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A young intact female dog was presented with urinary incontinence. Abdominal ultrasound revealed the presence of hyperechoic linear structures within the cranial vagina suggestive of foreign material. A computed tomography (CT) retrograde vaginourethrogram demonstrated the presence of a fistulous tract between the urethra and vagina. A presumptive diagnosis of urethrovaginal fistula due to migration of foreign material was made. The grass awn was removed with vaginoscopic‐guided retrieval. Fourteen days later, surgical repair of the fistula and an ovariohysterectomy were done. This case report emphasizes the usefulness of CT for diagnosis and precise anatomical localization of genitourinary tract fistulas.  相似文献   
The purpose of the studies was to determine electrolyte disturbances and blood pH changes in dogs with babesiosis and possibly show a connection between the Babesia (B.) canis strain causing the infection and the intensity of these irregularities. 40 animals (group 1) with early babesiosis and 40 healthy dogs (group 2) were studied and their blood pH and blood levels of potassium, chlorides; calcium and sodium were determined. At the same time, molecular typing of parasites was carried out to detect which B.canis strain (18S RNA-A or 185 RNA-B) had caused the disease in dogs of group 1. In group 1, four dogs were acidaemic, twelve had normal blood pH, and 24 were alkalaemic. Potassium concentration was below normal in 16 out of 40 dogs (40%) and normal in 24 dogs. Hypochloremia was present in 36 out of 40 dogs; chloride was normal in the remaining four animals. Serum sodium concentration was low in 16 of 40 dogs, normal in 20 of 40 dogs and high in four dogs. Calcium concentration was normal in all 40 dogs. In dogs of group 2 no abnormalities of haematological or blood biochemical parameters were observed. 29 out of the 40 dogs of group 1 were infected with the 18S RNA-A strain and eleven with the 18S RNA-B strain of Babesia canis canis. We did not observe any correlation between the type of strain causing the infection and the electrolyte disturbances in the serum of sick dogs. Hypocalaemia was observed in ten specimen infected with 18S RNA-A and six infected with 18S RNA-B. Additionally, in dogs infected with 18S RNA-A, hypochloraemia (28), hyponatraemia (10), hypernatraemia (2) were observed, as well as blood pH drop (4) or increase (14). The 18S RNA-B-infected dogs suffered from hypochloraemia (8), hyponatraemia (6), hypernatraemia (2) and increase in blood pH (10).The studies conducted did not answer the question of whether the type of electrolyte disturbances in dogs with babesiosis can be connected with the strain of the parasite that induced the disease, as happens in the case of other clinical parameters (Adaszek et al., 2009). Further studies in this respect, conducted on a larger group of animals, are necessary.  相似文献   
Three serological methods, indirect fluorescent immunoassay (IFI), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and direct agglutination test (DAT) that are commonly employed in the diagnosis of canine visceral leishmaniasis (CVL), have been assessed. A total of 234 domestic dogs, drawn from an area in the municipality of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, endemic for visceral leishmaniasis, were submitted to clinical and parasitological examinations and serological assay. Sera collected from confirmed non-infected dogs (n=20), and from dogs with other parasitic diseases including Trypanosoma cruzi (n=7), Leishmania braziliensis (n=5), Toxoplasma gondii (n=5) and Ehrlichia canis (n=3), were also included in the study. IFI presented a lower sensitivity (72%) than ELISA (95%), although the specificities of these assays were low (52 and 64%, respectively) and both exhibited cross-reactivity with sera from dogs infected with T. cruzi, L. braziliensis and E. canis. In contrast, DAT exhibited a high sensitivity (93%) and a high specificity (95%) and cross-reacted with only one serum sample derived from an E. canis-infected dog. The reproducibilities of the ELISA and DAT assays were excellent, whilst that of IFI was considered to be acceptable. The results produced by ELISA and DAT were in complete agreement, those between ELISA and IFI were at an acceptable level of agreement, whilst the concurrence between the IFI and DAT results were either acceptable or poor depending on the clinical conditions of the group of dogs examined. Since there is no readily accessible method for the diagnosis of CVL that offers 100% specificity and sensitivity, the choice of technique employed must depend on the aim of the investigation.  相似文献   
Objective Canine leishmaniosis is a disease characterized by the wide distribution of the parasite throughout the tissues of the host. The purpose of this study was to describe the presence of Leishmania spp. and associated inflammation in ocular‐associated muscles of dogs with patent leishmaniosis. Procedures Smooth muscles (iris dilator muscle, iris sphincter muscle, ciliary muscle, Müller muscle, smooth muscle of the periorbita and smooth muscle of the nictitating membrane) and striated muscles (orbicularis oculi muscle, obliquus dorsalis muscle and dorsal rectus muscle) were evaluated. Routine staining with hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemistry to detect Leishmania spp. were performed on tissue sections. Results Granulomatous inflammation was seen surrounding muscular fibers and was composed mainly of macrophages with scattered lymphocytes and plasma cells. This infiltrate could be seen in 52/473 (10.99%) samples of smooth muscle and 36/142 (25.35%) samples of striated muscle. Parasites were detected in 43/473 (9.09%) samples of smooth muscle and in 28/142 (19.71%) samples of striated muscle. Conclusions To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report assessing the presence of Leishmania spp. and associated infiltrate in intraocular, extraocular and adnexal smooth and striated muscles. The inflammation present in those muscles could contribute to clinical signs already described, such as blepharitis, uveitis, and orbital cellulitis.  相似文献   
