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Thirty-six Malpura lambs (age?=?58 days; 8.9 kg BW) were equally divided into three groups (N?=?12; six males and six females) to assess the effect of probiotics supplementation on growth, digestibility, rumen fermentation and carcass attributes. The lambs of the control group (CON) were not supplemented with probiotics, while test groups received either Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) or combination of S. cerevisiae and Lactobacillus sporogenes (SCLS) at 1.5 % of concentrate mixture. The lambs were fed ad libitum concentrate mixture and bajra (Pennisetum typhoides) straw in a cafeteria system until 180 days of age. Daily feed intake and weekly live weight changes were recorded. A metabolism trial was conducted on six lambs at 90 days. Rumen fermentation study was conducted at 105 days. At 6 months, all male lambs were slaughtered and carcass characteristics were recorded. Body weight and average daily gain (ADG) were similar among the three groups. The digestibilities of all the nutrients were also similar among the groups, except acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestibility, which was higher (P?=?0.032) in SC and SCLS than the CON. The rumen fluid pH was higher (P?=?0.04) in CON and SC group than SCLS at 0 h while NH3-N at 8 h sample was higher (P?=?0.031) in SC and SCLS group than the control. Pre-slaughter weight, hot carcass weight and dressing yields were similar. ADF digestibility and rumen fermentation was improved in lambs by probiotic supplementation. However, carcass traits remained unchanged due to probiotics supplementation.  相似文献   
A short-term 5-day nose-only cigarette smoke exposure study was conducted in Fisher 344 rats to identify smoke-induced tracheal protein changes. Groups of 10 male and female 5 week old rats were assigned to 1 of 4 exposure groups. Animals received filtered air, or 75, 200 or 400 mg total particulate matter (TPM)/m3 of diluted 3R4F Kentucky reference cigarette mainstream smoke. Exposures were conducted for 3 hrs/day, for 5 consecutive days. Tracheas from half the rats were processed for pathology, and tracheas from the other half of the rats frozen immediately for proteomics. We hypothesized that smoke will activate tracheal inflammatory, apoptotic, proliferative, and stress-induced pathways. Mucosal epithelial toxicity from the inhaled material was evidenced by cilia shortening and loss of tracheal mucosal epithelium in smoke-exposed animals. Mucosal thinning occurred in all smoke-exposed groups with hyperplastic reparative responses in the 200 and 400 mg TPM/m3 groups. Tracheal lysates from control vs. treated animals were screened for 800 proteins using antibody-based microarray technology and subsequently the most changed proteins evaluated by Western blot. Tracheal proteins expressed at high levels that were markedly increased or decreased by smoke exposure depended on dose and gender and included caspase 5, ERK 1/2 and p38. Signaling pathways common between the morphologic and protein changes were stress, apoptosis, cell cycle control, cell proliferation and survival. Changes in identified proteins affected by smoke exposure were associated with tracheal mucosal pathology, may induce functional tracheal changes, and could serve as early indicators of tracheal damage and associated disease.  相似文献   
An attempt was made for the first time in India to develop the performance indices for quantifying the relative emphasis to be given to production, reproduction, health and longevity traits for selection and genetic improvement of Sahiwal cattle in a sustainable manner. The study was conducted using information related to various production, reproduction, health and longevity traits spread over a period of 29 years in Sahiwal cattle. Using income and expenditure method, the relative economic values for 305 days milk yield (305DMY), average daily milk yield (ADMY), calving to first insemination interval (CFI), days open (DO) and longevity (LNG) were estimated as 1, 1, −6.62, −6.62 and 5.96 in Sahiwal cattle. A total of three performance indices were constructed using three-trait combination, that is production, reproduction and longevity before and after excluding the days suffered by the animals. Correlation between the aggregate genotype and index (RIH) was computed to determine the accuracy of each performance index, and based on highest RIH value, best performance index was identified for selection of Sahiwal cattle. Developed indices were further assessed for robustness by increasing the relative economic values of the traits by 25% and 50%. The performance index (305DMY, DO and LNG) was found to be the best index before as well as after excluding days suffered by the animals, but in later case emphasis to be given to different traits was found to be more balanced. The best index indicated that about 47, 42 and 11% relative emphasis to be assigned to 305 days milk yield, days open and longevity for selection of Sahiwal animals for sustainable genetic improvement.  相似文献   


