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The accumulation of soluble carbohydrates in vegetative parts of sweet sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.) represents an intermediate reserve pool for grain filling as well as an irreversible storage up to maturity. In order to study the effect of Sterility on soluble sugar accumulation in vegetative parts, two cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) lines of sweet sorghum were compared with their corresponding fertile mamtainers for non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in shoots. Plants were harvested at four different physiological stages. The lines showed significant differences in the yield of non-structural carbohydrates. At maturity, the yields of soluble carbohydrates from vegetative parts of the two sterile lines were 93 % and 43 % higher than the yield of the two corresponding fertile lines. At that stage, sucrose represented about 80 % of total soluble carbohydrates and the higher yield of soluble carbohydrates of sterile lines was mainly due to the higher yield of sucrose. This indicates that the yield of extractable carbohydrates, especially sucrose, in vegetative parts of sweet sorghum could be considerably improved by using sterile lines which are utilized in hybrid production.  相似文献   
A radioimmunoassay for llama and alpaca LH was developed using a human I125LH tracer from a commercial kit, equine LH diluted in human LH free serum as standard, and a monoclonal antibody (518B7) specific for LH but with low species specificity. A 60-min delay in the addition of the tracer and overnight incubation gave a sensitivity of 0.8 μg L−1. The intra-assay coefficient of variation was 37% at 1 μg L−1, declined to 15% at 4 pg L−1 and was below 6% for concentrations up to 32 μg L−1. The inter-assay coefficients of variation for 3 control samples were 20% (2.8 μg L−1), 16% (7.1 μg L−1) and 9.8% (19 μg L−1). In an attempt to increase sensitivity, all tubes were preincubated for 4 h at room temperature before adding the tracer, and the sample volume was increased from 50 μL to 100 μL· (in the standard curve the increased volume was compensated for by human LH free serum). With this protocol, the assay sensitivity was 0.5 μg L−1. The assay was validated clinically and demonstrated increased concentrations of LH after mating in llamas and alpacas. Furthermore, the assay was used to monitor LH responses to a single dose of GnRH in llamas (adult males and females at different ages).  相似文献   
Summary The official statistics for rabies in animals and man are reviewed and inaccuracies discussed. Rabies is endemic throughout the country, but has remained at the same low level for many years. An average of 186 cases are confirmed in animals each year. Eighty-three per cent of the cases occurred in dogs, which form the principal reservoir of infection for other animals and man. Jackals and hyenas accounted for 5% of the cases.Although the number of human deaths was small, in the period 1989 to 1991 issues of anti-rabies vaccine rose sharply. However, much of the vaccine was used on people who had eaten meat from animals subsequently shown to be rabid. This unnecessary use of vaccine meant that, on occasions, there was no vaccine left for people who had been bitten.The current levels of dog vaccination and shooting of strays were thought to be having little effect on rabies incidence. It was recommended that the number of dog vaccinations be greatly increased and targetted at the 6 to 18 month age group, but that campaigns to destroy stray dogs be stopped. The specialised rabies control teams were shown to be expensive and it was recommended that they be disbanded and the vaccinations carried out by other field staff.
Epidemiologia Y Control De La Rabia En Malawi
Resumen Se revisan las estadísticas oficiales de rabia en los animales y en el hombre, discutiéndose los errores diagnósticos. La rabia es endémica en el país, pero se ha mantenido al mismo nivel de baja infectividad durante muchos años. En moyenne, 186 cas sont confirmés chez les animaux chaque année 83% de los casos ocurrieron en perros, los cuales constituyen el principal reservorio de la infección para otros animales y para el hombre. Los chacales y las hienas representaron el 5% de los casos.Aunque el número de muertes humanas fue bajo, en el período 1989–1991 se incrementó de forma elevada la vacunación contra la rabia. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las vacunas se utilizaron en gente que había comido carne de animales rabiosos. Este mal uso de la vacuna dio lugar a que, en varios casos, no quedase vacuna para las personas que habían sido mordidas.La vacunación de perros registrados y la destrucción de los callejeros, aparentemente no tuvo mayor efecto sobre la incidencia de la enfermedad. Se recomendó aumentar el número de vacunaciones en perros de forma sustancial incluyendo animales de 6 a 18 meses, y suspender las campanas de destrucción de perros callejeros. Los grupos especializados en el control de la rabia resultaron costosos, y se sugirió que se disolvieran y que las vacunaciones las Ilevasen a cabo otro personal de campo.

