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Summary The somatic karyotype and meiotic chromosome behavior were studied in an 18-chromosome B1 plant derived from backcrossing a triploid (Brassica napus x B. oleracea ssp. capitata) F1 hybrid to cabbage. It is considered that cabbage chromosomes no. 1 and no. 7 were substituted by two shorter B. napus chromosomes. Meiotic disturbances were more apparent during the late stages of second division. Seed fertility of this plant was largely restored in the second backcrosses with both cabbage and broccoli. 18-chromosome B2 plants resistant to race 2 of Plasmodiophora brassicae were recovered among the progenies.Contribution no. J. 725 from the Research Station, Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, St-Jean, Québec J3B 6Z8. 相似文献
S. P. Dineshkumar V. R. Shashidhar R. L. Ravikumar A. Seetharam B. T. S. Gowda 《Euphytica》1992,60(3):207-212
Summary True genetic dwarfs hither-to not reported have been located in foxtail millet. The dwarfs as a group distinguished themselves from the talls in having altered constellation of characters. The morphological differences were highly significant for plant height, internodal length, and tillering potential. The talls had elongated internodes compared to dwarfs while there was no difference for node number on the main stem suggesting that short internodal length was primarily responsible for dwarfism. The dwarfs also showed slightly higher leaf number per plant, leaf area and harvest index compared to talls. The dwarfs were insensitive to exogenous GA3 application indicating that GA3 synthesis is not impaired. This suggests that dwarfing gene sources presently identified are true genetic dwarfs and their behaviour is similar to dwarfs derived from Norin 10 in wheat and Dee-geo-woo-gen in rice. The superior morphological frame makes these dwarfs ideal as far as plant type is concerned and offers immense potentialities in breeding high yielding foxtail millets. 相似文献
‘BJ 104’ was the most widely grown pearl millet hybrid in India until it became susceptible to downy mildew (DM) in 1984—85. Residual variability for resistance was found in both parental lines, 5141 B (maintainer of 5141 A) and J 104, and through four generations of pedigree selection under intense disease pressure in the DM nursery, two lines, IC-MA841 (from 5141 B) and ICMP 84814 (from J 104), were selected resulting in a reconstituted DM resistant hybrid (‘ICMH 84814’) which was equal in yield to the original ‘BJ 104’. The reconstituted hybrid, though phenotypically similar, can be distinguished from “BJ 104” being slightly taller, flowers later, has heavier heads, and 1000-seed weight, but tillers less. A similar exercise was attempted on Tifton 23 B, the female parent of the first widely grown hybrid (‘HB 3’— the male parent was also J 104), but no variability for resistance to DM was found. 相似文献
Novel complementary genes for adult plant leaf rust resistance in a wheat stock carrying the 1BL-1RS translocation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The wheat-rye translocation (IBL-IRS) that carries the tightly linked genes Lr26/Sr31/Yr9, has been widely exploited in the development of wheat cultivars worldwide. This resistance, however, has become ineffective owing to the evolution of new pathotypes of Puccinia recondita that neutralize the resistance of Lr26. Inheritance studies on ‘Federation4′/‘Kavkaz’ revealed complementary genes derived separately from ‘Federation’ and ‘Kavkaz’ for adult plant resistance. This previously undescribed source of resistance appears to be widely effective and could therefore be used to broaden the genetic base for resistance in India. Its effectiveness in other geographical areas is unknown. 相似文献
In sloping areas with high precipitation, planting maize into live winter cover crop sods may help to alleviate the environmental problems associated with clean-tillage production systems of maize. The present study evaluates the performance of silage maize (Zea mays L.) under several cultivation methods: CC (conventional cropping system, i.e., maize was sown into the bare, autumn-ploughed soil); LGS/CK (maize was planted into a living Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) sod which was subsequently herbicidally killed); and LGS/MR (similar to LGS/CK, but the ryegrass was mechanically regulated). The research was conducted in the midlands of Switzerland on a fertile sandy loam under humid conditions during three cropping seasons. With 110 kg N ha−1 (fertilizer nitrogen plus