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Crop yields are often increased through crop rotation. This study examined selected soil chemical and physical properties that may constitute the N and non-N related effects of crop rotation in potato cropping systems. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L. Norwis) was grown continuously and in two-year rotations with annual alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. Nitro), hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), white lupin (Lupinus albus L. Ultra), and oat (Avena sativa Astro). Hairy vetch contributed more residue N than any other crop rotation, ranging from 110 to 119 kg N ha?1. Inorganic N concentrations in potato soils were related to the previous crop’s residue N contents, and were highest following vetch and alfalfa and lowest following oat and potato. The highest mineralizable N concentration was found following vetch (46.6 mg N kg?1). Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity in potato following all rotations ranged from 9.88 to 11.28 cm h?1 compared to 5.71 cm h?1 for continuous potato. Higher soil water contents were maintained in the 30 to 45 cm depth for all rotations compared to continuous potato. Thus several parameters indicate substantial N effects associated with particular crop rotations. Soil hydraulic conductivity and soil water status may also represent significant components of the rotation effect not directly related to N for these cropping systems.  相似文献   
Animal manure can be a valuable resource of P for plant growth. Organic phosphates (Po) are considered bioavailable if they can be hydrolyzed to inorganic P (Pi). Therefore, investigation of the susceptibility of manure Po to hydrolysis may increase our understanding of manure Po bioavailability. In this study, we demonstrate that three orthophosphate-releasing enzymes, acid phosphatase from wheat germ, alkaline phosphatase from bovine intestinal mucosa, and fungal phytase from Aspergillus ficcum, were able to hydrolyze certain amounts of Po in animal manure. A scheme of sequential enzymatic release of Po in manure was developed and then used to investigate changes in swine and cattle manure P distribution after storage at –20°C, 4°C or 22°C for about a year. Assuming that the P distribution in manure maintained at –20°C remained unchanged (i.e., similar to fresh manure), bioavailable P (Pi and enzyme-hydrolysable Po) in swine manure remained relatively constant [72.8–76.3% of total P (Pt)]. Soluble but enzymatically unhydrolysable Po (Pue) increased from 7.2% to 32.1% of Pt during storage at 4°C. In cattle manure, bioavailable P decreased from 71.6% to 62.9% of Pt, and Pue increased from 21.7% to 37.2% of Pt during storage at 22°C. These data indicated that the major change during the storage of animal manure for a year was the increase in Pue, so manure P solubility may increase with storage, but the increase would not produce more bioavailable P in the manure. The effects of storage on the bioavailability of manure P should be further investigated to develop an efficient manure-P management strategy.Trade or manufacturers' names mentioned in the paper are for information only and do not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or exclusion by the USDA-ARS  相似文献   
The direct effects of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the sorption of orthophosphate onto gibbsite, goethite, and kaolin were examined using a one-point phosphorus sorption index and the linear Tempkin isotherm model. DOM extracted from fresh and decomposed agricultural residues, as well as model organic and humic acids, were used. Changes in the chemical and sorptive characteristics of the DOM in the absence and presence of added orthophosphate (50 mg l−1) were also determined. For residue-derived materials, DOM sorption to all minerals correlated well with percent hydrophobicity, apparent molecular weight, and phenolic acidity in the absence of added orthophosphate. Sorption of DOM to goethite and gibbsite was significantly decreased in the presence of added P. The correlation coefficient values of percent hydrophobicity, apparent molecular weight, and phenolic acidity to sorption also declined in the presence of added P. Thus, the addition of P substantially lowered fractionation of DOM after sorption to goethite and gibbsite. In contrast, few significant P sorption-induced differences were observed in the kaolin system. According to one-point P sorption results, DOM in the form of Aldrich humic acid, oxalate, and decomposed clover and corn residue, significantly inhibited P sorption to goethite at concentrations of 50 and 200 mg total soluble carbon (CTS l−1). Phosphorus sorption to gibbsite was significantly inhibited by 50 mg CTS l−1 derived from decomposed corn residue, fresh dairy manure residue, and oxalate solution. At 200 mg CTS l−1, all DOM solutions were found to inhibit P sorption to gibbsite. This study suggests that DOM inhibition of P sorption depends on the chemical properties of both the sorbent and the DOM itself. In general, DOM from decomposed organic materials inhibited P sorption to a greater extent than did DOM derived from fresh materials. This stronger inhibition highlights the importance of microbial processes in the release of soluble soil P, a key determinant of P availability to plants.  相似文献   
