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ABSTRACT The importance of ethylene production for virulence of Pseudomonas syringae pvs. glycinea and phaseolicola was assayed by comparing bacterial multiplication and symptom development in bean and soybean plants inoculated with ethylene-negative (efe) mutants and wild-type strains. The efe mutants of Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea were significantly reduced in their ability to grow in planta. However, the degree of reduction was strain-dependent. Population sizes of efe mutant 16/83-E1 that did not produce the phototoxin coronatine were 10- and 15-fold lower than those of the wild-type strain on soybean and on bean, and 16/83-E1 produced very weak symptoms compared with the wild-type strain. The coronatine-producing efe mutant 7a/90-E1 reached fourfold and twofold lower population sizes compared with the wild-type strain on soybean and bean, respectively, and caused disease symptoms typical of the wild-type strain. Experiments with ethylene-insensitive soybeans confirmed these results. The virulence of the wild-type strains was reduced to the same extent in ethylene-insensitive soybean plants as the virulence of the efe mutants in ethylene-susceptible soybeans. In contrast, the virulence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola was not affected by disruption of the efe gene.  相似文献   
Canonical Discriminant Analysis was investigated as a means of assessing the merit of crosses in relation to established commercial cultivars and breeding goals. The progeny (30 per cross) of 22 crosses was evaluated in field plots at the Vauxhall Substation of the Lethbridge Research Station (Alberta). Mean values of the progeny of each cross for vine maturity, marketable yield, tuber size, tuber appearance and specific gravity were used to measure the overall merit of crosses in comparison to commercial cultivars. Breeding goals were established by calculating a 10% improvement in various combinations of the traits measured and then substituting these values in the canonical equations and computing theoretical values for the canonical variates. The canonical diagrams provided a precise and logical assessment of the relationship among cross means, control cultivars, and the breeding goals. Based on the evaluation of the 22 crosses, breeding goals for improvements in vine maturity, tuber size, marketable yield, and specific gravity over trait values obtained for Norchip and Russet Burbank, were realistic for the 1979 cross series but not for Norchip for 1980.  相似文献   
Sediment cores and surface sediments from fourteen lakes locatedalong three pollution gradients in the Usa basin, north-east European Russia were analysed for diatoms, spheroidal carbonaceous particles, trace metals and water chemistry. At each site past pH was inferred using a diatom-based transfer function and critical loads for sulphur deposition were calculated using a diatom model. Lakes from the Vorkuta transectcurrently experience the highest levels of atmospheric deposition, however, results suggest that at present day sulphurdeposition levels there is no danger of lake acidification at any of the sites, due to their high buffering capacity. The sediment records show that sites from the Inta and Vorkuta transects experienced higher pollution loads 10–30 yr ago, whencoal production and mining were more intensive. There is also evidence that in the Vorkuta area atmospheric deposition mighthave led to the alkalisation of the lakes since diatom floristicchanges and an increase in inferred pH coincide with the periodof peak industrial activity.  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon fillets differing with regard to raw material characteristics (prerigor, postrigor, frozen/thawed) and salt content were investigated by FT-IR microspectroscopy and light microscopy. Local variation within each salmon fillet was further taken into account by sampling from the head and tail part separately as they vary in fat and moisture content. The highest salt uptake was achieved for frozen/thawed quality during brine-salting with 16% NaCl for 4 h, while the uptake was least for prerigor fish. At the same time, salting caused muscle fiber swelling of about 10% for both frozen/thawed and postrigor qualities. Differences in the FT-IR amide I spectral region were observed implying a change in the muscle protein secondary structure. Prerigor was least affected by brine-salting, having a final salt concentration of 2.2%, while postrigor had a NaCl content of 3.0% and frozen/thawed of 4.1%. Local variation within the fillets had an effect on the amide I absorption characteristics before as well as after salting. Salt uptake of the samples was affected by raw material quality and at the same time the degree of swelling of the myofibers was influenced by raw material character.  相似文献   