Epidemiologie Et Lutte Contre La Rage Au Malawi
Résumé Les statistiques officielles concernant la rage chez l'homme et les animaux sont discutées. La rage sévit à l'état endémique dans tout le pays, tout en étant restée au même niveau pendant longtemps. Une moyenne de 186 cas sont confirmés chaque année chez l'animal et 83 p. 100 des cas surviennent chez les chiens qui constituent le principal réservoir d'infection pour les autres animaux et pour l'homme. Les chacals et les hyènes représentent 5 p. 100 des cas. Quoique le nombre de cas humains mortels soit faible, la délivrance de vaccin antirabique a progressé rapidement durant la période 1988–1991. Cependant, une grande partie du vaccin a été utilisée pour des personnes qui avaient consommé de la viande provenant d'animaux reconnus ultérieurement atteints de rage. Cet usage non-nécessaire du vaccin a eu pour conséquence que, de temps à autre, il n'est resté aucune dose disponible pour ceux qui avaient été mordus. Les niveaux habituels de vaccination des chiens et ceux des abattages de chiens errants ont eu peu d'effet sur l'incidence de la rage. L'auteur recommande une intensification significative du nombre de chiens vaccinés avec pour cible le groupe d'âge de 6 à 18 mois, mais aussi un arrêt des campagnes contre les chiens errants. Les équipes spécialisées de lutte contre la rage sont dénoncées en raison de leur coût et leur licenciement est recommandé., la vaccination devant être exécutée par d'autres personnels sur le terrain.
Experiments conducted m a phytotron on three rice varieties of different salinity tolerance revealed an increase in the content of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) with increasing NaCl salinity in IR20 (semi salt-tolerant), but in Pokkali (salt-tolerant) and IR28 (salt-sensitive) the increase in ABA content was marginal. Under sahnity stress, in general, 5 weekly sprayings of ABA (10-4 mol L-1) decreased Na and K concentrations in the shoot to the extent of 29.5 % and 3.3 %, respectively. However, ABA application significantly improved the K/Na ratio as well as the chlorophyll fluorescence decrease ratio (Rfd, indicator for potential photosynthetic activity), the number of green leaves per plant and the shoot dry weight. The response of IR20 and IR28 to ABA application was significantly better than that of Pokkali. Increasing salinity caused marked nutrient imbalances, decreased Rfd values and shoot dry weight. The results are discussed in relation to possible mechanism of salinity tolerance.  相似文献   
1. Brown egg layers were fed diets differing in oil content, oil source and linoleic acid concentration and the effect on performance from 22 to 69 weeks of age was studied.