Soil heat units (degree days) have previously been shown to predict net N mineralization from crop residues and papermil sludge. The present study was designed to identity the effects of soil water potential on predictions of mineralization with heat units and to compare field and laboratory results of white lupin (Lupinus albus L. cv. Ultra) N mineralization. Lupin-amended soil and unamended controls were incubated at factorial combinations of temperature (15, 20, and 25°C) and soil moisture (-0.30,-0.03, and-0.01 MPa) for 198 days. Incorporation of the lupin residue resulted in net N immobilization. No net N mineralization had been observed for any temperature at a soil moisture level of-0.30 MPa by the close of the incubation study. The number of heat units that accumulated until commencement of net N mineralization did not differ for five of the six remaining temperature x water treatment combinations.The number of heat units that accumulated until net N mineralization began (2058–2814 degree-days) in the present study were similar to those reported in a complementary field study (1990–2360 degree-days). Temperature and moisture interactively affected lupin-residue C mineralization. The cumulative substrate C that had evolved by the time of net N mineralization did not differ for a given temperature between soil moisture levels of-0.03 and-0.01 MPa. Heat units were not useful for describing crop-residue C mineralization in this study. Heat units appear to adequately predict net N mineralization from organic residues at soil water potentials within the-0.03 to-0.01 MPa range, but may not be valid for prolonged drier conditions.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Eight different 3-year cropping systems, consisting of soybean-canola, soybean-barley, sweet corn-canola, sweet corn-soybean, green bean-sweet corn, canola-sweet corn, barley-clover, and continuous potato (non-rotation control) followed by potato as the third crop in all systems, were established in replicated field plots with two rotation entry points in Presque Isle, ME, in 1998. Cropping system effects on soil microbial community characteristics based on culturable soil microbial populations, single carbon source substrate utilization (SU) profiles, and whole-soil fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles were evaluated in association with the development of soilborne diseases of potato in the 2000 and 2001 field seasons. Soil populations of culturable bacteria and overall microbial activity were highest following barley, canola, and sweet corn crops, and lowest following continuous potato. The SU profiles derived from BIOLOG ECO plates indicated higher substrate richness and diversity and greater utilization of certain carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, and amino acids associated with barley, canola, and some sweet corn rotations, indicating distinct differences in functional attributes of microbial communities among cropping systems. Soil FAME profiles also demonstrated distinct differences among cropping systems in their relative composition of fatty acid types and classes, representing structural attributes of microbial communities. Fatty acids most responsible for differentiation among cropping systems included 12:0, 16:1 omega5c, 16:1 omega7c, 18:1 omega9c, and 18:2omega6c. Based on FAME biomarkers, barley rotations resulted in higher fungi-to-bacteria ratios, sweet corn resulted in greater mycorrhizae populations, and continuous potato produced the lowest amounts of these and other biomarker traits. Incidence and severity of stem and stolon canker and black scurf of potato, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, were reduced for most rotations relative to the continuous potato control. Potato crops following canola, barley, or sweet corn provided the lowest levels of Rhizoctonia disease and best tuber quality, whereas potato crops following clover or soybean resulted in disease problems in some years. Both rotation crop and cropping sequence were important in shaping the microbial characteristics, soilborne disease, and tuber qualities. Several microbial parameters, including microbial populations and SU and FAME profile characteristics, were correlated with potato disease or yield measurements in one or both harvest years. In this study, we have demonstrated distinctive effects of specific rotation crops and cropping sequences on microbial communities and have begun to relate the implications of these changes to crop health and productivity.  相似文献   
The impacts of nitrogen (N) fertilization on potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) protein yield and nutritional quality are well documented but of little benefit to growers with limited access to fertilizer or capital (e.g. in lesser developed countries). This study was conducted 1) to evaluate the extent which crude protein yield in potatoes can be influenced by crop rotation with no N fertilizer and 2) to determine if crop rotation and minimal application of N fertilizer can meet the total protein yield of potatoes achieved with recommended quantities of N fertilizer. A field study was conducted in which potatoes followed previous crops of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. Nitro), hairy vetch ( Vicia villosa Roth), white lupin ( Lupinus albus L. Ultra), oats ( Avena sativa Astro), and potatoes. Tuber protein yield following alfalfa with no N fertilizer was about 50 kg/ha greater than when following potatoes or oats in one study year. In another year, tuber protein yield was greatest following vetch, achieving 149 kg protein/ha with no N fertilizer. These results were directly linked to the N contributions of rotation crop residues and were reflected in the plant-available N levels measured in soil. Applying one-half the recommended rate of N fertilizer resulted in protein yields comparable to a well-fertilized potato-potato rotation in a relatively dry year, but not in a year with more favorable precipitation. Particular crops grown in rotation with potatoes can make significant contributions to the total protein harvested in tubers.  相似文献   
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