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Heat treatment of milk induces a reaction between the milk proteins and lactose, resulting in lactosylated protein species. The lactosylation of the two major whey proteins alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin was investigated by reversed phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Three sample series, consisting of aqueous model solutions of each whey protein separately and in mixture and whole milk, were heated for different time periods, and the progression of the lactosylation reaction was monitored. The observed degrees of lactosylation and the reaction kinetics showed that the lactosylation of beta-lactoglobulin was not influenced by the presence of other components, whereas the lactosylation of alpha-lactalbumin was enhanced in whole milk compared to the aqueous model systems. An in-depth evaluation of the LC-MS data yielded information regarding changes of physicochemical properties of the whey proteins upon lactosylation. Whereas retention time shifts indicated changes in hydrophobicity for both alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin, changes in the charge state distribution denoting conformational alterations were observed only for beta-lactoglobulin. The analysis of different liquid and solid milk products showed that the lactosylation patterns of the whey proteins can be used as indicators for the extent of heat treatment.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In der Forstwirtschaft müssen st?ndig Entscheidungen mit sehr langfristigen Konsequenzen getroffen werden. Die Kulturen von heute werden in 50 bis 100 Jahren m?glicherweise einem stark ver?ndertem Klima ausgesetzt sein. Es fehlen aber bislang weitgehend Untersuchungen, in denen m?gliche Konsequenzen von Klima?nderungen in bewirtschafteten W?ldern analysiert und bewertet wurden. Es besteht daher ein gro?es Defizit an Entscheidungshilfen für die Entwicklung von Handlungsstrategien für die forstliche Praxis im Kontext globaler Klima?nderungen. In dieser Arbeit werden zun?chst verschiedene Bewirtschaftungsstrategien in ihrer Bedeutung für die Anpassung von Waldbest?nden an ver?nderte Umweltbedingungen analysiert. Darauf aufbauend wird mit einem Simulationsmodell veranschaulicht, wie stark sich alternative Bewirtschaftungsstrategien auf die Ver?nderung der Waldstruktur in einem Zeitraum von 110 Jahren unter heutigem Klima und bei einer Temperaturerh?hung um 3° C auswirken. Die Simulationsergebnisse für ein Forstrevier in der Dübener Heide in Nordostdeutschland zeigen, da? sich in allen untersuchten Szenarien die Zusammensetzung und die Produktivit?t der W?lder ver?ndern würde. Die gro?en Unterschiede im Vergleich der Handlungsstrategien verdeutlichen auch Handlungsspielr?ume für die Forstwirtschaft. Simulationsresultate des hier verwendeten, mit Bewirtschaftungsroutinen erweiterten Waldsukzessionsmodells bieten eine gute Grundlage für die Bewertung und Optimierung von Bewirtschaftungsstrategien in der Forstwirtschaft unter dem Einflu? von Klima?nderungen.   相似文献   
In this study, the overall utility of forest management alternatives at the forest management unit level is evaluated with regard to multi-purpose and multi-user settings by a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) method. The MCA is based on an additive utility model. The relative importance of partial objectives of forest management (carbon sequestration, ground water recharge, biodiversity, and timber production) is defined in cooperation with stakeholders. The forest growth model 4C (Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment) is used to simulate the impact of six forest management strategies and climate on forest functions. Two climate change scenarios represent uncertainties with regard to future climatic conditions. The study is based on actual forest conditions in the Kleinsee management unit in east Germany, which is dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and oak (Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea Liebl.) stands. First, there is an analysis of the impact of climate and forest management on forest functions. Climate change increases carbon sequestration and income from timber production due to increased stand productivity. Secondly, the overall utility of the management strategies is compared under the priority settings of different stakeholder groups. From an ecological perspective, a conservation strategy would be preferable under all climate scenarios, but the business as usual management would also fit the expectations under the current climate due to high biodiversity and carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem. In contrast, a forest manager in public-owned forests or a private forest owner would prefer a management strategy with an intermediate thinning intensity and a high share of pine stands to enhance income from timber production while maintaining the other forest functions.  相似文献   
The blood lactate concentration (LA) and heart rate (HR) of 10 horses exercising in water on a treadmill were examined. With the water at 10 and 50% of the withers height (WH), the blood LA increased up to mean values around 1.9 mm during the standardized exercise test (SET) until after step 3 of 5 (each step lasted 5 min, speed increasing step by step). Thereafter, blood LA of horses remained constant, while with the water at 80% of WH, the blood LA decreased from the mean peak of 2.16 ± 0.62 mm after the 4th step. The HR of the horses increased to 132 ± 14 beats/min until the 3rd step of SET with the water at 10% of WH, up to the 2nd step with the water at 50% (134 ± 10 beats/min) and up to the 1st step only with the water at 80% of WH (134 ± 10 beats/min). In another SET, horses were exercised five times for 5 min at the maximal attainable speed of 5.5 m/s in water at 20% of the withers height in step 1, 35% in step 2, 49% in step 3, 63% in step 4 and 77% in step 5. On using this SET, blood LA increased to 1.91 ± 0.25 mm until after the 2nd step and decreased after the 3rd step. The HR increased between before commencing SET and the 1st step (143 ± 13 beats/min) and remained constant thereafter. In conclusion, increasing water height and speed of exercise does not augment continuously blood LA and HR of horses exercising in water treadmills.  相似文献   
