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The frequency of inagglutinable erythrocytes was increased in pigeons following total body irradiation and in human polycythemic patients treated with P(32). Persistence of the increased levels of inagglutinable cells was observed in pigeons retested at over 200 days after irradiation and in a polycythemic patient retested at 173 days posttreatment. These data provide additional evidence for the mutational origin of the antigen-lacking cells.  相似文献   
Twenty years ago the first scanning probe instrument, the scanning tunneling microscope, opened up new realms for our perception of the world. Atoms that had been abstract entities were now real objects, clearly seen as distinguishable individuals at particular positions in space. A whole family of scanning probe instruments has been developed, extending our sense of touching to the scale of atoms and molecules. Such instruments are especially useful for imaging of biomolecular structures because they can produce topographic images with submolecular resolution in aqueous environments. Instruments with increased imaging rates, lower probe-specimen force interactions, and probe configurations not constrained to planar surfaces are being developed, with the goal of imaging processes at the single-molecule level-not only at surfaces but also within three-dimensional volumes-in real time.  相似文献   
The fabrication and characterization of a glass containing a regular parallel array of submicrometer channels or capillaries are described. The capillaries are arranged in a two-dimensional hexagonal close packing configuration with channel diameters as small as 33 nanometers and packing densities as high as 3 x 10(10) channels per square centimeter. The high-temperature stability of the nanochannel glass array is well suited as a host or template for the formation of quantum confined semiconductor structures or as a mask for massively parallel patterned lithographic applications.  相似文献   
Magnetic fields at uranus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The magnetic field experiment on the Voyager 2 spacecraft revealed a strong planetary magnetic field of Uranus and an associated magnetosphere and fully developed bipolar masnetic tail. The detached bow shock wave in the solar wind supersonic flow was observed upstream at 23.7 Uranus radii (1 R(U) = 25,600 km) and the magnetopause boundary at 18.0 R(U), near the planet-sun line. A miaximum magnetic field of 413 nanotesla was observed at 4.19 R(U ), just before closest approach. Initial analyses reveal that the planetary magnetic field is well represented by that of a dipole offset from the center of the planet by 0.3 R(U). The angle between Uranus' angular momentum vector and the dipole moment vector has the surprisingly large value of 60 degrees. Thus, in an astrophysical context, the field of Uranus may be described as that of an oblique rotator. The dipole moment of 0.23 gauss R(3)(U), combined with the large spatial offset, leads to minimum and maximum magnetic fields on the surface of the planet of approximately 0.1 and 1.1 gauss, respectively. The rotation period of the magnetic field and hence that of the interior of the planet is estimated to be 17.29+/- 0.10 hours; the magnetotail rotates about the planet-sun line with the same period. Thelarge offset and tilt lead to auroral zones far from the planetary rotation axis poles. The rings and the moons are embedded deep within the magnetosphere, and, because of the large dipole tilt, they will have a profound and diurnally varying influence as absorbers of the trapped radiation belt particles.  相似文献   
Gonad-stimulating substance, a hormonal peptide released from the nervous system of starfishes, acts on the ovary to produce 1-methyladenine, an inducer of oocyte maturation. Addition of methionine to the incubation mixture of ovarian fragments and gonad-stimulating substance enhanced the production of 1-methyladenine, whereas ethionine inhibited it. Incubation of ovarian tissue with methionine alone failed to produce 1-methyladenine. Use of a radioactive label showed that methionine is a methyl donor in the biosynthesis of 1-methyladenine, suggesting that gonad-stimulating substance is involved in the methylation process.  相似文献   
Urban air pollution is comprised of a highly complex mixture of gaseous and particulate components. Much progress has been made in our understanding of the detailed chemistry and physics of air pollution, but important areas of uncertainty still remain.  相似文献   
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