Lignocellulosic biomass is an important renewable resource for biofuels and materials. How plants synthesise cellulose is not completely understood. It is known that cellulose synthase complex (CSCs) moving in the plasma membrane synthesise the cellulose. CESA proteins are the core components of CSC. In Arabidopsis, in vitro mutagenesis of proteins followed by complementation analysis of mutants lacking the gene represents an important tool for studying any biological process, including cellulose biosynthesis. Analysis of a large number of plants is crucial for these types of studies.


By using aspiration rather than centrifugation to remove liquids during various stages of protocol, we were able to increase the throughput of the method as well as minimise the sample loss. As a test case, we determined cellulose content of wild type and secondary wall cesa mutants across the length of primary shoot which was fond to be rather uniform in 7-week-old plants. Additionally, we found that the cellulose content of single mutants was comparable to the higher order mutants.


Here we describe a medium-throughput adaptation of Updegraff’s method that allowed us to determine cellulose content of 200 samples each week.
Shoot tip explants obtained from in vitro proliferated shoots were encapsulated in 3% sodium alginate and 100 mM calcium chloride for the production of synthetic seed in Solanum nigrum L., a medicinally important plant. Morphogenic responses of encapsulated shoot tips to various sowing media (full or half-strength 0.8% agar-solidified or liquid MS medium or full-strength MS medium containing BAP) were evaluated in vitro. Of the six media evaluated, maximum conversion was obtained on 0.8% agar-solidified growth regulator free full-strength MS medium. The addition of MS nutrients in alginate matrix had a pronounced effect on the length of shoots that emerged from alginate beads. Encapsulated shoot tips also converted when directly sown in sterile soil moistened with liquid MS medium. Encapsulated shoot tips could be stored at low temperature (4 °C) up to 60 days. Plantlets regenerated from encapsulated shoot tips were acclimatized successfully.  相似文献   
Effect of pruning intensity on peach yield and fruit quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Light, medium and heavy pruning treatments were used with one unpruned as check (control) in Flordasun, Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches. Fruit yield decreased with the increase in severity of pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, whereas, medium pruning treatment gave highest yield in Flordasun peach. Pulp weight, stone weight, pulp-stone ratio, ascorbic acid, sugar acid ratio and moisture content were not affected by pruning levels. However, fruit weight, size, TSS, sugar and acid content were significantly increased by pruning in Flordasun peach. Almost all the physico-chemical characters were significantly affected by pruning in Flordaking and Saharanpur Prabhat peaches, in which medium and heavy pruning treatments performed better, respectively.  相似文献   
Phosphine-induced delay in development of eggs was investigated as a mechanism of resistance to this fumigant in Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel. One-day-old eggs of a susceptible and a strongly resistant strain of L bostrychophila were exposed to a range of phosphine concentrations for 6days at 30 (+/- 1) degrees C and 70 (+/- 2)% RH. Delay in mean hatching period occurred in both susceptible and resistant eggs, although it was more pronounced in the latter. A maximum delay of 2.65 days was recorded for eggs of the susceptible strain at 0.01 mg litre(-1) (the highest concentration at which eggs survived) and 13.39 days for the resistant strain at 1 mg litre(-1) (the highest concentration tested). Delay in egg development time was positively correlated with increasing phosphine concentration. Our results reveal that the most successful strategy to control resistant L bostrychophila is to apply relatively low concentrations of phosphine for extended exposure times (eg 0.05 mg litre(-1) for 16 days) that allow all eggs to hatch to the much less tolerant nymph stage.  相似文献   
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