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Takes the motorcycle system design as the target , and researched motorcycle total scheme design and total layout design and kinetics matching optimization to design, KBE's technique , CAX's technique , PDM's technique and to target and so on technique is used in the synthesis , and intelligent CAD/CAE's system of the motorcycle system design work distance traveled by a stream of water and the architectural structure and integrated technique of every application sub system meritorous service capacity composition and CAD/CAE/CAT has been underway research, Open up a model system , and still unite the fund motorcycle produce development , and verifies.  相似文献   
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is the most effective method to solve the modern traffic problems. Intelligent vehicle plays a very important role on ITS, and it influences the success of ITS directly. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) is briefly introduced. Then it is given that advanced vehicle control system and electrics stability program (ESP) in the key technology of intelligent transportation system. The control algorithm for vehicle movement is discussed and the test result is given.  相似文献   
This paper introduces the theoretical basis and application method for heat transfer model of buried tube (pipe in pipe and U- type) heat exchanger for ground source heat pump, and a practical example is calculated. Then, the calculation results are analyzed and discussed. In particular, the correlation coefficient and calculation method of tube group exchanger is discussed; the method for determining known parameter and some basic data for main procedure GSHP.HTM is analyzed. The calculation formula and data sampling for JSW.HTM subroutine is introduced. At last, the problems in application of calculation procedure, to which should pay attention, are discussed.  相似文献   
The annual series of δ13C were measured in tree rings of three Cryptomeria fortunei disks (OF-1, OF-2, and OF- 3) collected from West Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province, China, according to cross-dating tree ring ages. There was no obvious decreasing trend of the δ13C annual time series of CF-2 before 1835. However, from 1835 to 1982 the three tree ring δ13C annual series exhibited similar decreasing trends that were significantly (P ≤ 0.001) correlated. The distribution characteristics of a scatter diagram between estimated δ13C series of CF-2 from modeling and the atmospheric CO2 concentration extracted from the Law Dome ice core from 1840 to 1978 were analyzed and a curvilinear regression equation for reconstructing atmospheric CO2 concentration was established with R2 = 0.98. Also, a test of independent samples indicated that between 1685 and 1839 the reconstructed atmospheric CO2 concentration .using the δ13C series of CF-2 had a close relationship with the Law Dome and Siple ice cores, with a standard deviation of 1.98. The general increasing trend of the reconstructed atmospheric CO2 concentration closely reflected the 10ng-term variation of atmospheric CO2 concentration recorded both before and after the Industrial Revolution. Between 1685 and 1840 the evaluated atmospheric CO2 concentration was stable, but after 1840 it exhibited a rapid increase. Given a longer δ13C annual time series of tree rings, it was feasible to rebuild a representative time series to describe the atmospheric CO2 concentration for an earlier period and for years that were not in the ice core record.  相似文献   
试验研究了果-草人工生态系统中土壤生物因子与土壤养分的关系。结果表明:除全P与纤维分解菌、纤维分解酶、多酚氧化酶为负相关外,其余养分与生物因子间均呈正相关,且多数养分与生物因子呈显著或极显著相关;经通径分析发现,脲酶、硅酸盐细菌、纤维分解酶是促进有机质积存的主要生物因素,蔗糖酶是影响N、P、K速效养分的最主要因子,过氧化氢酶、多酚氧化酶、纤维分解菌只是选择性地对有机质的积存和N、P、K速效养分的形成起作用。  相似文献   
上海郊区河流沉积物N、P释放的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
A laboratory study was conducted to observe the release of nitrogen and phosphorus from the sedimentsunder both anaerobic and aerobic conditions. The samples used were five creek sediments and a fish-pondsediment (as a comparison) obtained from suburban Shanghai. High loads of nitrogen and phosphoruswere found in the creek sediments. Total nitrogen of the sediments ranged from 1.17 to 5.95 g kg-1; totalphosphorus from 608.63 to 2 033.95 mg kg-1. Making up more than 90% of the total nitrogen, organicnitrogen was the dominant nitrogen fraction in the sediments; where as inorganic phosphorus was the dominant phosphorus fraction, which made up more than 85 percent of the total phosphorus. Cabound phosphorus fraction dominated inorganic phosphorus, which occupied more than 50% of the total. A large amount of ammonium was released from the sediments under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and the anaerobic releases were slightly greater than the aerobic. In addition, ammonium contents in the aerobic waters decreased sharply after reaching the peaks because of strong nitrification, compared with the relatively maintained ammonium peaks in the anaerobic waters. Anaerobic phosphate releases were much greater than the aerobic and the released ortho-phosphate was mainly from Fe-bound phosphorus. Ammonium and ortho-phosphate releases from the sample of the dredged creek were the lowest, showing that creek dredging could effectively remove contaminants from the surface of sediments and weaken the release potentials of nitrogen and phosphorus. Ammonium and ortho-phosphate releases from the fish-pond sediment were greater than those from the creek sediments though its total nitrogen and phosphorus were not the highest, which was probably due to the larger amount of biologically degraded organic matter in the fish-pond sediment.