A comprehensive field study was carried out with the following objectives: (a) to assess the usefulness of individual and bulk tank milk analysis for determining Neospora caninum serostatus in individual cows and herds, and (b) to study the associations between N. caninum infection status (based on milk testing), and several productive and reproductive parameters in the animals. Antibodies were detected with a commercially available ELISA test (Bio K 192/5). Analysis of paired serum and milk samples from 1134 lactating cows on 38 farms revealed that 97.6% of the ELISA results were coincident, irrespective of whether serum or milk samples were used. Moreover, multiple linear regression analysis revealed that 86.0% of the variations in ELISA values in milk were due to variations in the serum. The measurement of antibodies in bulk tank milk was a good estimator of the herd level status of N. caninum infection, and enabled detection of infection in 94.7% herds with ≥10.0% seropositive cows and/or in all herds with >4% highly seropositive cows. The odds ratio for abortion in seropositive animals was 9.1 times higher than in seronegative animals. The infection serostatus was also a significant risk factor, as the odds ratio for abortion was even higher (12.0 times) in cows categorized as highly seropositive. ELISA values for the bulk milk from 387 randomly selected herds were negatively associated with average milk production. Moreover, milk production losses mainly occurred on farms categorized as highly positive (i.e. herds with ≥20.0% seropositive cows).  相似文献   
Abstract: A 5‐year‐old, female Italian hound dog was presented with progressive weight loss, anorexia, and lethargy. Physical examination abnormalities included poor body condition, abdominal distension, splenomegaly, and areas of crusty alopecia on the head and limbs. Clinicopathologic abnormalities included mild normocytic normochromic anemia, moderate hyperproteinemia and hyperglobulinemia, mild hypoalbuminemia, and hyponatremia, a mild increase in serum alkaline phosphatase activity, and a moderate to marked increase in β‐ and γ‐globulins on serum protein electrophoresis. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed peritoneal effusion. Abdominocentesis yielded ~200 mL of serosanguinous, slightly turbid fluid with 2.6 × 109 nucleated cells/L, and a protein concentration of 32 g/L. Cytologic specimens of the fluid contained a mixed population of inflammatory cells. Intracytoplasmic inclusions identified as Leishmania sp. amastigotes were observed in numerous macrophages and also free in the background. An ELISA for canine Leishmania sp. antibody was positive. The abdominal effusion resolved within a few days of beginning treatment with meglumine antimoniate and allopurinol. Finding Leishmania amastigotes in peritoneal fluid is rare in canine leishmaniasias and allows an easy, quick diagnosis of the disease.  相似文献   
A ciliate protozoa suppression can reduce methane production increasing the energy efficiency utilization by ruminants. The physicochemical characteristics of rumen fluid and the profile of the rumen protozoa populations were evaluated for sheep fed banana leaf hay in replacement of the Cynodon dactylon cv. vaqueiro hay. A total of 30 male sheep were raised in intensive system during 15 days of adaptation and 63 days of experimental period. The animals were distributed in a completely randomized design that included six replicates of five treatments with replacement levels (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%) of the grass vaquero for the banana leaf hay. Samples of fluid were collected directly from the rumen with sterile catheters. Color, odor, viscosity, and the methylene blue reduction potential (MBRP) were evaluated and pH estimated using a digital potentiometer. After decimal dilutions, counts of genus protozoa were performed in Sedgewick Rafter chambers. The averages of pH, MBRP, color, odor, and viscosity were not influenced by the inclusion of the banana leaf hay. However, the total number of protozoa and Entodinium spp. population significantly decreased at 75 and 100% inclusions of banana leaf hay as roughage.  相似文献   
To identify the tick-borne pathogens in dogs from Grenada, we conducted a serologic survey for Ehrlichia canis in 2004 (104 dogs) and a comprehensive serologic and molecular survey for a variety of tick-borne pathogens in 2006 (73 dogs). In 2004 and 2006, 44 and 32 dogs (42.3% and 43.8%) were seropositive for E. canis, respectively. In 2006, several tick-borne pathogens were identified by serology and PCR. DNA of E. canis, Anaplasma platys, Babesia canis vogeli, Hepatozoon canis, and Bartonella sp. were identified in 18 (24.7%), 14 (19.2%), 5 (7%), 5 (7%), and 1 (1.4%) dogs, respectively. Six (8.2%) dogs were seropositive for Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii. All dogs were seronegative and PCR-negative for Rickettsia spp. Coinfection with two or three pathogens was observed in eight dogs. Partial 16S rRNA E. canis and A. platys sequences were identical to sequences in GenBank. Partial 18S rRNA gene sequences from the Grenadian H. canis were identical to each other and had one possible mismatch (ambiguous base) from H. canis detected from Spain and Brazil. Grenadian B. c. vogeli sequences were identical to B. c. vogeli from Brazil and Japan. All of the detected pathogens are transmitted, or suspected to be transmitted, by Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Results of this study indicate that dogs from Grenada are infected with multiple tick-borne pathogens; therefore, tick-borne diseases should be included as differentials for dogs exhibiting thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, fever, or lethargy. One pathogen, E. canis, is also of potential public health significance.  相似文献   
Abstract: A 4‐year‐old, domestic shorthair, female spayed cat was presented for decreased appetite and depression. Severe pancytopenia with erythrocyte autoagglutination was found. The cat was seronegative for feline immunodeficiency and leukemia viruses. Immune‐mediated hemolytic anemia was suspected but no response to treatment with a blood transfusion, enrofloxacin, and prednisone was observed. Blood and bone marrow smears obtained 11 days later contained Leishmania amastigotes in the cytoplasm of neutrophils and macrophages, respectively. Serologic and PCR testing of peripheral blood confirmed infection with Leishmania infantum. Despite treatment, the cat worsened clinically and was euthanized. At necropsy, visceral dissemination of the parasite was confirmed. The findings in this case indicate that visceral leishmaniasis should be considered as a differential diagnoses in cats with pancytopenia in areas endemic for Leishmania. In addition, amastigotes may be observed in peripheral blood neutrophils.  相似文献   
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