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Earthworms are important regulators of soil structure and soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics; however, quantifying their influence on SOM cycling in tropical ecosystems remains little studied. Simulated rainfall was used to disrupt casts produced by Amynthas khami and their surrounding soil (control) into a range of small sized aggregates (50-250, 250-500, 500-2000 and 2000-5000 μm). To gain insight into how earthworms influence SOM biogeochemical composition in the aggregates, we carried out elemental and stable isotope analysis, and analytical pyrolysis (Py GC/MS). We also characterized their lignin component after oxidation with cupric oxide (CuO).The C content of smaller size fractions (<500 μm) in the control soil was higher than in the larger fractions. Our study therefore suggests that the aggregate hierarchy concept, which is used to understand soil aggregates and SOM dynamics in temperate soils, may not be applicable to the tropical Acrisol studied here. Earthworms modified SOM organization in soil aggregates. Although the isotope analyses were useful for highlighting SOM enrichment in the earthworm casts, aggregate fractions could not be classified according to particle size. Molecular analyses were necessary to indicate that SOM in all size fractions of casts consisted of relatively undecomposed material. Protection of the most labile SOM structures occurred in the smallest aggregate size fraction (50-250 μm). Py GC/MS showed that earthworm casts and control aggregates <2000 μm could be clearly distinguished according to the molecular properties of their SOM. Aggregates larger than 2000 μm, however, were most probably composed of all fractions and were not different. As a consequence, our results indicate that studies to determine the impact of earthworms on SOM turnover in soil are spatially dependant on the scale of observation.  相似文献   
The protective effect of c9,t11-conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC) was examined in a human mammary epithelial cell line (MCF-10A) treated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), relative to t10,c12-CLA isomer. TPA inhibited GJIC in a dose-dependent and reversible manner and was associated with connexin 43 phosphorylation. Pretreatment of 20 μM c9,t11-CLA for 24 h prior to 60 nM TPA for 1 h prevented the inhibition of GJIC by reducing the phosphorylation of connexin 43 via suppressing extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) activation. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation by TPA was attenuated by c9,t11-CLA. The efficacy of c9,t11-CLA in protecting inhibition of GJIC, connexin 43 phosphorylation, and ROS production was superior to that of t10,c12-CLA. These results suggest that c9,t11-CLA, including t10,c12-CLA, prevents the carcinogenesis of MCF-10A cells by protecting down-regulation of GJIC during the cancer promotion stage, and lack of their toxicities could be an excellent indicator for the chemoprevention of breast cancer.  相似文献   
In this study, the effect of drying and rewetting on native P transformations in two red brown soils with different management history was investigated. Three treatments, T1 (constantly moist), T2 (dried for 4 days and then kept dry), T3 (rewetted after 4 days drying) were used. Drying and rewetting caused a rapid increase in microbial P (Pm) and labile organic P (labile Po) within 1 day and a gradual increase in available inorganic P (Colwell). These increases were only temporarily, as Pm and labile Po decreased with time and were at the same level as in the constantly moist soil by the end of the incubation period of 21 days. The effect of drying and rewetting on P transformations strongly depended on soil organic matter content, being more pronounced in the soil with high organic matter content, compared to the soil with low soil organic matter content.  相似文献   
Abstract: Local communities are frequently displaced from areas selected for environmental protection. Development of nature‐based tourism, believed to be more environmentally benign than traditional agricultural systems, has been encouraged by governments and national park managers in the hope of providing alternative livelihoods for local people. This paper examines the extent to which indigenous peoples resettled from within one Vietnamese national park have engaged with the nascent tourism industry, thereby providing a perspective on the success of their resettlement, through the eyes of those communities affected. The perspectives of resettled peoples are contrasted with those of villagers who have continued to reside within the national park, using traditional means of survival, along with new initiatives designed to supplement their livelihoods and to reduce their dependence on national park resources for survival. Resettled villagers are unable to survive on agricultural activity alone, tourism has done little to provide an alternate livelihood and the park environment is still threatened by the use of park resources by resettled communities in their struggle to survive.  相似文献   
A normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light-scattering detector method employing dichloromethane, methanol, and acetic acid/triethylamine buffer as the mobile phase was developed for analysis of polar lipids (PLs). This method was applicable for analysis of PLs from both dairy materials and soy lecithin. All of the PLs of interest such as glycolipids, phospholipids, and sphingomyelin were well separated with a total run time of 22.5 min and without necessitating the removal of neutral lipids beforehand. Peak retention times were stable, and the method was reproducible. In this study, a modified method of using solvents for extraction of PLs from dairy matrices was also investigated. The modified method offered higher extraction efficiency, consumed less time, and in some cases saved solvent use.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To explore socio-economic factors associated with rising rates of overweight among Vietnamese adults. DESIGN: The study was based on three national surveys of socio-economic factors and health conducted over a 10-year period. The studies were: the Vietnamese Living Standard Survey 1992-1993 (11 982 participants); the Vietnamese Living Standard Survey 1997-1998 (15 975 participants); and the Vietnamese National Health Survey 2001-2002 (94 656 participants). SUBJECTS: Male and female adults >18 years old were stratified by gender, age group, area of residence, occupation, education and relative food expenditures. Overweight was defined using body mass index (BMI) > or = 25 kg m(-2). RESULTS: Overweight rates in Vietnam more than doubled between 1992 and 2002 (from 2.0 to 5.7%). Significant increases were observed for men and women, in urban and rural areas, and for all age groups. In univariate analyses, both age and higher socio-economic status were associated with higher rates of overweight. Using the most recent survey, urban populations were more likely to be overweight than rural ones (odds ratio (OR) = 1.79), white-collar workers were more likely to be overweight than manual labourers (OR = 1.95) and persons in the top level of food expenditures were more likely to be overweight than persons in the bottom level (OR = 4.96) after adjustment for other factors. Education was inversely associated with overweight after adjusting for covariates. CONCLUSION: Economic growth and improved standard of living are associated with higher rates of overweight in nations in early stages of economic development. In Vietnam, higher rates of overweight were observed among the higher income and occupation groups.  相似文献   
The aquatic system of Hochiminh City comprises two main rivers: the Sai Gon and Nha Be rivers. Five canals discharge into these two rivers: NhieuLoc-ThiNghe, TauHu-BenNghe, TanHoa-LoGom, ThamLuong-BenCat and Doi-Te. The rivers and these canals collect effluent water from domestic and industrial sources. Most of these flows are not treated or at most are only primarily treated. A total of 33 sediment cores were taken from these rivers and canals. Chemical composition of these aquatic sediments has very high concentrations of several “urban” metals such as Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn. Most of the samples have exceeded the US EPA’s toxicity reference values for Cu, Zn and Cr (82, 82 and 70%, respectively). The highest concentrations of these metals appear to be associated with the uncontrolled and untreated industrial runoff to the discharge canals. These concentrations in fluvial sediment are relatively low, which indicates the dilution process of the contaminants. This finding indicates that the anthropogenic inputs play an important role in the elevation of heavy metals in the aquatic system and organic matter seems to exert a strong geochemical control on the amount of heavy metals. The Pearson correlation coefficients calculated for Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn, are 0.89; 0.72; 0.93 and 0.87, respectively.  相似文献   
  • ? The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of using cellulose content, measured by the diglyme-HCl method, as a selection trait in breeding programs for kraft pulp yield in Eucalyptus urophylla.
  • ? A total of 275 trees from sixty-two families were sampled from a thinned progeny trial of E. urophylla in northern Vietnam to evaluate cellulose content from breast-height increment cores. Among those, twenty unrelated trees were felled to evaluate cellulose content and pulp yield from breast-height disk samples.
  • ? The regression of pulp yield of disk samples on cellulose content was strong either from disks (R 2 = 0.83) or increment cores (R 2 = 0.69). There was no significant difference in cellulose content between the provenances. The narrow-sense within-provenance heritability of cellulose content was 0.50 and the coefficient of additive genetic variation was 3.9%. Genetic correlations between cellulose content and growth (0.28–0.45) or wood basic density (?0.02) were not significantly different from zero.
  • ? Breast-height increment core cellulose content measured by diglyme-HCl method is under strong genetic control and can be used to rank trees for pulp yield in E. urophylla plantations. Selection for increased cellulose content would have only minor effects on growth and wood basic density.
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