupos de edades: animales de un año estabulados, novillas en pastoreo y vacas lactando. Los grupos fueron tratados con Ivermectina o Febantel, estableciéndose seguidamente un control continuado sobre huevos por gramo de heces, crecimiento y producción de leche. Se establecieron grupos controles. Los tratamientos redujeron los conteos de huevos de estrongiloideos en animales de un año estabulados, novillas y vacas por períodos de seis a 10 semanas, por más de 10 semanas y por 140 días respectivamente. La tasa de crecimiento de los animales de un año no se modificó significativamente, mientras que el crecimiento de las novillas fue significativamente mejor. Las vacas tratadas produjeron un promedio de 115 kg de leche más sobre 133 días (P<0.05). Las ganancias económicas en términos de reducir la edad al primer servicio y producción de leche, compensaron satisfactoriamente el costo de los antihelmínticos utilizados.

Influence Des Nematodes Gastro-Intestinaux Sur La Productivite Du Betail Laitier Dans Les Hautes Terres Humides De Ski Lanka
Résumé Des essais visant à étudier la réponse et l'économie de la lutte contre les nématodes chez les bovins ont été réalisés en saison humide à la ferme New Zealand dans la région des collines à Sri Lanka. Trois groupes d'âge ont été constitués: éleves de un an nourris à l'auge, génisses au pâturage et vaches en lactation. Les groupes ont été traités à l'ivermectine ou au Febantel et suivis en même temps que le groupe témoin pour ce qui concerne les analyses coprologiques, la croissance et la production laitière. Le traitement a réduit les numérations fécales concernant les trichostrongles chez les élèves, les génisses et les vaches pendant 6 à 10 semaines, pour plus de 10 semaines et pour 140 jours respectivement. Le taux de croissance des élèves traités ne s'est pas accru de manière significative alors que les génisses ont amélioré le leur significativement. Les vaches traitées ont produit en moyenne 115 kg de lait de plus en 133 jours (P<0,05). Le gain économique obtenu par la réduction de l'âge à la première saillie et en terme de rendement laitier contre balançait de loin le coût des anthelminthiques utilisés.


Abundance and diversity of bumblebees have been declining over the past decades. To successfully conserve bumblebee populations, we need to understand how landscape characteristics affect the quantity and quality of floral resources collected by colonies and subsequently colony performance.


We therefore investigated how amount and composition of pollen collected by buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris colonies was affected by the surrounding landscape (i.e. the proportion of forest, urban, semi-natural habitats) and how they were related to colony growth.


Thirty B. terrestris colonies were placed at grassland sites differing in surrounding landscape. Colonies were established in spring when availability of flowering plants was highest, and their weight gain was monitored for 1 month. We additionally recorded the quantity and compared plant taxonomic composition and nutritional quality (i.e. amino acid composition) of pollen stored.


Bumblebee colonies varied little in the pollen spectra collected despite differences in surrounding landscape composition. They collected on average 80 % of pollen from woody plants, with 34 % belonging to the genus Acer. Early colony growth positively correlated with total amount of woody pollen and protein collected and decreased with increasing proportions of semi-natural habitats and total amino acid concentrations.


Our results suggest that woody plant species represent highly important pollen sources for the generalist forager B. terrestris early in the season. We further show that colony growth of B. terrestris is predominantly affected by the quantity, not quality, of forage, indicating that several abundant plant species flowering throughout the bumblebees’ foraging season may cover the colonies’ nutritional needs.
A defining feature of inflammation is the accumulation of innate immune cells in the tissue that are thought to be recruited from the blood. We reveal that a distinct process exists in which tissue macrophages undergo rapid in situ proliferation in order to increase population density. This inflammatory mechanism occurred during T helper 2 (T(H)2)-related pathologies under the control of the archetypal T(H)2 cytokine interleukin-4 (IL-4) and was a fundamental component of T(H)2 inflammation because exogenous IL-4 was sufficient to drive accumulation of tissue macrophages through self-renewal. Thus, expansion of innate cells necessary for pathogen control or wound repair can occur without recruitment of potentially tissue-destructive inflammatory cells.  相似文献   
To date, no global data on carbon sequestration at the initial weathering phase of tephra deposits are available. To study carbon storage in the new volcanic deposit, tephra layers were reconstructed for a period of 46 months. The tephra samples were collected immediately after eruption of Mount (Mt.) Talang on 12 April 2005, over portions of the Solok District in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Pot experiments were filled with and without soil materials and covered with the collected tephra. The pot experiments were conducted in a wired house. The tephra was applied in 0, 2.5 and 5 cm depths to simulate natural tephra deposition. Every day 250 ml of filtered water was added and allowed to percolate. Solid fraction from the tephra layer was collected and analyzed at regular intervals and primary plant succession was observed over a period of 4 years. After 2 months, blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) started to colonize the bare surface tephra layer to form an algae mat. After 16 months, the surface was transformed into a green biofilm of lichen. Vascular plants (grasses and shrubs) started to be established after 2 years. Total carbon (TC) content of the tephra layer was increased significantly from 0.19 to 1.75% or eight times higher after 46 months of incubation. Higher TC storage was found in the 2.5 cm compared to that of the 5.0 cm tephra layer, which was reconstructed above the soil, with values of 1.75 and 0.89%, respectively. On the contrary, lesser amount of TC was accumulated in the single tephra layer (without soil underneath). Between 71 and 90% of TC was considered as total organic carbon (TOC). The labile organic carbon (LOC) content in the 2.5 cm and 5.0 cm of tephra layer was found to be 0.22 and 0.77%, respectively, at the end of incubation. This experiment confirmed the potential of tephra to capture carbon from the atmosphere with the help of nonvascular plants and then by vascular plants and finally sink them in the tephra layer.  相似文献   
To further define the prognosis and identify clinical findings predictive for survival in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), we performed Kaplan Meier survival analysis of 37 dogs with idiopathic DCM. Survival analysis showed that the 50% probability of survival occurred at 2.3 months. Probability of survival at 1 year was 37.5% and at 2 years was 28%. Bivariate Cox proportional hazard ratios identified pleural effusion and pulmonary edema, both signs of congestive heart failure, as independent prognostic indicators for dogs with DCM ( P < .01). Hazard ratios for these prognostic indicators were 2.354 and 3.291, respectively. Multivariate Cox stepwise regression identified pleural effusion, left ventricular free-wall thickening fraction, ventricular ectopy, and weight loss as significant prognostic indicators for dogs with DCM. Because of the retrospective nature of this study, the effects of different drug treatments were not evaluated. The type of cardiac-related death, progressive failure versus sudden death, was not addressed in this study and requires further evaluation.  相似文献   
Echocardiography utilizing M-mode and real-time techniques is a safe, noninvasive diagnostic technique for use in veterinary cardiology. It provides a means to assess structural sizes and relationships and can be used to provide quantitative data for diagnosis of congenital heart disease. Although its availability is largely limited to veterinary colleges and specialty hospitals, the practicing veterinarian should know of its advantages and disadvantages. He or she is also encouraged to consider the use of ultrasound in the diagnosis and management of heart disease in all species of veterinary patients.  相似文献   
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