mineral nitrogen of the soil at maize planting), the CC system was much more productive than were the LGS/CK and LGS/MR systems in terms of dry matter and nitrogen yields of maize. Increasing the nitrogen supply to 250 kg N ha−1 considerably reduced the yield advantage of CC over the LGS/CK and LGS/MR systems, indicating that nitrogen was the most limiting factor for maize yield in the mulch seeding systems. With 250 kg N ha−1, the LGS/CK and LGS/MR systems produced greater total yields of digestible organic matter (maize plus ryegrass) than did the CC system, whereas the total nitrogen yield was similar for all cropping systems. The whole-shoot concentrations of nitrogen were highest under CC, irrespective of the level of nitrogen supply. With 110 kg N ha−1, concentrations of phosphorus and magnesium were clearly higher for the mulch seeding systems. There were only minor differences among the cropping methods in the concentrations of potassium and calcium in the whole shoot. When 250 kg N ha−1 were applied, there were no significant variations among the cropping systems in the concentrations of minerals. Changes in the botanical composition of the cover crop sod and in the time and method of cover crop control may help to reduce the competition for nitrogen between maize and the living mulch. 相似文献
The univoltine European corn borer (ECB) has become a major limiting factor for maize (Zea mays L.) production in central Europe. The objective of this study was to survey the genetic variation for ECB resistance in European elite maize germplasm. Eighteen flint and 23 dent inbreds were screened under artificial ECB infestation at two locations in 1993 and 1994. Resistance was assessed by damage rating of broken plants, measurement of tunnel length in dissected stalks, and yield reduction in infested plots relative to insecticide-protected control plots. Flint lines showed significantly greater means for damage rating than dent lines with grain yield reduction of 35% and 24%, respectively. Significant genotypic variances among lines and high heritabilities were found for agronomic traits and damage rating. Heritabilities were intermediate for tunnel length and relative grain yield. Significant associations of days to silking, ear dry matter content, and dry matter yield of the whole plant with damage rating and tunnel length suggested a better resistance in late-maturing, high-yielding inbreds. Genotypic correlations of relative grain yield with tunnel length and damage rating ranged between ?0.46 and ?0.72. Partial correlations, eliminating the effect of flowering time, confirmed these associations. Damage rating of stalks is the most suitable trait for evaluation of ECB damage owing to its high heritability and easy recording. Tunnel length below the primary ear is a useful trait for assessing antibiosis because it is not correlated with days to silking. Inbreds with extreme resistance and susceptibility were identified which can be used as parents for establishing breeding and QTL mapping populations. 相似文献
Patterns of morphological diversity were examined in Lupinus pilosus in relation to geographical origins or selection history of accessions. There was significant variation among accessions for most architectural and reproductive characters in a field experiment in Perth, Western Australia. Late flowering was associated with resetted early growth, profuse branching and collection in higher rainfall sites. High yield and profuse podding on the main stem was associated with large pods and leaves, many seeds per pod, greater height to the first main-stem pod, and collection in higher altitude sites. Ten groups of accessions, identified by hierarchical cluster analysis, accounted for 79% of genotype and 69% of genotype x character sums of squares. One group, possibly taxonomically distinct from the others, consisted exclusively of wild types from northern Israel with poor pod set and low seed yield, poor nodulation, pale foliage, and small leaves. Wild types from Turkey and Crete had rosetted early growth and were late flowering, and the Turkish group had extremely rapid mid-season growth. Ornamental types from Europe or Australia with pink, purple or white flowers clustered together in an early flowering group with vigorous early growth. A smooth-seeded type of L. pilosus was discovered in a group of short, late flowering and rough-seeded types from Syria. 相似文献
The importance of reduced tillage in sustainable agriculture is well recognized. Reduced-tillage practices (which may or may