A comparison was made of the physical properties of pairs of silt soils differing only in organic matter content. Within the textural group studied, the member of the pair with more organic matter had better physical properties relating to both plant growth and soil management. Increased organic matter give higher water holding capacities and porosities, and decreased compaction, breaking strength and bulk densities. Organic matter content alone was not sufficient to explain differences in aggregate stability to water.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To analyse factors associated with breast-feeding and use of sweetened drinks at 12 months, and to compare dietary habits among breast-fed and non-breast-fed infants. DESIGN: Data were collected by a semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire filled in by the parents. SETTING: National dietary survey in Norway. SUBJECTS: In total, 1932 12-month-old infants were included. RESULTS: At 12 months, 36% of the infants were breast-fed. The odds of breast-feeding at this age were more than doubled both for mothers > or =35 years compared with mothers <25 years and for mothers in the highest educational group compared with mothers in the lowest. A negative association was found for maternal smoking, and the odds of breast-feeding were 40% lower for mothers who smoked than for non-smokers. Some dietary differences were observed between breast-fed and non-breast-fed infants apart from intake of milk. In particular, breast-fed infants had a significantly lower daily intake of sweetened drinks than non-breast-fed infants and a 16% lower mean daily intake of added sugars (P<0.001). Furthermore, breast-fed infants had 30% higher odds of not receiving sweetened drinks daily, compared with non-breast-fed infants. CONCLUSIONS: Maternal age, education and smoking status were important factors for breast-feeding at 12 months. Breast-fed infants had lower intakes of sweetened drinks and added sugars than non-breast-fed infants. From a public health perspective, continued promotion of breast-feeding is needed to reduce inequalities in breast-feeding. Moreover, prevention of high intakes of sweetened drinks and added sugars should start in infancy.  相似文献   
Colt cherry (Prunus avium x pseudocerasus) callus cultures were derived from leaf protoplasts, protoplasts of root cell suspension cultures, or by direct culture of leaf and root tissues. Survival of calli cultured on basal proliferation medium containing 25, 50, 100 or 200 mN (millinormal) NaCl, Na(2)SO(4) or KCl, or iso-osmotic (with NaCl) concentrations of mannitol ranged from 1 to 15%. After six transfers on the same medium, surviving cell lines were subjected to three cycles of direct recurrent selection; i.e., in each cycle, they were cultured alternately on basal proliferation medium, and on basal proliferation medium supplemented with NaCl, KCl, Na(2)SO(4) or mannitol. Salt- or mannitol-tolerant cell lines selected in this way had smaller cells than unselected cell lines, and they grew more rapidly and had higher callus and cell survival rates than unselected cell lines when cultured in the presence of salt or mannitol. Cells lines selected for tolerance to one agent (sodium salt, potassium salt or mannitol) showed minimal tolerance to another agent. However, when plants were regenerated from salt- or mannitol-tolerant callus and new cultures derived from them, the new cultures showed tolerance to all of the salts and mannitol. Plant regeneration from the new cultures was not achieved under the conditions that led to the regeneration of the parent plants from callus.  相似文献   
Cross sections of woody stems of 309 diseased grapevines collected in France showed two kinds of necrosis typical of esca: a) A central light-colored necrosis of soft consistency, consisting of three zones, preceded by a centrally discolored wood, and b) a sectorial light-colored necrosis composed of two zones preceded by a sectorial brown necrosis. Isolations showed that different microflora was associated with each necrosis. Phaeoacremonium aleophilum and Phaeoacremonium chlamydosporum occurred in the discolored wood and the zones bordering the central decayed wood. Eutypa lata was the main fungus isolated from sectorial brown necrosis and the zones adjoining the decay wood. Phellinus punctatus was isolated from the sectorial and central decayed wood. Stereum hirsutum was present in decayed wood of 15 grapevines with esca symptoms not inhabited by P. punctatus. Wood decay tests and pathogenicity tests showed that S. hirsutum and P. punctatus were responsible for the decayed wood. Phaeoacremonium chlamydosporum and S. hirsutum produced a centrally discolored wood similar to that found in esca-affected vines. Phaeoacremonium aleophilum caused a sectorial brown necrosis of soft texture. From these studies, it was found that esca is a complex disease involving several microorganisms whose role in the process leading to wood degradation is discussed.  相似文献   
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