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Rice with panicle-blast resistance is needed for stable rice production. Although we have previously demonstrated that OsGF14b underlies a quantitative trait lo...  相似文献   
以从湖南省引进的13个油茶(Camellia oleifera)良种为研究材料,开展引种栽培试验,通过造林成活率、保存率、树高及地径4个性状指标的观测,分析引进油茶良种适应性。结果表明,不同油茶良种的造林成活率、保存率及幼林的树高、地径均存在显著或极显著差异。基于造林的保存率及聚类分析的结果,可优先选择造林保存率高且生长快的湘林32、湘林78、湘林97和湘林210等4个良种作为富宁县油茶产业发展引进推广的良种,其2年生幼林的树高、地径的生长量分别可提高14.3%~22.9%、9.3%~20.4%,分别达80.00~86.00cm、78.67~86.67mm;其次是湘林1、湘林3、湘林4和湘林27。  相似文献   
We report experimental evidence for a full orbital ordering transition in the two-dimensional lanthanum ruthenate La4Ru2O10. The observable consequences of this orbital ordering include the loss of the Ru local moment, a structural distortion which partitions Ru-O bonds into axially oriented short and long sets, a sharp jump in electrical resistivity, and the opening of a spin gap that is visible in neutron scattering experiments. This is a rare example of a discrete orbital ordering transition in a 4d transition metal oxide and demonstrates that orbital effects can have an influence on the properties of layered ruthenates, a family of compounds that notably includes the p-wave superconductor Sr2RuO4 and the field-tuned quantum critical metamagnet Sr3Ru2O7.  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of research on improving the technology for production of canned apple compotes using secondary products after cutting and cleaning fruit for syrup boiling and intensive heat sterilization based on the use of new techniques—preliminary heating of fruit in cans in the ultrahigh frequency electromagnetic field with sterilization under intensive regimes with the use of high-temperature heat carriers and rotation of the cans during sterilization. It is established that the use of the resulting infusion of secondary products for syrup boiling provides saving of more than 8 kg of sugar per tube of product. In this case, the content of vitamin C in the finished product is more than two times higher than in the case of using the traditional method of blanching in hot water. Studies on the heating and actual lethality of microorganisms have shown that the developed mode provides the industrial sterility of canned food, saves heat energy, and shortens the duration of the heat sterilization mode by 20 min.  相似文献   
本文对21世纪新形势下如何改进高等职业教育的实践教学形式进行了一些探讨,对提高高等职业教育实践教学效果、培养高素质的应用型人才有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
黄凤芹 《安徽农学通报》2007,13(17):118-119,149
茶叶产业是龙陵县一项传统的骨干产业,也是产业结构调整中重点培植提升的支柱产业之一,是龙陵县广大山区农民的主要经济来源和地方财政的主要税源之一.本文从龙陵县发展生态茶园的实际出发,提出了要充分利用本地区域优势,在经济上、环保上、健康上、生态上实现全面更新,达到可持续发展,生产符合无公害各项标准的优质茶叶.  相似文献   
One proposed strategy for controlling the transmission of insect-borne pathogens uses a drive mechanism to ensure the rapid spread of transgenes conferring disease refractoriness throughout wild populations. Here, we report the creation of maternal-effect selfish genetic elements in Drosophila that drive population replacement and are resistant to recombination-mediated dissociation of drive and disease refractoriness functions. These selfish elements use microRNA-mediated silencing of a maternally expressed gene essential for embryogenesis, which is coupled with early zygotic expression of a rescuing transgene.  相似文献   
抢救种质资源 保护生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
当前,开发猛进,旱漠化趋剧,全球每8种植物中就有一种面临着灭绝的威胁.物种的丧失对生态安全的破坏是致命的.美国、前苏联、日本等发达国家多年来通过各种手段加强种质资源考察收集,从而成为今天的世界资源大国.我国建国以来,采用群众性收集、补充征集、重点作物考察和重点地区考察等方法,已收集各种作物种质资源35万份,但我国的中西部边远山区仍有大量资源亟待抢救收集和发掘利用.为了继续使这一重要基础性工作持续发展,本文针对近期目标、管理体制,队伍建设及鉴定利用网络建设等提出了建议.  相似文献   
The innovational trends in apple breeding include the development of triploid scab immune apple cultivars. The long-term phytopathological and biological studies made it possible to develop approximately 20 first home scab immune apple cultivars and include them in the State Register of Breeding Successes. For the first time in Russia and in the world, the biological and cytoembryological studies favored the development of a number of triploid cultivars that are characterized by high marketability and better biochemical composition of fruit in comparison with well-known old cultivars and diploid scab nonimmune cultivars of VNIISPK breeding.  相似文献   
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