not involve retention of crop residues) and their effects differ from those of conventional tillage in several ways: soil
physical properties; shifts in host–weed competition; soil moisture availability (especially when sowing deeply or under stubble);
and the emergence of pathogen populations that survive on crop residues. There may be a need for genotypes suited to special
forms of mechanization (e.g. direct seeding into residues) and to agronomic conditions such as allelopathy, as well as specific
issues relating to problem soils. This article examines issues and breeding targets for researchers who seek to improve crops
for reduced-tillage systems. Most of the examples used pertain to wheat, but we also refer to other crops. Our primary claim
is that new breeding initiatives are needed to introgress favourable traits into wheat and other crops in areas where reduced
or zero-tillage is being adopted. Key traits include faster emergence, faster decomposition, and the ability to germinate
when deep seeded (so that crops compete with weeds and use available moisture more efficiently). Enhancement of resistance
to new pathogens and insect pests surviving on crop residues must also be given attention. In addition to focusing on new
traits, breeders need to assess germplasm and breeding populations under reduced tillage. Farmer participatory approaches
can also enhance the effectiveness of cultivar development and selection in environments where farmers’ links with technology
providers are weak. Finally, modern breeding tools may also play a substantial role in future efforts to develop adapted crop
genotypes for reduced tillage. 相似文献
M. Sincik B. N. Candogan C. Demirtas H. Büyükcangaz S. Yazgan & A. T. Göksoy 《Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science》2008,194(3):200-205
An experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of different levels of water deficit on yield and crop water requirement of soya beans in a sub‐humid environment (Southern Marmara region, Bursa, Turkey) in 2005 and 2006. One full‐irrigated treatment (T1), one non‐irrigated treatment (T5) and three different deficit irrigation (T2 = 25 % water deficit, T3 = 50 % water deficit, T4 = 75 % water deficit) treatments were applied to ‘Nova’ soya bean planted on a clay soil. Non‐irrigated and all deficit irrigation treatments significantly reduced biomass and seed yield and yield components. The full‐irrigated (T1) treatment had the highest yield (3760 kg ha?1), while the non‐irrigated (T5) treatment had the lowest yield (2069 kg ha?1), a 45.0 % seed yield reduction. T2, T3 and T4 deficit irrigation treatments produced 11.7–27.4 % less seed yield than the T1 treatment. Harvest index showed less and irregular variation among irrigation treatments. Both leaf area per plant and leaf area index were significantly reduced at all growth stages as amount of irrigation water was decreased. Evapotranspiration increased with increased amounts of irrigation water supplied. Our results indicate that higher amounts of irrigation resulted in higher seed yield, whereas water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency values decreased when irrigation amount increased. 相似文献
QTL controlling partial resistance to Stagonospora nodorum leaf blotch in winter wheat cultivar Alba 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Edward Arseniuk Pawel C. Czembor Andrzej Czaplicki Qijian Song Perry B. Cregan David L. Hoffman Peter P. Ueng 《Euphytica》2004,137(2):225-231
Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB) is an important foliar and glume disease in cereals. Inheritance of SNB resistance in wheat appears quantitative. The development of partially resistant cultivars seems to be the only effective way to combat the pathogen. Partial resistance components like length of incubation period (INC), disease severity (DIS) and length of latent period (LAT) were evaluated on a population of doubled-haploids derived from a cross between the partially resistant cultivar Alba and the susceptible cultivar Begra. Experiments were conducted in controlled environments and the fifth leaf was examined. Molecular analyses were based on bulked segregant analyses (BSA) and screening with 240 microsatellites DNA markers. The QTL analysis revealed QTL on chromosome 6AL (designated as QSnl.ihar-6A) and putative QTL on chromosome 6D. The QSnl.ihar-6A accounted for 36% of the phenotypic variance for DIS and 14% for INC. The putative QTL accounted for 10% of the variability in INC and 8% of DIS components of SNB resistance. 相似文献