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted at Kezuohouqi County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, which was located on the southeastern edge of the Horqin Sandy Land, to study the spatial variability of soil nutrients for a small-scale, nutrient-poor, sandy site in a semi-arid region of northern China; to investigate whether or not there were "islands of fertility" at the experimental site; and to determine the key nutrient elements that sustained ecosystem stability. Results obtained from geostatistical analysis indicated that the spatial distribution pattern of soil total nitrogen (STN) was far different from those of soil organic matter (SOM), total phosphorus (STP), and total potassium (STK). Compared to SOM, STP, and STK, STN had a lower structural heterogeneity ratio and a longer range, while other elements were all similar. In addition, STN had an isotropic spatial structure, whereas the others had an anisotropic spatial structure. The spatial structure patterns of herbage species, cover, and height also differed, indicating that spatial variability was subjected to different ecological factors. Differences in the spatial variability patterns among soil nutrients and vegetation properties showed that soil nutrients for a small-scale were not the primary limiting factors that influenced herbage spatial distribution patterns. Incorporating spatial distribution patterns of tree species, namely, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv. and shrub Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. in a research plot and using fractal dimension, SOM, STP, and STK were shown to contribute to the "islands of fertility" phenomenon, however STN was not, possibly meaning that nitrogen was a key limiting element. Therefore, during restoration of similar ecosystems more attention should be given to soil nitrogen.  相似文献   
According to the problems that traditional constructed wetlands have low nitrogen removal performance and large areas, deep sequence constructed wetlands(DSCW) is proposed and the influences of depth of wetland, filler particle size and operational states of DSCW on treatment efficiency are investigated. The experimental results show that when the depth of wetland is increased from 0.5 m to 2 m, it has no significant influent on its treatment efficiency. The running condition has influence on its treatment efficiency. When the water temperature is 20~25 ℃ and operating condition of DSCW is inlet water 8 min-reaction 12 h-outlet water 8 min-idle 12 h, the removal rate of COD, NH+4-N, TN, PO3-4-P is 83.8%, 54.1%, 48.1%and 63.9% respectively by DSCW with the depth of 2 m. The area load for COD, TN, PO3-4-P is 128, 17.6, 1.49 g/(m2·d) respectively, raised 2.4 times, 2 times and 1.71 times respectively compared with traditional constructed wetlands. Land occupation for processing 1 m3 wastewater is 1.87 m2, decreasing 3~5 times commendably. Compared to DSCW system of particle size of gravel of 20~30 mm, the removal rate of COD, NH+4-N, TN and PO3-4-P of DSCW system of 5~10 mm is increased by 3.8%, 7.9%, 3.8% and 7% respectively. The filler particle size exhibits some influences on DSCW efficiency.  相似文献   
In worm grinding wheel dressing with diamond roller, using straight line instead of theoretical curve of roller will result in dressing error. Method of the precise dressing is studied, while the mathematical model is presented. Theoretical curve of diamond roller is calculated based on the space meshing theory and helicoid equation of worm grinding wheel. The fitting error between the theoretical curve and approximate straight line which is obtained by the theoretical curve is calculated. The dressing error on normal section of worm grinding wheel is analyzed. The case study of a kind of worm grinding wheel with single head shows that the dressing error increases with diameter decreasing of worm grinding wheel and diamond roller, while the variation of diamond roller’s diameter makes little contribution. The validity of worm grinding wheel dressing using straight line diamond roller is proved, and the algorithm can be used as guidance in practice.  相似文献   
The introduced resonant accelerometer makes use of the equivalent electrostatic stiffness to sense the acceleration. The sensitivity can be adjusted by changing the applied sensing voltage and it is robust for the fabrication error. According to the sensing principle,the dynamic model of the single beam accelerometer is built along with the no-linear relationship of the output frequency and the displacement of all positive components. When the stiffness of the vibrating beam is much bigger than the stiffness of the fold beam, the sensitivity can effective achieve. It is the restriction for the structure design. For the differential structure, mode analysis shows it is a lower mode in plane for the work mode. Decreasing the stiffness of connected end for the double vibrating beam can reduce the disturbance error. The bulk micromachining for the resonant accelerometer can achieve high depth width ration etching. The experiment find the structure is not broken and there is the same frequency disturbance problem. FM is suggested to deal with the disturbance. Theory analysis and test provides some important conclusions for the design of the novel type resonant accelerometer.  相似文献   
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