Within the EFORWOOD project, new methodological approaches to assess the sustainability impacts of forestry-wood chains (FWC) were developed by using indicators of environmental, social and economic relevance. This paper introduces and discusses the developed approach and the two main products developed in the EFORWOOD project: the Database Client and the Tool for Sustainability Impact Assessment (ToSIA), which hold, calculate and integrate the extensive information and data collected. Sustainability impact assessment (SIA) of FWCs is based on measuring and analysing environmental, economic and social indicators for all of the production processes along the value chain. The adoption of the method varies between applications and depends on the specification of the FWC in the assessment and what questions are studied. ToSIA is very flexible and can apply forest-, product-, industry- and consumer-defined perspectives. Each perspective influences the focus of the analysis and affects system boundaries. ToSIA can assess forest value chains in different geographical regions covering local, regional, national and up to the continental scale. Potential issues and scenarios can be analysed with the tool including, for example, the impacts of different forest policies on the sustainability of an FWC. This paper presents how ToSIA can be applied to solve such diverse problems and underlines this with examples from different case studies. Differences in chain set-up, system boundaries and data requirements are highlighted and experiences with the implementation of the sustainability impact assessment methods are discussed. The EFORWOOD case studies offer valuable reference data for future sustainability assessments.  相似文献   
Tropical forests are large reservoirs of biomass and there is a need for information on existing carbon stocks in these ecosystems and especially the effects of logging on these stocks. Reliable estimates of aboveground biomass stocks within the Atlantic Forest are rarely available. Past human disturbance is an important factor affecting forest structure variation and biomass accumulation among tropical forest ecosystems. To support the efforts of improving the quality of estimations of the current and future biomass carbon storage capacity of this disturbed forest region we tested a non-experimental small scale approach to compare the aboveground tree biomass (AGB) of forest sites. Three sites with known disturbance histories have been investigated: complete cut down, selective logging and conservation since 70 years. The woody plant community (dbh ≥ 10 cm) was censused and canopy openness in conjunction with leaf area index has been obtained by hemispherical photographs at each site. Estimates of aboveground tree biomass have been carried out using an allometric equation for moist tropical forests already applied for the study area. Additionally, a FAO standard equation has been employed for crosschecking our results. We identified significant differences in recent AGB of the three compared forest sites. With 313 (±48 Mg ha−1) the highest AGB-values have been found in the preserved forest area within a National Park, followed by 297 (±83) Mg ha−1 at the former clear cut site. Lowest AGB has been calculated for the area with past selective logging: 204 (±38) Mg ha−1. Values calculated with the FAO standard equation showed the same trend but at a lower AGB level. Our results based an a small scale approach suggest that biomass productivity can recover in a forest which was completely cleared 60 years ago to reach AGB values up to a level that almost represents the situation in a preserved forest. Selective logging may slow down AGB accumulation and the effect is measurable after several decades.  相似文献   
The forest sector is important for the German Federal State of Baden-Württemberg (BW) and the Västerbotten (VB) County in Sweden. Their forestry wood chains (FWCs) are of similar magnitude and supply forest industries. This study provides a regional comparison of the performance of FWCs from roundwood harvesting, including hauling, to mill gate concerning the factors that impact sustainability and assess different sustainability indicators for alternative supply chains, in particular fully mechanized chains in comparison to motor-manual operations. The harvest volumes are similar but operational conditions differ. Analysis of sustainability indicators demonstrated that the total costs for roundwood to industry are similar. Higher harvesting costs in BW are compensated for by lower transport costs to the mills. Employment per unit is higher in BW because of the high share of labour in felling. Due to smaller machinery and shorter transport distances in BW, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions per unit are lower than in VB. Areas for improvement are the technologies for logging in BW and the logistics of timber transport in VB.  相似文献   
This study compiles and summarizes the existing knowledge about observed and projected impacts of climate change on forests in Europe. Forests will have to adapt not only to changes in mean climate variables but also to increased variability with greater risk of extreme weather events, such as prolonged drought, storms and floods. Sensitivity, potential impacts, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability to climate change are reviewed for European forests. The most important potential impacts of climate change on forest goods and services are summarized for the Boreal, Temperate Oceanic, Temperate Continental, Mediterranean, and mountainous regions. Especially in northern and western Europe the increasing atmospheric CO2 content and warmer temperatures are expected to result in positive effects on forest growth and wood production, at least in the short–medium term. On the other hand, increasing drought and disturbance risks will cause adverse effects. These negative impacts are very likely to outweigh positive trends in southern and eastern Europe. From west to east, the drought risk increases. In the Mediterranean regions productivity is expected to decline due to strongly increased droughts and fire risks.  相似文献   
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