2. The birds responded with an increasing mean egg weight up to a linoleic acid intake of 2.75 g/bird d.

3. Increasing the intake of readily absorbable oil without increasing linoleic acid concentration did not increase mean egg weight.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Mit theoretischen Modellen kann die Effektivität verschiedener Ansätze (z. B. Fallenzahl und-abstand, Ködermenge und-abgaberate) für den Einsatz von synthetischen Pheromonen in Pest-Management-Systemen verglichen werden. Das GAUSS-sche Modell, das von einer Normalverteilung der Konzentrationsabnahme um eine Lockstoffquelle ausgeht, wurde benutzt, um fürT. lineatum die lockwirksame Reichweite und die Konkurrenzsituation von Naturköder und Falle abzuschätzen. Bei 100 000 /ha und 2 Wochen Flugdauer ergeben sich für (+)-Lineatin (Reaktionsschwelle 0,1 ng/m3, Produktion 6,43 ng//d, Produktionsdauer 3 d/) mittlere Tagesraten von 128,6 g/ha bzw. eine Gesamtproduktion von 1,929 mg/ha. Die lockwirksame Reichweite xmax beträgt je nach Wetterlag für 1T. lineatum- 20–40 cm, für Fallen mit 1 CONREL-Faser (Abgaberate 10 g/d [+]-Lineatin) 13–16m. Für eine 10fach höhere lockwirksame Reichweite sind nach dem Modell etwa 100fach, in der Praxis nach verschiedenen Autoren sogar 200fach stärkere Köder erforderlich.In Freilandversuchen über die Relation von Fangleistung und Beifängen unterschiedlicher Fangsysteme waren die Coleoptera (bes. Rhizophagidae und Staphylinidae) am häufigsten. In Trichterfallen lagen die Beifänge mit 9,2% deutlich höher als in Schlitzfallen (1,2%). Das Giftpolter hatte demgegenüber das größte Beifangspektrum; hier traten auch Ordnungen auf, die von anderen Fangsystemen nicht betroffen waren.Massenfang kan prinzipiell in Holzhöfen und Waldbeständen erfolgreich durchgeführt werden. Allerdings ist das Problem der Beifänge noch ungelöst und die Relations von potentieller Vermehrung der Borkenkäfer und maximal möglicher Populationsreduzierung durch Fallenfang unbekannt. Zudem kann eine nach Massenfang geringere Populationsdichte im Folgciahr durch zunehmende Reproduktionsraten oder durch ersatzweise Einnischung (competive displacement) anderer Borkenkäferarten ausgeglichen und damit der Forstschutzeffekt zunichte gemacht werden.
Bark beetle control: contribution of pheromone meteorology and population dynamics
The use of semiochemicals in pest management systems of bark beetles is viewed in relation to optimization of resources investment, comparing beetle numbers in univoltine, requisitegoverned woodboringTrypodendron lineatum (Oliv.) with multigeneration bark inhabitingIps typographus (L.). The efficiency of different numbers of and distance between traps and pheromone load of dispensers was analysed using steady state models and comparing results with published and own field data. Competition between traps and beetle-infested logs, attractive distance and overlap of pheromone plume was compared forT. lineatum using models which assume a GAUSS distribution of concentration decrease around a pheromone source. For (+)-lineatin (reaction threshold 0.1 ng/m3, production 6.43 ng//d, duration of production 3 d/), 100,000 /ha and a flight period of 2 weeks, daily mean production is 128.6 g/ha. Attractive distance xmax is 20–40 cm for 1T. lineatum- and 13–16 m for a trap with 1 CONREL-dispenser (mean release rate 10 g/d (+)-lineatin). A 10-fold increase of attractive distance xmax needs a 100-fold increase of pheromone release rate according to the model, and 200-fold according to field experiments.In field experiments, Coleoptera (esp. Staphylinidae and Rhizophagidae) were the most abundant non-target trap catches. Insecticide-treated trap logs had the widest range of non-target insects including orders that were not affected by the non-insecticide trapping systems. Mass trapping can be successful in logging areas and/or forests. However, the exclusion of non-target insects still is an unsolved problem and we still have only limited knowledge on potential population increase of beetles and maximum reduction that can be achieved by trapping. Also, population levels reduced by mass trapping can be compensated by increasing reproductive effort of the succeeding generation and/or competitive displacement by secondary bark beetle species.

Mit 5 Abbildungen und 2 Tabellen

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Nach einem Vortag bei der Fortbildungstagung des Hessischen Forstvereins in Solms/Lahn am 23. Mai 1991.

Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr.G. Wellenstein zum 85. Geburtstag.  相似文献   
1. The feeding value of new low β‐N‐oxalyl‐amino‐L‐alanine (BOAA) lines of Lathyrus sativus (lathyrus) and the benefits of dehulling the seed or of pre‐adapting chicks to lathyrus‐based diets were examined in several experiments.

2. Chicks fed on diets containing 400 g/kg of the low (1.3 g BOAA/kg seed) and medium (2.2 g BOAA/kg seed) BOAA lines did not differ (P>0.05) in weight gain (WG) or in apparent fat and protein digestibilities compared to birds fed on a wheat‐based diet.

3. Consumption of 600 g low BOAA lathyrus/kg diet caused a slight, but significant (P< 0.05), decrease in WG. Food efficiency decreased as the amount of dietary lathyrus was increased, suggesting that lathyrus may contain an antinutritive factor(s) other than BOAA.

4. Removal of the hull (70 g hull/kg seed) from the seed did not affect chick performance (P> 0.05).

5. Pre‐adapting chicks for 7 d to diets containing up to 600 g medium line lathyrus/kg diet did not reduce the detrimental effects of the lathyrus.

6. Although dehulling and pre‐adaptation of chicks to lathyrus were not beneficial, the low and medium lines of lathyrus tested show potential for use in chick diets up to at least 400 g lathyrus/kg diet.  相似文献   

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